The BBC has announced that it has a sustainable plan for the future of the BBC Singers, in association with The VOCES8 Foundation.
The threat to reduce the staff of the three English orchestras by 20% has not been lifted, but it is being reconsidered.
See the BBC press release here.
Unofficial Weekly Listings for BBC Radio Cymru 2 — supported by
405's (artist) | Caryl | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 00:19:43 | Duration 00:02:36 | Link |
A. W. Hughes (artist) | Ysbrydion | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 01:06:15 | Duration 00:02:56 | Link |
ABBA (artist) | Chiquitita | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:40:09 | Duration 00:05:25 | Link |
Achlysurol (artist) | Golau Gwyrdd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 01:52:44 | Duration 00:02:40 | Link |
Achlysurol (artist) | Un Noson Arall | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:26:17 | Duration 00:02:56 | Link |
Adele (artist) | Set Fire To The Rain | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:48:14 | Duration 00:04:00 | Link |
Adwaith (artist) | Byd Ffug | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:48:16 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Adwaith (artist) | Cuddio | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:15:08 | Duration 00:03:12 | Link |
Adwaith (artist) | Eto | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 01:14:53 | Duration 00:04:08 | Link |
Adwaith (artist) | Eto | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:30:16 | Duration 00:04:08 | Link |
Adwaith (artist) | Gartref (Ail-Gymysgiad James Dean Bradfield) | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 02:46:38 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
Adwaith (artist) | Haul | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:19:02 | Duration 00:03:51 | Link |
Adwaith (artist) | Nid Aur | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:53:24 | Duration 00:02:20 | Link |
Adwaith (artist) | Nid Aur | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:21:11 | Duration 00:02:20 | Link |
Adwaith (artist) | Sudd | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:39:39 | Duration 00:03:10 | Link |
Adwaith (artist) | Wedi Blino | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:13:59 | Duration 00:03:11 | Link |
Aelodau Mudiad Ffermwyr Ifanc Cymru (artist) | Bydd Wych | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 00:59:43 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Aelodau Mudiad Ffermwyr Ifanc Cymru (artist) | Bydd Wych | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:15:07 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Aelodau Mudiad Ffermwyr Ifanc Cymru (artist) | Bydd Wych | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 01:08:40 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Aeron Pughe (artist) | Ar Goll | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 00:49:09 | Duration 00:02:55 | Link |
Aeron Pughe (artist) | Rhosyn a'r Petalau Du | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 01:06:23 | Duration 00:02:32 | Link |
Ail Symudiad (artist) | A Hapus Bydd Dy Fywyd | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 01:25:38 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Ail Symudiad (artist) | Cer Lionel | Cofio | 2022-11-20 | 14:00 | 00:24:27 | Duration 00:02:42 | Link |
Ail Symudiad (artist) | Dilyn Cymru | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 01:27:45 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Ail Symudiad (artist) | Dilyn Cymru | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:54:07 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Ail Symudiad (artist) | Dilyn Cymru | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 00:23:52 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Ail Symudiad (artist) | Dilyn Cymru | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 02:51:49 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Ail Symudiad (artist) | Dilyn Cymru | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 01:05:00 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Ail Symudiad (artist) | Gormod O Frains | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:21:26 | Duration 00:04:18 | Link |
Ail Symudiad (artist) | Rhywun Arall Heno | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:34:30 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Al Lewis (artist) | Dafad Ddu | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 00:04:58 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Al Lewis (artist) | Ela Ti'n Iawn | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 01:35:24 | Duration 00:03:29 | Link |
Al Lewis (artist) | Ela Ti'n Iawn | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:10:34 | Duration 00:03:29 | Link |
Al Lewis (artist) | Ela Ti'n Iawn | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:37:19 | Duration 00:03:29 | Link |
Al Lewis (artist) | Hanes Yn Y Lluniau | Gweler BBC World Service | 2022-11-21 | 00:00 | 05:29:59 | Duration 00:04:16 | Link |
Al Lewis (artist) | Lliwiau Llon | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:06:33 | Duration 00:03:30 | Link |
ALAW (artist) | Before I Go | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:48:03 | Duration 00:04:44 | Link |
ALAW (artist) | Hiraeth | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:41:12 | Duration 00:04:21 | Link |
Albert Hoffman (artist) | Miss America | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 01:45:59 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Alcatraz (artist) | Glas (Sesiwn) | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 01:38:30 | Duration 00:05:45 | Link |
Aled & Reg (artist) | Car fi'n dyner | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:48:43 | Duration 00:03:10 | Link |
Aled Wyn Davies (artist) | Gweddi Daer | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:35:45 | Duration 00:03:53 | Link |
Alesso (artist) | When I'm Gone | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:12:17 | Duration 00:02:41 | Link |
Alffa (artist) | Closer to Me | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:00:48 | Duration 00:03:59 | Link |
Alicia Keys (artist) | Girl On Fire | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 02:49:44 | Duration 00:03:45 | Link |
Alistair James (artist) | Alaw'r Atgofion | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 00:12:06 | Duration 00:03:19 | Link |
Alistair James (artist) | Bro Breuddwydion | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 00:59:54 | Duration 00:03:07 | Link |
Alistair James (artist) | Bro Breuddwydion | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:57:49 | Duration 00:03:07 | Link |
Alistair James (artist) | Morfa Madryn | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 00:38:40 | Duration 00:03:10 | Link |
Aloe Blacc (artist) | I Need A Dollar | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:11:11 | Duration 00:04:04 | Link |
Alphabeat (artist) | Fascination | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:18:28 | Duration 00:03:01 | Link |
Alun Gaffey (artist) | Yr 11eg Diwrnod | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:59:34 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
Alun Tan Lan (artist) | Sut Wyt Ti'r Aur? | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:16:59 | Duration 00:04:12 | Link |
Alys Williams (artist) | Coelio Mewn Breuddwydio (Gig y Pafiliwn 2017) | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 00:23:43 | Duration 00:03:29 | Link |
Alys Williams (artist) | Dim Ond | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:58:51 | Duration 00:03:06 | Link |
Alys Williams (artist) | Dim Ond | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:16:35 | Duration 00:03:06 | Link |
Alys Williams (artist) | Dim Ond | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:18:39 | Duration 00:03:06 | Link |
Alys Williams (artist) | Pan Fo'r Nos Yn Hir | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:26:33 | Duration 00:02:36 | Link |
Anelog (artist) | Melynllyn | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:15:04 | Duration 00:04:01 | Link |
Angel Hotel (artist) | Super Ted | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 02:23:05 | Duration 00:02:55 | Link |
Angel Hotel (artist) | Super Ted | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 01:32:36 | Duration 00:02:55 | Link |
Angel Hotel (artist) | Super Ted | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:24:21 | Duration 00:02:55 | Link |
Angel Hotel (artist) | Torra Fy Ngwallt Yn Hir (Newydd) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:53:16 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Angharad Brinn (artist) | Hedfan Heb Ofal | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:02:59 | Duration 00:03:56 | Link |
Angharad Rhiannon (artist) | Addewidion | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:20:54 | Duration 00:02:34 | Link |
Angharad Rhiannon (artist) | Addewidion | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 01:53:01 | Duration 00:02:34 | Link |
Angharad Rhiannon (artist) | Wrth Dy Ochr Di | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 01:53:03 | Duration 00:03:56 | Link |
Angylion Stanli (artist) | Emyn Roc A Rôl | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 01:00:02 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:23:09 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 00:25:07 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 00:47:16 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:06:29 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:02:44 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 01:27:58 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 01:30:04 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 01:34:21 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 01:41:55 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:14:37 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:31:59 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:41:23 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:04:42 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ennill Yn Barod | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 00:56:41 | Duration 00:03:14 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Ffôl | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:09:49 | Duration 00:03:04 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Mirores | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:37:29 | Duration 00:03:28 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Mirores | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:12:29 | Duration 00:03:28 | Link |
Ani Glass (artist) | Y Ddawns | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:06:36 | Duration 00:04:13 | Link |
Anne-Marie x Aitch (artist) | Psycho (Radio Edit) (Clean) | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:28:11 | Duration 00:02:42 | Link |
Anne‐Marie (artist) | 2002 | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:38:52 | Duration 00:03:07 | Link |
Anne‐Marie (artist) | Kiss My (Uh-Oh) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:25:17 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
Anne‐Marie (artist) | Kiss My (Uh-Oh) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:57:03 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
Anweledig (artist) | Hunaniaeth | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:37:41 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Art Bandini (artist) | Yr Unig Un I Mi | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 00:24:12 | Duration 00:03:14 | Link |
Ava Max (artist) | My Head And My Heart | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:20:00 | Duration 00:02:55 | Link |
Ava Max (artist) | Weapons | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:11:55 | Duration 00:02:31 | Link |
Avanc (artist) | Traeth Y Bermo | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:52:20 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Avicii (artist) | Wake Me Up | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:35:14 | Duration 00:04:05 | Link |
Awsa Bergstrom (artist) | Next to Me | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:52:07 | Duration 00:03:17 | Link |
Baby Rose (artist) | Fight Club | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:44:53 | Duration 00:03:17 | Link |
Bananarama (artist) | Nathan Jones | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:05:06 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Band Pres Llareggub (artist) | Cymylau | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:44:53 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Band Pres Llareggub (artist) | Cyrn Yn Yr Awyr | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:39:01 | Duration 00:04:17 | Link |
Band Pres Llareggub (artist) | Gweld Y Byd Mewn Lliw | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 00:00:04 | Duration 00:04:14 | Link |
Band Pres Llareggub (artist) | Gweld Y Byd Mewn Lliw | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 01:31:47 | Duration 00:04:14 | Link |
Band Pres Llareggub (artist) | Gweld Y Byd Mewn Lliw | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:37:53 | Duration 00:04:14 | Link |
Band Pres Llareggub (artist) | Meillionen | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 00:00:12 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Band Pres Llareggub (artist) | Meillionen | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:06:36 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Band Pres Llareggub (artist) | Meillionen | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:13:18 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Band Pres Llareggub (artist) | Pryderus Wedd | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 01:28:29 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Band Pres Llareggub (artist) | Seithenyn | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:23:35 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Band Pres Llareggub (artist) | Whistling Sands | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:44:47 | Duration 00:05:20 | Link |
Bando (artist) | Chwarae'n Troi'n Chwerw | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 01:20:02 | Duration 00:05:12 | Link |
Bando (artist) | Space Invaders | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 01:41:06 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
Baytree Music (artist) | Lost in thought | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 01:23:03 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Beca Dwyryd (artist) | Detholiad o 'Un Noson Dywyll' | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 00:22:57 | Duration 00:03:06 | Link |
Becky Hill & Galantis (artist) | Run (Radio Edit) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:40:38 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Becky Hill (artist) | Only You | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:25:11 | Duration 00:02:52 | Link |
Becky Hill (artist) | Only You | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:27:42 | Duration 00:02:52 | Link |
Becky Hill (artist) | Only You | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:46:16 | Duration 00:02:52 | Link |
Becky Hill (artist) | Remember | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:54:09 | Duration 00:02:39 | Link |
Becky Hill (artist) | Remember | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:25:42 | Duration 00:02:39 | Link |
Bedwyr Morgan (artist) | Dim ond Atgof | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:40:38 | Duration 00:03:42 | Link |
Belters Only (artist) | Make Me Feel Good | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:35:39 | Duration 00:03:17 | Link |
Ben Phillips (Ben Bach) (artist) | Ar Lan y Môr | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 01:24:15 | Duration 00:01:18 | Link |
Ben Twthill a'r Band (artist) | Cofis Dre | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 00:20:51 | Duration 00:02:45 | Link |
Bendith (artist) | Angel | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:54:09 | Duration 00:03:15 | Link |
Beth Celyn (artist) | Gwenllian | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 00:11:39 | Duration 00:04:22 | Link |
Beth Celyn (artist) | Ti'n Fy Nhroi I Mlaen | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:32:39 | Duration 00:03:17 | Link |
Bethan Nia (artist) | Ar Lan Y Môr | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:18:24 | Duration 00:04:09 | Link |
Betsan Haf Evans (artist) | Eleri | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:38:11 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Beyoncé (artist) | BREAK MY SOUL | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:27:10 | Duration 00:03:50 | Link |
Beyoncé (artist) | BREAK MY SOUL | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:17:13 | Duration 00:03:50 | Link |
Beyoncé (artist) | Crazy In Love | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:20:49 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Big Leaves (artist) | Cŵn A'r Brain | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:59:34 | Duration 00:03:11 | Link |
Big Leaves (artist) | Cŵn A'r Brain | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:59:34 | Duration 00:03:11 | Link |
Big Leaves (artist) | Dydd Ar Ôl Dydd | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 01:07:21 | Duration 00:02:20 | Link |
Big Leaves (artist) | Dydd Ar Ôl Dydd | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:12:47 | Duration 00:02:20 | Link |
Big Leaves (artist) | Hanasamlanast | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 00:14:12 | Duration 00:03:02 | Link |
Big Leaves (artist) | Seithenyn | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 02:30:53 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Bitw (artist) | Gad I Mi Gribo Dy Wallt | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:16:55 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
Blodau Gwylltion (artist) | Plant Bach | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:55:39 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
Blodau Papur (artist) | Dagrau Hallt | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:13:49 | Duration 00:02:39 | Link |
Blodau Papur (artist) | Dagrau Hallt | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:38:53 | Duration 00:02:39 | Link |
Blodau Papur (artist) | Synfyfyrio | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:46:59 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Blu Cantrell (artist) | Breathe | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:34:07 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Bob Delyn a’r Ebillion (artist) | Pontypridd | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 01:45:51 | Duration 00:04:06 | Link |
Bob Delyn a’r Ebillion (artist) | Swn (Ar Gerdyn Post) | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:55:22 | Duration 00:03:41 | Link |
Bob Delyn a’r Ebillion (artist) | Yr Afon | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 00:10:07 | Duration 00:04:22 | Link |
BodyRockers (artist) | I Like The Way | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:34:24 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Brigyn (artist) | Byd Brau | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 00:42:15 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Brigyn (artist) | Fan Hyn | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 00:25:22 | Duration 00:04:12 | Link |
Britney Spears (artist) | Oops!...I Did It Again | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:08:30 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Broc Môr (artist) | Goleuadau Sir Fôn | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 01:49:42 | Duration 00:04:15 | Link |
Broc Môr (artist) | Paid Gadael i'm Groesi | John Hardy | 2022-11-24 | 05:30 | 01:26:21 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Broc Môr (artist) | Paid Gadael i'm Groesi | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:35:36 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Bronwen (artist) | Ar Ddiwedd Dydd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 01:13:30 | Duration 00:04:28 | Link |
Bronwen (artist) | Ar Ddiwedd Dydd | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 01:00:58 | Duration 00:04:28 | Link |
Bronwen (artist) | Calon Lan (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:41:18 | Duration 00:04:13 | Link |
Bronwen (artist) | Calon Lan (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 02:28:59 | Duration 00:04:13 | Link |
Bronwen (artist) | Cartref | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:02:27 | Duration 00:03:01 | Link |
Bronwen (artist) | Finlandia (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:45:37 | Duration 00:04:12 | Link |
Bronwen (artist) | Finlandia (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 00:39:19 | Duration 00:04:12 | Link |
Bronwen (artist) | Safwn Yn Y Bwlch (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 01:08:07 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Bronwen (artist) | Yma o Hyd | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:18:54 | Duration 00:03:28 | Link |
Bronwen (artist) | Yma o Hyd (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:36:14 | Duration 00:05:00 | Link |
Bronwen (artist) | Yma o Hyd (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 01:13:16 | Duration 00:03:32 | Link |
Bruno Mars (artist) | Grenade | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:31:39 | Duration 00:03:42 | Link |
Bryn Fôn (artist) | Ceidwad Y Goleudy | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:48:46 | Duration 00:04:44 | Link |
Bryn Fôn (artist) | Cofio Dy Wyneb | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:29:28 | Duration 00:04:33 | Link |
Bryn Fôn (artist) | Rebal Wicend | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:04:51 | Duration 00:04:35 | Link |
Bryn Fôn (artist) | Un Funud Fach | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 00:52:37 | Duration 00:02:58 | Link |
Bryn Fôn (artist) | Un Funud Fach | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:54:43 | Duration 00:02:58 | Link |
Bryn Fôn A'r Band (artist) | Lle Mae Jim? | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 01:26:10 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
Bryn Fôn a'r Band (artist) | Abacus | John Hardy | 2022-11-24 | 05:30 | 00:34:06 | Duration 00:03:53 | Link |
Bryn Terfel (artist) | Anfonaf Angel | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 03:08:10 | Duration 00:04:04 | Link |
Brython Shag (artist) | Pink Tu Mewn | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 01:17:35 | Duration 00:04:34 | Link |
Brân (artist) | Tocyn | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 01:44:56 | Duration 00:02:31 | Link |
Burum (artist) | Cariad Cywir | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 01:36:53 | Duration 00:06:58 | Link |
Busted (artist) | Year 3000 | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:51:33 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Bwca (artist) | Hoffi Coffi | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 02:44:45 | Duration 00:02:48 | Link |
Bwncath (artist) | Caeau | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:18:58 | Duration 00:04:36 | Link |
Bwncath (artist) | Fel Hyn Da Ni Fod | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:16:39 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
Bwncath (artist) | Haws i'w Ddweud | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 00:38:39 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Cadi Glwys Davies (artist) | Clychau Aberdyfi | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 01:05:22 | Duration 00:04:12 | Link |
Cadi Gwen (artist) | Y Tir A'r Môr | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 00:05:19 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Cadno (artist) | Bang Bang | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 02:19:30 | Duration 00:03:41 | Link |
Cadno (artist) | Bang Bang | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:46:50 | Duration 00:03:41 | Link |
Calan (artist) | Adar Mân Y Mynydd | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 01:57:11 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Calan (artist) | Jêl Caerdydd | Ambell i Gân | 2022-11-20 | 19:00 | 00:28:03 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
Calfari (artist) | Gwenllian | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 02:15:26 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Calvin Harris (artist) | Stay With Me | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:37:59 | Duration 00:03:49 | Link |
Calvin Harris And Sam Smith (artist) | Promises | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:18:10 | Duration 00:03:33 | Link |
Candelas (artist) | Cysgod Mis Hydref | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:35:13 | Duration 00:03:30 | Link |
Candelas (artist) | Dant Y Blaidd | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:51:49 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
Candelas (artist) | Ddoe, Heddiw A 'Fory | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:51:28 | Duration 00:03:51 | Link |
Candelas (artist) | Llwytha'r Gwn | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 01:00:13 | Duration 00:03:59 | Link |
Candelas (artist) | Rhedeg I Paris | Beti a'i Phobol | 2022-11-20 | 13:00 | 00:54:44 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Candelas (artist) | Rhedeg I Paris | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:00:05 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Candelas (artist) | Rhedeg I Paris | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:00:09 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Candelas (artist) | Rhedeg I Paris | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 03:27:19 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Candelas (artist) | Y Gwylwyr | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 01:25:30 | Duration 00:03:53 | Link |
Cantorion Cynwrig (artist) | O Am Gael Ffydd I Edrych | Yr Oedfa | 2022-11-20 | 12:00 | 00:06:22 | Duration 00:01:13 | Link |
Carwyn Ellis & Rio 18 (artist) | Ar Ôl Y Glaw | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 00:05:55 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Carwyn Ellis & Rio 18 (artist) | Ar Ôl Y Glaw | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:36:27 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Carwyn Ellis & Rio 18 (artist) | Ola! | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:55:13 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Carwyn Ellis & Rio 18 (artist) | Olá! | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:13:08 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Carwyn Ellis & Rio 18 (artist) | Tywydd Hufen Iâ | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:11:44 | Duration 00:03:19 | Link |
Carwyn Ellis (artist) | Bound for Lampedusa | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:42:53 | Duration 00:05:35 | Link |
Caryl Parry Jones (artist) | 'Rioed Wedi Gwneud Hyn O'r Blaen | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:00:12 | Duration 00:04:01 | Link |
Caryl Parry Jones (artist) | Adre | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:01:57 | Duration 00:03:02 | Link |
Caryl Parry Jones (artist) | Un Ydym Ni | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 00:17:33 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Casi & The Blind Harpist (artist) | Eryri | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 01:06:30 | Duration 00:02:23 | Link |
Casi Wyn (artist) | Carrog | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 00:09:44 | Duration 00:03:41 | Link |
Catatonia (artist) | International Velvet | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 01:52:25 | Duration 00:04:22 | Link |
Catrin Herbert (artist) | Disgyn Amdana Ti | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:22:40 | Duration 00:03:06 | Link |
Catrin Parry (artist) | Nosgan Serch (Standchen) | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 01:33:05 | Duration 00:04:26 | Link |
CATTY (artist) | I Don't Miss You (I Just Miss Your Mum) | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:07:47 | Duration 00:02:56 | Link |
CeeLo Green (artist) | Forget You | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:07:59 | Duration 00:03:42 | Link |
Celt (artist) | Coup De Grace | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 01:23:13 | Duration 00:02:59 | Link |
Celt (artist) | Rhwng Bethlehem A'r Groes | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 01:24:00 | Duration 00:03:53 | Link |
Celt (artist) | Un Wennol | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 00:36:09 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig Y BBC (artist) | Can't Take My Eyes Off You (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:51:56 | Duration 00:03:24 | Link |
Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig Y BBC (artist) | Dere Mewn | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:25:23 | Duration 00:02:50 | Link |
Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig Y BBC (artist) | Gwalia (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 01:20:04 | Duration 00:03:55 | Link |
Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig Y BBC (artist) | Medli Pêl Droed (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:55:37 | Duration 00:04:26 | Link |
Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig Y BBC (artist) | Rhedeg i Paris (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:31:37 | Duration 00:02:25 | Link |
Cerys Hafana (artist) | Tragwyddoldeb | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:13:48 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
Cerys Matthews (artist) | Arlington Way | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 01:00:27 | Duration 00:03:29 | Link |
Cerys Matthews (artist) | Carolina | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:03:54 | Duration 00:03:59 | Link |
Cerys Matthews (artist) | Gwahoddiad (Arglwydd Dyma Fi) | Gweler BBC World Service | 2022-11-24 | 00:00 | 05:29:59 | Duration 00:02:43 | Link |
CFFI Dyffryn Banw (artist) | Pennant Melangell | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 00:35:18 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
CFfI Lledrod (artist) | Castell Henllys a Nanhyfer | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 00:41:15 | Duration 00:01:41 | Link |
CFfi Penybont (artist) | Gad i'r Ddaear Droi | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 02:41:15 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
CFfi Penybont (artist) | Gwyn Fyd | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 00:51:27 | Duration 00:03:38 | Link |
Charli XCX (artist) | Beg For You | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:33:30 | Duration 00:02:48 | Link |
Charlie Puth (artist) | Light Switch | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:20:05 | Duration 00:03:06 | Link |
Charlie Puth (artist) | Loser | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:16:13 | Duration 00:03:24 | Link |
Choir of the Church of the Advent (artist) | Missa Simile est regnum: Agnus Dei II | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:12:02 | Duration 00:02:30 | Link |
Christina Aguilera (artist) | Ain't No Other Man | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:49:05 | Duration 00:03:49 | Link |
Christoph Willibald Gluck | Gluck: Orphée et Eurydice, Act 3: "J'ai perdu mon Eurydice" (Orphée) | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:42:02 | Duration 00:04:23 | Link |
Ciwb (artist) | Dagrau o Waed | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:19:10 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Ciwb (artist) | Nos Ddu | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:14:34 | Duration 00:02:48 | Link |
Ciwb (artist) | Rhydd | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:14:48 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Clean Bandit (artist) | Symphony | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:48:01 | Duration 00:03:33 | Link |
Clinigol (artist) | Gwna Beth Sydd Rhaid | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:07:41 | Duration 00:03:14 | Link |
Clinigol (artist) | Gwna Beth Sydd Rhaid | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:38:14 | Duration 00:03:14 | Link |
Clinigol (artist) | I Lygaid Yr Haul | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:30:57 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Clinigol (artist) | Swigod | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:23:11 | Duration 00:03:08 | Link |
Clive Edwards (artist) | Breuddwyd Fy Mywyd | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:32:23 | Duration 00:04:12 | Link |
Clive Edwards (artist) | Dyddie Da | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 00:51:09 | Duration 00:04:42 | Link |
Coda (artist) | Ar Noson Fel Hon | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 00:44:48 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
Constantly Moving Happiness Machines (artist) | Rise of the Grumbletonians | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:40:24 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
Cor Meibion Brymbo (artist) | I Mewn I'r Gol (Wrecsam) | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 01:54:20 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Cordia (artist) | Dim Ond Un | Beti a'i Phobol | 2022-11-20 | 13:00 | 00:41:10 | Duration 00:03:32 | Link |
Cordia (artist) | Dim Ond Un | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:20:53 | Duration 00:03:32 | Link |
Cotton Wolf (artist) | Ofni | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 01:03:29 | Duration 00:03:45 | Link |
Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog (artist) | Dyddiau Du, Dyddiau Gwyn | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:50:57 | Duration 00:03:25 | Link |
Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog (artist) | Musus Glaw | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:49:28 | Duration 00:02:15 | Link |
Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog (artist) | Strydoedd Aberstalwm | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 03:18:19 | Duration 00:04:25 | Link |
Crawia (artist) | Dawnsio I'r Un Curiad | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 01:28:33 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Crawia (artist) | Perlau | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:18:20 | Duration 00:05:09 | Link |
Crys (artist) | Barod Am Roc | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 00:36:33 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
Culture Club (artist) | Karma Chameleon | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:44:11 | Duration 00:03:55 | Link |
Cwmni Theatr Ieuenctid Maldwyn (artist) | Y Mab Darogan | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:20:07 | Duration 00:02:30 | Link |
Cwtsh (artist) | Ar Ben y Byd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 01:48:57 | Duration 00:03:50 | Link |
Cy Jones (artist) | O'r Brwnt A'r Baw | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 01:37:35 | Duration 00:04:29 | Link |
Cymanfa Bethel, Lerpwl (Ieuan Gwyllt) (artist) | Franconia / Wele Fi yn Dyfod | Caniadaeth y Cysegr | 2022-11-20 | 16:30 | Duration 00:02:25 | Link | |
Cymanfa Bethel, Lerpwl (Ieuan Gwyllt) (artist) | Freiburg / Cyn Llunio'r Byd | Caniadaeth y Cysegr | 2022-11-20 | 16:30 | 00:12:52 | Duration 00:03:02 | Link |
Cymanfa Bethel, Lerpwl (Ieuan Gwyllt) (artist) | Gwahoddiad / Mi Glywaf Dyner Lais | Caniadaeth y Cysegr | 2022-11-20 | 16:30 | 00:17:54 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
Cymanfa Bethel, Lerpwl (Ieuan Gwyllt) (artist) | Liverpool / Ni Allodd Angau Du | Caniadaeth y Cysegr | 2022-11-20 | 16:30 | 00:09:37 | Duration 00:02:18 | Link |
Cymanfa Bethel, Lerpwl (Ieuan Gwyllt) (artist) | Morgannwg / Tyrd Ysbyd Glan | Caniadaeth y Cysegr | 2022-11-20 | 16:30 | 00:05:51 | Duration 00:02:49 | Link |
Cymanfa Bethel, Lerpwl (Ieuan Gwyllt) (artist) | Paid Â'm Gadael / Paid Â'm Gadael Dirion Iesu | Caniadaeth y Cysegr | 2022-11-20 | 16:30 | 00:23:44 | Duration 00:03:57 | Link |
Cynulledifa Gig y Wal Goch Pontio (artist) | Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:29:17 | Duration 00:01:34 | Link |
Cynulleidfa Yr Oedfa (artist) | Frenin Nef | Yr Oedfa | 2022-11-20 | 12:00 | 00:25:17 | Duration 00:01:15 | Link |
Cynulleidfa Yr Oedfa (artist) | Iesu Difyrwch F'enaid Drud | Yr Oedfa | 2022-11-20 | 12:00 | 00:18:43 | Duration 00:01:58 | Link |
Côr Dre (artist) | Adre'n Ol | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:40:33 | Duration 00:03:30 | Link |
Côr Dre (artist) | O Hapus Ddydd | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 00:40:24 | Duration 00:03:38 | Link |
Côr Eifionydd (artist) | Tangnefedd Duw | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:23:47 | Duration 00:02:54 | Link |
Côr Meibion Ardudwy (artist) | Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 00:29:54 | Duration 00:02:44 | Link |
Côr Meibion Llangwm (artist) | Ysbryd Y Gael | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:33:28 | Duration 00:04:39 | Link |
Côr Meibion Llangwm (artist) | Ysbryd Y Gael | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:23:34 | Duration 00:04:39 | Link |
Côr y Penrhyn (artist) | Bendigedig | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 00:29:52 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
Côr Ysgol Y Strade (artist) | Dyro Wên I Mi | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:28:00 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Côrdydd (artist) | Rho Dy Olau Mwyn | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:22:37 | Duration 00:02:54 | Link |
Dafydd Hedd (artist) | Atgyfodi | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 02:19:41 | Duration 00:02:49 | Link |
Dafydd Hedd (artist) | Atgyfodi | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:54:07 | Duration 00:02:49 | Link |
Dafydd Hedd (artist) | Atgyfodi | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:26:33 | Duration 00:02:49 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan (artist) | I'r Gad! | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:21:41 | Duration 00:02:38 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan (artist) | Yma O Hyd Cwpan Y Byd | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 01:22:58 | Duration 00:04:27 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan (artist) | Yma o Hyd | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 01:49:53 | Duration 00:04:31 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan (artist) | Yma o Hyd | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 00:52:35 | Duration 00:04:31 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan (artist) | Yma o Hyd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 01:50:16 | Duration 00:04:31 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan (artist) | Yma o Hyd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:50:59 | Duration 00:04:31 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan (artist) | Yma o Hyd | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 00:34:48 | Duration 00:04:31 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan (artist) | Yma o Hyd | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:01:37 | Duration 00:04:31 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan (artist) | Yma o Hyd | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:06:21 | Duration 00:04:31 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan (artist) | Yma o Hyd | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 02:55:09 | Duration 00:04:31 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan (artist) | Yr Hen, Hen Hiraeth | John Hardy | 2022-11-24 | 05:30 | 00:25:23 | Duration 00:04:11 | Link |
Dafydd Iwan ac Edward (artist) | Paid â Chwarae efo'm Serch | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 01:27:42 | Duration 00:01:50 | Link |
Danielle Lewis (artist) | Arwain Fi I'r Môr | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 01:05:28 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Danielle Lewis (artist) | Arwain Fi I'r Môr | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:26:54 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Danielle Lewis (artist) | Cartref Ym Mhob Man | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:23:25 | Duration 00:02:44 | Link |
Datblygu (artist) | Cân I Gymry | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 01:47:47 | Duration 00:02:29 | Link |
Dave Curtis (artist) | Annwyl Gariad | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:15:09 | Duration 00:02:44 | Link |
David Guetta & Becky Hill & Ella Henderson (artist) | Crazy What Love Can Do | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:34:15 | Duration 00:02:49 | Link |
David Guetta & Becky Hill & Ella Henderson (artist) | Crazy What Love Can Do | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:08:34 | Duration 00:02:49 | Link |
David Guetta (artist) | I'm Good (Blue) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:29:04 | Duration 00:02:55 | Link |
Delwyn Sion (artist) | Chwilio am Gariad | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:55:22 | Duration 00:05:20 | Link |
Delwyn Sion (artist) | Diwel Hi Lawr | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:08:23 | Duration 00:03:13 | Link |
Delwyn Sion (artist) | Tlawd A Balch A Byw Mewn Gobaith | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:29:56 | Duration 00:02:53 | Link |
Delwyn Sion (artist) | Un Seren | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:14:30 | Duration 00:04:28 | Link |
Dermot Kennedy (artist) | Kiss Me | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:09:54 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Dermot Kennedy (artist) | Kiss Me | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:03:29 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Dermot Kennedy (artist) | Kiss Me | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:29:32 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Derw (artist) | Ci | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 00:26:30 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Derw (artist) | Dau Gam | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:28:27 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Derw (artist) | Dau Gam | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:46:42 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Derw (artist) | Mecsico | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 01:59:30 | Duration 00:04:21 | Link |
Derwyddon Dr Gonzo (artist) | Bwthyn | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:01:47 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Derwyddon Dr Gonzo (artist) | K.O. | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:44:49 | Duration 00:03:24 | Link |
Derwyddon Dr Gonzo (artist) | Shampŵ | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:06:44 | Duration 00:03:11 | Link |
Derwyddon Dr Gonzo (artist) | Shampŵ | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:00:16 | Duration 00:03:11 | Link |
Destiny’s Child (artist) | Survivor | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:03:42 | Duration 00:04:00 | Link |
Dewi Morris (artist) | Cymer Ddŵr Halen A Thân | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:45:36 | Duration 00:04:36 | Link |
Dewi Morris (artist) | Os | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:38:45 | Duration 00:04:03 | Link |
Diffiniad (artist) | Lle Wyt Ti'n Mynd | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:53:34 | Duration 00:04:56 | Link |
Diffiniad (artist) | Mor Ffol (Mix Dirty Pop 2019) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:31:59 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Diplo (artist) | Don't Forget My Love | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:46:50 | Duration 00:03:19 | Link |
DNA (artist) | Gan Bwyll Jo/Y March Glas | Ambell i Gân | 2022-11-20 | 19:00 | 00:49:44 | Duration 00:02:23 | Link |
Doreen Lewis (artist) | Diolch i Ti | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 00:49:17 | Duration 00:03:04 | Link |
Doreen Lewis (artist) | Y Gŵr Drwg | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:13:19 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Dua Lipa (artist) | Break My Heart | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:25:39 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
Dua Lipa (artist) | Don't Start Now | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:34:39 | Duration 00:03:02 | Link |
Dua Lipa (artist) | Levitating | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:02:53 | Duration 00:03:24 | Link |
Dua Lipa (artist) | Physical | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:50:14 | Duration 00:03:14 | Link |
Dyfan Parry Jones (artist) | Pantyfedwen | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 01:48:23 | Duration 00:04:23 | Link |
Dyfrig Evans (artist) | Byw I'r Funud | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:30:35 | Duration 00:04:04 | Link |
Dyfrig Evans (artist) | Gwna Dy Orau | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 01:28:12 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Dylan a Neil (artist) | Troi'r Cloc Yn Ôl | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:17:40 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Dylan a Neil (artist) | Waunfawr | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:41:19 | Duration 00:04:53 | Link |
Dylan Morris (artist) | Ar yr Un Lôn | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 00:54:48 | Duration 00:02:45 | Link |
Dylan Morris (artist) | Ar yr Un Lôn | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 03:00:14 | Duration 00:02:45 | Link |
Dylan Morris (artist) | Dagrau yn y Glaw | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:08:18 | Duration 00:04:05 | Link |
Dylan Morris (artist) | Digwydd Pasio | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 00:14:26 | Duration 00:04:37 | Link |
Dylan Morris (artist) | Haul ar Fryn | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:49:45 | Duration 00:03:55 | Link |
Ed Sheeran (artist) | Celestial | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:10:20 | Duration 00:03:29 | Link |
Ed Sheeran (artist) | The A Team | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:23:04 | Duration 00:04:19 | Link |
Eden (artist) | 'Sa Neb Fel Ti | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:00:04 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Eden (artist) | Dim Mwy, Dim Llai | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:21:55 | Duration 00:03:57 | Link |
Eden (artist) | Gorwedd Gyda'i Nerth | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 01:55:03 | Duration 00:05:25 | Link |
Eden (artist) | Paid  Bod Ofn | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:09:35 | Duration 00:03:30 | Link |
Eden (artist) | Rhywbeth Yn Y Sêr | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:16:29 | Duration 00:03:45 | Link |
Eden (artist) | Twylla Fi | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:15:20 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Eden (artist) | Wrth i'r Afon Gwrdd a'r Lli | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 00:00:59 | Duration 00:04:54 | Link |
Edie Bens (artist) | Cashmere Sweaters | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:22:33 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Edward H. Dafis (artist) | Breuddwyd Roc A Rôl | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:42:53 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Edward H. Dafis (artist) | Morwyn Y Gwlith | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 01:27:40 | Duration 00:04:05 | Link |
Edward H. Dafis (artist) | Y Nos A Ni | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 01:05:50 | Duration 00:04:03 | Link |
Einir Dafydd (artist) | Llongau'r Byd | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 01:23:36 | Duration 00:02:58 | Link |
Einir Dafydd (artist) | Siarps A Fflats | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:08:25 | Duration 00:04:07 | Link |
Einir Dafydd (artist) | Y Garreg Las | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 00:13:24 | Duration 00:03:07 | Link |
Einir Dafydd (artist) | Y Golau Newydd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 00:51:46 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
El Goodo (artist) | Fi'n Flin | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:03:41 | Duration 00:02:35 | Link |
El Parisa (artist) | Dwi'm Yn Dy Nabod Di | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:08:45 | Duration 00:03:35 | Link |
El Parisa (artist) | Dwi'm Yn Dy Nabod Di | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:11:59 | Duration 00:03:35 | Link |
Ela Hughes (artist) | Ni Allai Fyth A Bod | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 01:02:59 | Duration 00:02:43 | Link |
Elain Iorwerth (artist) | Fy Mhreseli | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:29:25 | Duration 00:02:05 | Link |
Eleri Llwyd (artist) | O Gymru | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 00:30:53 | Duration 00:04:38 | Link |
Elfed Morgan Morris (artist) | Y Cyfle Olaf Hwn | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 01:51:08 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Eliffant (artist) | Lisa Lân | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 00:03:48 | Duration 00:03:28 | Link |
Eliffant (artist) | W Capten | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:34:35 | Duration 00:06:03 | Link |
Elin Fflur (artist) | Cloriau Cudd | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:26:35 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Elin Fflur (artist) | Cloriau Cudd | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:25:38 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Elin Fflur (artist) | Enfys | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 01:32:23 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
Elin Fflur (artist) | Gwely Plu | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:12:20 | Duration 00:03:53 | Link |
Elin Fflur (artist) | Harbwr Diogel | Gweler BBC World Service | 2022-11-25 | 00:00 | 05:29:58 | Duration 00:03:45 | Link |
Elin Fflur (artist) | Hiraeth Sy'n Gwmni I Mi | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:29:47 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Elin Fflur A'r Band (artist) | Cymer Fi, Achub Fi | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 00:00:12 | Duration 00:03:04 | Link |
Elis Derby (artist) | Disgo'r Boogie Bo | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:40:46 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Elis Derby (artist) | Disgo'r Boogie Bo | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:21:46 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Elis Derby (artist) | Efrog Newydd Sbon | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:26:30 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Elis Derby (artist) | Gad Mi Brofi | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:00:15 | Duration 00:03:19 | Link |
Elis Derby (artist) | Gadawa Fi Mewn | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:29:28 | Duration 00:04:32 | Link |
Elis Derby (artist) | Gin, Tonic a Ia | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:34:12 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Elis Derby (artist) | Gin, Tonic a Ia | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:50:19 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Elis Derby (artist) | Lawr Yn Fy Nghwch | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:17:53 | Duration 00:03:54 | Link |
Elis Derby (artist) | Lawr Yn Fy Nghwch | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:32:01 | Duration 00:03:54 | Link |
Elis Derby (artist) | Lawr Yn Fy Nghwch | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 00:35:22 | Duration 00:03:54 | Link |
Eliza Rose (artist) | B.O.T.A (Baddest Of Them All) (Radio Edit) | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:10:34 | Duration 00:02:36 | Link |
Elkka (artist) | I Just Want To Love You (Radio Edit) | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:21:34 | Duration 00:03:08 | Link |
Ellie Goulding (artist) | Easy Lover | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:11:18 | Duration 00:03:35 | Link |
Ellie Goulding (artist) | Let It Die | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:48:31 | Duration 00:02:47 | Link |
Ellie Goulding (artist) | Let It Die | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:40:12 | Duration 00:02:47 | Link |
Elton John (artist) | Hold Me Closer | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:11:18 | Duration 00:03:22 | Link |
Elton John (artist) | Hold Me Closer | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:43:38 | Duration 00:03:22 | Link |
Elvis Presley (artist) | Mr Songman | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:10:42 | Duration 00:03:11 | Link |
Elvis Presley (artist) | Suspicious Minds | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:22:48 | Duration 00:04:19 | Link |
Emma Marie (artist) | Ble Fuost Di'n Cuddiad | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 01:11:43 | Duration 00:03:14 | Link |
Emma Marie (artist) | Deryn Glan i Ganu | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 00:36:36 | Duration 00:02:48 | Link |
Emma Marie (artist) | Fy Meibl Bach | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 01:32:58 | Duration 00:04:11 | Link |
Endaf (artist) | Dan Dy Draed | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:58:59 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Endaf (artist) | Glaw | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:48:41 | Duration 00:02:56 | Link |
Endaf (artist) | Keeping Tabs | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:22:33 | Duration 00:04:37 | Link |
Endaf Emlyn (artist) | Arwyr Estron | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:50:10 | Duration 00:04:58 | Link |
Endaf Emlyn (artist) | Dwynwen | John Hardy | 2022-11-24 | 05:30 | 00:16:59 | Duration 00:03:57 | Link |
Endaf Emlyn (artist) | Macrall Wedi Ffrio | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 00:23:05 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Endaf Emlyn (artist) | Nol i'r Fro (Endaf Remix) | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:33:56 | Duration 00:03:30 | Link |
Endaf Gremlin (artist) | Belen Aur | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:00:10 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Epitaff (artist) | Geiriau | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 01:03:16 | Duration 00:03:08 | Link |
Erin Roberts (artist) | Detholiad o 'O Ran' | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 00:36:23 | Duration 00:04:59 | Link |
Eryr Wen (artist) | Heno Heno | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 00:41:49 | Duration 00:03:25 | Link |
Eryrod Meirion (artist) | Dôl y Plu | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:53:43 | Duration 00:03:45 | Link |
Evan Roberts (artist) | Seimon Fab Jonah | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:57:34 | Duration 00:04:12 | Link |
Ezra Collective (artist) | Life Goes On | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:31:38 | Duration 00:03:24 | Link |
Ezra Collective (artist) | Victory Dance | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:27:33 | Duration 00:04:56 | Link |
Eädyth (artist) | Mwy o Gariad | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:05:48 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Eädyth (artist) | Tyfu | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:55:22 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Eädyth x Izzy (artist) | Cymru Ni | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 02:13:14 | Duration 00:04:28 | Link |
Ffa Coffi Pawb (artist) | Lluchia Dy Fflachlwch Drosda I | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 02:03:25 | Duration 00:04:09 | Link |
Ffatri Jam (artist) | Creithiau | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:50:31 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ffatri Jam (artist) | Cyrff | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:15:58 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Ffion Emyr (artist) | Cofia Am Y Cariad | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:16:04 | Duration 00:03:07 | Link |
Ffion Thomas (artist) | Cofion (Gruss) | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 01:18:18 | Duration 00:02:21 | Link |
Fflaps (artist) | Dilyn Dylan | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:43:26 | Duration 00:02:46 | Link |
Fflow (artist) | Diolch am y Tân (Cân i Gymru 2022) | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 01:24:10 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Fflur Dafydd (artist) | Dala Fe Nôl | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 00:59:54 | Duration 00:03:29 | Link |
Fflur Dafydd (artist) | Elfyn | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:16:32 | Duration 00:02:32 | Link |
Fflur Dafydd (artist) | Ffydd Gobaith Cariad | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 01:11:03 | Duration 00:03:10 | Link |
Fflur Dafydd (artist) | Pobol Bach | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:24:13 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Fflur Dafydd (artist) | Rachel Myra | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:00:43 | Duration 00:03:58 | Link |
Fflur Dafydd (artist) | Yr Heulwen A Fu | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 00:23:02 | Duration 00:03:32 | Link |
Fleetwood Mac (artist) | Go Your Own Way | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:39:20 | Duration 00:03:38 | Link |
Fleetwood Mac (artist) | Go Your Own Way | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 02:16:12 | Duration 00:03:38 | Link |
Fleur de Lys (artist) | Cofia Anghofia | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:33:51 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Fleur de Lys (artist) | Dawnsia | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:34:54 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
Fleur de Lys (artist) | Dawnsia | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:04:55 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
Fleur de Lys (artist) | Fory Ar Ôl Heddiw | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:45:18 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Fleur de Lys (artist) | Fory Ar Ôl Heddiw | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:20:59 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Fleur de Lys (artist) | Sbectol | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:48:45 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Flyte (artist) | Love is an Accident | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 01:32:59 | Duration 00:03:05 | Link |
Francesca Dimech (artist) | Ar Hyd y Nos | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:49:59 | Duration 00:02:28 | Link |
Frizbee (artist) | Blew | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 00:43:04 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
Frizbee (artist) | Heyla | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:00:10 | Duration 00:03:15 | Link |
FRMAND (artist) | Heuldy | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:06:03 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
FRMAND (artist) | Heuldy | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:04:54 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
Galantis (artist) | Damn (You've Got Me Saying) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:17:56 | Duration 00:03:15 | Link |
Gallops (artist) | At Data Point | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:13:58 | Duration 00:06:30 | Link |
Genod Droog (artist) | Breuddwyd Oer | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:43:19 | Duration 00:05:18 | Link |
Genod Droog (artist) | Genod Droog | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:42:23 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
Genod Droog (artist) | Genod Droog | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:22:44 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
George Ezra (artist) | Dance All Over Me | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:22:56 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
George Ezra (artist) | Dance All Over Me | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:03:01 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
George Ezra (artist) | Green Green Grass | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:22:32 | Duration 00:02:47 | Link |
Georgia Ruth (artist) | Hallt | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:12:51 | Duration 00:05:35 | Link |
Georgia Ruth (artist) | Sylvia | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:39:29 | Duration 00:05:03 | Link |
Geraint Davies (artist) | Fel Ni | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 01:15:00 | Duration 00:04:39 | Link |
Geraint Jarman (artist) | Gweld y Miwsig | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 01:08:08 | Duration 00:05:05 | Link |
Geraint Jarman a'r Cynganeddwyr (artist) | Gwesty Cymru | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 01:26:16 | Duration 00:04:11 | Link |
Geraint Jarman a'r Cynganeddwyr (artist) | Tracsuit Gwyrdd | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 00:05:13 | Duration 00:04:42 | Link |
Geraint Lovgreen (artist) | Yma Wyf Finna I Fod | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:47:00 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Geraint Løvgreen A'r Enw Da (artist) | Diolch Byth am y Tîm Pêl-Droed | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 00:03:57 | Duration 00:04:03 | Link |
Geraint Løvgreen A'r Enw Da (artist) | Diolch Byth am y Tîm Pêl-Droed | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 00:34:27 | Duration 00:04:03 | Link |
Gildas (artist) | Dweud Y Geiriau | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:28:01 | Duration 00:04:56 | Link |
Gildas (artist) | Hyfryd Lun | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 00:25:00 | Duration 00:02:32 | Link |
Gildas (artist) | Y Gusan Gyntaf | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:00:24 | Duration 00:04:26 | Link |
Gillie (artist) | I Ti | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:57:32 | Duration 00:04:05 | Link |
Girls Aloud (artist) | Jump (For My Love) | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:37:16 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
Glain Rhys (artist) | Haws Ar Hen Aelwyd | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 00:06:37 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Glain Rhys (artist) | Plu'r Gweunydd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 00:10:48 | Duration 00:03:00 | Link |
Glain Rhys (artist) | Sara | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:12:57 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
Glass Animals (artist) | Heat Waves | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:34:32 | Duration 00:03:59 | Link |
Gruff Rhys (artist) | I Grombil Cyfandir Pell | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 01:39:15 | Duration 00:03:22 | Link |
Gwawr Edwards (artist) | Nel | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 01:26:50 | Duration 00:02:21 | Link |
Gwawr Edwards (artist) | Y Darlun | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:06:26 | Duration 00:03:12 | Link |
Gwenda A Geinor (artist) | Mae D'eisiau Di Bob Awr | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:47:51 | Duration 00:04:10 | Link |
Gwenda A Geinor (artist) | Mae D'eisiau Di Bob Awr | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 03:12:38 | Duration 00:04:10 | Link |
Gwenno (artist) | An Stevel Nowydh | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 01:47:15 | Duration 00:03:33 | Link |
Gwenno (artist) | Fratolish Hiang Perpeshki | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:45:27 | Duration 00:04:36 | Link |
Gwenno (artist) | N.Y.C.A.W. | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:23:28 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Gwenno (artist) | Tir Ha Mor | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 00:16:42 | Duration 00:03:56 | Link |
Gwenno (artist) | Tir Ha Mor | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 02:00:01 | Duration 00:03:56 | Link |
Gwenno (artist) | Tir Ha Mor | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:14:47 | Duration 00:03:56 | Link |
Gwenno (artist) | Tir Ha Mor | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 00:55:41 | Duration 00:03:56 | Link |
Gwenno (artist) | Tresor | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | Duration 00:03:32 | Link | |
Gwenno Morgan (artist) | Arnofio | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:05:58 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Gwerinos (artist) | Llun | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:08:26 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | 50au | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:03:50 | Duration 00:03:30 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | 50au | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:53:30 | Duration 00:03:25 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | Catalunya (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:17:32 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | Cwîn | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 00:06:29 | Duration 00:03:24 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | Cysgod (Gig Wal y Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:07:44 | Duration 00:02:41 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | Fyny Ac Yn Ôl | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:37:13 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | Fyny ac yn ol (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:03:08 | Duration 00:04:28 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | Gwalia | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 00:00:09 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | Gwalia | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:29:27 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | Neidia (Endaf Remix) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:00:24 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | Neidia (Endaf Remix) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:53:36 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | Neidia (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:21:25 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | Tennyn (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:10:37 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | cynbohir | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:12:16 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | cynbohir | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 02:39:31 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Gwilym (artist) | cynbohir (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 00:14:19 | Duration 00:03:02 | Link |
Gwilym Bowen Rhys (artist) | Canu'n Iach I Arfon | Ambell i Gân | 2022-11-20 | 19:00 | 00:00:41 | Duration 00:02:59 | Link |
Gwilym Bowen Rhys (artist) | Cymry Am Ddiwrnod | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:27:06 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Gwilym Bowen Rhys (artist) | Garth Celyn | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 00:21:26 | Duration 00:04:58 | Link |
Gwilym Bowen Rhys (artist) | Yr Eryr a'r Golomen | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 01:29:33 | Duration 00:02:56 | Link |
Gwirioneddol (artist) | Newid | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:17:17 | Duration 00:02:37 | Link |
Gwyllt (artist) | Pwyso A Mesur | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:58:26 | Duration 00:04:33 | Link |
Gwyllt (artist) | Pwyso A Mesur | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:51:54 | Duration 00:04:33 | Link |
Gwyneth Glyn (artist) | Angeline | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 01:27:19 | Duration 00:02:15 | Link |
Gábor Boldoczki (artist) | Concertino In G For English Horn - 3. Allegro | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:23:47 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
H. Hawkline (artist) | Milk For Flowers | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:12:54 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
H. Hawkline (artist) | Milk For Flowers | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:32:31 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Hana Lili (artist) | Pan Ddaw'r Haf (sesiwn acwstic) | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:44:08 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Hana Lili (artist) | Solitude | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:10:47 | Duration 00:03:05 | Link |
HANA2K (artist) | Dim Hi | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:06:29 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
HANA2K (artist) | Dim Hi | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:51:39 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Hanner Dwsin (artist) | Ysbryd y Nos | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 02:22:40 | Duration 00:02:27 | Link |
Harry Styles (artist) | Adore You | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:03:59 | Duration 00:03:27 | Link |
Harry Styles (artist) | Late Night Talking | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:13:35 | Duration 00:02:58 | Link |
Harry Styles (artist) | Music For a Sushi Restaurant | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:40:06 | Duration 00:03:14 | Link |
Harry Styles (artist) | Music For a Sushi Restaurant | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:35:10 | Duration 00:03:14 | Link |
Harry Styles (artist) | Watermelon Sugar | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:03:32 | Duration 00:02:54 | Link |
Heather Jones (artist) | Aderyn Pur | Ambell i Gân | 2022-11-20 | 19:00 | 00:03:32 | Duration 00:02:35 | Link |
Heather Jones (artist) | Rwy'n Cofio Pryd | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:45:24 | Duration 00:04:21 | Link |
Heather Jones (artist) | Syrcas O Liw | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 00:23:29 | Duration 00:03:42 | Link |
Hergest (artist) | Dyddiau Da | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 00:09:38 | Duration 00:02:04 | Link |
Hergest (artist) | Harbwr Aberteifi | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 01:21:18 | Duration 00:03:35 | Link |
Hergest (artist) | Nos Sadwrn | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:34:12 | Duration 00:03:15 | Link |
Hergest (artist) | Tyrd I Ddawnsio | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:43:46 | Duration 00:02:56 | Link |
Hergest (artist) | Wrth Edrych yn ôl | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:06:28 | Duration 00:04:06 | Link |
Hogia Llandegai (artist) | Defaid William Morgan | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 01:36:39 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
Hogia Llandegai (artist) | Maria | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 00:45:56 | Duration 00:02:45 | Link |
Hogia Llandegai (artist) | Maria | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:33:19 | Duration 00:02:45 | Link |
Hogia Llandegai (artist) | Mynd I'r Fan A'r Fan | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:57:36 | Duration 00:02:08 | Link |
Hogia'r Berfeddwlad (artist) | Mi Welais Ryfeddod | Ambell i Gân | 2022-11-20 | 19:00 | 00:45:11 | Duration 00:03:58 | Link |
Hogia'r Ddwylan (artist) | Y Tangnefeddwyr | Beti a'i Phobol | 2022-11-20 | 13:00 | 00:26:16 | Duration 00:05:06 | Link |
Hogia’r Wyddfa (artist) | Cofio | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 00:18:07 | Duration 00:05:30 | Link |
Hogia’r Wyddfa (artist) | Hen Ŵr Ar Bont Y Bala | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:40:07 | Duration 00:04:22 | Link |
Hogia’r Wyddfa (artist) | Maradona | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 00:19:38 | Duration 00:03:15 | Link |
How Get (artist) | Cym On | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:08:26 | Duration 00:02:47 | Link |
Hud (artist) | San Antonio | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:39:25 | Duration 00:02:28 | Link |
Huw Chiswell (artist) | Gadael Abertawe | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:26:35 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Huw Jones (artist) | Daw Dydd Y Bydd Mawr Y Rhai Bychain | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:52:17 | Duration 00:04:58 | Link |
Huw M (artist) | Sŵn Y Galon Fach Yn Torri | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:49:49 | Duration 00:03:12 | Link |
Huw Rhys-Evans (artist) | Merch Megan | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:36:10 | Duration 00:05:02 | Link |
Huw Ynyr (artist) | Fel Hyn Ma Byw | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 00:54:22 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
I Fight Lions (artist) | Calon Dan Glo | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 01:00:18 | Duration 00:03:55 | Link |
I Fight Lions (artist) | Calon Dan Glo | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:09:21 | Duration 00:03:55 | Link |
I Fight Lions (artist) | Calon Dan Glo | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:07:29 | Duration 00:03:55 | Link |
Ifan Davies (artist) | Dydd Yn Dod | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:48:37 | Duration 00:03:15 | Link |
Ifan Pritchard (artist) | Cymru, Lloegr A Llanrwst (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 01:04:14 | Duration 00:03:49 | Link |
Ifan Pritchard (artist) | Gwalia (Gig y Wal Goch, Pontio) | Gig y Wal Goch | 2022-11-19 | 11:00 | 01:00:19 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
Iggy Pop (artist) | Lust For Life | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:52:15 | Duration 00:03:04 | Link |
Injaroc (artist) | Paid Edrych 'Nôl | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:06:05 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Iona ac Andy (artist) | Cerdded Dros Y Mynydd | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:55:35 | Duration 00:03:11 | Link |
Iona ac Andy (artist) | Dau Yn Un | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:37:59 | Duration 00:02:59 | Link |
Iona ac Andy (artist) | Hafan | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 00:14:59 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Iona ac Andy (artist) | Rhywbeth Yn Galw | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:38:24 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Iwcs (artist) | Un Cwmwl | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:04:31 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
Iwcs a Doyle (artist) | Edrychiad Cynta' | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 00:51:03 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Iwcs a Doyle (artist) | Edrychiad Cynta' | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:41:57 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Jac a Wil (artist) | Pwy Fydd Yma 'Mhen Can Mlynedd | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:32:08 | Duration 00:03:12 | Link |
Jack Davies (artist) | Llwybrau | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:18:12 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Jacob Elwy (artist) | Brigyn yn y Dŵr | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:12:15 | Duration 00:03:58 | Link |
Jacob Elwy (artist) | Pan Fyddai'n 80 Oed | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 00:39:29 | Duration 00:03:50 | Link |
Jacques Brel (artist) | Ne me quitte Pas | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 00:49:16 | Duration 00:03:42 | Link |
Jakokoyak (artist) | Eiddil | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:26:02 | Duration 00:04:25 | Link |
Jambyls (artist) | Rhyfela | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 01:18:48 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
James Blunt (artist) | You're Beautiful | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:19:07 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
James Newton Howard (artist) | Kowalski Rag - Bonus Track | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:17:12 | Duration 00:05:13 | Link |
Janice Graham (artist) | Requiem | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:00:16 | Duration 00:05:27 | Link |
Jawsh 685 (artist) | Savage Love | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:23:23 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Jax Jones (artist) | Where Did You Go? | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:48:33 | Duration 00:02:58 | Link |
Jean Baptiste Racine | Cantique de Jean Racine, Op.11 | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:29:18 | Duration 00:04:17 | Link |
Jess (artist) | Ishe Mwy | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 01:02:50 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
Jess (artist) | Julia Gitâr | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:09:35 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Jessi Alexander (artist) | My Problem Is You | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:31:18 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
Joel Corry (artist) | History | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:42:18 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
Joel Corry (artist) | Lionheart (Fearless) | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:03:41 | Duration 00:03:07 | Link |
Joel Corry (artist) | Lionheart (Fearless) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:14:57 | Duration 00:03:07 | Link |
Joel Corry (artist) | Lonely | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:37:13 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Johann Sebastian Bach | Concerto for Harpsichord, Strings, and Continuo No.4 in A, BWV 1055 (Allegro) | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:31:30 | Duration 00:04:01 | Link |
John ac Alun (artist) | Dim Ond Un Gusan | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 01:13:41 | Duration 00:03:08 | Link |
John ac Alun (artist) | Y Ferch O Benrhyn Llyn | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 02:11:03 | Duration 00:03:55 | Link |
John ac Alun (artist) | Yr Wylan Wen | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:38:45 | Duration 00:04:27 | Link |
John Newman (artist) | Love Me Again | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:26:57 | Duration 00:03:59 | Link |
John Williams | Raiders March from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:41:36 | Duration 00:05:52 | Link |
Johnny McEvoy (artist) | You Seldom Come to See Me Anymore | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 01:19:29 | Duration 00:04:13 | Link |
Jonas Brothers (artist) | Sucker | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:22:48 | Duration 00:03:01 | Link |
Jonasu (artist) | Black Magic | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:25:59 | Duration 00:02:54 | Link |
Jono Davies (gyda Glyn 'PWD' Hughes) (artist) | Safwn Yn Y Bwlch (Cwpan Y Byd 2022) | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 01:20:29 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Jono Davies (gyda Glyn 'PWD' Hughes) (artist) | Safwn Yn Y Bwlch (Cwpan Y Byd 2022) | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 02:34:14 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Jono Davies (gyda Glyn 'PWD' Hughes) (artist) | Safwn Yn Y Bwlch (Cwpan Y Byd 2022) | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:54:38 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Josgins (artist) | Waka Waka Cymru | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:30:50 | Duration 00:02:05 | Link |
Josgins (artist) | Waka Waka Cymru | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 02:24:36 | Duration 00:02:05 | Link |
Josgins (artist) | Waka Waka Cymru | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:18:46 | Duration 00:02:05 | Link |
JP Cooper (artist) | September Song | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:48:03 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
Julie Murphy (artist) | Diougan Gwenc'hlan | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 01:11:25 | Duration 00:02:33 | Link |
Justin Bieber (artist) | Love Yourself | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:43:15 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Kaiser Chiefs (artist) | Ruby | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:45:23 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Kanta (artist) | Ffoles Llantrisant | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:37:38 | Duration 00:03:02 | Link |
Karl Jenkins | Adiemus Colores: Canción verde | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:46:57 | Duration 00:05:17 | Link |
Katie Melua (artist) | Nine Million Bicycles | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:31:26 | Duration 00:03:13 | Link |
Katy Perry (artist) | Firework | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:54:16 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Kentucky AFC (artist) | Bodlon | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:41:57 | Duration 00:03:13 | Link |
Kim André Arnesen | MAGNIFICAT: IV. Et misericordia | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:35:59 | Duration 00:04:55 | Link |
KIM HON (artist) | Twti Frwti | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:41:29 | Duration 00:03:41 | Link |
Kizzy Crawford (artist) | Curiad a Llif | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:12:09 | Duration 00:03:05 | Link |
Kookamunga (artist) | Ware Meddylie | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 01:39:01 | Duration 00:03:19 | Link |
KSI (artist) | Not Over Yet | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:10:12 | Duration 00:02:35 | Link |
Kylie Minogue (artist) | Spinning Around | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:29:50 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Lady Gaga (artist) | Hold My Hand | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:21:53 | Duration 00:03:45 | Link |
Lady Gaga (artist) | Shallow | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:20:49 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Lady Gaga (artist) | Stupid Love | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:20:42 | Duration 00:03:15 | Link |
Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande (artist) | Rain On Me | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:06:20 | Duration 00:03:04 | Link |
Latto (artist) | Big Energy | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:37:58 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Lavinia Meijer (artist) | Lift Off - An Arrangement of Koyaanisqatsi | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:15:03 | Duration 00:05:49 | Link |
Leisa Lloyd Edwards (artist) | Tua'r Lloer | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 01:32:58 | Duration 00:01:52 | Link |
Leri Ann (artist) | Craig i Mi | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 00:56:07 | Duration 00:03:32 | Link |
Leri Ann (artist) | Ffŵl Ohona I | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:54:59 | Duration 00:02:53 | Link |
Leri Ann (artist) | Ffŵl Ohona I | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:46:20 | Duration 00:02:53 | Link |
Leri Ann (artist) | Siarad Yn Fy Nghwsg | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 02:04:02 | Duration 00:03:22 | Link |
Lewis Capaldi (artist) | Forget Me | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:23:37 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Lewis Capaldi (artist) | Forget Me | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:44:45 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Lewis Capaldi (artist) | Grace | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:52:16 | Duration 00:03:06 | Link |
Lewis Capaldi (artist) | Hold Me While You Wait | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:34:02 | Duration 00:03:22 | Link |
Lewys (artist) | Dan Y Tonnau | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link | |
Lewys (artist) | Dan Y Tonnau | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:05:01 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Lewys (artist) | Gwres | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:18:38 | Duration 00:03:15 | Link |
Lewys (artist) | Y Cyffro | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:37:07 | Duration 00:03:54 | Link |
LF SYSTEM (artist) | Afraid To Feel | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:10:25 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
Lily Beau (artist) | Y Bobl | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:49:22 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Lily Beau (artist) | Ymuno (Sesiwn Fyw Lisa Gwilym) | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:58:54 | Duration 00:02:53 | Link |
Linda Griffiths (artist) | Dyddiau | John Hardy | 2022-11-24 | 05:30 | 00:20:54 | Duration 00:04:22 | Link |
Linda Griffiths (artist) | Fel Hyn Mae'i Fod | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 00:00:09 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
Linda Griffiths (artist) | Fy Nghân I Ti | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 01:42:30 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Linda Griffiths (artist) | Gwybod Bod Na 'Fory | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:20:26 | Duration 00:04:26 | Link |
Linda Griffiths (artist) | Porthmyn Tregaron | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:22:04 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Linda Griffiths (artist) | Tryweryn | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 00:21:22 | Duration 00:03:54 | Link |
Lisa Angharad (artist) | Aros | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:48:00 | Duration 00:02:18 | Link |
Lisa Pedrick (artist) | Breuddwydio | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:38:49 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
Lisa Pedrick (artist) | Camddyfynnu | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:17:23 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
Lisa Pedrick (artist) | Dal Yno Rhywle | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 00:54:26 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
Lisa Pedrick (artist) | Dim ond Dieithryn | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 01:03:29 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Lisa Pedrick (artist) | Hir Yw Pob Aros | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:52:12 | Duration 00:03:41 | Link |
Lisa Pedrick (artist) | Icarus | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:40:58 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Lisa Pedrick (artist) | Numero Uno | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:09:23 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
Lisa Pedrick (artist) | Numero Uno | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:00:24 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
Lisa Pedrick (artist) | Numero Uno | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:40:08 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
Lisa Pedrick x Shamoniks (artist) | Seithfed Nef | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:06:09 | Duration 00:03:55 | Link |
Little Mix (artist) | Black Magic | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:05:52 | Duration 00:03:32 | Link |
Little Mix (artist) | Sweet Melody | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:27:21 | Duration 00:03:33 | Link |
Little Mix (artist) | Touch | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:03:38 | Duration 00:03:33 | Link |
Lizzo (artist) | 2 Be Loved (Am I Ready) | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:05:28 | Duration 00:03:08 | Link |
Lizzo (artist) | 2 Be Loved (Am I Ready) | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:02:41 | Duration 00:03:08 | Link |
Lizzo (artist) | 2 Be Loved (Am I Ready) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:35:36 | Duration 00:03:08 | Link |
Lizzo (artist) | About Damn Time | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:11:59 | Duration 00:03:07 | Link |
Lleisiau Mignedd (artist) | Benedictus | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:11:10 | Duration 00:02:48 | Link |
Lleisiau Mignedd (artist) | Emyn Gwladgarol (Gwenllian) | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:34:05 | Duration 00:01:53 | Link |
Lloyd Steele (artist) | Mwgwd | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:42:56 | Duration 00:04:08 | Link |
Lloyd x Dom James x dontheprod (artist) | Calon Y Ddraig | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 01:51:33 | Duration 00:02:32 | Link |
Lloyd x Dom James x dontheprod (artist) | Calon Y Ddraig | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:46:45 | Duration 00:02:32 | Link |
Lloyd x Dom James x dontheprod (artist) | Calon Y Ddraig | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:04:15 | Duration 00:02:32 | Link |
Lloyd x Dom James x dontheprod (artist) | Calon Y Ddraig | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:07:11 | Duration 00:02:32 | Link |
Lloyd x Dom James x dontheprod (artist) | Calon Y Ddraig | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:46:39 | Duration 00:02:32 | Link |
Lloyd x Dom James x dontheprod (artist) | Calon Y Ddraig | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:57:04 | Duration 00:02:32 | Link |
Llywela Edwards (artist) | Annibyniaeth | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:10:41 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Llywelyn Ifan Jones (artist) | Tua'r Wawr | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:39:54 | Duration 00:03:56 | Link |
Lo-fi Jones (artist) | Pwdu yn y Pentre | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:28:27 | Duration 00:03:59 | Link |
Lo-fi Jones (artist) | Weithiau Mae'n Anodd | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:13:26 | Duration 00:03:58 | Link |
Los Blancos (artist) | Bricsen Arall | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:03:36 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Los Blancos (artist) | Bricsen Arall | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 02:31:17 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Los Blancos (artist) | Bricsen Arall | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:47:12 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Los Blancos (artist) | Bricsen Arall | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:51:51 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
Los Blancos (artist) | Bricsen Arall | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:18:10 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Los Blancos (artist) | Bricsen Arall | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:11:54 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
Los Blancos (artist) | Bricsen Arall | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:06:02 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Los Blancos (artist) | Bricsen Arall | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:42:00 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Los Blancos (artist) | Bricsen Arall | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:52:59 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Los Blancos (artist) | Bricsen Arall | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 00:01:32 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
Los Blancos (artist) | Bricsen Arall | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 02:55:30 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Lost Frequencies (artist) | Are You With Me | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:12:22 | Duration 00:02:19 | Link |
Lost Frequencies (artist) | Where Are You Now | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:30:48 | Duration 00:02:29 | Link |
Lowri Evans (artist) | Cân Walter | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 00:08:56 | Duration 00:04:22 | Link |
Lowri Evans (artist) | Yr Un Hen Gi | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 01:15:47 | Duration 00:04:15 | Link |
Ludovico Einaudi (artist) | Divenire | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:52:45 | Duration 00:06:42 | Link |
Lumiere (artist) | Fill Fill A Run O | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:45:00 | Duration 00:04:59 | Link |
Lyn Collins (artist) | Think (About It) | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 00:32:05 | Duration 00:03:24 | Link |
Mabli (artist) | Dyma Ffaith | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 00:57:34 | Duration 00:02:33 | Link |
Mabli (artist) | Lol | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:41:42 | Duration 00:02:14 | Link |
Mabli Tudur (artist) | Riverside Cafe | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 01:47:43 | Duration 00:03:42 | Link |
Mabli Tudur (artist) | Temtasiwn | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:07:11 | Duration 00:02:32 | Link |
Madison Avenue (artist) | Don't Call Me Baby | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:30:39 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Maes Parcio (artist) | Sgen Ti Awydd? | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:25:40 | Duration 00:02:50 | Link |
Maffia Mr Huws (artist) | Newyddion Heddiw | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 01:14:03 | Duration 00:04:25 | Link |
Magi Tudur (artist) | Yr Eneth Glaf | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:47:06 | Duration 00:02:55 | Link |
Mali Haf (artist) | Llygaid Tara | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:53:52 | Duration 00:03:02 | Link |
Mali Hâf (artist) | Dawnsio Yn Y Bore | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:34:01 | Duration 00:03:33 | Link |
Mali Hâf (artist) | Fern Hill | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:45:58 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Mali Hâf (artist) | Fern Hill | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:15:12 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Mali Hâf (artist) | Freshni | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 01:03:34 | Duration 00:03:38 | Link |
Mali Hâf (artist) | Paid Newid Dy Liw | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 01:12:46 | Duration 00:03:01 | Link |
Mali Hâf (artist) | Pedair Deilen | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:07:31 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Mali Hâf (artist) | Pedair Deilen | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 02:41:43 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Mared (artist) | Gewn Ni Weld Sut Eith Hi | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 00:00:13 | Duration 00:03:38 | Link |
Mared (artist) | Gewn Ni Weld Sut Eith Hi | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:06:36 | Duration 00:03:38 | Link |
Mared (artist) | Pontydd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:43:04 | Duration 00:03:24 | Link |
Mared (artist) | Pontydd | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:51:30 | Duration 00:03:28 | Link |
Mared (artist) | Y Reddf | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 01:37:52 | Duration 00:04:42 | Link |
Mared (artist) | Y Reddf | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 00:39:08 | Duration 00:04:42 | Link |
Mared (artist) | Yr Awyr Adre | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:34:58 | Duration 00:04:14 | Link |
Mared (artist) | Yr Awyr Adre | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 01:38:57 | Duration 00:04:14 | Link |
Mared, Tomos a Carwyn (artist) | Byw Mewn Lockdown | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 01:50:31 | Duration 00:04:50 | Link |
Mari Mathias (artist) | Annwn | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 01:33:07 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Mari Mathias (artist) | Annwn | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:49:00 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Mari Mathias (artist) | Annwn | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 01:49:43 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Mari Mathias (artist) | Erbyn Y Byd | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 00:06:37 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Mari Mathias (artist) | Gwenno | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 01:18:33 | Duration 00:02:59 | Link |
Mari Mathias (artist) | Helo | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:13:24 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
Mari Mathias (artist) | Lawr Ar Lan Y Môr (Sesiwn Tŷ) | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 00:10:01 | Duration 00:03:41 | Link |
Mari Mathias (artist) | Oregon Fach | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 02:51:12 | Duration 00:04:03 | Link |
Mari Mathias (artist) | Ysbryd y Tŷ | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 01:03:06 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
Mariah Carey (artist) | All I Want For Christmas Is You | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:05:12 | Duration 00:04:00 | Link |
Mark Ronson (artist) | Uptown Funk | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:35:00 | Duration 00:03:55 | Link |
Martin Jones (artist) | Pour le piano, L. 95: III. Toccata | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:10:14 | Duration 00:03:42 | Link |
Martyn Geraint (artist) | Brenin y Bêl [Bale] | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 02:43:15 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Martyn Geraint (artist) | Brenin y Bêl [Bale] | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:01:35 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Mary Chapin Carpenter (artist) | Wherever You Are | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:47:13 | Duration 00:04:16 | Link |
Mary Hopkin (artist) | Draw Dros Y Moroedd | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 01:50:04 | Duration 00:02:23 | Link |
Mary Hopkin (artist) | Draw Dros Y Moroedd | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 00:57:59 | Duration 00:02:23 | Link |
Mary Hopkin (artist) | Those Were The Days | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:36:53 | Duration 00:05:07 | Link |
Masters In France (artist) | Tafod | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:31:29 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
MC Mabon (artist) | Tymheredd Yn Y Gwres | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:22:18 | Duration 00:03:15 | Link |
McFLY (artist) | Five Colours in Her Hair | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:21:48 | Duration 00:02:52 | Link |
McFLY (artist) | Obviously | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:24:11 | Duration 00:03:19 | Link |
Mega (artist) | Meganomeg | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:26:17 | Duration 00:03:38 | Link |
Meghan Trainor (artist) | Made You Look | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:04:08 | Duration 00:02:14 | Link |
Meghan Trainor (artist) | Made You Look | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:03:07 | Duration 00:02:14 | Link |
Meghan Trainor (artist) | Made You Look | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:07:16 | Duration 00:02:14 | Link |
Mei Emrys (artist) | 29 | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 02:03:45 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
Mei Emrys (artist) | Olwyn Uwchben y Dŵr | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 00:34:12 | Duration 00:03:53 | Link |
Mei Emrys (artist) | Olwyn Uwchben y Dŵr | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:28:01 | Duration 00:03:53 | Link |
Mei Gwynedd (artist) | Dyddiau Gwell i Ddod | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:15:09 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Mei Gwynedd (artist) | Trio Anghofio | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 00:34:33 | Duration 00:04:37 | Link |
Mei Gwynedd (artist) | Trio Anghofio | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:27:36 | Duration 00:04:37 | Link |
Mei Gwynedd (artist) | Yfory | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:17:07 | Duration 00:02:59 | Link |
Meic Stevens (artist) | Cân Walter | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:35:26 | Duration 00:04:38 | Link |
Meic Stevens (artist) | Siwsi'n Galw | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 01:44:37 | Duration 00:02:59 | Link |
Meic Stevens (artist) | Sylvia | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 00:46:13 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Meinir Gwilym (artist) | Ar Hyd Y Nos | Ambell i Gân | 2022-11-20 | 19:00 | 00:52:42 | Duration 00:02:54 | Link |
Meinir Gwilym (artist) | Ar Hyd Y Nos | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 01:02:35 | Duration 00:02:54 | Link |
Meinir Gwilym (artist) | Hetiau | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:10:08 | Duration 00:04:21 | Link |
Meinir Gwilym (artist) | Wyt Ti'n Gêm? | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 02:18:15 | Duration 00:02:52 | Link |
Meinir Gwilym (artist) | Wyt ti'n Mynd i Adael? (Remix Y Mudiad) | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:26:50 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Meinir Gwilym (artist) | Yr Ehedydd | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:40:00 | Duration 00:02:45 | Link |
Melda Lois (artist) | Tywod | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 00:37:34 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Melda Lois (artist) | Tywod | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:30:25 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Melin Melyn (artist) | Mwydryn | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:02:13 | Duration 00:03:13 | Link |
Melin Melyn (artist) | Mwydryn | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:39:06 | Duration 00:03:13 | Link |
Melin Melyn (artist) | Nefoedd yr Adar | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 01:36:04 | Duration 00:03:06 | Link |
Mellt (artist) | Marconi | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 01:42:08 | Duration 00:02:50 | Link |
Mered Morris (artist) | Dydd Ar Ôl Dydd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 00:15:16 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
Mered Morris (artist) | Dydd Ar Ôl Dydd | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 01:25:55 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band (artist) | Broken Beauty | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 02:38:04 | Duration 00:03:45 | Link |
Mimi Webb (artist) | Ghost Of You | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:27:30 | Duration 00:02:38 | Link |
Mimi Webb (artist) | Ghost Of You | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:47:51 | Duration 00:02:38 | Link |
Mimi Webb (artist) | House On Fire | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:11:03 | Duration 00:02:21 | Link |
Mimi Webb (artist) | House On Fire | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:56:02 | Duration 00:02:21 | Link |
Minas (artist) | All My Love Has Failed Me (Radio Edit) | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:39:17 | Duration 00:03:04 | Link |
Mirain Evans (artist) | Galw Amdana Ti | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 02:31:57 | Duration 00:03:50 | Link |
Miriam Isaac (artist) | Gwres Dy Galon | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 00:12:23 | Duration 00:03:05 | Link |
Miriam Isaac (artist) | Welai Di Cyn Hir | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 00:57:37 | Duration 00:02:44 | Link |
Moc Isaac (artist) | O Gymru | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 00:37:50 | Duration 00:03:25 | Link |
Mojo (artist) | Awn Ymlaen Fel Hyn | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 01:21:05 | Duration 00:02:59 | Link |
Mojo (artist) | Hogi Eu Cyllyll | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 00:50:41 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Morgan Elwy (artist) | Bach O Hwne | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:56:45 | Duration 00:02:43 | Link |
Morgan Elwy (artist) | Bach O Hwne | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:26:38 | Duration 00:02:43 | Link |
Morgan Elwy (artist) | Bach o Hwne | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 02:28:24 | Duration 00:02:49 | Link |
Morgan Elwy (artist) | Riddim Rock (Go Iawn) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:55:57 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Mr (artist) | Y Pwysau | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:30:05 | Duration 00:04:07 | Link |
Mr Phormula (artist) | Rhyddid (Instrumental) | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:45:19 | Duration 00:03:25 | Link |
Mr Phormula (artist) | Un Cenedl | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:56:48 | Duration 00:02:42 | Link |
Mr Phormula (artist) | Un Cenedl | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:00:28 | Duration 00:02:42 | Link |
Mr Phormula (artist) | Un Cenedl | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:04:32 | Duration 00:02:42 | Link |
Mynediad Am Ddim (artist) | Beti Wyn | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:15:11 | Duration 00:04:35 | Link |
Mynediad Am Ddim (artist) | Cofio Dy Wyneb | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 00:41:54 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Mynediad Am Ddim (artist) | Hi Yw Fy Ffrind | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:28:02 | Duration 00:02:50 | Link |
Nancy Price | Os Oes Gen i Gân i'w Chanu | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 01:07:09 | Duration 00:03:25 | Link |
NAR (artist) | Lux | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 00:51:59 | Duration 00:03:38 | Link |
Nathan Dawe (artist) | Sweet Lies | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:52:03 | Duration 00:02:02 | Link |
Nathan Dawe (artist) | Sweet Lies | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:24:34 | Duration 00:02:02 | Link |
Naughty Boy (artist) | La La La | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:37:19 | Duration 00:03:41 | Link |
Neil Rosser (artist) | Merch O Port | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 01:48:46 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Neil Rosser (artist) | Merch O Port | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:19:54 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Neil Rosser (artist) | Y Brenin John | Cofio | 2022-11-20 | 14:00 | 00:59:01 | Duration 00:03:13 | Link |
Netsky (artist) | Barricades | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:41:21 | Duration 00:02:34 | Link |
Newshan (artist) | Pishyn Pishyn | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 02:23:07 | Duration 00:02:23 | Link |
Nia Archives (artist) | Baianá | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:11:15 | Duration 00:02:33 | Link |
Nia Lynn (artist) | Majic | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:32:29 | Duration 00:03:27 | Link |
Nid Madagascar (artist) | Rhywbeth Cryfach | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 01:01:54 | Duration 00:07:32 | Link |
N’famady Kouyaté (artist) | Aros I Fi Yna | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:51:15 | Duration 00:03:58 | Link |
Oliver Tree & Robn Schulz (artist) | Miss You (Radio Edit) | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:22:46 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Olivia Rodrigo (artist) | drivers license (Clean edit) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:53:40 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Olivia Rodrigo (artist) | good 4 u | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:55:37 | Duration 00:02:58 | Link |
Olly Murs (artist) | Die Of A Broken Heart | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:37:31 | Duration 00:03:27 | Link |
Olly Murs (artist) | Up | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:20:42 | Duration 00:03:41 | Link |
Omaloma (artist) | Aros O Gwmpas | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:58:46 | Duration 00:03:05 | Link |
Omaloma (artist) | Aros O Gwmpas | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:00:02 | Duration 00:03:05 | Link |
One Direction (artist) | What Makes You Beautiful | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:10:56 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
OneRepublic (artist) | I Ain't Worried | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:39:29 | Duration 00:02:29 | Link |
OneRepublic (artist) | I Ain't Worried | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:51:59 | Duration 00:02:29 | Link |
Original Cast of Billy Elliot (artist) | Electricity | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:11:58 | Duration 00:05:52 | Link |
Owain John (artist) | Twymyn y Môr | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 02:14:55 | Duration 00:02:28 | Link |
Papur Wal (artist) | Brychni Haul | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:58:33 | Duration 00:01:51 | Link |
Papur Wal (artist) | Brychni Haul | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:54:25 | Duration 00:01:51 | Link |
Papur Wal (artist) | Llyn Llawenydd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 01:24:48 | Duration 00:03:10 | Link |
Papur Wal (artist) | Llyn Llawenydd | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:08:39 | Duration 00:03:10 | Link |
Papur Wal (artist) | Meddwl am Hi | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:19:37 | Duration 00:02:59 | Link |
Papur Wal (artist) | Meddwl am Hi | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:00:11 | Duration 00:02:59 | Link |
Papur Wal (artist) | Nôl Ac Yn Ôl | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:50:51 | Duration 00:03:27 | Link |
Parisa Fouladi (artist) | Lleuad Du | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:38:00 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Parisa Fouladi (artist) | Lleuad Du | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:22:26 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Parisa Fouladi (artist) | Lleuad Du | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:32:58 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Parisa Fouladi (artist) | Lleuad Du | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 00:15:31 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Parti Cut Lloi (artist) | Hidia Mono Fi | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:24:15 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Patrobas (artist) | Dalianiala | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 01:10:50 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Patryma (artist) | Cyfle | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:14:20 | Duration 00:03:04 | Link |
Patryma (artist) | Cyfle | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:46:37 | Duration 00:03:04 | Link |
Patryma (artist) | Cyfle | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:57:23 | Duration 00:03:04 | Link |
Patryma (artist) | Cyfle | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 02:51:34 | Duration 00:03:04 | Link |
Pedwarawd Preseli (artist) | Medley o Ganeuon Cymraeg | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:34:04 | Duration 00:02:49 | Link |
Pendro (artist) | Gwawr | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 01:19:59 | Duration 00:02:48 | Link |
Pete Whyman (artist) | Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:06:07 | Duration 00:05:01 | Link |
Pharrell Williams (artist) | Happy | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:08:33 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Pink (artist) | Never Gonna Not Dance | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:25:46 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Pink (artist) | Never Gonna Not Dance | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:43:04 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Pistol Annies (artist) | Hush Hush | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 01:44:24 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Plan B (artist) | She Said | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:34:40 | Duration 00:03:28 | Link |
Plant Duw (artist) | Nerth Dy Draed | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:30:58 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Plethyn (artist) | Seidir Ddoe | Beti a'i Phobol | 2022-11-20 | 13:00 | 00:11:09 | Duration 00:05:30 | Link |
Plu (artist) | Gollwng Gafael | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 00:26:51 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
Plu (artist) | Porth Samddai | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:44:05 | Duration 00:03:53 | Link |
Plu (artist) | Sgwennaf Lythyr | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 00:14:55 | Duration 00:03:06 | Link |
Plu (artist) | Storm Dros Ben-y-Fâl | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 01:03:41 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Popeth (artist) | Golau | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:37:36 | Duration 00:03:50 | Link |
Popeth (artist) | Newid | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 00:11:21 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Popeth (artist) | Newid | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:14:47 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Popeth (artist) | Newid | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:53:25 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Portugal. The Man (artist) | Feel It Still | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:03:15 | Duration 00:02:43 | Link |
Pry Cry (artist) | Diwrnod Braf | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:06:24 | Duration 00:04:27 | Link |
Pry Cry (artist) | Diwrnod Braf | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:47:01 | Duration 00:04:27 | Link |
Pwdin Reis (artist) | Neis Fel Pwdin Reis | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 00:51:55 | Duration 00:02:00 | Link |
Pwdin Reis (artist) | Pam? | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:17:25 | Duration 00:02:14 | Link |
PYG (artist) | The Days Already Past | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 01:25:09 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Queen (artist) | You're My Best Friend | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 03:23:43 | Duration 00:02:49 | Link |
Rammstein (artist) | Deutschland | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 02:20:59 | Duration 00:05:22 | Link |
Ray Charles (artist) | Georgia On My Mind | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 03:04:01 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Rebecca Evans (artist) | Cân Rusalka I'r Lloer | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:48:10 | Duration 00:05:40 | Link |
Rebecca Trehearn (artist) | Rhaid i Mi Fyw | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 01:28:15 | Duration 00:02:52 | Link |
Rhiannon Tomos a'r Band (artist) | America | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:14:19 | Duration 00:05:48 | Link |
Rhydian (artist) | Rhywle | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 00:14:22 | Duration 00:02:21 | Link |
Rhydian Meilir (artist) | 'Sna Neb yn Gwbod Lle Mae Cemaes | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 00:21:52 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
Rhydian Meilir (artist) | Brenhines Aberdaron | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:22:23 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Rhys Gwynfor & Lisa Angharad (artist) | Adar y Nos | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 00:39:24 | Duration 00:05:31 | Link |
Rhys Gwynfor (artist) | Canolfan Arddio | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:16:23 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Rhys Gwynfor (artist) | Canolfan Arddio | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:27:09 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Rhys Gwynfor (artist) | Colli'n Ffordd | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:12:48 | Duration 00:03:19 | Link |
Rhys Gwynfor (artist) | Esgyrn Eira | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:40:02 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Rhys Gwynfor (artist) | Ffredi | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:34:25 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Rhys Gwynfor (artist) | Ffredi | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:06:20 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Rhys Gwynfor (artist) | Nofio | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 00:51:07 | Duration 00:03:42 | Link |
Rhys Meirion (artist) | Muss I Den | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:04:44 | Duration 00:03:11 | Link |
Rhys Meirion (artist) | Pennant Melangell | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 00:31:42 | Duration 00:03:53 | Link |
Rhys Meirion (artist) | Pennant Melangell | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:26:30 | Duration 00:03:53 | Link |
Rhys Owain Edwards (artist) | Cana Dy Gân (Cân i Gymru 2022) | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 02:00:14 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Rhys Owain Edwards (artist) | Cana Dy Gân (Cân i Gymru 2022) | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:18:06 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Ricky Martin (artist) | Livin' La Vida Loca | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:51:11 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Rihanna (artist) | Lift Me Up | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:41:21 | Duration 00:03:17 | Link |
Rihanna (artist) | Lift Me Up | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:43:18 | Duration 00:03:17 | Link |
Ritzy (artist) | Yn Dawel Bach | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:25:26 | Duration 00:04:24 | Link |
Robin-Huws (artist) | Caru Ffwti | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:52:37 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Robyn (artist) | Dancing On My Own (Edit) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:57:30 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Rogue Jones (artist) | Englynion Angylion | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:00:07 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Rogue Jones (artist) | Englynion Angylion | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 02:38:20 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Rogue Jones (artist) | Englynion Angylion | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:45:10 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Rogue Jones (artist) | Triongl Dyfed | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:32:55 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
Rogue Jones (artist) | Triongl Dyfed | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:28:01 | Duration 00:03:08 | Link |
Roy Orbison (artist) | California Blue | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:43:49 | Duration 00:03:58 | Link |
Rudimental (artist) | These Days | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:27:39 | Duration 00:03:30 | Link |
Rufus Mufasa (artist) | Merched Dylan | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 02:03:49 | Duration 00:04:08 | Link |
Ryan Davies (artist) | Ddoe Mor Bell | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 00:26:50 | Duration 00:02:40 | Link |
Ryan Davies (artist) | Ti A Mi | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:54:58 | Duration 00:02:14 | Link |
Ryland Teifi (artist) | Llwch | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 00:40:38 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Ryland Teifi (artist) | Man Rhydd | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:00:30 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Sage Todz (artist) | O Hyd | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:14:53 | Duration 00:03:35 | Link |
Sage Todz (artist) | O Hyd | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:56:22 | Duration 00:03:35 | Link |
Sage Todz (artist) | Rownd a Rownd | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:41:58 | Duration 00:02:56 | Link |
Sam Ryder (artist) | Somebody | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:10:50 | Duration 00:02:21 | Link |
Sara Meredydd (artist) | Rwy'n Dy Weld Yn Sefyll | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:21:02 | Duration 00:02:52 | Link |
SAULT (artist) | Stronger | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:21:09 | Duration 00:03:56 | Link |
Scouting for Girls (artist) | She's So Lovely | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:20:41 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Serol Serol (artist) | Aelwyd | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 00:55:54 | Duration 00:04:06 | Link |
Serol Serol (artist) | Arwres | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:23:20 | Duration 00:02:25 | Link |
Serol Serol (artist) | Arwres | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:50:22 | Duration 00:02:25 | Link |
Serol Serol (artist) | Cadwyni | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 02:39:55 | Duration 00:03:57 | Link |
Serol Serol (artist) | Cadwyni | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:33:12 | Duration 00:03:57 | Link |
Serol Serol (artist) | K'TA | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:57:25 | Duration 00:03:14 | Link |
Show Dogs (artist) | Arthur and Dylan at the Chelsea | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:57:12 | Duration 00:04:29 | Link |
Shwn (artist) | Beth yw dy enw | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 01:09:28 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Shwn (artist) | Majic | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 01:31:20 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Shân Cothi (artist) | Dros Gymru'n Gwlad (Finlandia) | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:57:33 | Duration 00:04:08 | Link |
Sia (artist) | Chandelier | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:36:20 | Duration 00:03:35 | Link |
Sian Richards (artist) | Dod Yn Ôl | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 01:17:25 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Sian Richards (artist) | Torri | John Hardy | 2022-11-24 | 05:30 | 00:50:06 | Duration 00:04:05 | Link |
Sian Richards (artist) | Welai Di Eto | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:19:43 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Sian Richards (artist) | Yn Y Gwaed | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:47:05 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Sigala & Talia Mar (artist) | Stay the Night | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:03:08 | Duration 00:02:52 | Link |
Sigala, David Guetta & Sam Ryder (artist) | Living Without You | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:29:12 | Duration 00:03:04 | Link |
Sigma (artist) | Nobody To Love | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:56:19 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Siwsann George (artist) | Yr Eneth Gadd Ei Gwrthod | Ambell i Gân | 2022-11-20 | 19:00 | 00:22:54 | Duration 00:05:07 | Link |
Siân James (artist) | Camu 'Nôl (Wrth Gamu 'Mlaen) | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:23:52 | Duration 00:03:49 | Link |
Siân James (artist) | Pan Ddo'i Adre' Nôl | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 00:52:24 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Siôn Russell Jones (artist) | Catrin Cofia Fi | John Hardy | 2022-11-24 | 05:30 | 01:03:05 | Duration 00:03:25 | Link |
skylrk. (artist) | Dall (Radio Edit) | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:04:44 | Duration 00:02:47 | Link |
Sobin a’r Smaeliaid (artist) | Ar Y Trên I Afonwen | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 00:05:55 | Duration 00:04:35 | Link |
Sobin a’r Smaeliaid (artist) | Brengain | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:54:50 | Duration 00:03:31 | Link |
Sobin a’r Smaeliaid (artist) | Byw Mewn Bocsus | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 01:51:45 | Duration 00:03:25 | Link |
Sobin a’r Smaeliaid (artist) | Quarry (Man's Arms) | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:31:31 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Sophie Ellis‐Bextor (artist) | Murder On The Dancefloor | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:18:16 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Sophie Jones (artist) | A Gymri di Gymru? | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 01:25:17 | Duration 00:01:11 | Link |
Sorela (artist) | Ar Lan Y Môr | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:52:23 | Duration 00:01:45 | Link |
Sorela (artist) | Hen Ferchetan | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:38:08 | Duration 00:01:26 | Link |
Static Inc (artist) | Reykavik | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 01:26:30 | Duration 00:04:42 | Link |
Steffan Rees (artist) | Stand-Yp Steffan Rees | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 02:14:15 | Duration 00:05:00 | Link |
Steffan Rhys Hughes (artist) | Glaw | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:00:36 | Duration 00:03:59 | Link |
Steps (artist) | Better The Devil You Know | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:52:43 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Steve Eaves (artist) | Ffŵl Fel Fi | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 01:22:53 | Duration 00:02:58 | Link |
Steve Eaves (artist) | Gad Iddi Fynd | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 01:10:20 | Duration 00:04:29 | Link |
Steve Eaves (artist) | Taw Pia' Hi (Y Tao Pia' Hi) | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:28:47 | Duration 00:04:36 | Link |
Steve Eaves (artist) | Ymlaen Mae Canaan | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:45:37 | Duration 00:04:24 | Link |
Steve Eaves (artist) | Yr Ysbryd Mawr Yn Symud | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 01:31:19 | Duration 00:04:37 | Link |
Stevie Wonder (artist) | Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:43:44 | Duration 00:02:37 | Link |
Super Furry Animals (artist) | Bing Bong | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | Duration 00:02:58 | Link | |
Super Furry Animals (artist) | Bing Bong | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:19:41 | Duration 00:02:58 | Link |
Super Furry Animals (artist) | Dacw Hi | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:45:38 | Duration 00:03:55 | Link |
Super Furry Animals (artist) | Gwreiddiau Dwfn/Mawrth Oer Ar y Blaned Neifion | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 02:00:47 | Duration 00:07:57 | Link |
Super Furry Animals (artist) | Lliwiau Llachar | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 01:00:42 | Duration 00:03:13 | Link |
Super Furry Animals (artist) | Ysbeidiau Heulog | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:11:32 | Duration 00:02:40 | Link |
Swci Boscawen (artist) | Adar Y Nefoedd | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:06:44 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
Swci Boscawen (artist) | Couture C'Ching | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:53:40 | Duration 00:02:13 | Link |
Swci Boscawen (artist) | Couture C'Ching | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:58:06 | Duration 00:02:13 | Link |
Swci Boscawen (artist) | Couture C'Ching | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 00:58:14 | Duration 00:02:13 | Link |
Swci Boscawen (artist) | Couture C'Ching | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:50:41 | Duration 00:02:13 | Link |
Swci Boscawen (artist) | Gweld Ti Rownd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 01:47:21 | Duration 00:02:31 | Link |
Swci Boscawen (artist) | Min Nos Monterey | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:30:37 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Swci Boscawen (artist) | Min Nos Monterey | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:02:10 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Swci Boscawen (artist) | Min Nos Monterey | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:35:47 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Sywel Nyw (artist) | 10 Allan o 10 | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:52:20 | Duration 00:03:49 | Link |
Sywel Nyw (artist) | Amser Parti | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 01:54:00 | Duration 00:04:03 | Link |
Sywel Nyw (artist) | Amser Parti | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:24:26 | Duration 00:04:03 | Link |
Sywel Nyw (artist) | Amser Parti | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 01:29:11 | Duration 00:04:03 | Link |
Sywel Nyw (artist) | Amser Parti (instrumental) | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:39:07 | Duration 00:03:19 | Link |
Sywel Nyw (artist) | Crio Tu Mewn | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:30:08 | Duration 00:03:36 | Link |
Sywel Nyw (artist) | Dyfroedd Melys | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:07:07 | Duration 00:03:30 | Link |
Sywel Nyw (artist) | Pen Yn Y Gofod | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 00:50:02 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Be Bynnag Fydd | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:36:14 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Mynd A Dod | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:06:51 | Duration 00:03:54 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Paradis Disparu | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:24:19 | Duration 00:03:50 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Paradis Disparu | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:00:11 | Duration 00:03:50 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Theatr | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:08:29 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Uno, Cydio Tanio (Nate Williams Remix) | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:00:27 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Wyt Ti'n Clywed? | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:35:25 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Wyt Ti'n Clywed? | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 00:17:37 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Wyt Ti'n Clywed? | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 00:16:39 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Wyt Ti'n Clywed? | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:29:56 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Wyt Ti'n Clywed? | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:38:48 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Wyt Ti'n Clywed? | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 00:00:19 | Duration 00:04:00 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Wyt Ti'n Clywed? | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:13:48 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Wyt Ti'n Clywed? | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 00:17:12 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Sŵnami (artist) | Y Nos | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:31:29 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
T. Rex (artist) | I Love to Boogie | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:00:12 | Duration 00:02:11 | Link |
Tair Chwaer (artist) | Cymer Dy Siâr | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:00:45 | Duration 00:03:15 | Link |
Take That (artist) | Shine | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:21:50 | Duration 00:03:29 | Link |
Take That (artist) | These Days | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:42:45 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
Tant (artist) | I Ni | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 00:47:53 | Duration 00:02:45 | Link |
Tapestri (artist) | Arbed Dy Gariad | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:32:51 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Tapestri (artist) | Y Fflam | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 00:13:38 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Tara Bandito (artist) | Blerr | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:13:04 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Tara Bandito (artist) | Blerr | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 01:35:55 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Tara Bandito (artist) | Blerr | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:57:21 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Tara Bandito (artist) | Drama Queen | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:16:17 | Duration 00:03:45 | Link |
Tara Bandito (artist) | Rhyl | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 02:47:34 | Duration 00:03:13 | Link |
Tate McRae (artist) | she's all i wanna be | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:42:10 | Duration 00:03:27 | Link |
Tate McRae (artist) | uh oh (Clean) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:31:13 | Duration 00:02:50 | Link |
Tate McRae (artist) | uh oh (Clean) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:25:35 | Duration 00:02:50 | Link |
Taylor Swift (artist) | Anti-Hero | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 00:03:34 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Taylor Swift (artist) | Anti-Hero | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:43:43 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Tebot Piws (artist) | Helo Dymbo | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:12:12 | Duration 00:02:42 | Link |
Tecwyn Ifan (artist) | Can Unioni'r Cam | Richard Rees | 2022-11-19 | 05:30 | 00:25:39 | Duration 00:04:37 | Link |
Tecwyn Ifan (artist) | Dewines Endor | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 01:55:36 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Tecwyn Ifan (artist) | Diwrnod Newydd Arall | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:24:13 | Duration 00:03:01 | Link |
Tecwyn Ifan (artist) | Gweithred Gobaith | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 01:15:41 | Duration 00:03:38 | Link |
Tesni Jones (artist) | Gafael Yn Fy Llaw | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:35:47 | Duration 00:03:40 | Link |
Thallo (artist) | Pluo | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:07:36 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
Thallo (artist) | Pluo | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 01:56:58 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
The Afternoons (artist) | Gweld Y Golau | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 01:18:11 | Duration 00:03:29 | Link |
The Corrs (artist) | Breathless | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:32:22 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
The Gentle Good (artist) | Deuawd | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 01:37:10 | Duration 00:02:20 | Link |
The Jiri Nedoma Trio (artist) | I Wish I Knew How It Felt to Be Free (From "The BBC Film Programme") | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-25 | 14:00 | 00:09:57 | Duration 00:03:47 | Link |
The Laurie Johnson Orchestra (artist) | The Avengers | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:54:04 | Duration 00:02:19 | Link |
The Pussycat Dolls (artist) | Don't Cha | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 01:28:32 | Duration 00:04:32 | Link |
The Script (artist) | Hall Of Fame | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | 01:48:38 | Duration 00:03:21 | Link |
The Trials of Cato (artist) | Aberdaron | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:17:35 | Duration 00:04:31 | Link |
The Wanted (artist) | Glad You Came | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:30:40 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
The Weeknd (artist) | Save Your Tears | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 02:12:50 | Duration 00:03:37 | Link |
Tim Maia (artist) | É Necessário | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 01:06:53 | Duration 00:02:31 | Link |
Timothy Evans (artist) | Kara Kara | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:18:30 | Duration 00:03:55 | Link |
Tina Turner (artist) | What's Love Got To Do With It | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:10:46 | Duration 00:03:15 | Link |
Tiësto (artist) | Hot In It | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:10:43 | Duration 00:02:10 | Link |
Tocsidos Blêr (artist) | Ffarwel I'r Elwy | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 01:25:46 | Duration 00:03:39 | Link |
Tom Grennan (artist) | All These Nights | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:03:15 | Duration 00:02:33 | Link |
Tom Grennan (artist) | All These Nights | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:20:13 | Duration 00:02:33 | Link |
Tomos Heddwyn Griffiths (artist) | Gwenno Penygelli | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 01:16:51 | Duration 00:02:33 | Link |
Tones and I (artist) | Dance Monkey | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:03:39 | Duration 00:03:29 | Link |
Tonig (artist) | Iodlwr Gorau | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:51:48 | Duration 00:03:05 | Link |
Tony ac Aloma (artist) | Caffi Gaerwen | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 01:46:42 | Duration 00:02:45 | Link |
Tony ac Aloma (artist) | Cofion Gorau | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:44:47 | Duration 00:03:44 | Link |
Toploader (artist) | Dancing In The Moonlight | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:11:27 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Triawd Y Coleg (artist) | Beic Peni-ffardding Fy Nhaid | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-22 | 11:00 | 00:25:23 | Duration 00:02:34 | Link |
Trio (artist) | Mae Dy Serch Yn Fwy Na'r Cyfan | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 00:13:10 | Duration 00:03:35 | Link |
Trisgell (artist) | Gwin Beaujolais | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:48:46 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Tudur Huws Jones (artist) | Angor | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:24:44 | Duration 00:04:38 | Link |
Tudur Huws Jones (artist) | Angor | John Hardy | 2022-11-24 | 05:30 | 00:55:50 | Duration 00:04:38 | Link |
Tudur Huws Jones (artist) | Angor | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:58:29 | Duration 00:04:38 | Link |
Tudur Huws Jones (artist) | O Wrecsam I Fachynlleth | Ambell i Gân | 2022-11-20 | 19:00 | 00:19:03 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Tudur Morgan (artist) | O'r Pridd I'r Pridd | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:12:51 | Duration 00:03:02 | Link |
Tynal Tywyll (artist) | Lle Dwi Isho Bod | Tudur Owen | 2022-11-19 | 09:00 | 00:07:20 | Duration 00:04:02 | Link |
Tynal Tywyll (artist) | Mwy Neu Lai | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 01:57:55 | Duration 00:04:09 | Link |
Urdd Gobaith Cymru a TG Lurgan (artist) | Gwenwyn | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:20:06 | Duration 00:02:59 | Link |
Various Artists (artist) | O'r Nef Y Daeth | Yr Oedfa | 2022-11-20 | 12:00 | 00:11:06 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Village People (artist) | YMCA | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 02:09:38 | Duration 00:03:42 | Link |
VRï (artist) | March Glas | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:17:37 | Duration 00:02:46 | Link |
Welsh Whisperer (artist) | Bois Y JCB | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 00:26:54 | Duration 00:02:13 | Link |
Wesley Joseph (artist) | MONSOON | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:02:52 | Duration 00:02:54 | Link |
Westlife (artist) | Against All Odds (Take A Look at Me Now) | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-25 | 07:00 | 01:50:25 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Whitney Houston & Clean Bandit (artist) | How Will I Know | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:22:58 | Duration 00:03:33 | Link |
Whitney Houston & Clean Bandit (artist) | How Will I Know | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:02:32 | Duration 00:03:33 | Link |
Wigwam (artist) | Mynd A Dod | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:07:27 | Duration 00:04:18 | Link |
Wil Tân (artist) | Aelwyd Fy Mam | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 01:28:21 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Wil Tân (artist) | Aelwyd Fy Mam | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 01:54:27 | Duration 00:03:23 | Link |
Wil Tân (artist) | Un Llwybr | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 01:33:17 | Duration 00:04:11 | Link |
Willie Nelson (artist) | Old Friends | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 00:20:28 | Duration 00:03:27 | Link |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Requiem, K. 626: Recordare | Swyn y Sul | 2022-11-20 | 10:00 | 01:00:21 | Duration 00:04:59 | Link |
Y 4 Cabalero (artist) | Caraf Cymru | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 01:04:20 | Duration 00:02:14 | Link |
Y Bandana (artist) | Cân Y Tân | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 00:47:23 | Duration 00:04:18 | Link |
Y Bandana (artist) | Dant Y Llew | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:47:31 | Duration 00:02:50 | Link |
Y Bandana (artist) | Heno Yn Yr Anglesey | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 00:51:46 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Y Brithyll (artist) | Lleuad | Linda Griffiths | 2022-11-20 | 05:30 | 00:14:58 | Duration 00:02:36 | Link |
Y Brodyr Gregory (artist) | Ar Ôl Y Gwin | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 00:51:53 | Duration 00:02:58 | Link |
Y Cledrau (artist) | Cyfarfod O'r Blaen | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:22:45 | Duration 00:04:05 | Link |
Y Cledrau (artist) | Disgyn Ar Fy Mai | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 01:32:18 | Duration 00:03:13 | Link |
Y Cledrau (artist) | Hei Be Sy? | Caryl | 2022-11-23 | 21:00 | 01:17:12 | Duration 00:03:02 | Link |
Y Cledrau (artist) | Os Oes Cymaint o Drwbwl... | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:15:10 | Duration 00:03:08 | Link |
Y Cledrau (artist) | Swigen O Genfigen | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:05:23 | Duration 00:02:36 | Link |
Y Cyrff (artist) | Cymru, Lloegr A Llanrwst | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 02:27:44 | Duration 00:04:17 | Link |
Y Cyrff (artist) | Hwyl Fawr Heulwen | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:43:22 | Duration 00:04:20 | Link |
Y Cyrff (artist) | Seibiant | John Hardy | 2022-11-24 | 05:30 | 01:22:41 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |
Y Dail (artist) | O'n i'n Meddwl Bod Ti'n Mynd i Fod Yn Wahanol | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 00:44:03 | Duration 00:02:49 | Link |
Y Dail (artist) | Y Tywysog a'r Teigr | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:34:12 | Duration 00:03:30 | Link |
Y Derwyddon (artist) | Jac O Dŷ Coch | Ambell i Gân | 2022-11-20 | 19:00 | 00:16:43 | Duration 00:02:20 | Link |
Y Diliau (artist) | Ffair Ynys Hir | Huw Stephens | 2022-11-24 | 19:00 | 01:45:54 | Duration 00:02:55 | Link |
Y Nhw (artist) | Cwympo Mae Y Dail | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 00:29:57 | Duration 00:02:27 | Link |
Y Profiad (artist) | Dwi Methu Stopio Siarad Am Bel-Droed | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:09:04 | Duration 00:02:31 | Link |
Y Southalls (artist) | Ben Davies o Gastell Nedd | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 01:46:07 | Duration 00:02:48 | Link |
Y Southalls (artist) | Ben Davies o Gastell Nedd | John Hardy | 2022-11-25 | 05:30 | 00:53:27 | Duration 00:02:48 | Link |
Y Triban (artist) | Llwch Y Ddinas | John ac Alun | 2022-11-20 | 21:00 | 02:36:08 | Duration 00:03:45 | Link |
Y Trwynau Coch (artist) | Lipstics, Britvic A Sane Silc Du | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 00:57:35 | Duration 00:02:47 | Link |
Y Trwynau Coch (artist) | Pan Fo Cyrff Yn Cwrdd | John Hardy | 2022-11-23 | 05:30 | 00:34:29 | Duration 00:04:19 | Link |
Y Trwynau Coch (artist) | Wastod Ar Y Tu Fas | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 00:03:43 | Duration 00:03:52 | Link |
Years & Years (artist) | King | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 01:43:04 | Duration 00:03:35 | Link |
Ynyr Llwyd (artist) | Calon Ar Glo | John Hardy | 2022-11-24 | 05:30 | 00:08:38 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Ynyr Roberts (artist) | Modrwy Werdd | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 00:24:04 | Duration 00:03:33 | Link |
Ynys (artist) | Aros Am Byth | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:34:40 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Ynys (artist) | Aros Am Byth | Mirain Iwerydd | 2022-11-23 | 19:00 | 01:36:16 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Ynys (artist) | Aros Am Byth | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 01:54:25 | Duration 00:02:51 | Link |
Ynys (artist) | Tro Olaf | Georgia Ruth | 2022-11-22 | 19:00 | 01:09:34 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Ynys (artist) | Tro Olaf | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 00:39:11 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Yr Alarm (artist) | Tân | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-23 | 14:00 | 00:50:53 | Duration 00:04:26 | Link |
Yr Angen (artist) | Boi Bach Sgint | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-22 | 07:00 | 00:28:52 | Duration 00:04:19 | Link |
Yr Angen (artist) | Fel Na Fydd E | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 01:40:54 | Duration 00:03:33 | Link |
Yr Ayes (artist) | Dargludydd | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 01:07:10 | Duration 00:02:57 | Link |
Yr Eira (artist) | Angen Ffrind | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:49:16 | Duration 00:04:20 | Link |
Yr Eira (artist) | Canu Gwlad | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:55:40 | Duration 00:03:00 | Link |
Yr Eira (artist) | Elin | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | Duration 00:04:05 | Link | |
Yr Eira (artist) | Trysor | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-21 | 14:00 | 02:27:20 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
Yr Eira (artist) | Trysor | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 01:23:59 | Duration 00:03:34 | Link |
Yr Eira (artist) | Ymollwng | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-23 | 11:00 | 00:36:08 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Yr Hennessys (artist) | Rownd Yr Horn | Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-19 | 21:00 | 01:31:58 | Duration 00:02:18 | Link |
Yr Ods (artist) | Cariad (Dwi Mor Anhapus) | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 00:14:14 | Duration 00:02:21 | Link |
Yr Ods (artist) | Dadansoddi | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-24 | 14:00 | 02:28:04 | Duration 00:03:48 | Link |
Yr Ods (artist) | Gad Mi Lithro | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-23 | 09:00 | 01:41:39 | Duration 00:03:46 | Link |
Yr Ods (artist) | Pob Un Gair Yn Bôs | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:14:27 | Duration 00:03:16 | Link |
Yr Ods (artist) | Y Bêl Yn Rowlio | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:41:44 | Duration 00:04:40 | Link |
Yr Oria (artist) | Cyffur | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 02:27:18 | Duration 00:03:41 | Link |
Yr Oria (artist) | Theatr Propaganda | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:28:12 | Duration 00:03:01 | Link |
Yr Overtones (artist) | Ar Y Blaen | John Hardy | 2022-11-21 | 05:30 | 00:10:10 | Duration 00:03:06 | Link |
Yr Overtones (artist) | Dal Yn Dynn | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-21 | 11:00 | 01:34:16 | Duration 00:03:20 | Link |
Yr Overtones (artist) | Ond Yn Awr | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:32:20 | Duration 00:03:09 | Link |
Ysgol Glanaethwy (artist) | Alaw Mair | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 02:40:59 | Duration 00:05:27 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Anrheoli | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-20 | 07:00 | 00:00:32 | Duration 00:02:56 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Cân Creulon | John Hardy | 2022-11-22 | 05:30 | 00:06:13 | Duration 00:03:18 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Dau Fyd | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-22 | 09:00 | 01:43:51 | Duration 00:03:03 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Disgyn Am Yn Ol | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-19 | 07:00 | 00:21:26 | Duration 00:02:48 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Drwy Dy Lygid Di | Caryl | 2022-11-22 | 21:00 | 00:26:22 | Duration 00:03:30 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Mae 'Na Le | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-24 | 07:00 | 01:37:40 | Duration 00:03:02 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Neb Ar Ôl | Hywel Gwynfryn | 2022-11-20 | 15:00 | 00:04:30 | Duration 00:03:35 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Neb Ar Ôl | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-21 | 09:00 | 01:18:18 | Duration 00:03:35 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Ni Fydd y Wal | Bore Cothi | 2022-11-24 | 11:00 | 00:00:12 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Ni Fydd y Wal | Caryl | 2022-11-21 | 22:00 | 00:00:04 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Ni Fydd y Wal | Ifan Jones Evans | 2022-11-22 | 14:00 | 02:51:54 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Ni Fydd y Wal | Lauren Moore | 2022-11-25 | 18:00 | 02:40:47 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Ni Fydd y Wal | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-21 | 07:00 | 00:00:59 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Ni Fydd y Wal | Sioe Frecwast | 2022-11-23 | 07:00 | 00:18:01 | Duration 00:03:43 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Pan Ddaw Yfory | Lisa Gwilym | 2022-11-24 | 09:00 | Duration 00:02:33 | Link | |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Pan Ddaw Yfory | Nos Wener Ffion Emyr | 2022-11-25 | 21:00 | 00:02:18 | Duration 00:02:33 | Link |
Yws Gwynedd (artist) | Sebona Fi | Marc Griffiths | 2022-11-19 | 17:30 | 02:44:51 | Duration 00:03:26 | Link |