The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.
From the Pizzaro brothers, who pillaged Peru for Inca gold in the 16th century, to the modern-day Mponeng mine in South Africa, the deepest in the world, where the ghost miners illegally siphon off millions - the pursuit of gold has led to wars, insurrections, betrayals and bloodshed.
Matthew Hart charts a course through history and across continents to tell the story of the world's most coveted metal. Part history, part journalism and part economic analysis, Gold tells the story of a human obsession that shows no sign of abating.
In 2008, when the financial crisis rattled economies, investors inevitably resorted to the perceived safety of gold – and its price escalated from $800 to $1900 an ounce. This, in turn, accelerated the exploration for yet more gold.
Matthew Hart is a journalist, whose work has appeared in The Times, Granta, The Atlantic Monthly and The Globe and Mail. He has written two IMAX films, numerous TV documentaries, and appeared on CNN, Sixty Minutes and the National Geographic channel. His previous books include Diamond: The History Of A Cold-Blooded Love Affair, which was filmed as a documentary by ABC.
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service. BBC Radio 4 resumes at
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Y Y Rubinstein.
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.
Helen Mark explores the aviation heritage of Lincolnshire, a county criss-crossed with former airfields, and finds out how they are being used today.
She visits Woodhall Spa's airfield, once home to the Dambusters squadron and until recently, a sand and gravel quarry. Bordered by nature reserves, the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust aim to buy the airfield and return it to the heathland it once was, as described by local Victorian naturalist, Joseph Burdett-Davey. Evidence of its past remains in the form of concrete and tarmac runways, lakes which were formed by sand excavation and more surprisingly, alien plants that arrived on the kit of the Australian and New Zealand air-crews who worked here in the 1940s.
Helen meets Dora Garner who lived on the edge of the airfield in 1942. She recalls playing on the planes, writing messages on bombs in chalk, and one morning discovering the nose of a Lancaster bomber three yards from the bedroom window, after it slipped its moorings in the night.
Open Country takes a trip to the Aviation Heritage Centre at East Kirkby to meet Harold Panton and his family. Harold and his brother Fred built a chicken farm on the old runway there, which now sits side-by-side with their privately owned museum. It's the only place in the country where you can still take a taxy-ride in a Lancaster Bomber.
You could argue it's the world's most precious natural resource. Soil.
Farmers, whether they're growing cereals, vegetables or grass for livestock, would not exist without it. Charlotte Smith helps a soil scientist collect samples from a field near Swindon and tests its pH balance back at the lab. She speaks to soil health consultant Vince Gillingham from Courtyard Argiculture about how GPS mapping technology is helping farmers better care for their soil and increase yields at the same time. And she gets to grips with the science - how can you tell the difference between acidic and alkaline soils? And why does it matter?
We also look back over a week of 'soil coverage' on Farming Today. Anna Hill discusses the importance of studying soil biology, Sarah Swadling finds out how to farm microbes and Jules Benham checks out soil-friendly equipment at LAMMA - the UK's biggest agricultural machinery show.
Morning news and current affairs. Including Yesterday in Parliament, Sports Desk, Thought for the Day and Weather.
The Reverend Richard Coles and Aasmah Mir talk to singer/songwriter Tracey Thorn.
Musician Soweto Kinch offers a different vision of a city he's loved all his life - Birmingham.
Soweto often gets a surprised response when he tells people he's from Birmingham. For one, he doesn't have an accent. But also, as a successful jazz musician and hip hop star, the expectation is often that he should be living in London or New York - or almost anywhere except Birmingham.
But, for Soweto, Birmingham is a place of artistic endeavour and cultural significance on a par with any other major city. The city is where he served his cultural apprenticeship in jazz and hip hop. "The saxophone called me. I've never seen so many shiny keys. And the love affair continued from there."
He left to study history at Oxford but chose to make Birmingham his home. "The fact that I've stayed in Birmingham sets me apart from the other musicians in London - I can do everything from here. There's a camaraderie and respect that other musicians have for each other in Birmingham."
Soweto lives in a tower block in Hockley - it's been a place that's given him creative input for his albums and music. From his window he can see the Hockley Flyover, a space which was the scene of gang fights and crime. In 2009 Soweto decided to turn it into a festival venue.
"I've been proud of the fact we've redefined peoples' relationships to this space. It's a neglected area. I felt that more than any other area this expressed a lot of the innate contradictions we face in the black community in Britain. I wanted to reclaim the space and reclaim the stories."
Peter Oborne of the Daily Telegraph reflects on the anguish of Syria, the travails of the pub trade, Ed Miliband's favourite historian and the difference a whistleblower can make.
Reporters' despatches from around the world, introduced by Kate Adie. Today, Will Grant on the astonishing prevalence of guns in Central America: Josh Spero in Jerusalem asks how best to teach Israeli children about the Holocaust without traumatising them: Jake Wallis Simons witnesses friendship across the Muslim-Christian divide in Sierra Leone: Lina Sinjab returns to her home city of Damascus, where the once-vibrant cafe society is fast fading away: and in Toulouse, Chris Bockman discovers that the municipal bathhouse has become a virtual community centre.
HSBC has quietly imposed new rules on customers who want to take out large amounts of cash. Since November it asks customers who try to withdraw substantial sums what they are going to do with it and in some cases demands proof. We ask why these rules are being imposed and why they are not in the terms and conditions.
It's a delay not a cancellation. But there will be no Government cap on the cost of auto-enrolled pensions until at least 2015. Although the government remains "strongly minded to cap pension scheme charges in in the default funds used for automatic enrolment" a cap will "not be introduced before April 2015". Michelle Cracknell from the Pensions Advisory service tells us what it means.
Now that all major energy suppliers impose a standing charge as well as a unit price, people who use no gas but have a gas meter are paying around £100 a year for nothing. But how easy is it to get the meter removed? And are there other ways to avoid the standing charge? And what about low or high users - should they pick low or high standing charges?
If you have not even begun the process of registering to fill in your self-assessment form online it's too late to get the whole process done and get your form filed by the deadline - midnight on Friday 31 January. But you may not be fined if you miss it. If you register now you will get three months to file. However, any tax has to be paid 31 January even though you won't know how much it will be. And if you miss that deadline there could be tax penalties. Others who are already registered for self-assessment have to file by 31 January or face an automatic £100 penalty.
Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis are joined by special guests Lloyd Langford and Grace Petrie for a comic take on the week's news. With Jon Holmes and Laura Shavin.
Written by the cast with additional material from Andy Wolton, Sarah Morgan and Kev Cor. Produced by Colin Anderson.
Jonathan Dimbleby presents political debate and discussion from the Gwyn Hall in Neath, with the First Minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones, Jill Evans Plaid Cymru MEP for Wales, Conservative Vice Chairman for Campaigning, Michael Fabricant MP, and the former leader of the Liberal Party Lord Steel.
The state of education in Wales. Is there - as one questioner put it - too great an emphasis on the Welsh language to the detriment of wider standards?
And still with Wales, the state of the NHS. How does it compare to that of the rest of the Britain?
Also the 'moral responsibility' of the British government to be involved with taking in refugees from Syria.
Presented by Julian Worricker.
When a group of people meet on a back to work course they pool their various skills to steal a priceless Ming vase from an auction house and return it to its rightful owner. But just who is conning who in this action packed drama?
Producer ..... Sally Avens
Director ..... Marion Nancarrow
This is a caper with a conscience, a heist with a smile on its face. But the drama is firmly based in the real world; an elderly couple recently discovered they were using a Ming vase as an umbrella stand, Government plans include making jobless criminals spend one day a week searching for work and fraud in the UK has increased tenfold since the banking crisis. Paul Sellar weaves a fast-paced yarn around these facts to create a plot full of twists and turns.
The Composer Gabriel Prokofiev (grandson of Sergei Prokofiev) looks at the increasing disconnection between classical music and its audience. He investigates the argument that composers such as Schoenberg killed off 20th century classical music for all but a small elite audience.
Until the early 20th century, each composer of classical music developed his own style built on the traditions of previous composers. Then Arnold Schoenberg changed all this, by devising 'Serialism' where melodies were no longer allowed.
In the 1950s, composers such as Pierre Boulez created 'Total Serialism'. Every aspect of a piece of music - rhythms and loudness as well as notes - was rigidly controlled by a fixed formula.
And the sense of composers being remote from their audience was exacerbated by the elevation of musical performance to a kind of ritual.
But even at a time when Serialism gripped major parts of the classical music establishment, music that was overtly emotional was still being written by composers such as Shostakovich and Prokofiev in Russia. Ironically, in these countries, the State continued to support classical music, whereas in more liberal regimes in Europe it retreated to the intellectual margins.
Now the Serialist experiment has been largely abandoned and a whole new generation of composers - including Gabriel himself - is embracing popular culture, just as composers used to in the past when folk music or dance music were a major source of inspiration.
So has the death of classical music been exaggerated? Will it find new homes and new means of expression to attract the audiences of the future?
With contributions from Arnold Whittall, Stephen Johnson, Alexander Goehr, David Matthews, Ivan Hewett and Tansy Davies.
Sophie Ellis-Bextor on her new album Wanderlust, music, family and Strictly Come Dancing.
African singer-songwriter Angelique Kidjo talks to Jenni about her upbringing in Benin, human rights campaigning and her commitment to helping African women and girls fulfil their potential.
Part of our series looking at the working lives of mothers who have a child with a disability. Linda Roberts, mum of Paralympic gold medallist Jonnie Peacock, talks about the difficulties of 'letting go'. And 31 year old Chris Whitaker, who has Cerebral Palsy explains to Jane how important it is to lead an independent life.
What makes someone share the details of their cancer treatment with a wider audience? Jane talks to Dr Kate Granger and BBC Essex radio presenter Sadie Nine.
There is a new online petition to have Edith Cavell's image on a limited edition £2 marking the centenary of WW1, Cavell's biographer Diana Souhami discusses her life.
How do men feel about their body image, and how does it affect their self-esteem? Philippa Diedrichs, a psychologist at the Centre for Appearance Research at the University of the West of England, and Glen Jankowski, a researcher of body image from Leeds Metropolitan University discuss.
And we talk female fandom with broadcaster Ruth Barnes and psychologist Jo Hemmings.
Dan Croll, Lisa Dwan, Wayne Hemingway, Isaac Julien, Michael Paterniti, Peggy Sue
This week Clive Anderson asks designer and entrepreneur Wayne Hemingway about Being a Man. He's not being impertinent - it's the title of a weekend-long series of events at London's Southbank Centre, at which Wayne is speaking. What inspired him to take part?
Actress Lisa Dwan tells Clive about following in the footsteps of someone's muse - in this case Billie Whitelaw. Lisa's performance in a trilogy of Samuel Beckett's work quickly sold out at London's Royal Court Theatre, and has now transferred to the Duchess Theatre.
Clive talks to journalist and author Michael Paterniti about his latest book 'The Telling Room' based on Michael's experiences in a small Spanish village. He was captivated by the story of a wonderous cheese - one bite could conjure long-lost memories - but, Michael was told, things went horribly sour.
Nikki Bedi asks installation artist Isaac Julien about his latest work: 'Playtime' - set across three cities defined by their relationship to capital - London, Reykjavik and Dubai. What links this to Julien's previous work 'Ten Thousand Waves', a nine-screen film installation, inspired by the 2004 Morecambe Bay cockle-pickers tragedy?
Music from Peggy Sue who perform 'Longest Day Of The Year Blues' from their forthcoming album 'Choir of Echoes', and from Dan Croll who performs 'Home'.
A dramatic response to a story in the week's news. After a week in which the Lib-Dem's internal dispute over Lord Rennard's refusal to apologise for misconducts has spiralled, writer Fiona Evans takes us back to primary school, and to four newly elected candidates of the school council.
Twenty years ago to the day, two thieves entered the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, USA, and seized art including a Vermeer, three Rembrandts and a Manet, with a total current value of about £350 million. John Wilson reports from the Museum on this audacious robbery, which remains the single greatest property theft ever. Empty frames on the gallery walls remain a sad and constant reminder of the crime.
John talks to investigators from the Museum and the FBI still on the trail of the missing art, and hears the many theories about the possible perpetrators. Novelist Tracy Chevalier, who saw the Vermeer in the Museum before it was stolen, reflects on the part this painting played in her novel Girl With A Pearl Earring, and crime writer David Hosp discusses his fictional account of the crime and its aftermath in his new novel Among Thieves.
And despite the two decades since these art works disappeared from public view, John discovers that a happy ending is not out of the question.
BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson explores how Britain's prime ministers have used their power, responded to the challenges of their time and made the job what it is today.
Nick asks if history has been fair to Lord North, who is remembered as the prime minister who lost America.
When Mel went into the Big Brother house for the programme's first UK series, neither she nor the other contestants - or the production company behind the show - could anticipate the huge attention it would garner and the extent to which the media would pick up on the individuals involved. In this, the final part of 'A Life Less Ordinary' she describes how it felt to come out of the house and realise she'd been widely portrayed as a divisive flirt, and the impact the negative coverage had on not only her but also her family. Much of this negativity came from women journalists, and we also hear from Ruby, finalist in 'The Great British Bake Off' to hear how her experiences of both traditional and social media led her to write an angry retort in her own Guardian article against sexist coverage. Mel considers the extent to which signing up for a show makes participants in reality tv 'fair game' for reporters, talks with journalists who wrote about her time in the house - and also Jonny Mitchell, head of the Thornhill Academy - subject of the hugely successful series Educating Yorkshire, to hear his description of the positive opportunities the programme and the related media attention have offered not only him and his staff but also his pupils.
John Irving's best selling novel of lunacy and sorrow is dramatised by Linda Marshall Griffiths.
Jenny becomes a nurse again as she helps Garp to piece his life back together following the tragic car accident. Battling with loss and heartbreak, Garp finds salvation in his writing until violent and unexpected events strike.
This is the concluding episode of a three part dramatisation of a novel that is both acclaimed for its originality, and controversial for its dark representation of gender politics and sexual violence. Published in 1978 it went on to win the US National Book Award and was made into a film in 1982, it placed Irving firmly on the map as a leading novelist.
Dramatist Linda Marshall Griffiths adapted Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany for Radio 4 in 2009.
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4, followed by weather.
From Cain and Abel to today, Mariella Frostrup and guests explore sibling rivalry, how parents should deal with it and whether it can be ended.
Recent reports suggest sibling rivalry can have an even more sinister impact - what starts out as simple bickering can become sibling bullying with traumatic and long-lasting effects.
Joining Mariella to discuss the issues are Professor Juliet Mitchell from Jesus College Cambridge, a literature scholar and an expert in the field of psychoanalysis, who's currently working on a book about siblings in Shakespeare.
Professor Dieter Wolke from the Department of Psychology at the University of Warwick , who's been researching sibling relationships for many years. He is shortly to publish work on sibling bullying.
Karen Doherty, co-author of the parent's guide Sibling Rivalry, Seven Simple Solutions,
And Tim Lott, a journalist on the Guardian's Family section and writer whose book "Under the Same Stars" was based on his often fraught relationship with his older brother.
Russell Davies asks the questions in the seventh heat of the nationwide general knowledge quiz.
Roger McGough begins a new series with requests for poems by Christina Rossetti. Shirley Henderson gives a beguiling rendition of what is arguably Rossetti's most famous poem 'Goblin Market', published in 1862. It is a heady fairy tale about temptation involving two sisters, Laura and Lizzie. The poem has a sexual undertone and a menacing quality that lurks among the persistent pleas of the fruit selling Goblin men to 'come buy, come buy.' Visits to your greengrocer may never be the same again. There is also a reading of another of Rossetti's much requested and moving poems 'Remember,' as well as a lesser known poem of pilgrimage, 'Up-hill'.
SUN 00:00 Midnight News (b03s661w)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.
SUN 00:30 Jennifer Egan - Emerald City and Other Stories (b01fhp9l)
Emerald City
2011 was a phenomenal year for the young American author, Jennifer Egan. Her novel, 'A Visit From The Goon Squad' became a run-away bestseller and went on to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
In her first collection of short stories, entitled Emerald City, the stories are a pithy and sometimes poignant look at contemporary life in the United States. Young and middle-aged characters change, grow and regret in a series of tales that traverse the United States and the state of modern marriage, parenting and ambition.
Today's title story, Emerald City, examines the allure and the disappointments of life among the trend-setters of New York, where fashionistas scrabble for fame and fortune and where realities hit hard.
The Reader is Andrew Scott
The Abridger is Miranda Davies
The Producer is Di Speirs.
SUN 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b03s661y)
The latest shipping forecast.
SUN 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b03s6622)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service. BBC Radio 4 resumes at
SUN 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b03s6624)
The latest shipping forecast.
SUN 05:30 News Briefing (b03s6626)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.
SUN 05:43 Bells on Sunday (b03s67p0)
St Mary and St Chad, Brewood, Staffordshire
The bells of St Mary and St Chad, Brewood in Staffordshire.
SUN 05:45 Four Thought (b03qg8bk)
Series 4
Emile Simpson
Former soldier Emile Simpson draws on his experience in Afghanistan to argue that we need to rethink the way we fight wars now the boundary with politics has been blurred.
Four Thought is a series of thought-provoking talks in which the speakers tell personal stories that give rise to their thinking on the trends, ideas, interests and passions that affect culture and society.
Presenter: David Baddiel
Producer: Sheila Cook.
SUN 06:00 News Headlines (b03s6628)
The latest national and international news.
SUN 06:05 Something Understood (b03s69dg)
Moving with God
Mark Tully discusses the relationship between dance and spirituality. Both movement and specifically dance are part of the rich history of spirituality, but somehow this is often overlooked.
Mark Tully aims to redress the balance by investigating the relationship between the movement and dance and the transience of spirituality. He asks how physicality can play a part in formal worship and looks at dance as a metaphor for divine philosophy. He also talks to choreographer and dancer Akram Khan about his theories on the spirituality of movement and the ability of dance to cross cultural and religious borders.
The readings include poetry ranging from W. B. Yeats to Rumi, and there's music from Leonard Cohen to Stravinsky.
The readers are Adjoa Andoh and Michael Feast.
Producer: Frank Stirling
A Unique production for BBC Radio 4
SUN 06:35 On Your Farm (b03s69dj)
The Finlay family has worked the land at Rainton Farm, near Gatehouse of Fleet in Galloway, south west Scotland, for more than a century. Attitudes towards the land have changed enormously over the years, and two members of the family still working on the farm are living reminders of that. James Finlay is ninety and his aim, on returning to the farm after World War Two, was to wring the maximum from the land. His entire focus was to change boggy unproductive pasture into good grazing for sheep, removing trees and scrub and draining wet areas. His son David, who now runs the farm, has built on what his father achieved but in some instances this has meant actively reversing his work and taking a very different approach. Along with his wife Wilma, whom he credits with much of the vision behind the success of Rainton, David has planted broadleaf woodland where once James cut down trees, let bogland return to its natural state while intensifying production in other corners of the farm, and has opened the farm to the public, welcoming seventy thousand visitors a year. He's now rethinking the way in which he milks the herd. Best-known for their ice cream, the Finlays are now moving towards cheese production, anxious to continue to innovate. They are perfecting a system which allows calves to stay with their mothers to feed, rather than being bucket-fed from birth - and, to their great surprise, they are now looking forward to bigger calves, calmer cows with longer lives, and a healthier herd. While fellow farmers and scientists have derided this approach, David suggests that, globally, we simply cannot allow ourselves to continue to farm in the same old ways. The time for that has run out.
SUN 06:57 Weather (b03s662b)
The latest weather forecast.
SUN 07:00 News and Papers (b03s662d)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.
SUN 07:10 Sunday (b03s69dl)
Clergy safety; Anti-nuclear nun; Secrets of the ark
In a special report Kevin Bocquet investigates clergy safety and asks what kind of safety provisions are made for those working ministry.
As the fires of protest continue to burn in the Ukraine we explore the role the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate has played in the political unrest, from sheltering demonstrators to leading hymns in Independence Square.
Trevor Barnes visits the British museum to meet Dr Irving Finkel who has deciphered the secrets of the ark in the recently discovered Babylonian cuneiform tablet.
As the world's economic and business elites gather in Davos the first church bank opens in Kent. William talks to the Bishop of Dover, Trevor Wilmott, about the project and what difference it might make.
Its 70 years since the ordination of the first women priest, a Chinese Anglican whose faith was oppressed for much of her life. Christian Rees talks to William about Rev Dr Florence Lim Tim-Oi.
Is there such a thing as a religious vote in the UK? William Crawley discusses that question with Maria Sobolewska, a Lecturer in Politics at the University of Manchester and Nick Spencer Research Director at Theos, as a report sheds new light on the subject.
The New York Times described it as "the biggest security breach" in the nation's atomic history. Matt Wells reports on the 83 year old American nun facing up to 20 years in prison for a protest at a nuclear weapons facility.
Producers: Catherine Earlam and Carmel Lonergan
Series Producer: Amanda Hancox.
SUN 07:55 Radio 4 Appeal (b03s69dn)
The Simon Community
Alexei Sayle presents the Radio 4 Appeal for The Simon Community.
Reg Charity: 283938
To Give:
- Freephone 0800 404 8144
- Freepost BBC Radio 4 Appeal, mark the back of the envelope 'The Simon Community'.
SUN 07:57 Weather (b03s662g)
The latest weather forecast.
SUN 08:00 News and Papers (b03s662j)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.
SUN 08:10 Sunday Worship (b03s69dq)
Along Paths of Memory
a reflection for Holocaust Memorial Day with the Rev'd Ruth Scott who explores how the memories of survivors and their experience draw us into a complex and sometimes disturbing understanding of what it is to be truly human.
SUN 08:48 A Point of View (b03qfzh9)
Self-Drive Manhood
Adam Gopnik hails the development of the self-drive car as the way to rescue his male identity after years as a non driver. He also muses on the need for such cars to have "ethical engines" capable of moral judgements.
Producer: Sheila Cook.
SUN 08:58 Tweet of the Day (b03mzv53)
Mandarin Duck
Tweet of the Day is a series of fascinating stories about our British birds inspired by their calls and songs.
Chris Packham presents the story of the Mandarin Duck. A drake mandarin has orange whiskers, red bill, a broad creamy eye-stripe and an iridescent purple chest, set off by a pair of extraordinary curved orange wing feathers which stand up like a boat's sails. Today there are seven thousand birds living in the wild and the numbers are increasing.
SUN 09:00 Broadcasting House (b03s69ds)
Sunday morning magazine programme with news and conversation about the big stories of the week. Presented by Paddy O'Connell.
SUN 10:00 The Archers Omnibus (b03s69dv)
For detailed synopses, see daily episodes.
SUN 11:15 Desert Island Discs (b03p8wdc)
Sir Ben Ainslie
Kirsty Young's castaway this week is the sailor Sir Ben Ainslie.
Eleven times World and 9 times European Champion he's also the most successful sailor in Olympic history.
As he crossed the finishing line at the London 2012 Games, winning his fourth gold, the crowd gave a rousing rendition of Rule Britannia: indeed he rules the waves with such a ruthless will to win it seems somewhat contradictory that on dry land he comes across as an unassuming bloke from Cornwall.
He was eight when, in a duffle coat and wellies, he made his first solo journey in a little wooden boat. Ever since sailing has been his obsession. He's brave, strong and skilled, but it's his tactical nouse and maverick streak that sets him apart. In last year's America's Cup he turned a 1-8 defeat into a 9-8 win for the US. Whether he can do the same for his home team may be his next big challenge.
He says, "The desire to win is still the same as ever ... if it wasn't there, that would be a worry. Motivation has never really been a problem for me."
Producer: Cathy Drysdale.
SUN 12:00 The Unbelievable Truth (b03q6crl)
Series 12
Episode 4
David Mitchell hosts the panel game in which four comedians are encouraged to tell lies and compete against one another to see how many items of truth they're able to smuggle past their opponents. Lloyd Langford, Lucy Porter, Tom Wrigglesworth and Fred MacAulay are the panellists obliged to talk with deliberate inaccuracy on subjects as varied as women, Japan, owls and potatoes.
The show is devised by Graeme Garden and Jon Naismith, the team behind Radio 4's I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue.
Producer: Jon Naismith
A Random Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.
SUN 12:32 The Food Programme (b03s6jtq)
Greek Yogurt: a global love affair
In the Great Taste Awards last year, a yogurt from a small British dairy beat over 10,000 competitors to win the Supreme Champion title. This surprised many, not least because it was a simple, plain, 'Greek-style' yogurt.
This type of fermented milk product, often strained to remove whey, is a relative newcomer in the UK - but is on the rise. In fact, Greek and Greek-style yogurt is the fastest growing sector of the UK yogurt market. It has also been at the centre of a High Court battle, an American health craze and a multi-billion dollar yogurt war.
In this edition of the Food Programme, Sheila Dillon discovers the secrets of making this thick, creamy... and delicious cultured food. It was originally made in this country by immigrants such as the founders of Tim's Dairy, now run by four brothers whose Greek Cypriot uncle started making yogurt in a small London workshop in 1949, and now make around five to ten thousand litres of Greek-style yogurt a day.
Collete and David Strachan are dairy farmers, but after losing cows (even though none were infected) during BSE and with the price of milk spiralling ever downward, the future of their Suffolk farm was in question. Ten years ago they started to experiment with yogurt-making, and along the way, as Sheila discovers, they have been joined by two of their children James and Katherine- and it's their plain Greek-style yogurt made at Marybelle Dairy that has just won the Supreme Champion award.
So what is 'Greek' yogurt? With the help of BBC producer Aylin Bozyap-Hannen who learnt how to make yogurt from her Turkish mother, Sheila reveals a traditional, regional food that has been on an incredible, controversial, and tasty journey.
Producer: Rich Ward.
SUN 12:57 Weather (b03s662l)
The latest weather forecast.
SUN 13:00 The World This Weekend (b03s6jts)
Why children with mental health issues end up being detained in police cells? We speak to England's health minister Norman Lamb. As the Prime Minister calls for an increase in productivity - we ask why the British are less productive than the Italians. Plus, as private enterprises aim to get to the moon, we ask if there's a need for lunar regulation. Presented by Shaun Ley.
SUN 13:30 Declared Interests: The Business of Politics (b03q6crs)
Our politicians are now required to declare many of the outside interests that they have. There are registers for the Lords, the Commons and all the political parties. But is that enough?
Owen Bennett Jones explores the business of members' declared interests, Lords on boards, party funding, All Party Parliamentary Groups, sponsored assistants, and gifts. Owen reports on the ways in which outside interests try to gain access to the corridors of power without anyone breaking the rules. He considers whether the declaration of an interest is sufficient to ensure that no one is "buying" our political leaders.
In 2010, David Cameron said that lobbying was 'the next scandal waiting to happen' - but it has been going on for decades in a system that sanctions and encourages outside interests to come inside parliament. Can the government's proposed lobbying bill realistically turn back the tide? The current parliamentary system emphasises transparency - if it's properly declared, then by and large it is legal - but is it ethical and good for democracy?
Producer: Gemma Newby
A Goldhawk production for BBC Radio 4.
SUN 14:00 Gardeners' Question Time (b03qfzgq)
Correspondence at Sparsholt
Peter Gibbs hosts from the GQT potting shed at Sparsholt College as Chris Beardshaw, Bob Flowerdew and Pippa Greenwood tackle listeners' questions sent in by post, email and social media.
Matthew Wilson goes to meet the original gorilla gardener, Richard Reynolds, to explore an urban forest in the depths of a London council estate.
Produced by Victoria Shepherd.
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4.
This week's questions:
Q. I have a large, noticeable dip in my garden, which often floods after heavy rainfall. It does drain but as it is clay soil it is a very slow process. I have been told I should fill it in, could the panel suggest plants to use to make a feature of this area?
A. Hostas and Astilbe would grow well in both damp and boggy areas. Marsh Marigolds and Bog Irises are also recommended in wetter areas. Blackcurrant plants are resistant to water logging.
Q. Could the panel suggest plants that would thrive on the Hampshire Downs under the shade of large conifers and would be relatively easy to maintain?
A. Native Bluebells may work - however, there is a possibility the soil may be too dry in a dry, shaded environment. Another more unusual suggestion would be Paris Quadrifolia which has a small central flower and will spread naturally. Daphne Laureola, an evergreen with a scented small flower, cyclamen and wooden Anemones should also grow well.
Q. Why does some Ivy flower and not others?
A. As a young plant Ivy is in what is known as a 'juvenile state', during which it is full of vigour and energy and upward ascendancy. Whilst in this youthful state the plant will not flower. However once the Ivy reaches the point of maturity (which usually means it has run out of enthusiasm or support to continue growing) it will engage in a different mode of growth habit, the leaves will get larger and flowers should grow.
Q. Do the panel have any suggestions for a brown, carbon-rich material to use in my compost heap now that newspapers are read online?
A. Office waste would be a good substitute. Baled straw or sawdust would also work. Cardboard boxes would be great because worms love the glue. Consider adjusting the compost content by putting on dry deciduous foliage. Hay crop would also be a great natural option.
Q. Could the panel suggest a tree to replace a Norway Spruce in our southwest facing and exposed garden, 800ft (250m) up on the south edge of the Derbyshire Peak District? We would love a fruit tree.
A. Damson should be able to take on the conditions the location presents. It may not fruit for several years due to wind and frost, but when it does it could be a good crop. Plus, you get the spring blossom and Damsons tend to hang on until the autumn unlike plums. Another suggestion would be to try one of the Amalancier trees because they are wind resistant and have a large spring display of blossom. Finally Malus and Prunus are worth considering, particularly the Malus Tschonoskii, which is not a fruiting form but you will get early season flowers and great autumn colours. For something narrower try the Prunus Hillieri Spire or a Grayswood Ghost Birch. Or if you would like to grow from seed try the Hunza Apricot.
SUN 14:45 Witness (b03s6jtv)
Tunnelling Under the Berlin Wall
In 1964 a group of West German students helped more than 50 people escape from East Berlin through a tunnel that they had dug under the Berlin Wall. Joachim Neumann and Ralph Kabisch were two of the students who did the digging - Joachim's wife Christa was one of the people they helped to flee.
SUN 15:00 The Barchester Chronicles (b03s6jtx)
Anthony Trollope's The Warden
Anthony Trollope's The Warden, dramatised by Michael Symmons Roberts
The Warden is the first story in a series of dramatisations of Anthony Trollope's Barchester Chronicles.
The gentle Mr Harding finds his peaceful life disrupted when his would be son-in-law John Bold calls into question the large income he receives as warden of Barchester alms house. Mr Harding's daughter Eleanor is equally shocked and upset by her suitor's actions and she sets out to discover why the man she loves wants to injure someone as well respected and loved as her mild mannered father.
Mrs Baxter .... Maggie Steed
Mr Harding .... Tim Pigott-Smith
Bishop Grantly .... Andrew Sachs
Eleanor .... Claire Price
John Bold .... Bryan Dick
Archdeacon Grantly .... Malcolm Sinclair
Susan Grantly .... Charlotte Emmerson
Mary Bold .... Georgie Fuller
Bunce .... Sean Murray
Abel Handy .... Nick Brimble
Tom Towers .... David Seddon
Directed by Susan Roberts
Produced by Charlotte Riches
The Barchester Chronicles are Anthony Trollope's much-loved series of witty, gently satirical stories of provincial life set within the fictional cathedral town of Barchester and the surrounding county of Barsetshire. With a focus on the lives, loves and tribulations of the local clergy and rural gentry, the canvas is broad and colourful, with a wonderful set of iconic characters whose lives we become intimately involved in as they grow up, grow old and fall in or out of love and friendship across the years.
SUN 16:30 Poetry Please (b03s6jv1)
Bernard O'Donoghue, Helen Mort and Paul Farley reading their own work
Roger McGough presents listeners' poetry requests. With Bernard O'Donoghue, Helen Mort and Paul Farley reading their own work.
Bernard O'Donoghue's poems include his translation of some of Piers Plowman as well as moving and beautifully observed poems about personal relationships. There's the pain of missed opportunity in poems like Ter Conatus, about a brother and sister who have lived together all their lives. Bernard also has a poem that was written in dedication to a Poetry Please listener, Morag Morris.
Rising poetry star Helen Mort makes her debut with a lovely poem in honour of a music hall comic from Sheffield called Stainless Stephen, and she reads others from her collection Division Street.
Paul Farley also reads his work, including an atmospheric poem about listening in the dark.
Producer: Sarah Langan.
SUN 17:00 File on 4 (b03q8z4f)
Default by Design?
Last month a report by a government advisor, Lawrence Tomlinson, accused The Royal Bank of Scotland of forcing some viable businesses into insolvency. The Bank has denied Tomlinson's claims and has asked a leading law firm to carry out an independent investigation. With their findings due to be published shortly, File on 4 assesses the evidence.
Jane Deith speaks to families who claim their companies were unfairly forced to the wall and their lives ruined as a result of the actions of the Bank's Global Restructuring Group.
Billed as the equivalent of an intensive care unit designed to help nurse distressed businesses back to health, did the Global Restructuring Group kill some of them off instead? And was RBS able to profit as a result?
With a rising tide of complaints against the taxpayer-owned bank, the Financial Conduct Authority is beginning its own investigation.
So, was RBS being predatory or prudent?
Reporter: Jane Deith
Producer: Nicola Dowling.
SUN 17:40 From Fact to Fiction (b03s65n6)
[Repeat of broadcast at
19:00 on Saturday]
SUN 17:54 Shipping Forecast (b03s662n)
The latest shipping forecast.
SUN 17:57 Weather (b03s662q)
The latest weather forecast.
SUN 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b03s662s)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.
SUN 18:15 Pick of the Week (b03s6jv3)
If your idea of a pleasant tune is the skippy frippery of Strauss waltz then Arnold Schoenberg may not be your idea of a harmonious night in. So was the Austrian, avant garde composer responsible for killing off classical music? We ask - you decide.
And for those who remember reading Germaine Greer's seminal work, The Female Eunuch, songwriter Tracey Thorn offers a latter-day perspective on the book's critique of motherhood.
We're also out and about watching sheep graze in Hyde Park, Warrior Druids heading for Stonehenge, and a young Italian anarchist planning dark deeds on the piazza.
That's just some of the dishes on offer in Pick Of The Week's rich audio feast, and not forgetting Amy Winehouse who'll be singing at the banquet.
Word Of Mouth - Radio 4 21st Jan
The Human Zoo - Radio 4 21st Jan
Who Killed Classical Music? - Radio 4 21st Jan
One Day In Winter - Radio 4 20th Jan
Open Country - Radio 4 23rd Jan
Book at Bedtime : Dissident Gardens - Radio 4 All-week
The Time Being : Closer - Radio 4 24th Jan
A Shepherd In London : Flocking to Shelfidges - Radio 4 19th Jan
Mark Steel's In Town : St Davids - Radio 4 22 Jan
North By Northamptonshire - Radio 4 20th Jan
The Essay : The Book That Changed Me - Radio 3 All-week
Germany's New Children - Radio 4 24th Jan
Book of the Week : The Race for the World's Most Seductive Metal - Radio 4 All-week
Trollope - Radio 4 23rd Jan
Johnnie Walker's Long Players - Radio 2 23rd Jan
SUN 19:00 The Archers (b03s6jv5)
Peggy has a quiet moment by Jack's grave with Jennifer. They discuss how uncomfortable Hazel made the funeral. When Peggy worries about Helen's single status, Jennifer's forced to reveal that in fact she's seeing Rob Titchener. Peggy doesn't understand because he's married. She wonders why no-one told her before.
Unaware of this, Pat suggests Tony should tell Peggy about Rob, but he refuses. They go to the Bull to take their minds off things, but Jazzer's hung-over tales of Burns Night with Tom do nothing to cheer them up. Tony's mournful about his childhood growing up in the pub. When Pat points out he's supported Peggy through some difficult times, Tony says she doesn't seem to appreciate it. Matters are made worse when Jennifer confesses that she had to tell Peggy about Helen and Rob.
Later at Peggy's, Pat says the news about Helen must have been a shock. However, that isn't why she's there. She broaches Peggy's decision about her estate, but is interrupted by Helen phoning. Helen thanks Peggy for her generosity and arranges a visit with Rob.
Peggy stands by her decision about her will. Pat and Tony have brought the farm so far. But it's Tom and Helen's vision which is important now.
SUN 19:15 Warhorses of Letters (b03s6jv7)
Series 3
Episode 3
Comedy by Robbie Hudson and Marie Phillips
Stephen Fry and Daniel Rigby star as Napoleon's horse Marengo and Wellington's horse Copenhagen in the moving epistolary tale of two horses deeply in love but sundered by history. With an introduction by Tamsin Greig.
This week artistic differences threaten to destroy our heroes' love for each-other as both attempt to find fame as writers. But is the literary horse public ready for Marengo's experimental, Proustian and incredibly long exploration of what it is to be a horse? Or is there more of a market for Copenhagen's rather racier "Fifty Shades of Hay"?
Produced by Gareth Edwards.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2014.
SUN 19:30 Political Animals (b01m5nt0)
Series 1
Sybil, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office 2007 to 2008, reflects on her troubled life with Gordon and Alistair.
Series of scurrilous talks given by well-known, if unreliable, Downing Street cats, who relate their trials and tribulations under four different Prime Ministers.
Starring Tracy Wiles.
Written by Tony Bagley.
Director: Marc Beeby
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 2012.
SUN 19:45 A Shepherd in London (b03s6jv9)
Looking for Angels
Episode 2: Looking for Angels by Sarah Salway
In the 1920s and 30s, sheep were used in London parks to keep the grass down. Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Clapham Common and Hampstead Heath all had sheep grazing on them, and there was much competition between shepherds to get their flocks chosen for the privilege. There was considerable profit to be made too - for when they were good and fat, the sheep were herded to Smithfield Meat Market to be prepared for the table.
In Looking for Angels, writer Sarah Salway has George Donald, a shepherd from Aberdeenshire, visit an Open Air School for children with TB, which existed on Clapham Common in the 1920s. Accompanied by his flock (and his faithful dog Birk), George befriends both staff and pupils, including a young schoolmaster suffering from shell shock, and a Cockney girl who proves herself an able shepherdess.
Reader: Bill Paterson
Producer: David Blount
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.
SUN 20:00 More or Less (b03qfzgx)
Counting the contribution of immigrants
Now the initial furore about Romanian and Bulgarian people being allowed to work in the UK has subsided, what does a more detailed look at immigration statistics tell us about the benefits, or otherwise, of welcoming overseas citizens? The picture is mixed, More or Less discovers.
"Today, by the age of 60, more than twice as many women as men are single," according to a recent article in The Guardian. "Older men are often living with younger women, which is why twice as many young men as young women live alone," author Lynne Segal wrote. Can this be right? Charlottle McDonald investigates.
Do two large glasses of wine triple your risk of mouth cancer, as claimed on an NHS leaflet spotted by a sceptical listener? Tim Harford examines the difficulties of extracting smoking from the equation.
Surprising as this may seem, one of the world's best tennis players of all time, Roger Federer, is also the worst ranked player on one scale. The scoring system makes it possible to lose a match despite winning more points, and Federer has lost the highest percentage of these types of games. Tim speaks to sports number-cruncher Ryan Rodenberg about why this might be the case.
Presenter: Tim Harford
Producer: Ruth Alexander.
SUN 20:30 Last Word (b03qfzgv)
Lord McAlpine, Jocelyn Hay, Amiri Baraka, Sir Christopher Chataway, Claudio Abbado
Matthew Bannister on
Lord McAlpine, the colourful bon viveur who raised millions for the Conservative Party.
Jocelyn Hay, who founded the pressure group Voice of the Listener and Viewer to campaign for high quality public service broadcasting.
Amiri Baraka, the African American poet who was influenced by jazz and blues.
Sir Christopher Chataway, the successful long distance runner who became a government minister.
And the conductor Claudio Abbado, who led some of the world's greatest orchestras.
Producer: Simon Tillotson.
SUN 21:00 Money Box (b03s645z)
[Repeat of broadcast at
12:00 on Saturday]
SUN 21:26 Radio 4 Appeal (b03s69dn)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:55 today]
SUN 21:30 In Business (b03qflj0)
Peter Day travels to Cork in Ireland to find out what life is really like in a country just recently released from the constraints of an EU bailout.
SUN 22:00 Westminster Hour (b03s6k26)
Weekly political discussion and analysis with MPs, experts and commentators.
SUN 22:45 What the Papers Say (b03s6k28)
Kevin Maguire of the Daily Mirror looks at how newspapers covered the week's biggest stories.
SUN 23:00 The Film Programme (b03qflhm)
Meryl Streep; Oscar Isaac; Sundance festival; National Trust film locations
Francine Stock talks to Meryl Streep about her role as vicious matriarch in August: Osage County, based on a widely-praised play by Tracy Letts. Streep has picked up a record 18th Oscar nomination for the part, starring alongside Julia Roberts, Ewan McGregor and Juliette Lewis. The plot follows a family gathering to bury the head of the family after his suicide. Meryl describes how she revels in the freedom of playing a character without limits and discusses her next project Into the Woods, which has been filming in Richmond Park, London.
The National Trust provides a surprisingly diverse range of film locations from elf cottages to Russian love nests. Film Unit Manager Harvey Edgington shows us around, including Ham House which has featured in Anna Karenina and A Little Chaos.
Plus Oscar Isaac on playing a failing folk musician in the latest offering from the Coen Brothers, Inside Llewyn Davis. He explains why it was so important to play the music live himself and why it's never fun working with cats..
The critic Catherine Bray picks up on the highlights of the Sundance Festival which aims to promote the best of independent film making. She praises Frank, starring Michael Fassbender, The Trip to Italy the new outing from Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan as well as Skeleton Twins, starring Kristen Wiig.
SUN 23:30 Something Understood (b03s69dg)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:05 today]
MON 00:00 Midnight News (b03s663x)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.
MON 00:15 Thinking Allowed (b03q9q2n)
Why Music Matters?; Bhangra and Belonging
Why Music Matters: David Hesmondhalgh, Professor of Music and Media Industries, examines the role of music in our lives and the ways in which it enriches people and society, or fails to do so. What is music's political and social significance beyond the pleasure it brings? He's joined by Caspar Melville, Lecturer in Global Creative and Cultural Industries. Also, 'Bhangra and Belonging': Falu Bakrania, US lecturer in Race and Resistance Studies, discusses her research into the social life of British Asian musical culture in the late 90s. From Bhangra to Asian underground, she talked to the male artists and female club goers. What impact did this musical explosion have on British Asian identity?
Producer: Jayne Egerton.
MON 00:45 Bells on Sunday (b03s67p0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
05:43 on Sunday]
MON 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b03s663z)
The latest shipping forecast.
MON 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b03s6641)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.
MON 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b03s6643)
The latest shipping forecast.
MON 05:30 News Briefing (b03s6645)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.
MON 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b03sgp24)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Y Y Rubinstein.
MON 05:45 Farming Today (b03s6mdm)
Apples, Eggs, Breakfast
The very wet weather is causing problems for apple growers. It leaves trees "drowning" and vulnerable to diseases like canker. It comes as some producers are also struggling to sell the bumper crop from last year's late harvest, a glut again caused by the vagaries of the British weather. We hear from one grower in Gloucestershire, who says the weather is giving his trees the equivalent of trench foot!
Free-range egg producers are looking at a price drop from one of the country's biggest egg packing companies. We ask what it will mean for farmers.
And it's farmhouse breakfast week. Charlotte Smith finds out about a campaign to tell people where the food they start the day with starts its journey.
Presented by Charlotte Smith and produced by Emma Campbell.
MON 05:56 Weather (b03s6647)
The latest weather forecast for farmers.
MON 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b03mzv7x)
Tweet of the Day is a series of fascinating stories about our British birds inspired by their calls and songs.
Chris Packham presents the story of the shoveler. Swimming in circles, their huge beaks trawling the surface, shovelers do the job of baleen whales on our lakes and ponds. In winter our shoveler population is boosted by Continental birds. They're rather shy though and you're not likely to see them taking bread on the park lake!
MON 06:00 Today (b03s6mdp)
Morning news and current affairs. Including Sports Desk; Weather; Thought for the Day.
MON 09:00 Start the Week (b03s6mdr)
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies
Tom Sutcliffe talks to the celebrated composer, Sir Peter Maxwell Davies on the eve of the premier of his tenth symphony. His latest work creates a musical structure based on architectural proportions, inspired by the 17th century architect Francesco Borromini. Waldemar Januszczak turns to the 18th century and Rococo for his inspiration, and looks at how this artistic movement spread from painting and interior design, to music and theatre. The environment, both built and natural, is key to Trevor Cox's study of sound as he listens intently to the cacophony around us. While the psychologist Victoria Williamson explores our relationship with music, including why we're prone to earworms, certain rhythms repeating endlessly in our heads.
Producer: Katy Hickman.
MON 09:45 Book of the Week (b03s6mdt)
Germaine Greer - White Beech: The Rainforest Years
Episode 1
Germaine Greer is in search of 'heart's ease'. She longs to find a patch of her native Australia to make good, to restore after years of misguided exploitation. And she has just the person to help her with her project - her sister who is 'a properly trained Australian botanist'. But finding the right patch of land turns out to be far more difficult than she ever imagined.
Read by Germaine Greer
Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4
MON 10:00 Woman's Hour (b03s6mdw)
Women's magazines; The Archers' June Spencer; Yvette Cooper on sex education
Jane Garvey talks to three editors of women's magazines about how they balance their responsibilities to their readers with producing something they want to read - Lisa Smosarski of Stylist, Trish Halpin of Marie Claire and Lebby Eyres of New!
With the subject returning to parliament this week, Shadow Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper talks about the changes she'd like to see to sex education in schools.
June Spencer joins us to talk about playing the longest running character on The Archers - Peggy Woolley. And, Anna Hope tells us about her debut novel set in the aftermath of the First World War.
Presenter: Jane Garvey
Producer: Lucinda Montefiore
Editor: Ruth Watts.
MON 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b03s6mdy)
Writing the Century: The Dock, Nuremberg
Episode 1
By Amanda Whittington. In January 1946, at the age of sixty-eight, renowned artist Dame Laura Knight takes a life-changing commission as war artist to the Nuremberg Trials.
Dame Laura meets Major Peter Casson, Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General of the British War Crimes Executive, who is charged with smoothing her path through bureaucracy. He helps her to settle into her suite in the Grand Hotel (originally built for Hitler); to deal with the international social whirl that attends the trials and to cope with coming face-to-face with Hitler's henchmen for the first time in court.
Writing the Century is an ongoing series of dramas reflecting on the 20th Century through diaries and letters.
This serial is based on the diaries of Dame Laura Knight, whose painting 'The Dock' has become a classic image of the Nazi War Crime Trials.
Writer...Amanda Whittington
Director...Mary Ward-Lowery.
MON 11:00 Mapping the Void (b03s6mf0)
Dr Kat Arney meets the people trying to change the world one map at a time. These are volunteers who use their free time to map the world's unmapped places and people.
She sees how being on a map affects people's work, education and rights. And in extreme weather or after a natural disaster, she hears how mappers might help us to find the people who have fallen off the maps. She also hears from crisis mappers, people who source any information they can after tragedies to document what is happening on the ground as fast as possible.
This story starts in January 2010, when a huge earthquake hit the island nation of Haiti. Thousands of miles away, a group of American students heard about the damage, logged onto their laptops and started mapping any post-disaster information they could find online. Their aim was to help the rescue and relief services save as many lives as possible.
Four years on, international contingents of cartographers now deploy after every natural disaster, and in areas of political unrest and civil war. They scour the internet for cries for help on social media, then mark them on maps to try to get help to people who need it most.
There's also a project making a continual effort to make the most accurate physical map of the globe. Contributing could mean joining a mapping party in London. Or cycling around rural Uganda with a GPS device.
Thousands of volunteers are now spending their spare time contributing to these efforts. Some of those who started it all have become internationally recognised in a new area of expertise. As volunteers assemble around the world, Dr Kat Arney asks how powerful these maps can be and also assesses the problems that come with them.
Produced by Clare Salisbury and Jolyon Jenkins.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2014.
MON 11:30 North by Northamptonshire (b03s6mf2)
Series 3
Episode 6
A funeral focuses everyone's mind in Wadenbrook.
Sheila Hancock narrates the bittersweet adventures of the residents of a small town in Northamptonshire.
Written by Katherine Jakeways.
As is well-known: Yorkshiremen wear flat caps and Essex girls wear short skirts; Liverpudlians are scallies and Cockneys are wideboys. Northamptonians gaze wistfully at these stereotypes and wish for an identity of any kind and a label less ridiculous than Northamptonians. Northamptonshire, let us be clear, is neither north, nor south nor in the Midlands. It floats somewhere between the three eyeing up the distinctiveness of each enviously.
Katherine Jakeways gives Northamptonshire an identity. And she waits, eagerly, for her home-county to thank her. And possibly make her some kind of Mayor.
Narrator ...... Sheila Hancock
Rod ...... Tim Key
Mary ...... Penelope Wilton
Jonathan ...... Kevin Eldon
Keith ...... John Biggins
Esther ...... Katherine Jakeways
Norman ...... Geoffrey Palmer
Orson ...... Nathaniel Parker
Alistair ...... Michael Bertenshaw
Jan ...... Felicity Montagu
Producer: Steven Canny
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2014.
MON 12:00 You and Yours (b03s6mf4)
Electronic cigarettes, ski insurance, Asda Mobile problems
Winifred Robinson looks at efforts to stop children using e-cigarettes. Also the challenges involved in getting the most comprehensive ski insurance. The man who's become a professional tweeter on behalf of big brands. Plus a look at what goes into dog food and the impact it can have on man's best friend.
MON 12:57 Weather (b03s6649)
The latest weather forecast.
MON 13:00 World at One (b03s664c)
National and international news. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.
MON 13:45 The Ideas That Make Us (b03s6mf6)
Series 2
Bettany Hughes examines changing ideas of liberty by allowing a neuroscientist to take control of her brain and by perusing the pornography of the French Revolution.
The Ideas That Make Us is a Radio 4 series which reveals the history of the most influential ideas in the story of civilisation, ideas which continue to affect us all today.
In this 'archaeology of philosophy', the award-winning historian and broadcaster Bettany Hughes begins each programme with the first, extant evidence of a single word-idea in Ancient Greek culture and travels both forwards and backwards in time, investigating how these ideas have been moulded by history and have shaped the human experience. In the first programme of this series, Bettany examines changing ideas of liberty with neuroscientist Professor Patrick Haggard, classicist Professor Paul Cartledge, historian Dr. Stephen Pigney and Ruth Porter from the Institute of Economic Affairs.
Other ideas examined in this series are comedy, hospitality, wisdom and peace.
Producer: Dixi Stewart.
MON 14:00 The Archers (b03s6jv5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
19:00 on Sunday]
MON 14:15 Drama (b011zzhn)
Crimes of Mancunia
Criminals' loved ones are being kidnapped around Manchester. When the kidnapper starts asking for very specific amounts of ransom money, word soon spreads that he is an ex-cop with a dangerous grudge against the criminal community. DCI Lise Lazard and DI Mikey Finn take up the case before time runs out for the kidnapper's victims. A noir drama in verse by Michael Symmons Roberts.
Producer: Charlotte Riches
Director: Susan Roberts.
MON 15:00 Brain of Britain (b03s6mm1)
What traditional size of paper gets its name because it is produced by folding a standard sheet eight times? And John Lennon's childhood home in Liverpool was named after which range of hills?
Russell Davies asks these and many other questions in the latest heat of the prestigious general knowledge quiz, now in its 61st season. The four contestants taking part today are competing for a semi-final place which will take them a step nearer to the coveted title of Brain of Britain 2014.
They come from Brighton, St Austell, Hedgerley Green in Buckinghamshire, and Kingswood in Surrey.
Producer: Paul Bajoria.
MON 15:30 The Food Programme (b03s6jtq)
[Repeat of broadcast at
12:32 on Sunday]
MON 16:00 With Great Pleasure (b03s6mm3)
Paul Farley
This edition of With Great Pleasure was recorded at the new Birmingham Library as part of the Birmingham Literature Festival. Poet Paul Farley talks about the words and sounds that have inspired his writing. He recalls growing up in Liverpool listening to the Radio Four Shipping Forecast as well as the football scores on Sports Report, and learning to appreciate poetry from the women in his family.
Producer: Maggie Ayre.
MON 16:30 Beyond Belief (b03s6mm5)
Christianity and the Law
Last year Sir James Munby, president of the Family Division, gave a speech in which he said the law of this country is secular, and that Christianity no longer informs its morality or values." Happily for us," he went on, "the days are past when the business of judges was the enforcement of morals or religious beliefs."
Ernie Rea is joined by Sir Mark Hedley, Joshua Rozenberg and David McIlroy to discuss the relationship between Christianity and the Law.
Producer: Rosie Dawson.
MON 17:00 PM (b03s6mm7)
Coverage and analysis of the day's news.
MON 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b03s664f)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.
MON 18:30 The Unbelievable Truth (b03s6pjn)
Series 12
Episode 5
David Mitchell hosts the panel game in which four comedians are encouraged to tell lies and compete against one another to see how many items of truth they're able to smuggle past their opponents. Marcus Brigstocke, Holly Walsh, John Finnemore and Rufus Hound are the panellists obliged to talk with deliberate inaccuracy on subjects as varied as board games, salt, guinea pigs and actors.
The show is devised by Graeme Garden and Jon Naismith, the team behind Radio 4's I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue.
Producer: Jon Naismith
A Random Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.
MON 19:00 The Archers (b03s6pjq)
Susan is oblivious to any tension between Pat and Helen. She excitedly chats about her forthcoming cruise, keen to emphasise how they've saved up for it. When Susan says Pat must be thrilled about Tom and Helen's inheritance, Pat is nonplussed.
Later Tom bumps into Susan, who repeats the line about saving up for their cruise.
Kirsty would love to ask Helen to be a bridesmaid, but thinks Helen might feel hurt about Kirsty's attitude to Rob. Tom tells Kirsty she's lovely. He'll make sure she gets the best for her wedding, including a special venue for the reception.
Helen tells Kirsty she's relieved that Peggy knows about Rob, although she worries that Peggy may not approve of him when they meet. Helen's delighted when Kirsty asks her to be a bridesmaid. Pat's very pleased too.
Kirsty suggests to Tom that they have the reception in a marquee at Bridge Farm. It might be a way of making Pat and Tony feel more involved after Peggy's surprise. When Kirsty asks why they're so upset, Tom muses it must be because Tony thinks Peggy rates Tom more. But if having the reception there helps build bridges, he's all for it!
MON 19:15 Front Row (b03s6pjs)
Annie Proulx; Martin Creed; Miranda Carter; Lone Survivor reviewed
Arts news, interviews and reviews with Kirsty Lang.
MON 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b03s6mdy)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:45 today]
MON 20:00 Does Scandinavia Want Scotland? (b03s6pjv)
Some in the SNP dream of an independent Scotland aligned with the Nordic Pact. But is it a realistic geopolitical strategy or a Scandinavian pipe dream? Allan Little investigates.
MON 20:30 Analysis (b03s6pjx)
Last Rites for the Church of England?
Andrew Brown asks if the Church of England has become fatally disconnected from society.
MON 21:00 Shared Planet (b03q6dzy)
The Medicinal Planet
In recent years some conventional medicines such as anti-biotics have become less effective in treating diseases and infections. With an increasing human population worldwide, the need to discover new medicines for the benefit of human health will potentially become a major issue in the coming years. Many commercially available medicines today can trace their origins to compounds found in the natural world, yet many of those natural compounds are found in rare species, often in natural environments that are now vulnerable due to human activity. Are we in danger of losing these potentially valuable resources before they are even discovered? Monty Don explores this question through a field report from the Elan Valley in mid Wales where a tree lungwort, ravished by pollution and climate change, could provide a potential cure for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. Across the world, pharmaceutical companies have begun to revisit the natural world for compounds that may prove beneficial to the future of human health. How many compounds can be sourced from the natural world is impossible to know as until they are discovered and their benefit is unknown, but with increased pressure from human activities in natural areas, what can be done now to ensure the survival of the unknown for future generations?
Producer : Andrew Dawes.
MON 21:30 Start the Week (b03s6mdr)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
MON 21:58 Weather (b03s664h)
The latest weather forecast.
MON 22:00 The World Tonight (b03s6pjz)
Ukraine: latest in stand-off between government and protestors;
Will Sisi become Egypt's next President?
Syria talks: we hear from the city of Homs.
With Ritula Shah.
MON 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b03s6pk1)
Dissident Gardens
Episode 6
By Jonathan Lethem
A Twentieth Century American epic by prize-winning novelist Jonathan Lethem, applying his sharp, funny and perfectly crafted prose to an alternative history of America which puts a woman at its heart - a Jewish, Communist woman, a single mother, a second generation immigrant deeply involved in the civil rights movement.
In 1955 Rose Zimmer is kicked out of the American Communist party for her affair with a black policeman. Her ire and her radicalism, her incendiary disappointment in the Twentieth Century, prove inescapable for the generations that come after her - her idealistic hippy daughter Miriam, black stepson Cicero and her lost grandson Sergius. A fragmented and compelling story of modern America from the perspective of those who lost out.
Episode 6: Letters between Miriam in America and her father Albert in Germany shed new light on their relationship.
Read by Laurel Lefkow
Abridged by Elizabeth Reeder
Produced by Allegra McIlroy.
MON 23:00 Word of Mouth (b03q8z41)
How accurate are scientific metaphors?
Gravity is like a bowling ball sitting on a bed sheet; the atom is like a mini solar system, genes are selfish and the forces of evolution are blind...
We're familiar with the metaphors from school, from books and various science docs on the telly. But how accurate are these metaphors and could we find better ones?
Michael Rosen talks to science explainers across the country to find out how you get across ideas in science that are only properly expressed in highly technical language or in maths. Are they necessarily vague, even misleading, or are some just perfect for the concept they express.
Michael looks at the evolution of scientific metaphors in history and celebrates some of the great science explainers of the past. But he also asks whether some metaphors are not only inaccurate but dangerous as they lead to misunderstandings in the public conversation about science and scientific ideas.
MON 23:30 Today in Parliament (b03s6pk3)
Susan Hulme reports from Westminster.
TUE 00:00 Midnight News (b03s665j)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.
TUE 00:30 Book of the Week (b03s6mdt)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:45 on Monday]
TUE 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b03s665l)
The latest shipping forecast.
TUE 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b03s665n)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.
TUE 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b03s665q)
The latest shipping forecast.
TUE 05:30 News Briefing (b03s665s)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.
TUE 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b03sgp6b)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Y Y Rubinstein.
TUE 05:45 Farming Today (b03s6yl9)
Flooding, ancient farming, black pudding
As thousands of hectares of farm land remains underwater on the Somerset Levels, the National Farmers Union says legal action cannot be ruled out. As well as the effect on crops and livestock, the NFU in the South West says communities and farmers are facing a humanitarian issue and are being deprived of basic amenities. The Secretary of State Owen Paterson has pledged that the Government will work together with the local council and Environment Agency to find a solution.
An Evolutionary Biologist explains how a 7,000 year old skeleton found in Spain tells us more about ancient farming.
And Farming Today continues to look what goes into making a traditional farmhouse breakfast. One farmer and black pudding maker in Yorkshire says the 'blood sausage' has become his best seller and most looked at item on his website. All over the country producers are reporting increased demand, some up by 20%.
Presented by Anna Hill and produced by Lucy Bickerton.
TUE 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b03mzv81)
Blue Tit
Tweet of the Day is a series of fascinating stories about our British birds inspired by their calls and songs.
Chris Packham presents the story of the blue tit. The perky blue tit is a stalwart of garden bird-feeders. This popular British bird has a blue cap and wings, olive green back and yellow belly. The male and females look identical to us but blue tits can clearly tell each other apart, find out how in this episode.
TUE 06:00 Today (b03s6ylc)
Morning news and current affairs. Including Sports Desk, Yesterday in Parliament, Weather and Thought for the Day.
TUE 09:00 The Long View (b03s6ylf)
The Big Flood of 1953
Jonathan Freedland presents the programme which looks at the past behind the present. As storms and floods continue to hit UK, Jonathan and his team go on location to investigate the Big Flood of 1953, the worst natural disaster to affect Britain in the 20th century. The clearest legacy of the 1953 flood was the Thames Barrage, safeguarding London from future inundations. He asks what lessons were learned in 1953 and what the future is for the nation's flood defences when government departments are under pressure to cut budgets.
Producer Neil McCarthy.
TUE 09:30 One to One (b03s6ylh)
Mathew Waddington
Anita Anand knew she was meant to be a journalist from the moment she covered her first news story. An instinct she followed proved to be correct, and convinced her that she should pursue journalism.
In this series of interviews for 'One to One', Anita discovers what drives people towards certain careers. Was there an epiphany, something they discovered in their very core, or a series of events that motivated them?
This week's guest is Mathew Waddington, a partner in a Midlands and South-West based legal firm. He entered law relatively late having worked in the travel industry, after studying history. He was a trainee solicitor, unsure where to specialise, when his daughter, who was born with a rare chromosomal abnormality, died. It suddenly became clear to him that he should work in children's law. He became a Children's Panel solicitor representing abused children in care cases, as well as parents and grandparents in other Children Act cases.
Producer: Karen Gregor.
TUE 09:45 Book of the Week (b03s6ylk)
Germaine Greer - White Beech: The Rainforest Years
Episode 2
After a two-year search, Germaine Greer has almost given up her quest for a piece of land to heal. But then she is taken to see an abandoned dairy farm on the Gold Coast.
It is absolutely not what she has been looking for but, when she gets there, there is a surprise in store.
Read by Germaine Greer
Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshal production for BBC Radio 4
TUE 10:00 Woman's Hour (b03s6zm6)
Irma Kurtz; Anxiety; Flexi-working for men
Irma Kurtz, Cosmopolitan's agony aunt for 40 years on her book 'My Life in Agony'.
Anxiety: we hear from 27 year old Claire Eastham who has suffered from anxiety from the age of 15 and from David Clark, Professor of Experimental Psychology at Oxford University, the National Clinical Advisor for Improving Access to Psychological Therapies.
Men and flexible working: Sarah Jackson from Working Families explains why those that ask are still twice as likely to be refused the option than women.
Bringing up birth and adopted children in the same family. We speak to Avril Head who's brought up adopted, fostered and biological children together, and Alice Noone from the adoption charity Coram.
Anber Raz from Equality Now tells us about the Global Child Marriage Report.
Presenter: Jane Garvey
Producer: Steven Williams
Output Editor: Jane Thurlow.
TUE 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b03sgp6d)
Writing the Century: The Dock, Nuremberg
Episode 2
By Amanda Whittington. In a break from painting the Trial, Dame Laura explores the city of Nuremberg. She meets citizens who have lost everything in the bombing and visits the stadium where Hitler addressed five hundred thousand people, now home to a baseball team.
Director...Mary Ward-Lowery.
TUE 11:00 Shared Planet (b03s6zm8)
Ocean Governance
The earth is mostly covered by seawater, yet most of the world's oceans are ungoverned - they are the largest of commons in the world. In today's Shared Planet we ask who is responsible for the life in the ocean? Featuring a field report from Scotland, Monty Don explores the problems faced by life trying to compete with us for resources in an area with little or no regulation. The Isle of May is home to a quarter of a million seabirds in the breeding season, yet come the winter months most disperse out to the open sea to spend weeks at the mercy of storms and cold weather. The birds need a rich food supply to survive, yet the fish stocks and all other life in the sea is at the mercy of humanity. Suffering from what is known as "The Tragedy of the Commons", no one owns the oceans and therefore no one has responsibility for them, they are open to exploitation from many nations. Can the seabirds, whales, dolphins, turtles and all the other life that lives in the open ocean be protected? And if so by whom?
Producer Mary Colwell.
TUE 11:30 Mad About the Boy (b03s6zmb)
Hysterical girls have been pathologised for centuries but, in the last two or three generations, they've also helped define pop culture, further feminism and shape society.
Jude Rogers and Ruth Barnes - both music journalists and pop fans - look at the empowering flipside of pop fandom and how new, tribal rites of passage in teen pop culture have offered women an interesting new mode of expression.
Taking listeners on a journey from the Beatlemaniacs to the Directioners, they reveal the real power of female music fans. It's a power that helped form the fan clubs that fed the music industry, created a safe space for pubescent females to escape traditional gender roles and go wild, once terrified the authorities and silenced the world's biggest boy bands, and, today, drives social networks.
Featuring contributions from Beatlemaniac Lillian Adams; David Cassidy-fanatic - and writer - Allison Pearson; the woman behind one of One Direction's biggest hits, Fiona Bevan and ex-East 17 songwriter Tony Mortimer.
Produced by Eleanor McDowallA Falling Tree Production for BBC Radio 4.
TUE 12:00 You and Yours (b03s6zmd)
Call You and Yours
We've been hearing for years that fewer and fewer people are tying the knot.
Now the Office for National Statistics back that and say the trend for marriage is steadily declining, with married couples now making up less than half the population.
In the 1920s, 92 women walked down the aisle each year per 1,000 single women of marrying age. Today, it's a third that. Marriage rates were expected to plateau in the wake of the baby boom, but so far they just keep dropping.
The ONS said that it was a reflection of the ageing population as well as rising divorce levels that such a high proportion of 53-year-olds were divorced, when compared with 12.3 per cent of 40-year-olds in 1991 and just 2.1 per cent of 35-year-olds in 1971.
And as fewer couples chose to marry, the divorce rate appears to be finally starting to drop. Just under 114,000 couples were granted a divorce in 2009, the lowest figure since 1974.
We want to hear from you if you are married, co-habiting or in a civil partnership.
Maybe you've done both?
Why did you choose one above the other?
So is there any point in being married anymore?
TUE 12:57 Weather (b03s665v)
The latest weather forecast.
TUE 13:00 World at One (b03s665x)
National and international news. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.
TUE 13:45 The Ideas That Make Us (b03s6zmg)
Series 2
Bettany Hughes considers changing ideas of comedy by listening to a rat laughing and by giggling at schoolboy jokes from Ancient Mesopotamia.
The Ideas That Make Us is a Radio 4 series which reveals the history of the most influential ideas in the story of civilisation, ideas which continue to affect us all today.
In this 'archaeology of philosophy', the award-winning historian and broadcaster Bettany Hughes begins each programme with the first, extant evidence of a single word-idea in Ancient Greek culture and travels both forwards and backwards in time, investigating how these ideas have been moulded by history and have shaped the human experience. In the second programme of this series, Bettany considers changing ideas of comedy with neuroscientist Dr Sophie Scott, Assyriologist Dr. Irving Finkel, Artistic Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company Gregory Doran, and comedian John Lloyd.
Other ideas examined in The Ideas that Make Us are idea, desire, agony, fame, justice, wisdom, liberty, hospitality and peace.
Producer: Dixi Stewart.
TUE 14:00 The Archers (b03s6pjq)
[Repeat of broadcast at
19:00 on Monday]
TUE 14:15 Drama (b03s70y8)
A Bag on Ballyfinch Place
By Deirdre Kinahan
Michelle Fairley stars as Maeve in Deirdre Kinahan's powerful Radio 4 debut.
Maeve returns from work to find her Dublin street transformed into a crime scene. The body of a young woman has been found outside her house. The newspapers contain conflicting reports about the victim's identity and Maeve starts asking her own questions. Her enquiries lead to a confrontation with her own painful loss.
Director: Sasha Yevtushenko
Deirdre Kinahan is a Dublin-based playwright and theatre producer. Deirdre wrote her first play in 1999 when a group of women at Ruhama Women's Project asked her to write a play about their lives as prostitutes. Bé Carna was widely regarded as a powerful debut. Most recently, Deirdre's play Moment played at The Bush to critical acclaim and sell-out audiences. Her play Bogboy opened in New York in September 2011. In 2013, her play These Halcyon Days picked up a Fringe First. This is her first drama for Radio 4.
Critical praise for Deirdre's play Moment:
'What gripped me about this one was Kinahan's assured handling of dramatic form... what matters is Kinahan's ability to show how the present is contaminated by the past, and how drama, like any other art form, depends on a rigorous command of structure.' **** Michael Billington, The Guardian
'The stuff of Greek tragedy, but delivered along with quiche, coleslaw and cups of tea.' **** Sarah Hemming, The Financial Times.
TUE 15:00 Making History (b03s70yb)
Helen Castor is joined by Professor Sir Barry Cunliffe from Oxford University and the military historian Dr Timothy Bowman from the University of Kent to discuss the latest historical research from across the UK - including how Welsh might originally have been Spanish.
Tom Holland is on the coast of North Wales, just south of Anglesey, with Professor John Koch from the University of Wales whose research on the language of the Celts is changing our understanding of how they arrived in Britain.
Dr Fiona Watson heads for Glasgow and a great fire in 1652 which helps us understand Cromwell's relationship with the city during the Civil War.
And in Connemara on the west coast of Ireland, archaeologist Mike Gibbons explains how the recent storms have destroyed and revealed treasures from the past.
Contact the programme:
Producer: Nick Patrick
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.
TUE 15:30 The Human Zoo (b03s718b)
Series 3
What is fairness?
Fairness is, so one argument goes, ingrained from birth. And it's true that most parents have heard the refrain "it's not fair" more times than they can count. It seems we all have a strong notion of what is equitable and violating that can cause us great distress. Yet fairness itself seems to be a remarkably fluid notion.
Experiment after experiment shows that we value fairness, but what it means at any one time is dependent on our own feelings of self-worth, our environment and, above all, the society in which we live.
This week on The Human Zoo, Michael Blastland gives the notion of fairness a fair hearing.
Producer: Toby Murcott
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.
TUE 16:00 Word of Mouth (b03s718d)
Talking Terrorism
It's a word that can start a war, incarcerate the innocent and bring a city to a standstill. Since September 11th 2001 the question of who is and who is not a 'terrorist' has taken a central role in world affairs.
In 'Word of Mouth' Michael Rosen examines the roots of the word in the French Revolution, the strangely glamorous associations it took on in the late 1960s and the current debate over its use in post-9/11 legislation.
TUE 16:30 Great Lives (b03s718g)
Series 32
DJ Sara Cox nominates singer Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes
The DJ Sara Cox nominates Lisa 'Left Eye' Lopes, a hip hop artist and rapper who performed with the band TLC. She burned her lover's house down and TLC went bankrupt. Lisa died in a car accident aged 30, during a documentary shoot. The expert witness is music journalist Jacqueline Springer and the presenter is Matthew Parris.
Assistant Producer: Milly Chowles
Producer: Perminder Khatkar
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2014.
TUE 17:00 PM (b03s71cx)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news.
TUE 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b03s6661)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.
TUE 18:30 Chain Reaction (b03s71cz)
Series 9
Graham Linehan talks to Adam Buxton
The final episode in this series sees Father Ted and IT crowd writer Graham Linehan talking to comedian, actor and one half of Adam and Joe, Adam Buxton.
Chain Reaction is the long running host-less chat show where last week's interviewee becomes this week's interviewer.
Producer: Carl Cooper
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2013.
TUE 19:00 The Archers (b03s7426)
Emma helps Susan pack for the cruise. Susan feels guilty for the web of lies she's spun about the lottery money. Emma assures her it was better than giving Gary a cut. The whole lot would have gone if she'd told them all.
Jill tells Ruth about Roy's plans for the music festival. He's thinking of including a food fair. But Jim worries that it might involve a great deal of noise and traffic. As Ruth's so busy preparing for lambing, Jill offers to come and cook supper, but Ruth declines.
Ruth tells David she's worried about Jill, who's looking washed out. It makes you realise what a shock the burglary was.
Jim walks a nervous Jill home. She tells him she's got an appointment for her cataract operation, which she's dreading. Jim is reassuring.
Jill rings David and Ruth in the middle of the night. She thinks she's heard someone downstairs. Speeding over there, they find Jill terrified. Coming to her senses, she apologises for phoning. David suggests that she should spend the rest of the night at theirs. Stubborn Jill thanks David, but won't hear of it. She doesn't want the burglars to win.
TUE 19:15 Front Row (b03szh9k)
Juliet Stevenson; The Armstrong Lie
Disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong is the subject of Oscar-winning documentary-maker Alex Gibney's latest film, The Armstrong Lie. In 2009 the film-maker, whose previous documentaries include Taxi to the Dark Side and Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, set out to make a film about Armstrong's comeback year after a four-year retirement from the sport, but found himself with a bigger story in the wake of his doping confession on Oprah. Michael Carlson reviews.
Juliet Stevenson stars as Winnie in Samuel Beckett's play of resilience and self-reliance, Happy Days, at the Young Vic. Juliet tells Kirsty about her reservations in playing this major role, seen by some as the female Hamlet, and about the challenges of acting when submerged from the neck up.
In American writer Willy Vlautin's new novel The Free, a young member of the National Guard is returned home after suffering serious brain injury as a result of a roadside bomb in Iraq. The Free charts his slow recovery and the struggles he faces in a country which seems not to care. Vlautin discusses his novel and the dispossessed who feature so much in his work and his songs.
The poet Ahren Warner, who recently took up his position as poet-in-residence at London Zoo, joins Gillian Clarke - who had a similar role at the Museum of Zoology in Cambridge - to discuss the experience of writing from nature, and the inspiration it can bring.
Producer : Dymphna Flynn.
TUE 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b03sgp6d)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:45 today]
TUE 20:00 File on 4 (b03s7428)
Food Fraud
A year after the horsemeat scandal there are calls for a new police force to fight food fraud amid concerns that organised crime is increasingly targeting the sector because there are huge profits to be made at the expense of the consumer.
Prof Chris Elliott, who was commissioned by the government to investigate the UK's most serious food scandal in recent years, says criminals are committing more food fraud because there's little risk of detection or serious penalties if they're caught.
Gerry Northam investigates the extent of food fraud across the UK and reports from Brussels on whether the EU has learned enough lessons from last year's scandal.
Producer: Carl Johnston.
TUE 20:40 In Touch (b03s742b)
Inaccessible forms; a new tactile watch
Peter White talks to Graham Page about his recent experience of trying to access a Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) form sent to him by IT services company ATOS. We look at who is responsible for making the information accessible and Barrister Catherine Casserley explains the legal position.
Ian Macrae reviews a new tactile watch, The Bradley Timepiece. The watch uses two magnetised ball-bearings, which sit within a metal groove, to help people tell the time.
TUE 21:00 Inside Health (b03s742d)
E-cigs; PPI feedback; Be assertive with your doctor; Prostate cancer diagnosis
As the government calls for a ban on the sale of e cigarettes to under 18s, Dr Mark Porter is joined by Martin McKee, Gerard Hastings and Robert West to discuss who is using them and how they are being advertised. The chairman of NICE, David Haslam has suggested patients should demand more NICE approved drugs from their GP. Mark is joined by David and by GP Margaret McCartney to discuss whether patients really should be more pushy. Also in the programme Mark talks to Mark Emberton at University College London Hospital in London about the PROMIS trial into the benefits of using MRI to scan men's prostate gland to detect cancer.
TUE 21:30 The Long View (b03s6ylf)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
TUE 21:58 Weather (b03s6663)
The latest weather forecast.
TUE 22:00 The World Tonight (b03s742g)
Ukraine: PM and government resign;
Strongest economic growth figures since 2007;
Pres Obama prepares his State of the Union address;
The bible play one council tried to ban.
With Ritula Shah.
TUE 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b03s742j)
Dissident Gardens
Episode 7
By Jonathan Lethem
A Twentieth Century American epic by prize-winning novelist Jonathan Lethem, applying his sharp, funny and perfectly crafted prose to an alternative history of America which puts a woman at its heart - a Jewish, Communist woman, a single mother, a second generation immigrant deeply involved in the civil rights movement.
In 1955 Rose Zimmer is kicked out of the American Communist party for her affair with a black policeman. Her ire and her radicalism, her incendiary disappointment in the Twentieth Century, prove inescapable for the generations that come after her - her idealistic hippy daughter Miriam, black stepson Cicero and her lost grandson Sergius. A fragmented and compelling story of modern America from the perspective of those who lost out.
Episode 7: Today's episode is a poignant glimpse into Miriam and Tommy's personal experience of revolution.
Read by Laurel Lefkow
Abridged by Elizabeth Reeder
Produced by Allegra McIlroy.
TUE 23:00 Shappi Talk (b00wsr2x)
Series 2
Shappi Khorsandi looks at a variety of subjects close to her Iranian heart - including History, Addiction and, in this programme, Politics.
Shappi reveals her thoughts on Margaret Thatcher, how Anne Frank got her into politics and that, while other parents took their children to the zoo, she was taken to Speakers' Corner.
She'll be joined by writer and satirist John O'Farrell to discuss how humour and politics are intertwined. Stand-up comedian Ian Stone offers his take on the world of politics and there's a witty song from Duncan Oakley.
Producer: Paul Russell
An Open Mike production for BBC Radio 4.
TUE 23:30 Today in Parliament (b03s742l)
Sean Curran hears Ed Balls and George Osborne respond to improving growth figures. MPs report back on a visit to Iran. And there's a call for compulsory sex and relationship education for children in state schools.
Editor: Peter Mulligan.
WED 00:00 Midnight News (b03s666y)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.
WED 00:30 Book of the Week (b03s6ylk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:45 on Tuesday]
WED 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b03s6670)
The latest shipping forecast.
WED 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b03s6672)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.
WED 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b03s6674)
The latest shipping forecast.
WED 05:30 News Briefing (b03s6676)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.
WED 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b03sgpj1)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Y Y Rubinstein.
WED 05:45 Farming Today (b03s7547)
Slaughter labelling, Schmallenberg
Should meat slaughtered according to Kosher and Halal rules, that is cutting the throat without stunning the animal first, be specifically labelled? The debate is gathering momentum in Westminster. Mechanical stunning of animals is a legal requirement in the EU, but there are religious exemptions for Jewish and Muslim consumers. The issue was recently debated in the House of Lords and was picked up yesterday by the Beef and Lamb All-Party Parliamentary Group. Anna Hill speaks to Lord Trees, an emeritus professor of veterinary medicine at the University of Liverpool, about his calls for labelling of meat that has not been pre-stunned. She also hears from Shimon Coen of Shechita UK, who explains the Jewish method of slaughter. He argues that if method of slaughter is to be included on labelling, this should apply to ALL meat, in order to avoid discriminating against religious groups.
A survey investigating the Schmallenberg virus in the South West of England has found there are more sheep and cattle at risk of being affected by the disease than was originally thought. The research was carried out by the Rural Business Unit at Duchy College in Cornwall. It found that more than 80% of cattle and 70% of sheep had the virus. Anna discusses the national situation with John Blackwell, President Elect of the British Veterinary Association.
Presented by Anna Hill and produced in Bristol by Anna Jones.
WED 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b03mzv8n)
Grey Wagtail
Tweet of the Day is a series of fascinating stories about our British birds inspired by their calls and songs.
Chris Packham presents the story of the grey wagtail. Grey wagtails are supremely graceful birds which boost their appeal by nesting in photogenic locations. They revel in shaded spots near swift-flowing water and will also nest by canal lock-gates or mill-races.
WED 06:00 Today (b03s7549)
Morning news and current affairs. Including Sports Desk, Yesterday in Parliament, Weather and Thought for the Day.
WED 09:00 Midweek (b03s754c)
Sally Magnusson, Steven Isserlis, Dan Hurley, Tommy Hanover
Libby Purves meets journalist and writer Dan Hurley; cellist Steven Isserlis; broadcaster and writer Sally Magnusson and registrar Tommy Hanover.
Dan Hurley is a science journalist who writes regularly for the New York Times and Neurology Today. In his new book Smarter: The New Science of Building Brain Power, he tests various cognitive exercises which aim to boost intelligence. The exercises range from learning the Renaissance lute; trying out commercial brain-training programmes and physical training. Smarter: The New Science of Building Brain Power is published by Viking.
Steven Isserlis is the renowned cellist, writer and teacher who performs with orchestras around the world. Steven and his sisters have released Julius Isserlis: Piano Music featuring newly discovered work by their Russian Jewish grandfather - pianist and composer Julius Isserlis. Julius, who was a contemporary of Rachmaninov and Scriabin, fled Communist Russia in 1922 and in 1938 escaped from Vienna which was in the grip of the Nazis. Julius Isserlis: Piano Music is on Hyperion Records.
Sally Magnusson is a journalist, broadcaster and writer. She has presented a range of programmes including Panorama and BBC Breakfast and currently presents Reporting Scotland and Songs Of Praise. In 1996 she won a Scottish BAFTA for her commentary on the documentary Dunblane: A Community Remembers. In her new book she writes about her mother Mamie's battle with dementia. Where Memories Go: Why Dementia Changes Everything is published by Two Roads.
Tommy Hanover is a registrar at Westminster Register Office. He features in a two-part documentary series about day-to-day life at the registry office. The office holds the births, deaths and marriage records of a range of names including Winston Churchill, Joan Collins and Margaret Thatcher as well as members of the Royal Family. Births, Deaths and Marriages is Broadcast on ITV.
WED 09:45 Book of the Week (b03s754f)
Germaine Greer - White Beech: The Rainforest Years
Episode 3
Germaine Greer has bought a piece of battered rainforest on the Gold Coast. Now she has it, the task of restoring it seems overwhelming.
So she has to admit to her sister, a trained botanist, what she's done so they can come up with a plan.
Read by Germaine Greer
Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4
WED 10:00 Woman's Hour (b03s754h)
Suzanne Vega; The Poetry of Sex; Being a man in the 21st Century
Singer-songwriter Suzanne Vega first came to fame in 1985 with her track Tom's Diner, and later hits like Luka and Marlene On The Wall. Her new studio album, Tales From The Realm Of The Queen Of Pentacles is her first new material in seven years. She'll be performing Fool's Complaint from the album, and talking about her songwriting career, almost 30 years on from that first hit.
From the people that bring you Women of the World - a new Festival all about being a man. What does it mean to be a man in the 21st century. We look at the work of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya ahead of next week's Drama based on her life - what's it really like reporting from a warzone. Plus What's black and white and contains threesomes, elephants, and two Daniel Craigs? Tune in and find out.
Presented by Jenni Murray
Produced by Emma Wallace
Output Editor Beverley Purcell.
WED 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b03sgpj3)
Writing the Century: The Dock, Nuremberg
Episode 3
By Amanda Whittington. Even though her press box at the court in Nuremberg is so tiny, Dame Laura decides to bring in her enormous canvas and paint the trial in situ. But the United States Civil Broadcasting Company has other ideas.
Director...Mary Ward-Lowery.
WED 11:00 Whatever Happened to Community? (b03jz22w)
Through Thick and Thin
Giles Fraser has left a glittering job as Canon Chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral and is now working as the priest of a run-down parish in Elephant and Castle. This has set him thinking about the nature of community, which he investigates in this very personal series.
Community has become one of those warm and fuzzy notions about which it feels impossible to complain. But Giles thinks our presumptions about community should be challenged.
His parish in inner London is rich in diversity, but many people survive in bedsits on short-term lets and have little in common with their neighbours. Their communities have become very thin and they struggle to find common ground.
Nowhere is that common ground more apparent than in our nostalgic ideal of community - embodied in the picture postcard English village. Here is the ultimate 'thick' community - everybody knows everybody else's business, some people still leave their back doors unlocked, and locals are broadly similar in their worldview.
To examine this rural idyll, Giles travels to Northamptonshire to talk to his parents. He has no desire to live in this sort of place, but he's really interested to try to get under the skin of a close, cohesive and un-diverse community and to get a sense of the real benefits and disadvantages of living there. He also goes to nearby Finedon to talk to the vicar - Rev Richard Coles. He asks what it's like to live in a place like this if you're not quite the same as the majority - perhaps because you're gay, an immigrant, or simply plain different.
Producer: Jane Greenwood.
A Loftus production for BBC Radio 4.
WED 11:30 Clare in the Community (b03s754k)
Series 9
Driven to Extremes
Clare is facing a disciplinary tribunal after a seemingly straightforward job goes awry. Can she convince the panel of her professionalism? At home, Brian tries to cheer up a despondent Nali.
Sally Phillips is Clare Barker the social worker who has all the right jargon but never a practical solution.
A control freak, Clare likes nothing better than interfering in other people's lives on both a professional and personal basis. Clare is in her thirties, white, middle class and heterosexual, all of which are occasional causes of discomfort to her.
Clare continually struggles to control both her professional and private life
In today's Big Society there are plenty of challenges out there for an involved, caring social worker. Or even Clare.
Written by Harry Venning and David Ramsden.
Clare ...... Sally Phillips
Brian ...... Alex Lowe
Nali ...... Nina Conti
Mr Byrne ...... Richard Lumsden
Ms Mellor ...... Liza Tarbuck
Mr Plummer ...... Andrew Wincott
Joan ...... Sarah Thom
Hannah ...... Alex Tregear
Dermott ...... Arthur Hughes
Producer: Alexandra Smith.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2014.
WED 12:00 You and Yours (b03s76cj)
Energy savings; New towns; Virtual you
The Energy Minister Greg Barker talks green deals, switching providers and easy ways to reduce your bills. Town planners tell us what comes first when it comes to creating a new town and how creating a virtual you could help you find the perfect fit from the comfort of your own home.
WED 12:57 Weather (b03t7pgm)
The latest weather forecast.
WED 13:00 World at One (b03s6678)
National and international news. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.
WED 13:45 The Ideas That Make Us (b03s76cm)
Series 2
Bettany Hughes samples changing ideas of hospitality by gazing into outer space and by inviting poet and author Ben Okri 'round to her house for supper.
The Ideas That Make Us is a Radio 4 series which reveals the history of the most influential ideas in the story of civilisation, ideas which continue to affect us all today.
In this 'archaeology of philosophy', the award-winning historian and broadcaster Bettany Hughes begins each programme with the first, extant evidence of a single word-idea in Ancient Greek culture and travels both forwards and backwards in time, investigating how these ideas have been moulded by history and shaped the human experience. In the third programme of this series, Bettany samples changing ideas of hospitality with astronomer Professor Didier Queloz, classicist Professor Paul Cartledge, poet and author Ben Okri and former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott.
Other ideas examined in The Ideas that Make Us are idea, desire, agony, fame, justice, wisdom, comedy, liberty and peace.
Producer: Dixi Stewart.
WED 14:00 The Archers (b03s7426)
[Repeat of broadcast at
19:00 on Tuesday]
WED 14:15 Drama (b03s76cr)
Kulvinder Ghir and Shobu Kapoor star in Samina Baig's powerful new drama. When a shocking discovery is made outside a rural village in northern Rajasthan, an elderly couple are forced into the spotlight, confronted with a moral dilemma that is shaped by deeply embedded attitudes and customs.
Karma emerged from Samina Baig's long held interest in the position of women in India. The seed was sewn for this compelling and heartfelt drama when in 2012 the shocking rape of a 23 year old student on a bus in New Delhi provoked worldwide outrage and led women to take to India's streets to demand social and political change and the right to live in safety.
Samina Baig is an established writer with a track record in television and radio drama. Her radio plays include, Tall Stories, Husud (Jealousy) and Migrant Memory.
WED 15:00 Money Box Live (b03s76cy)
Divorce, Dissolution of Civil Partnerships and Separation
Splitting up? How do you divide your money and assets fairly when a relationship ends? Call 03700 100 444 from
1pm to
3.30pm on Wednesday or e-mail
There are many difficult and emotional decisions to make when a relationship breaks down and you may need help to work out your rights and how you will manage financially.
What happens to the family home and who will take responsibility for paying the rent or mortgage?
How do you share or protect joint assets?
If there are children to consider, what provision should be made to support them?
What are the considerations and rules about sharing a pension?
Will you be entitled to benefits support?
Can you avoid the cost of going to court?
What are the options if you can't agree a settlement?
Whatever your question presenter Paul Lewis will be joined by:
Michelle Cracknell, Chief Executive, The Pensions Advisory Service.
Joanne Edwards, Partner, Family Law, Penningtons Manches and Vice Chair, National Family Lawyers' Association, Resolution.
Liz Welsh, Principal, Elizabeth Welsh Family Law Practice, Ayr, and Past Chair, Family Law Association, Scotland.
To talk to the team call 03700 100 444 between
1pm and
3.30pm on Wednesday or e-mail now. Standard geographic charges apply. Calls from mobiles may be higher.
Presenter: Paul Lewis
Producer: Diane Richardson.
WED 15:30 Inside Health (b03s742d)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 on Tuesday]
WED 16:00 Thinking Allowed (b03s76d5)
Prostitution in the Community; Drinking and Moderation
Prostitution in the community: The criminologist, Sarah Kingston, discusses her study of the impact of sex work on local residents and businesses. Policies restricting sex work are often based on assumptions about the alleged negative effects of commercial sex on everyday lives. This is the first comprehensive text to examine the empirical basis of this assumption. How do neighbourhoods react to the presence of prostitutes and male clients in their areas? Do stereotypes of stigma and deviance mean that residents will always wish to move this 'problem' elsewhere.
Also, the sociologist, Henry Yeomans, charts the fluid, ever changing definitions of 'moderate' alcohol consumption.
Producer: Jayne Egerton.
WED 16:30 The Media Show (b03s76dc)
NFL in the UK; DMI failure; News UK; Sky results
Public spending watchdog the National Audit Office has criticised the BBC for "not having a sufficient grip" on a failed IT project which wasted almost one hundred million pounds. The Digital Media Initiative was abandoned in May last year. Guardian reporter Tara Conlan joins Steve with the latest details of the story.
Britain's biggest pay-TV operator BSkyB is due to report its latest results tomorrow. For the past two years, Sky has attracted fewer new television customers and its facing increasing competition; rival BT recently spent nearly £2 billion on sports rights, while competitor Netflix offers dramas and films. Steve Hewlett discusses with analyst Claire Enders whether suggestions like moving into mobile are feasible to help it compete.
It's the American Super Bowl final this weekend. The NFL's biggest night is one of the most watched sporting events in the world, and it brings in advertising revenues worth millions. In the UK, the final is shown on Sky and Channel 4 and the NFL says its fan base here is growing; there are even rumours that a London based team might be created. Chris Parsons, NFL's Vice President, International talks to Steve about breaking the UK market, and the league's vision for becoming a mainstream sport.
Today sees the launch by News UK of a news academy for young journalists. Rupert Murdoch's company, which owns The Sun, The Times and The Sunday Times, is increasingly releasing press releases about carol services, charity events, and the like, to promote itself. Steve Hewlett ask Director of Communications Guto Harri whether this is part of a grand plan to reshape the public's perception of an organisation plighted by accusations of phone hacking.
Presenter: Steve Hewlett
Producer: Katy Takatsuki
Editor: Andrew Smith.
WED 17:00 PM (b03s76df)
Coverage and analysis of the day's news. Including Weather at
WED 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b03s667b)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.
WED 18:30 Mark Steel's in Town (b03s76dh)
Series 5
Mark Steel returns to Radio 4 for a fifth series of the award winning show that travels around the country, researching the history, heritage and culture of six towns that have nothing in common but their uniqueness, and does a bespoke evening of comedy in each one.
As every high street slowly morphs into a replica of the next, Mark Steel's in Town celebrates the parochial, the local and the unusual. From Corby's rivalry with Kettering to the word you can't say in Portland, the show has taken in the idiosyncrasies of towns up and down the country, from Kirkwall to Penzance, from Holyhead to Bungay.
This edition comes from Southall in Middlesex, which is also known as "little India" due to the large Asian community there. Mark tried the local food - Jalebi, Paan, Pakora - that can seem alien to someone who grew up in 1960s Kent. The twin landmarks of Heathrow Airport and the Sikh temple dominate the area, with the latter proving more popular as Mark also discusses football, astrology and bank openings. From January 2014.
Written and performed by ... Mark Steel
Additional material by ... Pete Sinclair
Production co-ordinator ... Trudi Stevens
Producer ... Ed Morrish.
WED 19:00 The Archers (b03s76dk)
Kenton gets ready for Valentine's Day at The Bull. He tells Jolene he's got it all sorted with candles, hearts and roses. Jolene's ok with that, but it doesn't thrill her. Kenton challenges her to think of something different.
Joe tells Jolene about Bert splashing the cash and his confession that it was from Susan's lottery win. Joe speculates to Kenton that Susan's win must have been into six zeros!
Tony laments selling the dairy herd. Pat says that although it wasn't an easy decision, it was the right thing to do. Tony worries that Peggy sees him as the family failure. Unlike successful Brian's children, Tom and Helen aren't carrying out his vision. Pat reassures Tony that he isn't a waster like his father. Rallying, Tony says he doesn't have to prove it to Peggy, but he does to Pat. And to himself.
Tony goes for a restorative pint with David. He's thinking of buying some store cattle as another string to his bow. David thinks it's not a bad idea. There might be a small profit to be had. Tony asks him to keep it to himself for now. They're interrupted by Joe, telling them that Susan's a millionaire.
WED 19:15 Front Row (b03s76dm)
Matthew McConaughey; Mary Chapin Carpenter; Nathan Filer
With Mark Lawson.
Matthew McConaughey is Oscar nominated for his starring role in Dallas Buyers Club. He lost 47 lbs to play Ron Woodroof, a Texas electrician who became an unlikely AIDS activist after being diagnosed with HIV in the mid-1980s. He discusses the physical endurance of the part and his recent career renaissance.
Nathan Filer, a registered mental health nurse, has won the Costa Book of the Year award with his debut novel The Shock of the Fall, a story about loss, guilt and mental illness. A surprise win, Filer beat the favourite Kate Atkinson with her novel Life after Life, and other award winning writers Lucy Hughes-Hallett for The Pike, an account of the life of Italian poet Gabriele D'Annunzio, and poet Michael Symmons Roberts for his collection Drysalter. Nathan Filer tells Mark about what the award will mean for his writing.
In the week that Rory Kinnear won twice at the Critics Circle for best actor and most promising playwright, David Edgar muses on the long tradition of the actor/writer, from Shakespeare to Pinter.
Grammy winning singer/songwriter Mary Chapin Carpenter discusses her new album Songs from the Movie, a re-working of 10 of her songs, recorded with a full orchestra and 15 voice choir. She reveals what inspires her new songs and the emotional pain of revisiting old material.
Producer: Ellie Bury.
WED 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b03sgpj3)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:45 today]
WED 20:00 Bringing Up Britain (b03s76dp)
Series 7
Is work working for our kids?
From April 2015, working parents will be able to share leave after the birth of a child. Mariella Frostrup debates whether this will change attitudes towards stay-at-home dads and mums who choose to go back to work.
Announcing the new policy, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has stated that 'women deserve the right to pursue their goals and not feel they have to choose between having a successful career or having a baby.'
Mariella examines whether the idea of shared parental leave is the best way to give working mothers a more fulfilling career, and whether fathers will be prepared to spend more time at home with a new baby.
Few parenting dilemmas spark more debate than how to balance work and play. Mariella and her guests discuss the tricky juggling act and financial costs of childcare and examine current research into the impact of working parents on children.
Joining Mariella to debate the issues are Sarah Jackson, chief executive of Working Families, Laura Perrins, from Mothers At Home Matter, Sally Goddard Blythe, director of the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology, Gideon Burrows, author of Men Can Do It, Dr Denise Hawkes, from the Institute of Education and Anji Hunter from Edelman, where she works to get equal numbers of women and men in British boardrooms.
Producer: Sarah Bowen.
WED 20:45 Four Thought (b03s76dr)
Series 4
Matthew Engel
Matthew Engel makes a secular case for reclaiming the peace and quiet of the Sabbath, arguing that a proper day of rest will make us healthier, happier and more productive.
Four Thought is a series of thought-provoking talks in which the speakers tell personal stories that give rise to their thinking on the trends, ideas, interests and passions that affect culture and society.
Presenter: David Baddiel
Producer: Sheila Cook.
WED 21:00 Frozen in Mawson's Footsteps (b03s76dt)
Andrew Luck-Baker has spent the last two months with the polar scientists who have been following in the footsteps of the first Australasian Expedition to Antarctica a century ago, lead by Douglas Mawson. On Christmas Day 2013 their ship, the Academik Shokalskiy, became trapped in the ice. Andrew reflects on doing science in the frozen southern continent, the experience of getting stuck for 10 days and the elation of the eventual rescue.
Between 1911 and 1914, Douglas Mawson explored a fiercely harsh part of Antarctica while the more celebrated Scott and Amundsen raced to the South Pole elsewhere on the frozen continent. Mawson's expedition was dedicated to scientific study and discovery in the early Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. That said, Mawson's experiences were fraught with horror and danger. His story includes the most remarkable episode of suffering in the jaws of death in that Heroic Age.
Times have changed and travellers to the Antarctic are well prepared with modern hi-tech clothing and ice breaking ships. But still the 2013 expedition was a victim of the unpredictable conditions in the southern continent.
The 2013 Australasian Antarctic Expedition has repeated many of Mawson's investigations around Commonwealth Bay and Cape Denison in East Antarctica where the original team set up their base. This remote area hasn't been studied systematically for100 years and the expedition has revealed how this part of Antarctica is being altered by climate change.
WED 21:30 Midweek (b03s754c)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
WED 21:58 Weather (b03s667d)
The latest weather forecast.
WED 22:00 The World Tonight (b03s7746)
Debate over Scottish currency - could an independent Scotland keep the pound?
The UK is to accept Syrian refugees, but we hear criticism of the way women asylum seekers are treated.
And Ukrainian novelist Andrey Kurkov talks to us about the political turmoil in his country.
With Ritula Shah.
WED 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b03s7748)
Dissident Gardens
Episode 8
A Twentieth Century American epic by prize-winning novelist Jonathan Lethem, applying his sharp, funny and perfectly crafted prose to an alternative history of America which puts a woman at its heart - a Jewish, Communist woman, a single mother, a second generation immigrant deeply involved in the civil rights movement.
In 1955 Rose Zimmer is kicked out of the American Communist party for her affair with a black policeman. Her ire and her radicalism, her incendiary disappointment in the Twentieth Century, prove inescapable for the generations that come after her - her idealistic hippy daughter Miriam, black stepson Cicero and her lost grandson Sergius. A fragmented and compelling story of modern America from the perspective of those who lost out.
Episode 8: Alone in a Quaker boarding school, Sergius tries to come to terms with the loss of his family
Read by Laurel Lefkow
Abridged by Elizabeth Reeder
Produced by Allegra McIlroy.
WED 23:00 Tim Key's Late Night Poetry Programme (b03s9pjl)
Series 2
Tim Key has travelled to 'the wilds' to recite poems which grapple with the concept of survival.
Tom Basden plays the banjo.
Written and presented by Tim Key.
Producer: James Robinson.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2014.
WED 23:15 iGod (b00x41ns)
iGOD is a highly original and funny late-night comedy series. It stars Simon Day (The Fast Show) and David Soul (Starsky & Hutch) and is written by one of the head writers of the BAFTA award-winning The Thick Of It, Sean Gray and produced by Simon Nicholls (Ed Reardon's Week / News At Bedtime).
We all worry about the end of the world, as economists and environmentalists speak in apocalyptic terms everyday. iGOD says that trying to predict the end of the world is as pointless as moisturising an elephant's elbow.
In each episode, an unnamed, all-seeing narrator (David Soul - Starsky and Hutch) shows us that it is stupid to be worrying, as he looks back at some of the most entertaining apocalypses on parallel Earths. Each week our case study is a normal bloke called Ian (Simon Day) who manages to accidentally initiate the apocalypse of a different parallel world through a seemingly harmless single act (telling a lie, being lazy, cooking some lambshanks). A succession of comic vignettes ensue that escalate to the end of a parallel world.
With a full-range of sound effects and wonderfully funny and surreal twists, iGOD will be a true aural extravaganza.
In this episode - how Parallel Earth 888 was wiped out by Ian's desire for fame, which occurs when a meteor crashes into his nose.
Ian ...... Simon Day
The Narrator ...... David Soul
Also starring
Rosie Cavaliero
Alex MacQueen
Dan Tetsell
Written by Sean Gray.
Produced by Simon Nicholls.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2011.
WED 23:30 Today in Parliament (b03s9pxb)
The Prime Minister attacks Labour party plans to bring back the 50 pence top rate of tax saying it will costs jobs.
But David Cameron refuses three times to rule out cutting the top rate to 40 pence when pressed by Ed Miliband.
The Home Secretary tells MPs that the UK will take in hundreds of "vulnerable" Syrian refugees. Labour says ministers have "bowed" to pressure.
Peers vote on a Labour demand for smoking in cars to be banned when children are present.
MPs investigate the educational under-achievement of some white working-class children.
And the Justice Secretary faces questions about the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Susan Hulme and team report on today's events in Parliament.
THU 00:00 Midnight News (b03s668b)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.
THU 00:30 Book of the Week (b03s754f)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:45 on Wednesday]
THU 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b03s668d)
The latest shipping forecast.
THU 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b03s668g)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.
THU 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b03s668j)
The latest shipping forecast.
THU 05:30 News Briefing (b03s668l)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.
THU 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b03sgpz6)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Y Y Rubinstein.
THU 05:45 Farming Today (b03s9tlv)
Plant science, porridge, agroforestry and oysters
A shortage of specialist skills in plant science could put the UK's future biosecurity and agricultural innovation at risk. That's according to a survey from the UK Plant Sciences Federation. They say that the majority of people working in specialist areas of plant science such as health are over 50 and more needs to be done to attract younger people into the sector.
Falmouth oyster fishery could fail if groups that fish there can't agree on the size of the oysters they catch. As BBC Radio Cornwall's Denis Nightingale found out, some fishermen want the minimum catch size increased as it makes each oyster more valuable to sell, but others want to see the size remain in order to catch greater volumes of shellfish.
The EU has awarded over six million euros to fund new research into agroforestry. The study, which involves some 15 European countries will look to find out how increasing woodlands on farms can help them be more productive. Anna Hill has been to see agroforestry in action on a farm which grows strips of wheat between avenues of coppiced trees.
And our reporter Moira Hickey visits an oat farmer and porridge producer in Scotland, to find out how some of the UK's largest oat harvest in 40 years is being turned into breakfast - and it all comes down to quality of the grains.
Presented by Charlotte Smith and produced by Jules Benham.
THU 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b03mzv8v)
Hen Harrier
Tweet of the Day is a series of fascinating stories about our British birds inspired by their calls and songs.
Chris Packham presents the story of the hen harrier. The sight of hen harriers floating in to their roost on a winter's afternoon is one that once seen, you'll never forget. Hen harriers are long-winged, graceful birds of prey which hunt by quartering rough ground such as marshes and moorland.
THU 06:00 Today (b03s9tlx)
Morning news and current affairs. Including Sports Desk, Yesterday in Parliament, Weather and Thought for the Day.
THU 09:00 In Our Time (b03s9tlz)
Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss Catastrophism, the idea that natural disasters have had a significant influence in moulding the Earth's geological features. In 1822 William Buckland, the first reader of Geology at the University of Oxford, published his famous Reliquae Diluvianae, in which he ascribed most of the fossil record to the effects of Noah's flood. Charles Lyell in his Principles of Geology challenged these writings, arguing that geological change was slow and gradual, and that the processes responsible could still be seen at work today - a school of thought known as Uniformitarianism. But in the 1970s the idea that natural catastrophes were a major factor in the Earth's geology was revived and given new respectability by the discovery of evidence of a gigantic asteroid impact 65 million years ago, believed by many to have resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Andrew Scott
Leverhulme Emeritus Fellow in the Department of Earth Sciences at Royal Holloway, University of London
Jan Zalasiewicz
Senior Lecturer in Geology at the University of Leicester
Leucha Veneer
Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Manchester
Producer: Thomas Morris.
THU 09:45 Book of the Week (b03s9tm1)
Germaine Greer - White Beech: The Rainforest Years
Episode 4
The hero of Germaine Greer's rainforest is the rare White Beech tree although, with further research, she discovers it is neither white nor a beech. However, after years of misguided exploitation, it is one of the most endangered species of the forest. A tragedy she is determined to put right.
Read by Germaine Greer
Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4
THU 10:00 Woman's Hour (b03s9tm3)
Germaine Greer
Germaine Greer in a special programme about women and the land. She'll talk about her passion for restoring a small patch of rainforest in south-east Queensland, Australia. We'll also discuss women farmers, enviromentalists and gardeners with Professor Melissa Leach and Alys Fowler.
Presented by Jenni Murray
Produced by Rebecca Myatt.
THU 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b03sgpz8)
Writing the Century: The Dock, Nuremberg
Episode 4
By Amanda Whittington.
Dame Laura takes Peter on a visit to her old circus friends, the Carollis, who are also living, by coincidence, in Nuremberg.
Meanwhile there is a hitch with the press box at court and Laura's eminence as a painter cuts no ice with the American colonel.
Flamenco music by The Thumping Tommys
Director...Mary Ward-Lowery.
THU 11:00 From Our Own Correspondent (b03s9tm5)
A Doomed Romance
A doomed love affair in Damascus -- what happens when a rebel footsoldier falls in love with the daughter of one of the Syrian regime's security chiefs; one correspondent comes face to face with what she describes as 'the most exquisite banquet in Chinese history' while another is with the protestors in the Ukrainian capital Kiev and says the city 'looks and feels like some surreal parallel universe where an idealised, heroic past has collided with a menacing dystopian future.' We hear that Kazakhstan is suffering an identity crisis: while some now chase post-perestroika wealth, others are looking to the past and seeking guidance from the cults of their ancestors. And their songs have been labelled 'vulgar and slanderous' but we find out that the Calypsonians of Guyana claim their government's trying to silence them.
THU 11:30 Houses of Horror (b03s9tm7)
It's almost a given that the story of British horror movies belongs to Hammer films. The studio, with its lurid combination of sex and death, lashings of blood and gore, has given it a special stake in British hearts. It made over 200 films such as Dracula and Curse of Frankenstein with a recurring, legendary cast, including Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, and its 2007 revival drew heavily on past mystique.
Hammer was the most successful British film company of all time but, throughout its heyday in the 60s and 70s, it did battle with a much smaller, poorer, creative, upstart rival - Amicus films. Amicus was a small British horror studio that pioneered the much loved 'portmanteau' picture, such as Tales From the Crypt and Vault of Horror – each movie a composite of four or five short stories, whose connection is revealed at the end.
Horror aficionado and film buff Matthew Sweet explores the productive rivalry between the two contenders for the heart and soul of British horror, in a blood-curdling tale of low budget, gore spattered one-upmanship that's full of chilling atmosphere and fun.
Producer: Simon Hollis
A Brook Lapping Production
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2014.
THU 12:00 You and Yours (b03s9tm9)
Newsagents struggle for survival
Open all hours? The newsagents' struggle for survival. Is £800 for a weekend good value for a holiday? We speak to the boss of Center Parcs.
The website that promises a personalised bargain but left many people frustrated and empty handed over Christmas.
And would your city break include a game where you and your friends pay to be trapped in a claustrophobic room and have to find clues to get out?
THU 12:57 Weather (b03s668n)
The latest weather forecast.
THU 13:00 World at One (b03s668q)
National and international news. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.
THU 13:45 The Ideas That Make Us (b03s9tmc)
Series 2
Bettany Hughes enquires into changing ideas of wisdom by watching a football match and going to a synagogue to hear the Song of Deborah being sung.
The Ideas That Make Us is a Radio 4 series which reveals the history of the most influential ideas in the story of civilisation, ideas which continue to affect us all today.
In this 'archaeology of philosophy', the award-winning historian and broadcaster Bettany Hughes begins each programme with the first, extant evidence of a single word-idea in Ancient Greek culture and travels both forwards and backwards in time, investigating how these ideas have been moulded by history and have shaped the human experience. In the fourth programme of this series, Bettany enquires into changing ideas of wisdom with footballer Eniola Aluko, philosopher Professor Angie Hobbs, Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, and papyrologist Professor Dirk Obbink.
Other ideas examined in this series are liberty, comedy, hospitality and peace.
Producer: Dixi Stewart.
THU 14:00 The Archers (b03s76dk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
19:00 on Wednesday]
THU 14:15 Drama (b03s9tmf)
by Audrey Gillan
Fifteen year old Siobhain is taken into care. In new friend Kerry she finds someone who understands her. But will she ever feel secure?
Directed by Gaynor Macfarlane
Sharon Rooney stars as teen heroine Rae Earl in the E4 series MY MAD FAT DIARY.
THU 15:00 Open Country (b03s9tmh)
Helen Mark visits the small Gloucestershire village of Adlestrop that inspired Edward Thomas' famous eponymous poem when his steam train unexpectedly stopped there 100 years ago, on the eve of war. Helen meets Ian Morton of the Edward Thomas Fellowship to find out more about the poet who died in combat in 1917, as well as people who live and work in this beautiful corner of the Cotswolds. She visits Daylesford, the nearby large organic farm operation, makers of their own Adlestrop cheese, and hears about the Wychwood Forest Project.
Producer: Mark Smalley.
THU 15:27 Radio 4 Appeal (b03s69dn)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:55 on Sunday]
THU 15:30 Open Book (b03s6jtz)
Deborah Levy; Bulgarian fiction; Jamie Byng's literary pick
Deborah Levy's last novel Swimming Home was shortlisted for the Man Booker, the National Book Award and the Wingate Prize in 2012. However that success came after a 15 year long hiatus. With the republication of Deborah's early works, she talks to Mariella Frostrup about those difficult years when her novels went out of print, her relationship to that early work and how it shaped her later books and the impact of motherhood and the Man Booker on her writing.
Bulgaria has been one of the countries in the news in the past few weeks, with politicians and the media endlessly speculating on the number of people who may, or may not, be arriving here, as EU visa restrictions were lifted at the beginning of the month. At Open Book we decided to explore this Black Sea country through that most illuminating of sources - its literature.
Writer Miroslav Penkov, Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at the University of North Texas and the 2012 winner of the BBC International Short Story Award and author Kapka Kassabova discuss the Bulgarian literary scene
Now don't you love it when you get a recommendation from someone who really knows their stuff - whether it's a must see film, a new restaurant, or an up and coming artist. In a new series, Insider Reading - some of the most influential, and generous folk in the publishing world give us a hot tip on their must read book, and it's not one they've published. First up is Jamie Byng, the publisher of Canongate books and the man behind World Book Night.
Producer: Andrea Kidd.
THU 16:00 The Film Programme (b03s9ttv)
Director Scott Cooper; Alex Gibney; Lift to the Scaffold; British indie films abroad
Francine Stock talks to the director Scott Cooper about his film Out of the Furnace, starring Christian Bale, Casey Affleck, Forest Whitaker and Woody Harrelson. Cooper explains why his own family history is so pertinent to this story of brothers struggling to find their role as men amidst the dying steel mills of Pennsylvania, and his fascination with modern masculinity.
Plus Alex Gibney on his Lance Armstrong documentary, The Armstrong Lie and how he fell under the spell of the disgraced but charismatic cyclist. What started as a comeback story in 2009 turned into something very different as the doping scandal gathered pace.
Charlie Bloye, Chief Executive of Film Export UK, the trade body that represents around 30 independent film sales companies, makes a case for more support for getting British indie films seen abroad.
And Ginette Vincendeau of King's College London explores the magic of Jeanne Moreau in Lift to the Scaffold, the 1958 Louis Malle film which made her a full-blown star. She explains why the noirish thriller has come to be seen as a significant precursor of the French New Wave, which broke with film making conventions.
THU 16:30 BBC Inside Science (b03s9ttx)
Neanderthals; Plague; Wind Tunnel; Music Timing; Stem Cells
We now know that Neanderthals and our ancestors interbred over 40,000 years ago. Recent research has shown that most people of European or East Asian descent carry a small percentage of Neanderthal DNA - about 2%. But two new papers this week examine some of the physical characteristics we may have got from the genes of our ancient cousins. They include some disease susceptibilities and hair and skin characteristics, which may have helped our forebears survive in northern climes.
There have been many sensationalist headlines in the news this week suggesting that the deadly bubonic plague could return, when really, it never went away. And while it can still be deadly, it can be treated early with antibiotics. In the Middle Ages the Black Death is thought to have killed up to half of the European population and so too did the Justinian Plague 800 years earlier. Now scientists have compared these two plague genomes to find that they were both caused by distinct strains of the same bacterium, Yersinia Pestis. Knowing how the pathogen evolved in the past is crucial to our understanding of possible future strains of plague. Lead author Dr David Wagner from the University of Arizona tells Dr Adam Rutherford that it's very unlikely the plague will return on a mass scale.
It's a windy Show Us Your Instrument this week - Prof Konstantinos ('Kostas') Kontis, Professor of Aerospace Engineering shows us around his wind tunnel. It's used to help develop more effective plane wings, helicopter rotors, and wind turbine blades, but cyclist Sir Chris Hoy has also been a test sample. Glasgow University is currently building a hypersonic wind tunnel, which can test air flow at speeds of up to Mach 10.
We all unconsciously synchronise our movements and researchers at the University of Birmingham have shown how professional musicians make tiny adjustments in their playing to keep time with their colleagues. Alan Wing, Professor of Human Movement in Psychology tells Adam how this research about minute synchronisation is helping to inform how robots can be designed to interact with humans.
Stem cells can become any other cell in the body from nerve to bone to skin, and they are touted as the future of medicine. Embryos are one, often ethically charged, source of stem cells and in 2006 Nobel prize winning research showed that skin cells could be "genetically reprogrammed" to become stem cells. These were called induced pluripotent stem cells. Scientists in Japan have now shown, in mice, that this previous painstaking method of making the versatile cells can be replaced by little more than a short dip in acid. Professor Chris Mason from University College London tells Adam that this major breakthrough could be faster, cheaper and possibly safer than other cell reprogramming technologies.
Producer: Fiona Hill.
THU 17:00 PM (b03s9ttz)
Coverage and analysis of the day's news.
THU 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b03s668s)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.
THU 18:30 John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (b015mvsj)
Series 1
Episode 4
John Finnemore, writer and star of Cabin Pressure, regular guest on The Now Show and popper-up in things like Miranda and That Mitchell and Webb Look returns with half an hour of his own sketches, each funnier than the last. Although, hang on, that system means starting the whole series with the least funny sketch. Might need to rethink that. OK, it's a new show filled with sketches written and performed by John Finnemore, but now no longer arranged in strict order of funniness. Also, he's cut the sketch that would have gone first.
This week's show features some musical interludes from the zoo, and a sketch that only a fool wouldn't find funny.
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme is written by and stars John Finnemore. It also features Carrie Quinlan (The News Quiz, The Late Edition), Lawry Lewin (The Life & Times of Vivienne Vyle, Horrible Histories) and Simon Kane (Six Impossible Things).
Producer: Ed Morrish.
THU 19:00 The Archers (b03s9tv1)
Clarrie's heard from Joe about Susan's lottery win. She can't believe her best friend would keep a secret like that from her. She tells Will that Emma laughed it off when she asked her, saying her parents had been saving up for years for that holiday. Clarrie's not convinced.
Emma's exasperated when George packs his bag because he wants to visit the puppy Holly at Will's house. She orders him to unpack. When he's not in his room later, distraught Emma worries he's gone to Will's on his own. But Will is at Clarrie's and Nic is out. Ed is angry. It's all Will's fault for taking in Holly. Emma begs him to look for George - now's not the time for blame.
When Will discovers George isn't at his house, Ed and Will's search widens. Ed blames Will, who snaps back that he can't look after a dog, let alone his son. They come to blows.
Pitching in, disgusted Eddie breaks them up. Refocused Ed has a feeling where George is - at the old shepherd's hut. When Ed finds him there, Emma's beside herself with relief. George tells her that it was Ed who found him, because he knew where to look. Quietly, Ed tells Emma he's bringing George home.
THU 19:15 Front Row (b03s9tv3)
Ralph Fiennes, EL Doctorow, The Last Leg
With Mark Lawson.
Ralph Fiennes discusses his latest film The Invisible Woman, about the relationship between Charles Dickens and his mistress, which Fiennes stars in and directs.
In his latest novel, the American author E L Doctorow takes us on a journey into the mind of a man who, more than once in his life, has been the cause of disaster, albeit inadvertently. In Andrew's Brain he thinks and talks about the various events of his life that have lead him to this point in time. E L Doctorow describes how he came up with this particular character, and the novel-writing process.
This week sees the return of Channel 4's topical comedy series The Last Leg. The show became a hit when it was first broadcast during the 2012 Paralympics and this new series will provide an offbeat take on the forthcoming Sochi Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Presenters Adam Hills and Josh Widdicombe discuss the surprise popularity of the format and the appetite for representations of disability on television.
Producer Jerome Weatherald.
THU 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b03sgpz8)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:45 today]
THU 20:00 The Report (b03s9tv5)
Dieudonne: France's Most Dangerous Comedian?
Dieudonne has divided France with his controversial comedy. His shows are sold out, his videos get millions of hits online, and people around the world from firefighters to famous footballers have been photographed doing the 'quenelle', a gesture he popularised. Many fans see Dieudonne and the quenelle as expressing their anger and disillusionment with 'the system'. But the French government has banned his shows and his opponents say Dieudonne is a dangerous anti-Semite who is popularising the ideas of the extreme-right. Helen Grady investigates why Dieudonne has become so popular, and whether his critics are right to claim he's become a 'recruiting sergeant' for the French National Front.
THU 20:30 The Bottom Line (b03s9v66)
The Sharing Economy
The "sharing" economy is the topic of discussion for Evan Davis & his guests in the first of a new series of The Bottom Line. The market is built around renting out your possessions to strangers and entrepreneurs have piled in to enable us to share our homes, cars, bikes, clothes, tools and much more besides. At its heart is the idea that business works better if it collaborates, rather than competes, with other companies. How disruptive might these innovative enterprises prove to be? How much profit can they make (and is that the point anyway?).
Guests :
Even Heggernes, UK & Ireland Country Manager, Airbnb
Ali Clabburn, Founder, Liftshare
Fiona Disegni, Founder, Rentez-Vous
Producer : Rosamund Jones.
THU 21:00 BBC Inside Science (b03s9ttx)
[Repeat of broadcast at
16:30 today]
THU 21:30 In Our Time (b03s9tlz)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
THU 21:58 Weather (b03s668v)
The latest weather forecast.
THU 22:00 The World Tonight (b03s9x1t)
Tory rebellion on immigration debate, Scarlett Johannson Israel boycott row, US Afghan pullout with Philippa Thomas.
THU 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b03s9x1w)
Dissident Gardens
Episode 9
By Jonathan Lethem
A Twentieth Century American epic by prize-winning novelist Jonathan Lethem, applying his sharp, funny and perfectly crafted prose to an alternative history of America which puts a woman at its heart - a Jewish, Communist woman, a single mother, a second generation immigrant deeply involved in the civil rights movement.
In 1955 Rose Zimmer is kicked out of the American Communist party for her affair with a black policeman. Her ire and her radicalism, her incendiary disappointment in the Twentieth Century, prove inescapable for the generations that come after her - her idealistic hippy daughter Miriam, black stepson Cicero and her lost grandson Sergius. A fragmented and compelling story of modern America from the perspective of those who lost out.
Episode 9: Today's episode offers a moving glimpse into the relationship between Rose and her stepson Cicero as she struggles with her encroaching loss of memory.
Read by Laurel Lefkow
Abridged by Elizabeth Reeder
Produced by Allegra McIlroy.
THU 23:00 Brian Gulliver's Travels (b00z58bb)
Series 1
Brian Gulliver, a seasoned presenter of travel documentaries, finds himself in a hospital's secure unit after claiming to have had a number of bizarre adventures.
This week he travels to Osminia, a land where marriage is outlawed.
Produced by Steven Canny
Brian Gulliver's Travels is a new satirical adventure story from Bill Dare. The series has attracted an excellent cast led by Neil Pearson and award winning star of the RSC's current season, Mariah Gale. Cast includes fantastic actors Tamsin Greig, John Standing, Paul Bhattacharjee, Christopher Douglas, Catherine Shepherd, Vicky Pepperdine, Phil Cornwell, Antonia Campbell Hughes, Jo Bobin and Katherine Jakeways.
For years Bill Dare wanted to create a satire about different worlds exploring Kipling's idea that we travel, 'not just to explore civilizations, but to better understand our own'. But science fiction and space ships never interested him, so he put the idea on ice. Then Brian Gulliver arrived and meant that our hero could be lost in a fictional world without the need for any sci-fi.
Satirical targets over the series: the medical profession and its need to pathologize everything; the effect of marriage on children; spirituality and pseudo-science; compensation culture; sexism; the affect of our obsession with fame.
Gulliver's Travels is the only book Bill Dare read at university. His father, Peter Jones, narrated a similarly peripatetic radio series: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
THU 23:30 Today in Parliament (b03s9x1y)
Sean Curran and team report from Westminster on the Immigration Bill debate, David Cameron and the National Security Strategy and other top stories from the Commons and the Lords. Editor: Rachel Byrne.
FRI 00:00 Midnight News (b03s669s)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.
FRI 00:30 Book of the Week (b03s9tm1)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:45 on Thursday]
FRI 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b03s669v)
The latest shipping forecast.
FRI 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b03s669x)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.
FRI 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b03s669z)
The latest shipping forecast.
FRI 05:30 News Briefing (b03s66b1)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.
FRI 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b03sgq25)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Y Y Rubinstein.
FRI 05:45 Farming Today (b03s9y31)
Somerset Levels Flooding, Tidal Surge Damage, Breakfast Eggs
A plan to solve flooding problems on the Somerset Levels has suggested that farmers should be compensated for flooding to their land, when that protects nearby towns. The ten point plan has been drawn up by the local Drainage Board and it also includes calls for more dredging, better soil management upstream, and improved urban planning. The Drainage Board drew inspiration from the Netherlands and Charlotte Smith talks to the Chairman of the Dutch Farmers' union, LTO.
Anna Hill visits the Blakeney National Nature Reserve to find out about the lasting damage to its saltmarsh habitat caused by the tidal surge in December.
And we meet the Exmoor couple who turned their free range egg business around by starting a local delivery service to shops and restaurants.
Presented by Charlotte Smith and produced by Sarah Swadling.
FRI 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b03mzv9d)
Great Northern Diver
Tweet of the Day is a series of fascinating stories about our British birds inspired by their calls and songs.
Chris Packham presents the story of the great northern diver. The wailing cries of a great northern diver echo around the lakes where they live. If the bird sounds striking, then its appearance is just as dramatic....a dagger bill, sleek submarine–shaped body, it's plumage covered in graphic patterns of black and white stripes, dots and dashes.
FRI 06:00 Today (b03s9y33)
Morning news and current affairs. Including Sports Desk, Yesterday in Parliament, Weather and Thought for the Day.
FRI 09:00 Desert Island Discs (b03p8wdc)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:15 on Sunday]
FRI 09:45 Book of the Week (b03s9y35)
Germaine Greer - White Beech: The Rainforest Years
Episode 5
Germaine Greer returns from a six month stay in England to find some exciting plantlings in her propagation unit in the rainforest. And though they look nothing like their parent, she is sure she knows what they will grow into. It is a triumph that makes all the hard work, worry and expense worthwhile.
Read by Germaine Greer
Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4
FRI 10:00 Woman's Hour (b03s9y37)
After the economic downturn, which way is up?
On Friday 31st January Woman's Hour and You & Yours will combine for two outside broadcasts examining the impact of the recession and the strength of the current recovery. For Woman's Hour Jenni Murray will be live from a food bank, surprisingly located in the relatively affluent suburb of Timperley in Cheshire. She's joined by guests to discuss if the recession is over for women and also to meet people for whom the economic downturn has brought a new lease of life. At noon Peter White will be in Liverpool at the new Central Library. The Library has been built in partnership with private funding and the City Council is committed to fund it - meaning there is even less money for other council priorities.
Presenter:Jenni Murray
Producer: Bernadette McConnell.
FRI 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b03sgq3n)
Writing the Century: The Dock, Nuremberg
Episode 5
By Amanda Whittington.
Dame Laura's painting of the Nuremberg Trial is almost complete. When she was commissioned as war artist by the British government, they were not expecting this: a vision of the courtroom as a kind of hell, with a mirage of the ruined city in the background.
Director...Mary Ward-Lowery.
FRI 11:00 The Road to Sochi (b03sb0ln)
The July 2007 announcement that the 22nd Winter Olympics would be held in Sochi, was a surprise to many. Sochi was better known for its palm trees and Soviet-era sanatoriums than for ski slopes. But Vladimir Putin's intensive lobbying efforts swayed the International Olympic Committee. He saw the Olympics as an opportunity to showcase to the world a 'new and modern Russia', a country that had left behind its tumultuous era of transition and one eager to embrace global institutions and attract international investment.
But preparations for the games have been mired in controversy. Human rights groups have called attention to the alleged maltreatment of migrant labourers and Russia's anti-LGBT policies. Environmental activists claim damage to protected areas. With the cost of the games escalating from £12 to £32 billion there are accusations of corruption and criminality. Given that all Olympic host cities endure fierce criticism on various fronts in the lead-up to the Games, are the concerns about Sochi truly justified, or are they being exaggerated? Is this debate really about corruption, or are the Games just a pawn in Russia's intense political battles?
Robin Lustig heads to Russia to examine the allegations. He speaks to local residents and city officials in Sochi whose lives have been affected. Boris Nemtsov, a prominent opposition leader and native of Sochi claims 'billions' have gone missing, and describes absurdities such as the road so expensive he says it 'could have been paved with gold'. Valery Morozov, a local businessman who says he paid millions in bribes to a government official, discusses how he believes the Russian bureaucracy has systematised corruption.
Producer: Emily Williams
Assistant Producer Jeni Mitchell
A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.
FRI 11:30 Ayres on the Air (b03sb0lq)
Series 5
Pam Ayres regales her audience with poems, stories and sketches on another subject close to her heart: self-sufficiency.
Pam discusses her love of allotments, knitting and her more recent love of beekeeping.
Felicity Montagu
Geoffrey Whitehead as Pam's long-suffering husband 'Gordon'.
Poems include: The Allotment Rustler, Over-Penguinisation, Behold My Bold Provider, Stuck on You and The Litter Moron.
Sketch writers: James Bugg, Grainne McGuire, Andy Wolton and Tom Neenan.
Producer: Claire Jones.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2014.
FRI 12:00 You and Yours (b03sb2v1)
The Upturn: Live From Liverpool
We're teaming up with Woman's Hour. Together, we're finding out whether you're feeling better off. We're in Liverpool looking at the economic recovery we've heard so much about.
FRI 12:57 Weather (b03s66b3)
The latest weather forecast.
FRI 13:00 World at One (b03s66b5)
National and international news. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.
FRI 13:45 The Ideas That Make Us (b03sb2v3)
Series 2
Bettany Hughes explores changing ideas of peace through images of war-torn Syria and by talking to a man on the brink of death.
The Ideas That Make Us is a Radio 4 series which reveals the history of the most influential ideas in the story of civilisation, ideas which continue to affect us all today.
In this 'archaeology of philosophy', the award-winning historian and broadcaster Bettany Hughes begins each programme with the first, extant evidence of a single word-idea in Ancient Greek culture and travels both forwards and backwards in time, investigating how these ideas have been moulded by history and have shaped the human experience. Here Bettany explores changing ideas of peace with photojournalist Paul Conroy, historians Dr. David Gwynn and Dr. Faisal Devji, Consultant in Palliative Medicine Emily Collis and Davor Seselj.
Other ideas examined in The Ideas that Make Us are idea, desire, agony, fame, justice, wisdom, comedy, liberty, and hospitality.
Producer: Dixi Stewart.
FRI 14:00 The Archers (b03s9tv1)
[Repeat of broadcast at
19:00 on Thursday]
FRI 14:15 Drama (b012078f)
Playing for His Life
Written by John Peacock.
Already under Gestapo Surveillance, tennis ace Baron Gottfried Von Cramm, married but secretly homosexual, offends Hitler, by refusing to join the Nazi Party. He believes himself to be safe as long as he remains Germany's number one and winning. 'But I must win. I can't lose, and I can't quit.' He was left playing for his life.
Producer/Director: Celia de Wolff
A Pier Production for BBC Radio 4.
FRI 15:00 Gardeners' Question Time (b03sb3x2)
Eric Robson presents GQT from The Pavilion Gardens in Buxton. Bob Flowerdew, Bunny Guinness and Anne Swithinbank take questions from local gardeners.
Anne Swithinbank takes a tour of the Pavilion Gardens botanical conservatory to explore a collection of plants from all over the world. James Wong visits Bob's Winter Garden for the second in a special series of topical tips.
Produced by Howard Shannon.
Assistant Producer: Darby Dorras.
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4
This week's questions:
Q.I have recently added a half allotment to our existing hilltop site, which has come with some established soft fruit. Can the panel suggest some additional soft fruit to add to the traditional strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, redcurrants and blackcurrants?
A. If you have established strawberries, raspberries and blackcurrants you could take them all out and add new stock. They rarely last for more than three or four years. However, redcurrants and white currants are worth preserving. A suggestion would be Aronia, which has a sour taste alone but makes a wonderful jam when mixed with apple puree and sugar. The Rokula Gooseberry is another option. Blueberries would also grow well in an acidic soil. Loganberries grow well in drier soil. Boysenberries would be recommended for a clay soil.
Q. I bought a Winter Sweet to brighten up the winter months but it has not flowered in the ten years I have had it. What can I do to encourage it to perform?
A. Winter Sweet is a slow starter and can take ten years or more to perform. They only flower on the younger growth. Consider cutting it right back.
Q. Could the panel suggest some scented, colourful, trailing plants for my hanging baskets? They are positioned in a north-facing porch, often exposed to vicious winds?
A. Try trailing Pelargoniums, such as the Tomentosum with its scented foliage. Trailing Nasturtium is scented and good if you are on a budget. Sweet peas are also a good option. Jasmine could hang and would be extremely scented.
Q. Due to a warm winter my perennials are starting to put out new shoots and leaves. I am concerned that they will be burnt by the frost and that there will be less growth and fewer flowers in the summer?
A. You could try straw or dry leaves around the shoots to protect them from the frost, but perennials are often tough enough to grow back.
Q. To mark the anniversary of World War One, we plan to create a bed of vegetables that would have been grown in 1914. Could the panel recommend simple, easy to grow, everyday vegetables for a garden at 1000ft?
A. The Carlin Pea and other tall pea varieties. Visit the Heritage Seed Library for more inspiration.
Q. How do I get rid of Speedwell on my allotment?
A. Be vigilant, pull it out before they are able to flower. Speedwell does not like lime, so add lime to your vegetable beds and it will discourage the weed.
FRI 15:45 The Time Being (b03sb3x4)
Series 7
Spells for Love, by Melissa Lee-Houghton
The Time Being provides a showcase for new voices, none of whom have been previously broadcast.
Previous series have brought new talent to a wider audience and provided a stepping stone for writers who have since gone on to enjoy further success both on radio and in print, such as Tania Hershman, Heidi Amsinck, Sally Hinchcliffe and Joe Dunthorne.
Spells For Love by Melissa Lee-Houghton:
A tale of love, loss and white magic. Sybil will do everything in her power to see that her daughter Lucia falls in love.
Melissa Lee-Houghton has written two collections of poetry. Her most recent, Beautiful Girls, is a Poetry Book Society Recommendation. Melissa lives in Blackburn, Lancashire.
Reader: Ruth Gemmell
Producer: Jeremy Osborne
A Sweet Talk production for BBC Radio 4.
FRI 16:00 Last Word (b03sb3x6)
Pete Seeger, Kathryn Findlay, Sir Robert Scholey, Sir Run Run Shaw
Matthew Bannister on
The American folk singer and activist Pete Seeger. We've spoken to Joan Baez, Tom Paxton, his sister Peggy and Roger McGuinn of the Byrds.
Also: the architect Kathryn Findlay who worked on the Orbit Tower at the Olympic Park and created surreal space age houses in Japan.
Sir Bob Scholey who presided over the transformation of British Steel from loss making nationalised industry to profitable private company.
And Sir Run Run Shaw, the Hong Kong movie mogul whose studios produced nearly a thousand films.
Producer: Simon Tillotson.
FRI 16:30 More or Less (b03sb3x8)
The 50p tax rate
Labour say that in the three years where the 50p rate of tax was in place, it raised almost 10 billion pounds more for the Treasury than government estimates at the time captured. When he scrapped it, George Osborne said the total was only £300million. Who's right?
Meanwhile, the Labour party has been attacking the Government on the cost of living. It says wages are now down £1600 a year after inflation under David Cameron, while Conservative ministers say that 90% of people's wages have been increasing above the rate of inflation. So who is right?
How many guests should you invite to your wedding? It's a tricky problem. And one Damjan Vukcevic tried to solve with statistics when he was planning his marriage to his partner, Joan Ko. But with how much success? Tim Harford interviews the couple.
Disability benefits: Almost a million people who applied for sickness benefit have instead been found fit for work, the Department for Work and Pensions has announced. We put the numbers into context.
Cost of raising a child: Does it really cost nearly a quarter of a million pounds to raise a child from birth to the age of 21? That's a claim made by life insurance providers LV in their annual report. We examine the methodology behind their numbers.
FRI 17:00 PM (b03sb3xb)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news.
FRI 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b03s66b7)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.
FRI 18:30 The Now Show (b03sb3xd)
Series 42
Episode 4
Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis are joined by Andy Zaltzman and special guest Glenn Tilbrook for a comic romp through the week's news. With Mitch Benn, Jon Holmes and Laura Shavin.
Written by the cast, with additional material from Jane Lamacraft and Sarah Morgan. Produced by Colin Anderson.
FRI 19:00 The Archers (b03sb3xg)
Eddie puts the finishing touches to the truck, ready for Darrell to move in. He tells Ed he was ashamed of Will and Ed last night. They looked like they wanted to kill each other. They weren't thinking about George at all. Ed apologises, saying it doesn't matter what Will does now, he's going to change. What matters most to him is his family. Eddie hopes he means it.
Tony feels happier, telling Pat he enjoyed his chat with David last night. They're delighted when Kirsty asks if they can have their reception at Bridge Farm. However Tony's good mood goes when Tom tells him about his cropping plans. Pat sympathises when Tony says there was a time when Tom would have consulted Tony. Peggy's will has given Tom licence to do whatever he likes.
Helen and Rob visit Peggy. Helen's grateful for Peggy leaving her The Lodge and for making Rob feel welcome. Peggy says she was concerned that Rob was married, but wanted to make up her own mind. Rob has heard rumours of Susan's lottery win. He says being with Helen is like winning the lottery. Peggy is charmed. Henry needs a good father figure. The sooner they can be properly together the better. Life's too short.
FRI 19:15 Front Row (b03sb3zr)
The Bridge stars, Jonathan Lethem, RS Thomas
Jonathan Lethem talks about his latest novel Dissident Gardens. It's an epic family novel criss-crossing generations from the '50s to the present day, focussing on Rose, an American Communist. Based on his own upbringing and radical grandmother, Lethem describes how even as a youngster he guessed he'd never be able to stand for President, as there surely would have been a 'problem with my files'.
This weekend the final two episodes of The Bridge are screened on BBC4. The series, which has spawned many international remakes, follows a Swedish and a Danish detective working on a case together, and explores the cultural differences that inform their relationship. Sofia Helin and Kim Bodnia, aka detectives Saga Norén and Martin Rohde, discuss the surprise popularity of the show and the challenges of acting with someone who is speaking a different language.
This week a crisps manufacturing company admitted they had used a photograph of the late Welsh poet R.S. Thomas to advertise a competition on their packets, without knowing who he was. Thomas's biographer Byron Rogers reflects on the strange case of the poet and the crisp packet.
Many of this year's Oscar contenders claim to be 'based on a true story', among them 12 Years a Slave, Philomena, Saving Mr Banks, Captain Phillips and The Wolf of Wall St. Adam Smith has been digging around and begs to take issue with the veracity the film-makers claim.
Producer Stephen Hughes.
FRI 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b03sgq3n)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:45 today]
FRI 20:00 Any Questions? (b03sb5y6)
Diane Abbott MP, Eric Pickles MP, Simon Heffer, Baroness Jenny Jones
Jonathan Dimbleby presents political debate and discussion from Purfleet in Essex with the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Eric Pickles MP, Labour backbencher Diane Abbott MP, author and columnist Simon Heffer and the new Green party peer Baroness Jenny Jones.
FRI 20:50 A Point of View (b03sb5y8)
Why Sportsmanship Matters
Adam Gopnik reflects on the value of sportsmanship ahead of the American Super Bowl following controversy over a player's supposedly unsporting comments. "Sportsmanship is this day's triumph's salute to time...We will not always be the winner."
Producer: Sheila Cook.
FRI 21:00 Tony Teardrop (b03sb5yb)
Episode 1
Tony Teardrop
by Esther Wilson
Based on true stories, this is a biting and sometimes humorous play about homeless people and people living on the breadline. It follows the poignant story of Roz, a homeless
drug addict who has four adult children and looks especially at the relationship with her and eldest daughter Carly. Tony Teardrop is also homeless, and a parent; he's hoping to arrange a visit to see his two boys, who are in long term foster care. When Tony and Roz meet a relationship develops.
Directed by Pauline Harris.
FRI 21:58 Weather (b03s66b9)
The latest weather forecast.
FRI 22:00 The World Tonight (b03sb5yf)
UK France deepen defence cooperation, ONS verdict on real wages & Thailand's opposition Democrat Pary tries to stop Sunday's election with Philippa Thomas.
FRI 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b03sb5yj)
Dissident Gardens
Episode 10
By Jonathan Lethem
A Twentieth Century American epic by prize-winning novelist Jonathan Lethem, applying his sharp, funny and perfectly crafted prose to an alternative history of America which puts a woman at its heart - a Jewish, Communist woman, a single mother, a second generation immigrant deeply involved in the civil rights movement.
In 1955 Rose Zimmer is kicked out of the American Communist party for her affair with a black policeman. Her ire and her radicalism, her incendiary disappointment in the Twentieth Century, prove inescapable for the generations that come after her - her idealistic hippy daughter Miriam, black stepson Cicero and her lost grandson Sergius. A fragmented and compelling story of modern America from the perspective of those who lost out.
Episode 10: This fragmented and compelling story of modern America concludes with Rose's stepson Cicero, and her grandson Sergius.
Read by Laurel Lefkow
Abridged by Elizabeth Reeder
Produced by Allegra McIlroy.
FRI 23:00 Great Lives (b03s718g)
[Repeat of broadcast at
16:30 on Tuesday]
FRI 23:30 Today in Parliament (b03sb5yl)
Mark D'Arcy with a round-up of the day in Westminster, where peers killed off the EU Referendum Bill. Plus, Mark discusses the evolving forms of splits and rebellions on the coalition benches. Editor: Alan Soady.
(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)
15 Minute Drama
10:45 MON (b03s6mdy)
15 Minute Drama
19:45 MON (b03s6mdy)
15 Minute Drama
10:45 TUE (b03sgp6d)
15 Minute Drama
19:45 TUE (b03sgp6d)
15 Minute Drama
10:45 WED (b03sgpj3)
15 Minute Drama
19:45 WED (b03sgpj3)
15 Minute Drama
10:45 THU (b03sgpz8)
15 Minute Drama
19:45 THU (b03sgpz8)
15 Minute Drama
10:45 FRI (b03sgq3n)
15 Minute Drama
19:45 FRI (b03sgq3n)
A Point of View
08:48 SUN (b03qfzh9)
A Point of View
20:50 FRI (b03sb5y8)
A Shepherd in London
19:45 SUN (b03s6jv9)
20:30 MON (b03s6pjx)
Any Answers?
14:00 SAT (b03s6461)
Any Questions?
13:10 SAT (b03qfzh7)
Any Questions?
20:00 FRI (b03sb5y6)
Archive on 4
20:00 SAT (b03s65sw)
Ayres on the Air
11:30 FRI (b03sb0lq)
BBC Inside Science
16:30 THU (b03s9ttx)
BBC Inside Science
21:00 THU (b03s9ttx)
Bells on Sunday
05:43 SUN (b03s67p0)
Bells on Sunday
00:45 MON (b03s67p0)
Beyond Belief
16:30 MON (b03s6mm5)
Book at Bedtime
22:45 MON (b03s6pk1)
Book at Bedtime
22:45 TUE (b03s742j)
Book at Bedtime
22:45 WED (b03s7748)
Book at Bedtime
22:45 THU (b03s9x1w)
Book at Bedtime
22:45 FRI (b03sb5yj)
Book of the Week
00:30 SAT (b03kv6kz)
Book of the Week
09:45 MON (b03s6mdt)
Book of the Week
00:30 TUE (b03s6mdt)
Book of the Week
09:45 TUE (b03s6ylk)
Book of the Week
00:30 WED (b03s6ylk)
Book of the Week
09:45 WED (b03s754f)
Book of the Week
00:30 THU (b03s754f)
Book of the Week
09:45 THU (b03s9tm1)
Book of the Week
00:30 FRI (b03s9tm1)
Book of the Week
09:45 FRI (b03s9y35)
Brain of Britain
23:00 SAT (b03q6bqg)
Brain of Britain
15:00 MON (b03s6mm1)
Brian Gulliver's Travels
23:00 THU (b00z58bb)
Bringing Up Britain
22:15 SAT (b03q9w0v)
Bringing Up Britain
20:00 WED (b03s76dp)
Broadcasting House
09:00 SUN (b03s69ds)
Chain Reaction
18:30 TUE (b03s71cz)
Clare in the Community
11:30 WED (b03s754k)
Classic Serial
21:00 SAT (b03q59ss)
Declared Interests: The Business of Politics
13:30 SUN (b03q6crs)
Desert Island Discs
11:15 SUN (b03p8wdc)
Desert Island Discs
09:00 FRI (b03p8wdc)
Does Scandinavia Want Scotland?
20:00 MON (b03s6pjv)
14:15 MON (b011zzhn)
14:15 TUE (b03s70y8)
14:15 WED (b03s76cr)
14:15 THU (b03s9tmf)
14:15 FRI (b012078f)
Farming Today
06:30 SAT (b03s645l)
Farming Today
05:45 MON (b03s6mdm)
Farming Today
05:45 TUE (b03s6yl9)
Farming Today
05:45 WED (b03s7547)
Farming Today
05:45 THU (b03s9tlv)
Farming Today
05:45 FRI (b03s9y31)
File on 4
17:00 SUN (b03q8z4f)
File on 4
20:00 TUE (b03s7428)
Four Thought
05:45 SUN (b03qg8bk)
Four Thought
20:45 WED (b03s76dr)
From Fact to Fiction
19:00 SAT (b03s65n6)
From Fact to Fiction
17:40 SUN (b03s65n6)
From Our Own Correspondent
11:30 SAT (b03s645x)
From Our Own Correspondent
11:00 THU (b03s9tm5)
Front Row
19:15 SAT (b00r9xbk)
Front Row
19:15 MON (b03s6pjs)
Front Row
19:15 TUE (b03szh9k)
Front Row
19:15 WED (b03s76dm)
Front Row
19:15 THU (b03s9tv3)
Front Row
19:15 FRI (b03sb3zr)
Frozen in Mawson's Footsteps
21:00 WED (b03s76dt)
Gardeners' Question Time
14:00 SUN (b03qfzgq)
Gardeners' Question Time
15:00 FRI (b03sb3x2)
Great Lives
16:30 TUE (b03s718g)
Great Lives
23:00 FRI (b03s718g)
Houses of Horror
11:30 THU (b03s9tm7)
In Business
21:30 SUN (b03qflj0)
In Our Time
09:00 THU (b03s9tlz)
In Our Time
21:30 THU (b03s9tlz)
In Touch
20:40 TUE (b03s742b)
Inside Health
21:00 TUE (b03s742d)
Inside Health
15:30 WED (b03s742d)
Jennifer Egan - Emerald City and Other Stories
00:30 SUN (b01fhp9l)
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme
18:30 THU (b015mvsj)
Last Word
20:30 SUN (b03qfzgv)
Last Word
16:00 FRI (b03sb3x6)
Loose Ends
18:15 SAT (b03s65n4)
Mad About the Boy
11:30 TUE (b03s6zmb)
Making History
15:00 TUE (b03s70yb)
Mapping the Void
11:00 MON (b03s6mf0)
Mark Steel's in Town
18:30 WED (b03s76dh)
Midnight News
00:00 SAT (b03qfzk7)
Midnight News
00:00 SUN (b03s661w)
Midnight News
00:00 MON (b03s663x)
Midnight News
00:00 TUE (b03s665j)
Midnight News
00:00 WED (b03s666y)
Midnight News
00:00 THU (b03s668b)
Midnight News
00:00 FRI (b03s669s)
09:00 WED (b03s754c)
21:30 WED (b03s754c)
Money Box Live
15:00 WED (b03s76cy)
Money Box
12:00 SAT (b03s645z)
Money Box
21:00 SUN (b03s645z)
More or Less
20:00 SUN (b03qfzgx)
More or Less
16:30 FRI (b03sb3x8)
News Briefing
05:30 SAT (b03qfzkh)
News Briefing
05:30 SUN (b03s6626)
News Briefing
05:30 MON (b03s6645)
News Briefing
05:30 TUE (b03s665s)
News Briefing
05:30 WED (b03s6676)
News Briefing
05:30 THU (b03s668l)
News Briefing
05:30 FRI (b03s66b1)
News Headlines
06:00 SUN (b03s6628)
News and Papers
06:00 SAT (b03qfzkk)
News and Papers
07:00 SUN (b03s662d)
News and Papers
08:00 SUN (b03s662j)
News and Weather
22:00 SAT (b03qfzl2)
13:00 SAT (b03qfzkt)
North by Northamptonshire
11:30 MON (b03s6mf2)
On Your Farm
06:35 SUN (b03s69dj)
One to One
09:30 TUE (b03s6ylh)
Open Book
15:30 THU (b03s6jtz)
Open Country
06:07 SAT (b03qflhk)
Open Country
15:00 THU (b03s9tmh)
17:00 SAT (b03s65n2)
17:00 MON (b03s6mm7)
17:00 TUE (b03s71cx)
17:00 WED (b03s76df)
17:00 THU (b03s9ttz)
17:00 FRI (b03sb3xb)
Pick of the Week
18:15 SUN (b03s6jv3)
Poetry Please
23:30 SAT (b03q59sx)
Poetry Please
16:30 SUN (b03s6jv1)
Political Animals
19:30 SUN (b01m5nt0)
Prayer for the Day
05:43 SAT (b03qfzn7)
Prayer for the Day
05:43 MON (b03sgp24)
Prayer for the Day
05:43 TUE (b03sgp6b)
Prayer for the Day
05:43 WED (b03sgpj1)
Prayer for the Day
05:43 THU (b03sgpz6)
Prayer for the Day
05:43 FRI (b03sgq25)
Radio 4 Appeal
07:55 SUN (b03s69dn)
Radio 4 Appeal
21:26 SUN (b03s69dn)
Radio 4 Appeal
15:27 THU (b03s69dn)
Reimagining the City
10:30 SAT (b03s645s)
Saturday Drama
14:30 SAT (b03s65my)
Saturday Live
09:00 SAT (b03s645q)
Selection of BBC World Service Programmes
01:00 SAT (b03qfzkc)
Selection of BBC World Service Programmes
01:00 SUN (b03s6622)
Selection of BBC World Service Programmes
01:00 MON (b03s6641)
Selection of BBC World Service Programmes
01:00 TUE (b03s665n)
Selection of BBC World Service Programmes
01:00 WED (b03s6672)
Selection of BBC World Service Programmes
01:00 THU (b03s668g)
Selection of BBC World Service Programmes
01:00 FRI (b03s669x)
Shappi Talk
23:00 TUE (b00wsr2x)
Shared Planet
21:00 MON (b03q6dzy)
Shared Planet
11:00 TUE (b03s6zm8)
Shipping Forecast
00:48 SAT (b03qfzk9)
Shipping Forecast
05:20 SAT (b03qfzkf)
Shipping Forecast
17:54 SAT (b03qfzkw)
Shipping Forecast
00:48 SUN (b03s661y)
Shipping Forecast
05:20 SUN (b03s6624)
Shipping Forecast
17:54 SUN (b03s662n)
Shipping Forecast
00:48 MON (b03s663z)
Shipping Forecast
05:20 MON (b03s6643)
Shipping Forecast
00:48 TUE (b03s665l)
Shipping Forecast
05:20 TUE (b03s665q)
Shipping Forecast
00:48 WED (b03s6670)
Shipping Forecast
05:20 WED (b03s6674)
Shipping Forecast
00:48 THU (b03s668d)
Shipping Forecast
05:20 THU (b03s668j)
Shipping Forecast
00:48 FRI (b03s669v)
Shipping Forecast
05:20 FRI (b03s669z)
Six O'Clock News
18:00 SAT (b03qfzl0)
Six O'Clock News
18:00 SUN (b03s662s)
Six O'Clock News
18:00 MON (b03s664f)
Six O'Clock News
18:00 TUE (b03s6661)
Six O'Clock News
18:00 WED (b03s667b)
Six O'Clock News
18:00 THU (b03s668s)
Six O'Clock News
18:00 FRI (b03s66b7)
Something Understood
06:05 SUN (b03s69dg)
Something Understood
23:30 SUN (b03s69dg)
Start the Week
09:00 MON (b03s6mdr)
Start the Week
21:30 MON (b03s6mdr)
Sunday Worship
08:10 SUN (b03s69dq)
07:10 SUN (b03s69dl)
The Archers Omnibus
10:00 SUN (b03s69dv)
The Archers
19:00 SUN (b03s6jv5)
The Archers
14:00 MON (b03s6jv5)
The Archers
19:00 MON (b03s6pjq)
The Archers
14:00 TUE (b03s6pjq)
The Archers
19:00 TUE (b03s7426)
The Archers
14:00 WED (b03s7426)
The Archers
19:00 WED (b03s76dk)
The Archers
14:00 THU (b03s76dk)
The Archers
19:00 THU (b03s9tv1)
The Archers
14:00 FRI (b03s9tv1)
The Archers
19:00 FRI (b03sb3xg)
The Barchester Chronicles
15:00 SUN (b03s6jtx)
The Bottom Line
20:30 THU (b03s9v66)
The Film Programme
23:00 SUN (b03qflhm)
The Film Programme
16:00 THU (b03s9ttv)
The Food Programme
12:32 SUN (b03s6jtq)
The Food Programme
15:30 MON (b03s6jtq)
The Human Zoo
15:30 TUE (b03s718b)
The Ideas That Make Us
13:45 MON (b03s6mf6)
The Ideas That Make Us
13:45 TUE (b03s6zmg)
The Ideas That Make Us
13:45 WED (b03s76cm)
The Ideas That Make Us
13:45 THU (b03s9tmc)
The Ideas That Make Us
13:45 FRI (b03sb2v3)
The Long View
09:00 TUE (b03s6ylf)
The Long View
21:30 TUE (b03s6ylf)
The Media Show
16:30 WED (b03s76dc)
The Now Show
12:30 SAT (b03qfzh1)
The Now Show
18:30 FRI (b03sb3xd)
The Prime Ministers
19:45 SAT (b00htl94)
The Report
20:00 THU (b03s9tv5)
The Road to Sochi
11:00 FRI (b03sb0ln)
The Time Being
15:45 FRI (b03sb3x4)
The Unbelievable Truth
12:00 SUN (b03q6crl)
The Unbelievable Truth
18:30 MON (b03s6pjn)
The Week in Westminster
11:00 SAT (b03s645v)
The World This Weekend
13:00 SUN (b03s6jts)
The World Tonight
22:00 MON (b03s6pjz)
The World Tonight
22:00 TUE (b03s742g)
The World Tonight
22:00 WED (b03s7746)
The World Tonight
22:00 THU (b03s9x1t)
The World Tonight
22:00 FRI (b03sb5yf)
Thinking Allowed
00:15 MON (b03q9q2n)
Thinking Allowed
16:00 WED (b03s76d5)
Tim Key's Late Night Poetry Programme
23:00 WED (b03s9pjl)
Today in Parliament
23:30 MON (b03s6pk3)
Today in Parliament
23:30 TUE (b03s742l)
Today in Parliament
23:30 WED (b03s9pxb)
Today in Parliament
23:30 THU (b03s9x1y)
Today in Parliament
23:30 FRI (b03sb5yl)
07:00 SAT (b03s645n)
06:00 MON (b03s6mdp)
06:00 TUE (b03s6ylc)
06:00 WED (b03s7549)
06:00 THU (b03s9tlx)
06:00 FRI (b03s9y33)
Tony Teardrop
21:00 FRI (b03sb5yb)
Tweet of the Day
08:58 SUN (b03mzv53)
Tweet of the Day
05:58 MON (b03mzv7x)
Tweet of the Day
05:58 TUE (b03mzv81)
Tweet of the Day
05:58 WED (b03mzv8n)
Tweet of the Day
05:58 THU (b03mzv8v)
Tweet of the Day
05:58 FRI (b03mzv9d)
Warhorses of Letters
19:15 SUN (b03s6jv7)
06:04 SAT (b03qfzkm)
06:57 SAT (b03qfzkp)
12:57 SAT (b03qfzkr)
17:57 SAT (b03qfzky)
06:57 SUN (b03s662b)
07:57 SUN (b03s662g)
12:57 SUN (b03s662l)
17:57 SUN (b03s662q)
05:56 MON (b03s6647)
12:57 MON (b03s6649)
21:58 MON (b03s664h)
12:57 TUE (b03s665v)
21:58 TUE (b03s6663)
12:57 WED (b03t7pgm)
21:58 WED (b03s667d)
12:57 THU (b03s668n)
21:58 THU (b03s668v)
12:57 FRI (b03s66b3)
21:58 FRI (b03s66b9)
Westminster Hour
22:00 SUN (b03s6k26)
What the Papers Say
22:45 SUN (b03s6k28)
Whatever Happened to Community?
11:00 WED (b03jz22w)
Who Killed Classical Music?
15:30 SAT (b03q6f00)
With Great Pleasure
16:00 MON (b03s6mm3)
14:45 SUN (b03s6jtv)
Woman's Hour
16:00 SAT (b03s65n0)
Woman's Hour
10:00 MON (b03s6mdw)
Woman's Hour
10:00 TUE (b03s6zm6)
Woman's Hour
10:00 WED (b03s754h)
Woman's Hour
10:00 THU (b03s9tm3)
Woman's Hour
10:00 FRI (b03s9y37)
Word of Mouth
23:00 MON (b03q8z41)
Word of Mouth
16:00 TUE (b03s718d)
World at One
13:00 MON (b03s664c)
World at One
13:00 TUE (b03s665x)
World at One
13:00 WED (b03s6678)
World at One
13:00 THU (b03s668q)
World at One
13:00 FRI (b03s66b5)
You and Yours
12:00 MON (b03s6mf4)
You and Yours
12:00 TUE (b03s6zmd)
You and Yours
12:00 WED (b03s76cj)
You and Yours
12:00 THU (b03s9tm9)
You and Yours
12:00 FRI (b03sb2v1)
23:15 WED (b00x41ns)
05:45 SAT (b03qfzn9)
17:30 SAT (b03qfzn9)