SAT 00:00 Midnight News (b01pzvvz)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

SAT 00:30 Book of the Week (b01q0lcc)
The Pike: Gabriele D'Annunzio, Poet, Seducer and Preacher of War

Episode 5

Haydn Gwynne reads from Lucy Hughes-Hallett's biography of this remarkable Italian poet and political agitator whose words triggered riots.

Now an enemy of the state, d'Annunzio struggles to keep his utopian experiment in Fiume alive.

Abridged by Penny Leicester
Produced by Gemma Jenkins.

SAT 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01pzvw1)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01pzvw3)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service. BBC Radio 4 resumes at 5.20am.

SAT 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01pzvw5)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 05:30 News Briefing (b01pzvw7)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01q03vz)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg.

SAT 05:45 iPM (b01q03w1)
"Were there school lessons in Auschwitz?" Mayer Hersh spent his teens in Nazi camps and lost his family. He overcame the grief, the nightmares and the guilt to relive his experience again and again giving public talks about the Holocaust, and answering their questions. His talks reawakened the pain. Also Radio 4 legend Harriet Cass reads the bulletin of listeners' news. With Jennifer Tracey and Eddie Mair.

SAT 06:00 News and Papers (b01pzvw9)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SAT 06:04 Weather (b01pzvwc)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 06:07 Open Country (b01q03kv)
Memories of the Black Isle

Felicity Evans visits the Black Isle to hear how residents are collecting memories of the landscape, before they are forgotten forever. The Killearnan Memories Group meets to share their knowledge of this part of the Eastern Highlands in order to preserve it for future generations. Members of the group have grown up on the Black Isle and have memories and stories about the physical landscape which they are using to create a written archive. This movement has been inspired by a project run by Cait McCullagh from Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), in which Black Isle residents gathered together to remember buildings, sites and other aspects of their heritage, using old maps and photographs as inspiration.
Produced by Beatrice Fenton.

SAT 06:30 Farming Today (b01q7fjg)
Farming Today This Week

Charlotte Smith discusses the changes to how farmers are paid through subsidies from the EU which cost taxpayers £40 bn. Earlier this week Charlotte was in Brussels whilst votes were taking place to change the Common Agricultural Policy. In this programme Charlotte visits a farm from Hertfordshire to discover what this would mean for UK farmers.

Presented by Charlotte Smith and produced by Emma Weatherill.

SAT 06:57 Weather (b01pzvwf)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 07:00 Today (b01q7fjj)
Morning news and current affairs with John Humphrys and Justin Webb, including:

Staff at the BBC's Persian television channel in London and journalists' family members in Tehran say the government in Iran has stepped up a campaign to intimidate them. Peter Horrocks, director of BBC Global News, explains the situation.

An armed man broke into a betting shop in Plymouth last night, the customers overpowered him and took his gun away, he later died. Chief Inspector Ian Drummond Smith from Devon and Cornwall Police describes the incident.

Sir Bruce Keogh, the former heart surgeon, said yesterday that failing to embrace change in the NHS, including hospital closures, would inhibit excellence. Former Labour Health Minister and heart surgeon Lord Darzi and MP for Lewisham, Joan Ruddock discuss the comments.

Are artists liberated or shackled by their religious faith? Composer James Macmillan and Scottish national poet Liz Lochhead discuss.

Following David Cameron's speech this week, shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander explains what Labour's policy is on an in-out referendum to determine our future in Europe.

SAT 09:00 Saturday Live (b01q7fjl)
Sean Hughes; John McCarthy with Robin Hanbury-Tenison; Tamasin Day-Lewis's Inheritance Tracks

Sian Williams and Richard Coles with comedian and writer Sean Hughes, 100 year old Violet Coleman palliative care nurse Katherine Hopkins, and Marc Roberts who had brain surgery while fully conscious. There's a feature on the British Water Tower Appreciation Society, John McCarthy with explorer Robin Hanbury-Tenison, a Crowdscape from Portsmouth and Tamasin Day-Lewis's Inheritance Tracks.

Producer: Harry Parker.

SAT 10:30 Reimagining the City (b01q7fjn)

Pauline Black takes us to Coventry - the city she's adopted as her home town.

The first time Pauline stepped off a train at Coventry station in 1971, she felt at home. A mixed race child adopted by a white family in Essex, she grew up the only black child in her school and neighbourhood. The multicultural environs of Lanchester Polytechnic in Coventry offered her a place full of new people, new music and new possibilities. "It felt like the centre of England..most people were passing through, but I wanted to stay."

Coventry became the portal that opened up a world of possibilities to the aspiring musician, as she became a proponent of the Two Tone music scene and the lead singer in The Selecter.

Produced by Rachel Hooper

A Falling Tree production first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2013.

SAT 11:00 The Week in Westminster (b01q7fz5)
Anne McElvoy of The Economist looks behind the scenes at Westminster.

Former foreign secretary Douglas Hurd gives a pro-European Conservative view of David Cameron's pledge to hold an in-out referendum on British membership of the EU.
The Lib Dems' Simon Hughes and Labour's Peter Hain explain why their parties think the Prime Minister is making a mistake.
Labour's Patricia Hollis and the Conservative Peter Lilley discuss the impact of welfare cuts on the poor after MPs agree a below-inflation rise in working-age benefits
And former Labour foreign secretary Jack Straw and the former UK ambassador to Washington Sir Christopher Meyer reflect on the risks that foreign interventions pose to a British Prime Minister.
The Editor is Peter Mulligan.

SAT 11:30 From Our Own Correspondent (b01q7fz7)
The Art of Seduction

Colour, wit, insight, analysis from correspondents around the globe:

Kevin Connolly in Jerusalem says keep that election bunting close at hand - Israelis may have to vote again before long. Will Self goes to the Romanian capital, Bucharest: millions live there but he's of the opinion that it would be hard to find a less homely place. The Chinese authorities say they're tackling the Great Smog of Beijing, but Martin Patience doesn't expect great change any time soon. A tale of violence, bribery and corruption from Brazil's Amazon frontier is told by Sue Branford. And in Paris, John Laurenson examines the shocking claim that French men no longer understand romance.

Producer: Tony Grant.

SAT 12:00 Money Box (b01q7fz9)
The Money Box Saving Challenge, the lowdown on IFA costs, cutting your credit card limit and court ruling on mobile charges

The Money Box Saving Challenge. We throw down the gauntlet to banks and building societies to match or better NS&I who announced this week that it would move customers on a 0.5% ISA to another ISA offering 2.25%. We talk to Anna Bowes from about this surprise decision and the best and worse buys around at the moment.

How to get the best out of your IFA: We investigate concerns that changes introduced at the beginning of the year to the way that IFA's are paid might not always be to the benefit of the customer. We speak to Gill Cardy, Managing Director of the IFA Centre and Justin Modray, founder of Candid Money.

Notice on your credit card limit: How much notice should your credit card provider give you if it decides to lower your credit limit. One Money Box listener was sent a letter by his bank this month which effectively set his new limit below his balance. Bob Howard investigates and we'll hear from Peter Tutton, Head of Policy at Stepchange.

Victory over a monster mobile phone charge: We speak to Angela Walsh who took her mobile phone company to court after she received an unexpectedly large bill. Find out how she got on in Saturday's programme.

SAT 12:30 The News Quiz (b01q03k1)
Series 79

Episode 6

A satirical review of the week's news, chaired by Sandi Toksvig. Panellists are Jeremy Hardy, Hugo Rifkind, Bob Mills and Jo Brand.

Produced by Lyndsay Fenner.

SAT 12:57 Weather (b01pzvwh)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 13:00 News (b01pzvwk)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 13:10 Any Questions? (b01q03qv)
Eric Pickles, Emily Thornberry, Charles Moore, Cornelia Meyer

Jonathan Dimbleby presents political debate and discussion from the University of Surrey in Guildford. Guests include Spectator and Daily Telegraph columnist Charles Moore, business woman Cornelia Meyer, Secretary of of State for Communities and Local Government Eric Pickles MP, and Shadow Attorney General Emily Thornberry MP.

SAT 14:00 Any Answers? (b01q7fzc)
A chance for you to respond to the debate on Any Questions? Call 03700 100 444 email us at or tweet using #bbcaq. Topics include EU Referendum, the economy
- is austerity working or is it time to invest? "pornification" of young people, should the UK follow the lead of the US and allow hand to hand combat for women on the frontline in the army? Is too much money spent on problem families?

SAT 14:30 The Real George Orwell (b01q7fzf)
Animal Farm

Animal Farm opens The Real George Orwell, a celebration of the writer's life and work.

One night, on an English farm, Major the boar recounts his vision of an utopia where his fellow creatures own the land along with the means of production and are no longer the slaves of humans. Before long, his dream comes true and for a short while all animals really are equal. But the clever pigs educate themselves and soon learn how to extend their own power, inevitably at the expense of the rest of the community.
Narrator ..... Tamsin Greig
Napoleon .....Nicky Henson
Squealer ..... Toby Jones
Snowball ..... Patrick Brennan
Boxer ..... Ralph Ineson
Clover ..... Liza Sadovy
Major ..... Robert Blythe
Benjamin ..... Paul Stonehouse
Muriel ..... Sarah Thom
Mollie ..... Lizzy Watts
With Eleanor Crooks, Ben Crowe, Will Howard, Gerard McDermott, Adam Nagaitis and Stephanie Racine.
Musical director ..... Neil Brand
Adapted from his own novel by George Orwell
Director ..... Alison Hindell

George Orwell described his short novel as a fairy story and it is deceptively simple to read. Regularly on the school syllabus, this well-loved tale is, of course, a satire on the Soviet Communist system and it still reads as a powerful warning despite the changes in world politics since it was first published in 1945. This production uses Orwell's own radio version which was first produced in 1947.

Of course there is no real George Orwell - it was the pen name of Eric Blair - but he was a writer and political commentator who is very hard to pin down. Ever since his early death in 1950, he has been the darling of some on both the left and the right of British politics - whilst being reviled by others. For all the beautiful simplicity of his writing and storytelling Orwell/Blair is a complex mass of confusions - an anti-establishment, pro-English, ex-Etonian ex-policeman and socialist, who was ardently anti-authoritarian. He was as anti-fascist as he was anti-communist, a former Spanish Civil War soldier who was anti-war but pro the Second World War, and so on and so on.

SAT 16:00 Woman's Hour (b01q7g1z)
Weekend Woman's Hour: Mary Beard; Armistead Maupin; Aimee Mann

Mary Beard speaks out about online abuse after her Question Time appearance. Armistead Maupin on writing a ninth Tales of the City book. Why we turn to comfort food: Helen Lederer and Professor Jane Ogden discuss what we eat to cheer ourselves up. Times Beauty Editor, Sarah Vine on disguising her thinning hair. Tina Renton talks about her decision to seeking justice 28 years after child abuse - and seeing her step-father sentenced to 14 years in prison. Dame Anne Begg MP and Pensions Minister, Steve Webb MP discuss further proposed changes to the state pension. Aimee Mann sings from her latest album.
Presented by Jane Garvey
Produced by Rebecca Myatt.

SAT 17:00 PM (b01q7g21)
Saturday PM

Full coverage of the day's news.

SAT 17:30 The Bottom Line (b01q03l9)
Family Firms

The view from the top of business. Presented by Evan Davis, The Bottom Line cuts through confusion, statistics and spin to present a clearer view of the business world, through discussion with people running leading and emerging companies.

Family businesses are the backbone of economies all around the world - indeed, the majority of firms are family-controlled, from the millions of modest firms, to commercial giants such as Ford and Wal-Mart. And yet less than a third survive to the second generation. Evan Davis and guests explore the possibilities and pitfalls of the family ownership model.

In the studio are Ian Maclean of luxury knitwear company John Smedley; Julie White of drilling and demolition firm D-Drill; Tim Wates of construction and development group Wates.

Producer: Ben Crighton
Editor: Innes Bowen.

SAT 17:54 Shipping Forecast (b01pzvwm)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 17:57 Weather (b01pzvwp)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01pzvwr)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 18:15 Loose Ends (b01q7g4s)
Clive Anderson, Kerry Fox, Robert Glenister, Jocelyn Jee Esien, Rubberbandits, Nikki Bedi, Bassekou Kouyate, Devendra Banhart

Clive's duped by actor Robert Glenister, well known for playing seasoned grifter Ashley "Three socks" Morgan in 'Hustle'. Robert makes his directorial debut in BBC One's 'Moving On' with 'Blood Ties'; a stand- alone drama, exploring contemporary issues linked by characters who reach a turning point in life and move on. It's on Thursday 31st January at 14.15.

Clive's in Anuvahood talking to One Non Blonde and Little Miss, Jocelyn Jee Esien, who plays pastor's wife Myra in a new touring comedy. Set in an upwardly mobile Black family in late 70's Philadelphia, Myra's world is shaken by the arrival of a relative from the rural South. 'One Monkey Don't Stop No Show' is in London until Saturday 9th February.

It's a stick up! Nikki Bedi's hijacked by faux-gansta comedy duo Rubberbandits. Following their successful debut at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Irish rapping eejits Blindboy Boat Club and Mr Chrome are bouncing around London's West End with their brilliantly bad-taste, riotously crude and satirical hip-hop act. They're at Soho Theatre until Saturday 2nd February.

Clive has an Angel At His Table in the form of actress Kerry Fox who disposed of a corpse in 'Shallow Grave' and got rather raunchy with Mark Rylance in 'Intimacy'. Kerry stars as the flamboyant Florence Lancaster in Noël Coward's 'The Vortex' about her relationship with her decadent, drug-addicted son. It's at Rose Theatre Kingston from Thursday 7th February until Saturday 2nd March.

With music from Malian ngoni maestro Bassekou Kouyaté and his band Ngoni Ba, who perform 'Jama Ko' from their album of the same name.

With more music from the mystical love-child of the nu-folk movement Devendra Banhart who performs 'Never Seen Such Good Things' from his album 'Mala'.

Producer: Cathie Mahoney.

SAT 19:00 From Fact to Fiction (b01q7g4v)
Series 13

The Cold Cold Snow

The Cold Cold Snow
by Cath Staincliffe

In a week where heavy snow has reportedly heightened the threat of a triple dip recession and the BBC launches a season of programmes celebrating the work of George Orwell, Cath Staincliffe's thriller imagines an alternative world where the snow never stops.

Julia ..... Sarah Belcher
George ..... Stephen Hoyle
Mrs Smith ..... Kate Coogan

Directed by Sharon Sephton.

SAT 19:15 Saturday Review (b01q7g4x)
Spielberg's Lincoln; Zero Dark Thirty; and Manet

Zero Dark Thirty ran into controversy even before it was released with its depiction of the use of torture in the run-up to finding Osama Bin Laden. Director Kathryn Bigelow has maintained that depiction is not endorsement; it's written by Marc Boal and has a cast including Oscar-nominated Jessica Chastain. Michael (Lord) Grade, Deborah Bull and Dreda Say Mitchell will tell presenter Tom Sutcliffe what they make of it.

They'll also be considering another film about an extraordinary moment in American history, Lincoln. It has 12 Oscar nominations including one for Daniel Day Lewis. Do the performances, Steven Spielberg's direction and Tony Kushner's script make for a powerful film?

Manet: Portraying Life at the Royal Academy is described as "singularly important"; it's the first ever exhibition dedicated to his portraiture.

The Turn of the Screw opens in a new version by Rebecca Lenkiewicz at the Almeida Theatre in London; it's co-produced by Hammer. Will it have the horror of James' original?

And the American writer Dave Eggers, still best known for his extraordinary memoir A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, has written A Hologram for the King, a touching portrayal of a recession-struck American businessman lost in a Saudi Arabian city.

Presenter: Tom Sutcliffe
Producer: Sarah Johnson.

SAT 20:00 Archive on 4 (b017l87m)
Rebuilding Britain for the Baby Boomers

Maxwell Hutchinson analyses the great push to re-build post war Britain.
In the 1990's architect and broadcaster Maxwell Hutchinson began recording interviews with the men who re-built Britain after World War 2. These idealists - then in their eighties- told how they'd returned from war to a country ravaged by the Luftwaffe, determined to design a country fit for heroes . Many were graduates of the left-leaning Architectural Association and brought their radical ideas, influenced by le Corbusier and Walter Gropius, to building social housing for slum clearance families ; hospitals for the infant NHS; schools for the children of the Butler Education act; and bold new tower blocks that would transform the city skyline. Most of them worked for local authorities and saw their profession as a public service. These "duffle-coated pip-squeaks" as they were known, included Sir Phillip Powell ,Sir Andrew Derbyshire , Ivor Smith, Peter Smithson , the father of Brutalism; Lord Esher and Jim Cadbury Brown. Many have since died. Using these interviews, plus newsreel and contemporary archive , this programme captures that idealism and reflects the later disillusionment when modernism - and architects - fell out of fashion.
2011 was the fiftieth anniversary of Parkhill Flats, Sheffield. It was seen as the embodiment of the modernist movement - streets in the sky to replace the grim terraces bulldozed after the war to give families indoor lavatories, central heating and airy balconies. At first the families couldn't believe their luck - they loved their modern new homes. But as the building began to show cracks, and the community spirit failed to translate from slum-terrace to deck access, Parkhill Flats became a by-word for all that was rotten in the state of post war architecture. It wasn't long before residents starting chucking their rubbish over the balconies, and the flats became the new slums. Peter Smithson, once blamed the residents of his much criticised development, Robin Hood Gardens (a sister project to Parkhill) for letting the building go to rack and ruin; for "painting their doors purple" and not applying "the minor arts of occupation".
Parkhill Flats - the largest listed building in Europe - is undergoing extensive renovation by the trendy developers Urban Splash; so the story of this emblematic building, which Sheffielders love and loathe in equal measure, is still a talking point. Maxwell Hutchinson goes back to Parkhill to see the renovation, talk to former residents and find out if the post-war dream of the young architects who designed this colossal building can be revived.

SAT 21:00 Classic Serial (b01q76l0)
Janet Frame - An Angel at My Table

Episode 2

The autobiography of Janet Frame, dramatised for radio by Anita Sullivan.

Frame was New Zealand's best known but least public writer. The author of 12 novels, four story collections, one book of poetry and three volumes of autobiography, even at the height of her success Frame shunned publicity - which had the effect of making the media and her readership even more intrusively interested. It was the issue of her mental health which generated the most conjecture.

In her twenties she spent four and a half years in mental hospitals and was wrongly diagnosed with schizophrenia. Her writing saved her; the success of her first collection of short stories (The Lagoon and Other Stories) convincing doctors that she did not need a planned lobotomy.

To "set the record straight" about the circumstances of her committal to mental hospitals, in the early 80's Janet Frame wrote her autobiography; three volumes entitled 'To The Is-land (1982) An Angel At My Table and The Envoy From Mirror City (both 1984). It was after the publication of "An Angel At My Table", at a time when several of her books had gone out of print, that Frame's literary status was cemented.

An Angel At My Table Episode 2 of 2
In episode two, after a failed suicide attempt, Janet agrees to a short period in hospital to recuperate. But the arrival of her mother to take her home triggers a reaction in Janet that will have calamitous repercussions for years to come.

All other roles were played by members of the cast.
With thanks to Houghton Valley School and Wellington High School, New Zealand.
Adapted for radio by Anita Sullivan
Music - Simon Russell
Sound design - David Thomas
Productions assistants -Sarah Tombling and Kathy Caton
Associate producer - Andrew Foster (New Zealand)
Producer/Director - Karen Rose
A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4.

SAT 22:00 News and Weather (b01pzvww)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4, followed by weather.

SAT 22:15 Decision Time (b01pzvc8)
Nick Robinson shines a light on the process by which controversial decisions are reached behind closed doors in Westminster and Whitehall.

In this programme, he discusses whether to spend billions of pounds building four new submarines to carry the United Kingdom's nuclear weapons.

Trident has to be renewed and renewed soon, we are told, because the subs being used now will simply wear out.

Is the nuclear deterrent the ultimate insurance policy in a dangerously unpredictable world or a relic of the cold war, an unusable weapon which sucks billions of pounds away not just from public services but from combatting today's threats - terrorism, cyber attacks and drone warfare.

To discuss the issue, Nick is joined by the two men who until a few months ago were responsible for this decision: Dr. Liam Fox, the former Conservative Defence Secretary and committed supporter of Trident, and his deputy, Sir Nick Harvey, a Liberal Democrat who set up the process of looking for an alternative.

With them are Professor Malcolm Chalmers, special adviser to two Labour Foreign Secretaries, and now research director at the Royal United Services Institute; Sir Richard Mottram, former Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence who was chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee after the Iraq war; and Lord Ramsbotham - formerly General Sir David Ramsbotham - Commander of the British Field Army who has described Trident as a virtual irrelevance.

SAT 23:00 Brain of Britain (b01pzqnh)
Can you name the city, a World Heritage Site since 1985, that was the ancient capital of the Nabataeans? And who was the author of 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'?
These are just two of the questions faced by the competitors in this week's ninth heat of Brain of Britain 2013, with Russell Davies in the chair. This week they hail from Dorset, Berkshire and Hertfordshire.
As always, a listener also stands to win a prize, if he or she can 'beat the brains' with questions of their own.
Producer: Paul Bajoria.

SAT 23:30 Poetry Please (b01pz59m)
Barbara Flynn reads a lightly abridged version of the macabre classic by John Keats: 'Isabella, or - the Pot of Basil'. Presented by Roger McGough.

Written in 1818, 'Isabella; or the Pot of Basil' is a hauntingly beautiful tale of devotion to a lost love. Fair Isabella falls for a servant, Lorenzo, much to the annoyance of her brothers. They had hoped to marry her off to some Florentine nobleman. So they contrive to murder poor Lorenzo. However, the brothers underestimate the power of the couple's love to endure. Through death, apparitions, exhumations and theft, Isabella's love persists - albeit with a little help from an aged dame and some unconventional gardening techniques. Basil may never taste quite the same again!

With its origins in 14th century stories written by Boccaccio, Keats's re-telling inspired the Pre-Raphaelite artists Holman Hunt and Millais to paint two very different visions of Isabella.

A chilling tale - perfect for a winter's night - beautifully read by Barbara Flynn.
Producer: Sarah Langan.


SUN 00:00 Midnight News (b01q03v2)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

SUN 00:30 Deep Country (b01bkhjl)
Episode 2

Neil Ansell is living in a very remote part of the Welsh countryside, on his own, with no electricity, gas or water, and only the wildlife around him for company. The winters are particularly hard, but he revels in the isolation and tranquillity. Read by Matthew Gravelle.

Abridged by Willa King
Directed by Emma Bodger
A BBC Cymru Wales Production.

SUN 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01q03v4)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01q03v6)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

SUN 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01q03v8)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 05:30 News Briefing (b01q03vb)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 05:43 Bells on Sunday (b01q7gg7)
The bells of St Francis Xavier's Cathedral, Adelaide, Australia.

SUN 05:45 Pop-Up Economics (b01pzvcb)
The Kidney Matchmaker

Tim Harford finds an audience at St Pancras International in London, for this second edition of Pop-Up Economics. Tim tells the extraordinary story of Al Roth, the economist who worked out how to create a clearing-house for kidneys.

Producer: Adele Armstrong.

SUN 06:00 News Headlines (b01q03vd)
The latest national and international news.

SUN 06:05 Something Understood (b01q7gg9)
Never the Same

Almost imperceptibly, the choices we make in life and the experiences we live through can lead us to look back at our younger selves and ask 'was I ever that person?'.
The Canadian broadcaster Chris Brookes considers how - or whether - our identities change with time, just as the cellular structure of our bodies is renewed every few years.
Produced by Alan Hall
A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 06:35 Living World (b01q7ggc)
Urban Kites

Over the past 200 years the UK red kite population dwindled, largely due to human persecution, until only a small population remained in mid-Wales. Since 1989 a number of reintroduction projects have begun to restore the red kite to its former range across the UK.

Between 2004 and 2007 the Northern Kites Project re-introduced 94 red kites into the lower Derwent Valley. This Project was unique; whereas the previous ones had been carried out in rural areas, this one brought back the kites to a semi-urban environment, close to the large conglomeration of Gateshead and its neighbour on the north bank of the River Tyne, Newcastle. People can now walk to admire the red kites in the Lower Derwent Valley and yet only six miles from the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne.

For this week's Living World, Trai Anfield travels to Tyneside to see for herself these majestic birds. Starting at one of the release sites, Trai is joined by Harold Dobson from Friends of Red Kites in the north east of England, who takes Trai on a journey through the Tyneside landscape following red kites in the winter landscape. But the real spectacle is when 46 red kites cover an electricity pylon like candles on a Christmas tree, only to fly slowly over head and into a woodland roost. Something everyone there found a deeply moving experience.

SUN 06:57 Weather (b01q03vg)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 07:00 News and Papers (b01q03vj)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SUN 07:10 Sunday (b01q7ggf)
A hundred major charities have launched the campaign 'Enough Food for Everyone IF' World Vision Chief Exec Justin Byworth has just returned from the Congo and explains why the campaign is so important now.
Love thy neighbour - but only if thy neighbour shares your faith? Robert Hoffman from Nottingham University talks about his research on how faith shapes behaviour toward others.
Demos say more faith groups should be contracted to deliver local government welfare services.
Jonathan Birdwell author of the report will debate with Andrew Copson from the Humanist society.
The Church of England is about to celebrate the Feast of King Charles The Martyr Kati Whitaker reports on why Charles I is seen as a martyr.
Dr Matthew Feldman from Teeside University discusses plans to open a new research centre dedicated to studying the extremist far right and an increase in anti-Islamic attacks on Muslims.
MP Peter Bone has proposed a bill to restore charitable status to all religious groups. Trevor Barnes reports.
Jewish artist, Chava Rosenzweig, discusses her commission for Imperial War Museum North to mark Holocaust Memorial Day with Edward Stourton.
Angus Kennedy from the Battle of ideas says that Holocaust Memorial Day is a made up idea to sugar coat history David Cesarnai one of the founders of the Holocaust Memorial Day trust disputes this.

SUN 07:55 Radio 4 Appeal (b01q7gvb)
Circles UK

Baroness Helena Kennedy QC presents the Radio 4 Appeal for Circles UK.
Reg Charity: 1122641
To Give:
- Freephone 0800 404 8144
- Freepost BBC Radio 4 Appeal, mark the back of the envelope Circles UK.

SUN 07:57 Weather (b01q03vl)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 08:00 News and Papers (b01q03vn)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SUN 08:10 Sunday Worship (b01q7gvd)
A service exploring the Psalms as a pattern for prayer from The Metropolitan Cathedral of St David in Cardiff, led by Canon Peter Collins. The preacher is Archbishop George Stack, Director of Music and organist, David Neville and Master of the Choristers, Dominic Neville. Producer: Sian Baker.

SUN 08:50 A Point of View (b01q03qx)
Presidential Inaugurations

David Cannadine reflects on the history of American presidential inaugurations since Abraham Lincoln's, and compares presidents' speeches at the start of their first and second terms in office. "Second inaugurals...are often less up-beat and up-lifting, since it's no longer possible for a president, having already been four years in office, to offer a new deal or to proclaim, as President Obama did in 2009 that 'change is coming to America'".

Producer: Sheila Cook.

SUN 09:00 Broadcasting House (b01q7gvg)
Sunday morning magazine programme, presented by Paddy O'Connell, with Naomi Alderman, Steve Punt and Jacob Rees-Mogg MP on the paper review.

SUN 10:00 The Archers Omnibus (b01q7gvj)
For detailed synopses, please see daily episodes

Writer ..... Carolyn Sally Jones
Director ..... Julie Beckett
Editor ..... Vanessa Whitburn

David Archer ..... Timothy Bentinck
Ruth Archer ..... Felicity Finch
Kenton Archer ..... Richard Attlee
Helen Archer ..... Louiza Patikas
Tom Archer ..... Tom Graham
Brian Aldridge ..... Charles Collingwood
Matt Crawford ..... Kim Durham
Lilian Bellamy ..... Sunny Ormonde
Joe Grundy ..... Edward Kelsey
William Grundy ..... Philip Molloy
Emma Grundy ..... Emerald O'Hanrahan
Edward Grundy ..... Barry Farrimond
Mike Tucker ..... Terry Molloy
Vicky Tucker ..... Rachel Atkins
Brenda Tucker ..... Amy Shindler
Lynda Snell ..... Carole Boyd
Jim Lloyd ..... John Rowe
Paul Morgan ..... Michael Fenton Stevens.

SUN 11:15 Desert Island Discs (b01q7gvl)
Aung San Suu Kyi

Kirsty Young's castaway this week is Aung San Suu Kyi. The programme was recorded on location in Naypyitaw, Burma in December 2012.

Now Leader of Burma's opposition party, she has dedicated her life to fighting for human rights and democracy in her homeland. A figure of world renown, she is known in Burma as simply "The Lady" and her integrity, determination and grace have provided a beacon of hope to a nation oppressed and exploited by decades of brutal military dictatorship. President Obama says she is an "icon of democracy" and Desmond Tutu calls her "a remarkable woman ... ready to work for the healing of her motherland".

Her renown has come at significant personal sacrifice: she endured nearly 20 years of house arrest and persecution, exiled from her children and apart from her British husband who died from cancer in 1999. She says "It takes courage to feel the truth, to feel one's conscience because once you do, you must engage your fundamental purpose for being alive. You can't just expect to sit idly by and have freedom handed to you."

Producer: Cathy Drysdale

Both the on-demand and the download audio of this programme are an extended edition of the original broadcast.

SUN 12:00 The Unbelievable Truth (b01pzqnr)
Series 10

Episode 4

David Mitchell hosts the panel game in which four comedians are encouraged to tell lies and compete against one another to see how many items of truth they're able to smuggle past their opponents.

Tony Hawks, Ed Byrne, Lucy Porter and Charlie Higson are the panellists obliged to talk with deliberate inaccuracy on subjects as varied as Gambling, Turtles, Teeth and Lemons.

The show is devised by Graeme Garden and Jon Naismith, the team behind Radio 4's I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue.

Producer: Jon Naismith.
A Random Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 12:32 The Food Programme (b01q7gvn)
Food in the life of Sir Paul McCartney

Sheila Dillon with an exclusive food interview with former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney. More than thirty years since becoming a vegetarian he reflects on his life through food.

He describes his early life in the terraced council house, 20 Forthlin Road, now owned by the National Trust and where the McCartney kitchen, circa 1955, has been restored. Paul McCartney recalls meals of pork chops, liver and tongue , the latter proving to be one of the biggest food challenges of his childhood.

He recounts stories on the road with The Beatles and seeing huge steaks drooping over the plate on their American tour, and then the 1960 trip to India and facing a strict vegetarian diet. Several years later, after spending time on his farm, and influenced by his wife Linda, he stopped eating meat.

So how, from a personal decision based on compassion for animals, did he decide to shift to a more political and campaigning stance on food and farming? Sheila Dillon finds out how he took a fame based on the stage, into arenas like the European Parliament and The White House.

Producer: Dan Saladino.

SUN 12:57 Weather (b01q03vq)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 13:00 The World This Weekend (b01q7gvq)
The latest national and international news, including an in-depth look at events around the world. Email:; twitter: #theworldthisweekend.

SUN 13:30 Soul Music (b01mqp1r)
Series 14

Brothers in Arms

An exploration into the enduring appeal of the Dire Straits classic, Brothers in Arms.
Although thought to have been written by Mark Knopfler in response to the Falklands war in the mid 80's, it's a piece that people now associate with many other conflicts ; military, personal and social.
Dire Straits bass player, John Illsley explains why it remains such a special piece for the band, while Marines chaplain, Nigel Beardsley, recalls the important part it's played in the lives of so many soldiers in Iran and Afghanistan and why it's now often heard at military funerals.
The Irish playwright, Sam Millar describes why he based a very personal play around the song and Snuffy Walden, music director of the hit American TV show, The West Wing, talks about how the series writer, Aaron Sorkin insisted on it being used in its entirety during a crucial episode.
Prof Alan Moore of Surrey University explains how it's Knopfler's brilliant use of harmony that gives the song the sense of yearning that has made it into one of the most enduring pop songs of the last century.
Producer: Lucy Lunt.

SUN 14:00 Gardeners' Question Time (b01q03g3)
Postbag Edition

Pippa Greenwood, Matt Biggs and Anne Swithinbank are at the GQT potting shed at Sparsholt College answering listeners' correspondence sent in by post and email. The programme is chaired by Eric Robson.

Produced by Victoria Shepherd
A Somethin' Else Production for BBC Radio 4.

Overflow and notes:

Q. We move house every 5-6 years. What can I do to make an impression upon my inherited gardens?

A. Prune the existing shrubs to thin them out before adding bulbs (such as Nerines) or bedding plants (such as Petunias) to add instant colour. Agastaches, which are herbaceous perennials, would fill gaps in borders and also add colour.

Q. My father in law has dementia and no longer remembers how to tend to his garden. How can we help him to tend to it?

A. Use old photographs to remind him of the way the garden used to look. Growing herbs, such as rosemary or mint, or salad crops can spark memories. Dark corners of the garden are to be avoided, but a garden built around a figure of 8 path is a good, practical idea.

Q. My Berberis hedge has been decimated by hundreds of tiny caterpillars. How can I deal with them?

A. This is probably a relatively new pest, Berberis sawfly, the grubs of which look very like a caterpillar. Contact insecticides would work, or a biological control for sawfly.

Q. My very old Blenheim Orange apple tree was recently uprooted by a strong wind after suffering from a white furry deposit on a number of its branches. 3-4 years ago I planted a Kiftsgate Rose to grow through it. Are the two events connected? Should we plant another apple tree in its place?

A. The Kiftsgate Rose could have been contributory to the uprooting, as a large, vigorous rose would be heavy. However, the white furry deposit was probably woolly aphid. It is recommended that a replacement apple tree be grown elsewhere.

Q. I have recently moved to a riverside garden on reclaimed marshland that sinks and occasionally has standing water. Could my essential shrubs - Viburnum Carlesii, Viburnum Bodnantense 'Dawn', Elaeagnus Ebbingei - live there?

A. The shrubs mentioned are suited to a moisture-retentive but well-draining soil such as a woodland border. Higher places could be created within the garden, such as raised beds and mound planting. Moisture-loving herbaceous plants such as Skunk Cabbage or boggy Irises will do well.

Q. I have a steep, dry, embankment to plant which is full of rubble. What plants might be suitable? We are looking for something to hold the soil together.

A. Anything that will creep and root as it goes will be good in a wild bank, including Rosa Rugosa or Rosa Pimpinellifolia. Deciduous shrubs such as Weigela and Deutzia with Clematis (such as Orientalis) or Foxgloves interspersed would work quite well, as would Hypericums or Potentillas.

Q. Is there anything to the theory of lunar planting (using the rhythm of the moon to plant crops by)?

A. There are some very eminent horticulturalists and very successful gardeners who use the method. There are several theories, but most centre on the tidal flow of ground water. To plant 'earth crops' such as carrots or potatoes using Rosie Yeoman's lunar planting method, 30th March is a 'no planting day' where as 27th March and 5th April are 'good planting days'.

Q. Cuttings inserted around the edge of the pot seem to take more readily than those inserted in the middle of the pot. Why is this?

A. In clay pots more ventilation would have been coming in from the sides of the pot, reducing the chances of the cutting rotting. Plants seem to feel more inclined to root in proximity to something else.

Q. I have grown two Jolokia chilli plants from seed. They are around a metre spread at the top, and a similar height. How much foliage is it safe to remove to over-winter them indoors? Would a warm shower room with no direct sunlight be an option for over-wintering?

A. The shower room is too muggy and dark. Chillies need a lot of natural light, with compost kept on the dry side. Keeping it bright, dry and cool will encourage it to go dormant over the winter, at which point it is safe to cut it back.

Q. I live 700ft up in southeast Scotland with good soil and fresh manure. Why are my leeks not growing this year?

A. White rot can build up in soil where alliums such as leeks, onions or garlic are grown repeatedly on the same site. Harvest some of the small leeks and inspect the roots - if there is any sign of sogginess or white fungal growth, this might be the case.

Q. I would like a plant named 'Oliver' to give as a gift. Can the panel think of anything suitably-named?

A. Oliveranthus - a succulent, an Oliver blue bearded Iris, a pink Dianthus Oliver, the sky blue Delphinium 'Oliver' or Campanula 'Oliver's Choice'.

Q. Is it possible to tap maple syrup from sugar maple trees grown in England? If not, could the panel suggest anything similarly delicious?

A. It is possible to tap Birches for their sap which can be turned into Birch sap wine.

SUN 14:45 Witness (b01q7gvs)
Vietnam - the 'Christmas Bombings'

On January 27th 1973 a ceasefire took effect in Vietnam, allowing the USA to pull its troops out of the country. It followed an intense aerial bombardment of North Vietnam by American B-52s - the 'Christmas Bombing Campaign'. 40 years on, it is still not clear what the bombardment was meant to achieve, as the January deal was much the same as one that had been drawn up before the bombing started. Ha Mi was just ten years old and living in Hanoi with her family when the bombs began to fall.

Photo: Ha Mi in the summer of 1972.

SUN 15:00 The Real George Orwell (b01pz4cy)
Homage to Catalonia

Episode 1

In 1936 Eric and Eileen Blair were making ends meet by running a small village shop in Wallington and growing vegetables. Eric had recently sent 'The Road to Wigan Pier' to Victor Gollancz, hoping it would be published. But then news came from Spain that Franco's Nationalists had risen up against the elected Republican government.

In the first of a two-part autobiographical account, Eric decides to go to Spain - not just to record the struggle but to fight the Fascists. Unusually tall, and with size 12 feet, he immediately stood out amongst the locals. He joined a badly organised and ill equipped militia, armed with dud bombs and rusty guns.

It was a decision that would nearly cost him his life, and produce one of the most vivid accounts of the Spanish Civil War.

Adapted by Mike Walker.

Eric Blair ...... Joseph Millson
Eileen Blair ...... Lyndsey Marshal
Georges Kopp ...... Ewan Bailey
Spanish volunteer ...... Javier Marzan
Jack Hywel ...... John
Henry Miller ...... Richard Laing
John McNair ...... John McAndrew
Benjamin ...... Jon Lolis
Idris ...... Ben McGregor
Tom Gallagher ...... Gareth Pierce
Fascist soldier ...... Asier Newman

Director: Kate McAll

A BBC/Cymru Wales production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in June 2013.

SUN 16:00 Open Book (b01q7gvv)
Thomas Keneally on classic Australian literature

Mariella Frostrup talks to award winning novelist Thomas Keneally, publisher and writer Carmen Callil and chief literary critic on the Australian newspaper Geordie Williamson about Australian classic novels including Keneally's Bring Larks and Heroes, first published in 1967, and one of the first to tell the story of Sydney's barbaric origins as a penal colony. Pegged to an initiative by an independent Melbourne based publisher Text Publishing to re-release over 80 classic Australian novels - including such neglected writers as Elizabeth Harrower, Henry Handel Richardson, and Jessica Anderson - we ask if Australia has neglected its literary heritage and how important is it for writers and readers alike to have an awareness of what has gone before both in terms of cultural identity and in fostering a sense of nationhood.

A fishy tale set in 1930's Scarborough - Robert Hudson on his hilarious new novel The Dazzle. Its a little known fact that UK tuna fishing began in 1929 and attracted many sport and commercial fishermen to seaside towns such as Scarborough, Whitby and Flamborough. So glamorous and alluring was this nugget of information to tuna obsessed historian turned writer Robert Hudson, that he decided to people his new novel The Dazzle, set in a fishing competition in Scarborough, with all sorts of people who probably never set foot in the place, including the swashbuckling Hemingway devotee Zane Grey - author of Riders of the Purple Sage - and Martha Gellhorn, one of the greatest war correspondents of the 20th century. Hudson himself is no stranger to innovative, witty and somewhat quirky ways of telling a story - he's best known to Radio 4 listeners as co writer of the very successful series Warhorses of Letters in which he imagines himself to be Duke of Wellington's letter writing horse Copenhagen.

And what exactly is the human brain doing when we are enjoying the magical experience of reading a good book - and what difference does it make if we are reading for pleasure, or for study? Assistant Professor of Literature at Michigan State University Professor Natalie Philips undertook to find out exactly that by asking her students to read Jane Austen's Mansfield Park in a MRI scanner in a series of experiments at America's Stanford Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging. We discuss what the latest developments in literary neuroscience could mean for the way in which society as a whole evaluates the study of humanities and the liberal arts.

SUN 16:30 Poetry Please (b01q7gvx)
Roger McGough with a selection of listeners' poetry requests. Leontia Flynn reads her own poems. John Mackay and Eleanor Tremain read work by others including Larkin, Milosz and Charles Causley.

Inspiration is the theme of two of the poems today in Charles Causley's lovely 'Kelly Wood' , and one by the Estonian, Jaan Kaplinski. There are a couple of love poems - one by RS Thomas and one by Moniza Alvi, tempered by Larkin's typical cynicism in 'Love Songs in Age'. Larkin was the poet who really sparked Leontia Flynn's interest in poetry and she joins the programme to read a poem about comfortably resisting the urge to travel, and to introduce a selection of her work from her highly commended collection 'Profit and Loss'.
There's also a poem advocating the joys of metaphor by Mark Doty, a clever and moving one by the late Wislawa Szymoborska called 'Cat in an Empty Apartment', and Hopkin's magical celebration of weeds and wilderness, 'Inversnaid'.
Producer: Sarah Langan.

SUN 17:00 File on 4 (b01pzs7d)
Hospitals - Open All Hours?

The government and senior medical figures want consultants to be more hands on in hospitals at weekends and at night. It follows evidence patients are less likely to receive prompt treatment and more likely to die if they are admitted to hospital on a Saturday or Sunday. A recent survey of hospital chief executives showed they had significant doubts their hospitals were as safe at weekends as during the week.

Jane Deith examines cases which raise concerns about out of hours care in hospitals. Is there enough senior medical support for junior doctors and how effective is the on-call system where consultants are available to give advice over the phone from home?

While departments such as accident and emergency, intensive care and obstetrics, already have consultants working in hospitals during the weekend, some medical colleges believe the time has come for 24 hour, seven days a week consultant cover on the wards. Jane visits hospitals trying to achieve this and hears the challenges they face.

The programme also investigates what this increased consultant presence might cost the NHS and whether there will be enough senior doctors available to make it happen. The College of Emergency Medicine, for example, says accident and emergency departments are facing a recruitment crisis and it does not expect to see the required number of consultants until 2030.

Producer: Paul Grant.

SUN 17:40 From Fact to Fiction (b01q7g4v)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Saturday]

SUN 17:54 Shipping Forecast (b01q03vs)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 17:57 Weather (b01q03vv)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01q03vx)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 18:15 Pick of the Week (b01q7gwk)
This week - something for everyone. From Donny Osmond's eyebrows to the cheese that was meant to be the saviour of the British Dairy Industry. Donny's now a grandfather but whatever happened to Lymeswold? Captain Crieff gets his medals out for some minor European royalty, an old rocker talks movingly of why he's going on the road for what really will be the very last time and an ancient mariner explains why a sextant holds precious memories.

And resilience and tranquillity - the two qualities Burmese politician and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi believes helped her during years of house arrest. Useful one would imagine - if she were marooned on a desert island.

Sheila McClennon's choices:

Sunday Feature - A Brief History of Being Cold - Radio 3
The Essay - Anglo Saxon Portraits - Caedmon - Radio 3
Words and Music - Tucked Up By Mum and Dad - Radio 3
Desert Island Discs - Aung San Suu Kyi - Radio 4
With Great Pleasure - Mel Giedroyc - Radio 4
Book of the Week - The Pike - Gabriele D'Annunzio - Radio 4
Front Row - Wilko Johnson - Radio 4
Cabin Pressure - Radio 4
The Men Who Painted Paradise - Radio 4
In Living Memory - Radio 4
In and Out of the Kitchen - Radio 4
Saturday Live - Radio 4
The Drunken Sailor - Radio 3

Produced by Cecile Wright

If there's something you'd like to suggest for next week's programme, please e-mail

SUN 19:00 The Archers (b01q7gwp)
Susan relates to Neil the story behind Alan's black eye. She agrees with Usha that tiredness probably contributed to his motorbike accident. Attempting to help Emma with her laundry pile, Susan discovers her broken crystal bowl. In her distress she blames Emma, who counters that the bowl shouldn't have been where Keira could reach it. Neil tries to smooth things over, but gives up and heads off to Mike and Vicky's.
Emma tries later to make amends, but unhappy Susan's reluctant to accept her apology.
Mike's enjoying some peaceful time with Beth. He's had several visitors today, among them Lynda, railing about badgers again. He struggles with a nappy change, and helpful Neil offers assistance. They chat about Lynda's campaign, agreeing that whilst badger vaccinations are a good idea, road signs are not. They're sure the parish council won't approve them.
Paul's anxious to secure a date to see Lilian but it's not so easy for her. Matt's more interested in his day off with her than talking diaries. Finally she pins Friday as her best bet. This doesn't suit Paul, but he's so desperate to see her he assures her he'll make it fit, even if it means missing out on work.

SUN 19:15 The Stanley Baxter Playhouse (b01q7gz5)
Series 5

The Spider

By Rona Munro.

At last, the true story can be told of Robert the Bruce and his encounter with that spider on the eve of battle with the English.

Veteran comedian Stanley Baxter plays the role of Scotland's greatest monarch - portrayed in this sharply observed comedy by award winning writer Rona Munro as self-obsessed, selfish, demanding, rather spoilt, and with a pretty bad case of arachnaphobia. Hugh Ross plays the hermit who sorts the wayward monarch out and saves the day.

Press reviews for past series:
'Brilliant.. with the veteran Baxter still hitting all the notes faultlessly. Perfect listening." - Radio Times

"Writer Rona Munro turns tragedy inside out to brilliant comic effect." - Daily Telegraph

"The seemingly indestructible Glasgow funny man triumphs again." - The Times

Directed by Marilyn Imrie
A Catherine Bailey production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 19:45 Annika Stranded (b01q7gz7)
Series 1

Deep Six

Annika Strandhed is a leading light in the murder squad of the Oslo police. Her neuroses - and she has a few - are mostly hidden by a boisterous manner and a love of motor boats. And she thinks she's funny - although her colleagues aren't so sure.

Commissioned specially for Radio 4, these three stories by Nick Walker introduce us to a new Scandinavian detective: not as astute as Sarah Lund or Saga Norén perhaps, but probably better company.

Episode 2 (of 3): Deep Six
After a tip off from a witness on a passing train, police divers bring up a mysterious crate from the depths of the Oslofjord.

Nick Walker is part of the Coventry-based mixed media experimentalists, Talking Birds, whose work has been presented extensively in the UK as well as in Sweden, Ireland, and the USA. He has worked with some of the country's leading new work theatre companies both in the UK and abroad, including Stan's Cafe, Insomniac, and Theatre Instituut Nederlands.

He is the author of two critically-acclaimed novels 'Blackbox' and 'Helloland'. His plays and short stories are often featured on BBC Radio 4 including: Arnold In A Purple Haze (2009), the First King of Mars stories (2007 - 2010), the Afternoon Play Life Coach (2010), and the stories Dig Yourself (2011) and The Indivisible (2012) - all of them Sweet Talk productions.
Reader: Nicola Walker
Sound Design: Jon Calver
Producer: Jeremy Osborne
A Sweet Talk production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 20:00 Feedback (b01q03h2)
Why aren't there more female experts on BBC Radio programmes? Feedback puts your questions and comments to Philip Sellars, Editor of Documentaries at Radio 4, and Deborah Cohen, Editor of the Radio Science Unit. And we report from the BBC Academy's Women Experts Training Day, asking women themselves what they think is holding them back.

Too fast - and you're furious. We hear from listeners who scrambled to buy tickets to CarFest - the festival brainchild of Radio 2's Chris Evans - only to have their efforts thwarted by a technical hitch.

Also, who would you appoint as Radio 4's Writer-in-Residence? We hear from Feedback listeners who are dusting off their dictionaries in anticipation and speak to the BBC World Service's very own Writer-in-Residence, Hamid Ismailov, who has some advice for his future Radio 4 counterpart.

And, we give ourselves a slap on the wrist as we correct our grammatical faux pas.

Producer: Kate Taylor
A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 20:30 Last Word (b01q03g7)
A human rights activist, a film director, an agony aunt, a laser pioneer and a culinary star

Matthew Bannister on

The Irish trade unionist and women's rights campaigner Inez McCormick

The film director and restaurant critic Michael Winner,

The agony aunt Pauline Phillips - who under the pen name "Dear Abby" offered advice to millions of Americans

Dr Tingye Li - the electrical engineer who helped to develop the laser - paving the way for modern fibre-optic communication

And the cookery writer Katie Stewart whose column in the Times inspired a generation.

SUN 21:00 Money Box (b01q7fz9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 on Saturday]

SUN 21:26 Radio 4 Appeal (b01q7gvb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:55 today]

SUN 21:30 Analysis (b01pzqx9)
The Rise of Executive Power

In the battle over rewards at work, workers grew accustomed to winning a healthy share of the spoils during the 1960s and 1970s - and to being accorded high status. Since the 1980s, however, the power of executives has grown and is now reflected in their own much higher financial rewards and enhanced esteem. What explains this shift in power - and will it last?

Michael Blastland asks why workers have appeared to be so weak as bosses have redressed the balance of power at work so strikingly in their own favour. Laws curbing trade union power, for example, so often cited as the explanation can, though, only be part of the reason. Investors - both owners and shareholders - have also lost out financially in relative terms as executives have grown wealthier and stronger.

So what explains the power of the executive class? Are there other trends at work which help explain the relative position of executives and workers? And if both workers and investors want to increase their share of the rewards how might they go about it?

Michael Blastland asks how likely investors and workers are to succeed in any fight to restore their influence when they face such a formidable and entrenched group of executives. He speaks to representatives of all three groups and also considers what business history and the experience of other economies teach us about the likely outcome of the struggle.

Producer Simon Coates.

SUN 22:00 Westminster Hour (b01q7gzw)
Preview of the week's political agenda at Westminster with MPs, experts and commentators. Discussion of the issues politicians are grappling with in the corridors of power.

SUN 22:45 What the Papers Say (b01q7gzy)
Sue Cameron of The Telegraph analyses how the newspapers are covering the biggest stories in Westminster and beyond.

SUN 23:00 The Film Programme (b01q03kx)
Steven Spielberg - a special extended interview with Francine Stock on his film Lincoln

One of the world's most successful and influential directors, Steven Spielberg talks about his latest film, Lincoln, which is dominating the Oscar lists with 12 nominations. In a special extended interview, he talks to Francine Stock about his long courtship of Daniel Day-Lewis to play the leading role, the detailed historical research behind the production and the reaction of President Obama to the film. Also on the programme, there's discussion of how Lincoln has been represented on the big screen, from DW Griffith's controversial Birth of a Nation in 1915 to John Ford's Young Mr Lincoln in 1939 and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter in 2012. Professor Ian Christie of Birkbeck University and the critic Karen Krisanovich debate the subject who has become something of a touchstone for American directors.

SUN 23:30 Something Understood (b01q7gg9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:05 today]


MON 00:00 Midnight News (b01q8jqn)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

MON 00:15 Thinking Allowed (b01pzv2n)
Class and Commuting; Engaging with Climate Change

Climate change - what lies beneath its widespread denial? Laurie Taylor talks to Sally Weintrobe, the editor of the first book of its kind which explores, from a multi disciplinary perspective, what the ecological crisis actually means to people. In spite of a scientific consensus, many continue to resist or ignore the message of climate communicators - but why? What are the social and emotional explanations for this reaction? They're joined by the Professor of Social Policy, Paul Hoggett. Also, Simon Abernethy looks at the history of class and commuting on the London Underground. Although builders and managers travel in the same coaches in the 21st century 'tube', the mixing of classes was once seen as revolutionary.
Producer: Jayne Egerton.

MON 00:45 Bells on Sunday (b01q7gg7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:43 on Sunday]

MON 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01q8jqq)
The latest shipping forecast.

MON 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01q8jqs)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

MON 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01q8jqv)
The latest shipping forecast.

MON 05:30 News Briefing (b01q8jqx)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

MON 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01qgm8g)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg.

MON 05:45 Farming Today (b01q8k9l)
The source of the horsemeat found in Irish beefburgers has been traced to a supplier in Poland. It came from 'beef trimmings' brought in to bulk out burgers at the Silvercrest factory in Ireland, but the company denies ever knowingly importing horsemeat. Radical changes are now being introduced at the plant.

And British pig farmers call for European agriculture ministers to clamp down on countries which aren't fully complying with new legislation on sow stalls, when they meet later today. It follows the news that only five EU countries are now fully abiding by the rules.

Presented by Anna Hill. Produced by Emma Campbell.

MON 05:57 Weather (b01q8jqz)
The latest weather forecast for farmers.

MON 06:00 Today (b01q8k9n)
Morning news and current affairs. Including Sports Desk; Weather; Thought for the Day.

MON 09:00 Start the Week (b01q8l31)
Political Writing: Joan Bakewell and Tim Montgomerie

Start the Week Allan Little explores the legacy of George Orwell's essay Politics and the English Language. Joan Bakewell, Tim Montgomerie, Chris Mullin and Phil Collins discuss Orwell's warning that evasive language, euphemism and insincerity dominate political writing, and assess the impact of today's political diaries, blogging and tweeting.

Producer: Katy Hickman.

MON 09:45 Book of the Week (b01q8l33)
Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan

Episode 1

In the spring of 1839, the British invaded Afghanistan for the first time. Led by lancers in scarlet cloaks and plumed shakos, nearly 20,000 British and East India Company troops poured through the high mountain passes and re-established on the throne Shah Shuja ul-Mulk.

On the way in, the British faced little resistance. But, after two years of occupation, the Afghan people rose in answer to the call for jihad and the country exploded into violent rebellion. The First Anglo-Afghan War ended in Britain's greatest military humiliation of the nineteenth century: an entire army of the then most powerful nation in the world ambushed in retreat and utterly routed by poorly equipped tribesmen.

Return of a King is the definitive analysis of the First Afghan War, told through the lives of unforgettable characters on all sides and using for the first time contemporary Afghan accounts of the conflict.

Prize-winning and bestselling historian William Dalrymple's retelling of Britain's greatest imperial disaster is a powerful and important parable of colonial ambition and cultural collision, folly and hubris, for our times.

Read by Tim Pigott-Smith
Written by William Dalrymple
Abridged by Libby Spurrier
Producer: Joanna Green
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01q8l35)
Grown-up fans; parenting with bi-polar; girls' night out in Uganda

What it's like never to outgrow the joys of being a fan, being a parent with bi-polar, abortion provision for women who are raped in war, the life and loves of Eleonora Duse - a celebrated Italian actress of her time, and a girls' night out in Uganda.
Presented by Jane Garvey.
Produced by Catherine Carr.

MON 10:45 Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City (b01q8l37)
Tales of the City

Episode 1

It's 1976 - San Francisco . Mary Ann Singleton arrives from Cleveland for a vacation . She'shoping for adventure. Decising to stay she needs to find a home and a job .

Directed by Susan Roberts

Set in 1976 in San Francisco, Tales of the City is the first of a sequence of novels about the denizens of the mythic apartment house at 28 Barbary Lane; Tales is both a sparkling comedy of manners and a portrait of a free and easy era with the drug and sex counter-culture in full swing.

Mary Ann Singleton, a naive young woman from Cleveland, Ohio arrives in San Francisco, finding an apartment at 28 Barbary Lane, the domain of the eccentric marijuana growing landlady Anna Madrigal. Mary Ann becomes friends with other tenants of the building: the hippyish bisexual Mona Ramsey; the strange Norman Neal Williams; and Michael Tolliver, a sweet and personable gay man known to friends as Mouse.

Beyond the house, lovers and friends guide Mary Ann through her San Franciscan adventures. Edgar Halcyon, Mary Ann's and Mona's boss, Edgar's socialite daughter DeDe Halcyon-Day, and her scheming husband Beauchamp Day all provide a glimpse into a more affluent Californian class. Mona's ex-lover D'orothea Wilson, returns from a modelling assignment in New York, while Michael's lover and DeDe's gynaecologist, Jon Fielding, become part of the group.

MON 11:00 Pound Shops R Us (b01p71gd)
BBC Business Correspondent Jonty Bloom embarks on a behind the scenes exploration of a retail explosion that is bucking all trends. As British high streets wither in the drought of recession, forcing hundreds of shops to close, one retail phenomenon is bursting with health and vitality - the pound shop. And, with the discount sector in the UK now worth £7 billion and predicted to rise to £11.2 billion by 2016, pound shops are breeding like rabbits and big brands want a slice of the pie.

Are pound shops the saviours of the British high street or the death knell of quality? Where does all that eclectic stuff come from? And how come it still only costs a pound? Psychologists, academics, punters and pound shop operators help discover the origins of the pound shop and examine what their meteoric rise has to say about all of us.

We follow the trail of the weird stuff they stock on their shelves, from China to the UK and back again, in a pound shop equivalent of the old silk route. A potent mix of bargains, surprises, convenience and easy maths.

Produced by Jim Carey.
A Loftus production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 11:30 In and Out of the Kitchen (b01q8l39)
Series 2

Valentine's Day

Tradition in the Trench/MacIlveny household dictates that Valentine's Day is the one day of the year when Damien is not allowed in the kitchen and Anthony can be left alone to cook a special meal to celebrate the occasion... much to Damien's chagrin.

Meanwhile, Damien struggles to finish the links to a new series for Sky Arts all about the dietary habits of the great poets. And his dad has an unfortunate accident whilst walking the dog...

Written by Miles Jupp.

Damien Trench ...... Miles Jupp
Anthony MacIlveny ...... Justin Edwards
Damien's Mother ...... Selina Cadell
Builder ...... Ben Crowe
Mr Mullaney ...... Brendan Dempsey
Marion Duffett ...... Lesley Vickerage

Producer: Sam Michell

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2013.

MON 12:00 You and Yours (b01q8l3c)
Holiday home special: Why we're going self-catering

As mid-level hotels struggle, self-catering holiday homes are the success story of UK tourism. We look at what's driving customers their way - campers sick of wet weather? Or people trading down from overseas trips and British hotels?
And what's the impact of the success of holiday homes on rural or coastal areas - especially when they make up a significant proportion of local housing stock? Do they block affordable housing and price new buyers out of the market? Do they create "ghost villages" which are almost empty out of season? Or should we credit them with bringing in the visitors and money that help small communities survive?

MON 12:57 Weather (b01q8jr1)
The latest weather forecast.

MON 13:00 World at One (b01q8l3f)
National and international news. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

MON 13:45 Technicolour (b01q8l3h)
Colour Vision

In this series of five programmes, Tracey Logan dives into the world of colour, from biology to fashion.

Programme 1/5: Vision

We create all the colours we see around us. Cone cells in our eyes allow us to discriminate up to 10 million different hues. But not everyone's eyes contain the same type of cells, and this can change the range of colours we detect.

Tracey finds out what it's like to be colour blind and why there may be some women with superhuman colour vision, who can see more colours than the rest of us.

Presenter: Tracey Logan
Producer: Michelle Martin.

MON 14:00 The Archers (b01q7gwp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Sunday]

MON 14:15 The Real George Orwell (b01q8l3k)
Biographical Dramas


By Mike Walker
The first of four dramas featuring episodes in the life of Eric Blair.

After an undistinguished academic career at Eton, Eric leaves in December 1921. Unlike most of his friends, his parents can't afford to send him to University. When the girl he hopes to marry rejects him, he sets sail for Burma to join the colonial police. His experiences in Burma will affect him profoundly. They will give him material for essays such as 'A Hanging' and 'Shooting An Elephant', and his first novel, 'Burmese Days' - and they will begin to shape his political thinking. When he rejects the Empire and returns to England, Blair begins to spend more and more time with the poor.

Eric Blair . . . Joseph Millson
Jacintha Buddicom . . . Sophie Roberts
Wilson . . . Joseph Kloska
Inspector d'Souza . . . Ernest Ignatius
Burmese youth . . . Armaan Kirmani
Man on Train . . . Derek Riddell
Ted . . . Alun Raglan

A BBC/Cymru Wales production, directed by Kate McAll.

MON 15:00 Brain of Britain (b01q8l3m)
What was the name of Mussolini's mistress? And which word was once described as the 'great Australian adjective'?
The answers to these and many other questions can be found in the tenth heat of Brain of Britain, with Russell Davies in the chair. This week's competitors come from London, Maidenhead and Cardiff, and they'll each be hoping their general knowledge will win them a place in the 2013 semi-finals and a further step towards the coveted title.
Producer: Paul Bajoria.

MON 15:30 The Food Programme (b01q7gvn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:32 on Sunday]

MON 16:00 With Great Pleasure (b01q8l80)
Maureen Lipman

The much-loved actress and writer Maureen Lipman shares some of her most treasured poems and literary extracts with an audience at Arnolfini on Bristol's waterfront. She shares key moments from her performing career, pays homage to Joyce Grenfell, and includes a work by her late husband, the screenwriter Jack Rosenthal. She is joined on stage by Oliver Cotton.

Producer: Mark Smalley.

MON 16:30 Beyond Belief (b01q8lhm)
Anti-Semitism In Europe

Ernie Rea and guests discuss the reasons behind rising anti-semitism in Europe. A survey published last year revealed that 24% of the French population holds anti semitic views. The figure for Hungary is 63%. In Spain 72% of the people are willing to admit that they are anti Jew. Just 70 years after Hitler tried to wipe out European Jewry, attacks on Jews are on the increase. What is the cause of this resurgence? What can be done to stop it?
Joining Ernie to discuss anti Semitism in Europe today are Dr Ed Kessler, Director of the Woolf Institute for the Study of Abrahamic Faiths; Social and political commentator Mohammed Ansar who is a Social and Political Commentator and Dr Yaakov Wise from the Centre for Jewish Studies, at the University of Manchester.

MON 17:00 PM (b01q8lhp)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news.

MON 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01q8jr3)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

MON 18:30 The Unbelievable Truth (b01q8lhr)
Series 10

Episode 5

David Mitchell hosts the panel game in which four comedians are encouraged to tell lies and compete against one another to see how many items of truth they're able to smuggle past their opponents.

Lloyd Langford, Celia Pacquola, Phill Jupitus and Marcus Brigstocke are the panellists obliged to talk with deliberate inaccuracy on subjects as varied as: Tomatoes, Koalas, Boats and Cheese.

The show is devised by Graeme Garden and Jon Naismith, the team behind Radio 4's I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue.

Producer - Jon Naismith.
A Random Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 19:00 The Archers (b01q8lht)
Alice quizzes Rob about Canada. Jennifer detects restlessness. She observes to Lilian that Alice is just like her father and then changes the subject, commenting how pleased Brian is with Rob. But Lilian isn't really listening. She's come round to take her mind off things, but they end up bickering over Amside's latest development project - the paper mill conversion. Lilian insists she trusts Matt's judgment.
Alice makes an excuse when Chris finds information on flights to Vancouver on her laptop. And when later she closes the computer abruptly, his curiosity is aroused even more. She insists visiting Canada is just a pipe dream and that there's nothing going on.
Pip's in a hurry to get out and snaps at Ruth, refusing to do the shopping. Ruth wants to know what's happened, but Pip says it's just been a bad day at uni.
At the shop, Ruth has an awkward encounter with Rob. She agrees reluctantly to give him a tour of the farm.
Later Ruth presses Pip on her ill temper. Pip reckons one of her tutors has it in for her. Ruth isn't surprised. It's what comes of burning the candle at both ends. Pip declares it's none of Ruth's business, and storms off to bed.

MON 19:15 Front Row (b01q8lhw)
Kristin Scott Thomas and Lia Williams; Kurt Schwitters exhibition

With Mark Lawson.

Kristin Scott Thomas and Lia Williams star in a new production of Harold Pinter's play Old Times, in which three characters are locked away in a secluded farmhouse and reminisce about their early days together in London. The two actresses discuss the play and how they are addressing the challenge of alternating roles during the show's run.

The one-time Dada artist Kurt Schwitters fled the Nazis, was interned at a camp in the Isle Of Man, and spent the rest of his life after the war in a barn in the Lake District. As his work goes on show in a major new Tate exhibition, novelist Iain Sinclair delivers his verdict.

Two films by the off-spring of famous directors are about to reach our cinemas. Chained is a psycho-drama directed by Jennifer Lynch, daughter of the man who gave the world Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks, David Lynch; Antiviral is a futuristic satire on celebrity culture helmed by Brandon Cronenberg, the son of Videodrome and Crash auteur David Cronenberg. Ryan Gilbey discusses whether sons and daughters can ever emerge from the daunting shadow cast by their famous film-making parents.

And with issues of strong language in the air in Django Unchained and the edited repeats of Fawlty Towers, Mark considers how you teach books which contain words now considered unacceptable, but which are present in school set texts - such as Of Mice and Men. What kind of dilemma does this present for teachers and how do students respond? Two teachers discuss the issue.

Producer Dymphna Flynn.

MON 19:45 Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City (b01q8l37)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

MON 20:00 In Search of the British Dream (b01q8lhy)
Episode 1

Foreigners are settling in the UK in record numbers. Lost in the immigration debate are the surprising stories of the migrants themselves and what they say about how Britain works.

MON 20:30 Analysis (b01q8lj0)
A Scottish Pound?

The cash question facing an independent Scotland. Chris Bowlby discovers the key role of currency in debate ahead of the Scottish referendum next year. With the SNP proposing to keep using sterling if Scotland becomes independent, what will this mean in the world of eurozone crises and financial panics? We discover the mysterious story of Scottish money - how its banknotes are guaranteed by so called giants and titans at the Bank of England. And we ask whether sterling can continue to work smoothly and keep popular confidence if the UK splits. What's the thinking behind the scenes as politicians and officials worry about a British version of the eurozone drama? With Scotland preparing to vote next year, and London wondering what could happen, Analysis reveals the key role of currency in the UK's political future.

Producer Mark Savage
Editor Innes Bowen.

MON 21:00 Material World (b01q03kz)
Noise and plane design; Birdflu; Dogs; Mackerel

The Dreamliner is grounded and engineers are still trying to determine what went wrong. But what challenges do scientists face when designing planes? Professor Peter Bruce from St. Andrews University and Jeffrey Jupp, visiting professor at Bath University discuss. Professor Wendy Barclay from Imperial College London explains the controversies around H5N1 research and why it can now be restarted. Also, did wolves change their diets to become dogs? Dr. Erik Axelsson from Uppsala University in Sweden joins us on the line. And the science behind the decision to take mackerel off the sustainable food list.

The producer is Ania Lichtarowicz.

MON 21:30 Start the Week (b01q8l31)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

MON 21:58 Weather (b01q8jr5)
The latest weather forecast.

MON 22:00 The World Tonight (b01q8lj2)
Ritula Shah has the day's news - we'll discuss whether the CIA's new "playbook" on counter-terrorism should allow the use of drones in Pakistan.

Also, as French troops reach Timbuktu, is Mali going to become the new Afghanistan?

The latest from Egypt - where President Morsi is trying to convene a meeting of the country's politicians to discuss the state of emergency.

Ahead of a major announcement by the UK government about the costs of childcare, we'll find out how the Germans do it.

We'll hear the fears that a big drop in the number of postgraduates is damaging the British economy

and why the sound of silence has proved especially golden for a village church in east Sussex.

MON 22:45 The Real George Orwell (b01q8lj4)
Down and Out in Paris and London

Episode 1

Written when Orwell was a struggling writer in his twenties, this vivid memoir documents the author's first contact with poverty, initially working as a dishwasher in Paris and surviving on scraps from the kitchen, and later, on his return to London, living in doss houses and hostels among tramps and down and outs. In this groundbreaking book he gave a human face to the statistics of poverty for the first time and, in so doing, found his voice as a writer.

Read by Joseph Millson
Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 23:00 Word of Mouth (b01pzs72)
Audio Books

Writer Michael Rosen charts the rise and rise of the audiobook. From its beginnings as a way for blind war veterans to enjoy literature, to the blockbusters and autobiographies of today, Michael discovers that the audiobook has a curious history. Subject to suspicion and occasional derision, the audiobook was long the poor relation of "proper" reading and has only recently received more serious scholarly attention. Michael visits the sound studios to hear audiobooks in production, and talks to writers, sound engineers, directors and actors about the art of the successful audiobook.

MON 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01q8lqq)
Susan Hulme and the BBC's parliamentary team with the day's top news stories from Westminster. The Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin announces the extension of the high speed rail line. MPs are divided over whether it's a benefit - or a blight. And there are challenging questions for the tax authorities over the cost to the public of calling the Inland Revenue. Also on the programme: a bid to enable people of any faith to become monarch; the impact of the "bedroom tax" on housing benefit claimants; and MPs go to Scotland to investigate the foreign policy implications of independence.


TUE 00:00 Midnight News (b01q8js0)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

TUE 00:30 Book of the Week (b01q8l33)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Monday]

TUE 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01q8js2)
The latest shipping forecast.

TUE 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01q8js4)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

TUE 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01q8js6)
The latest shipping forecast.

TUE 05:30 News Briefing (b01q8js8)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01qgm7z)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg.

TUE 05:45 Farming Today (b01q8m2b)
The RSPCA - defending animal welfare or taking the law into its own hands? Anna Hill hears the debate over the role of the animal charity.

Farmers are still waiting on a vaccine for the Schmallenberg virus. Anna visits a sheep farmer who says some people are considering not breeding because they are afraid of their animals being born with deformities.

Presented by Anna Hill and produced by Emma Weatherill.

TUE 06:00 Today (b01q8mly)
Morning news and current affairs with James Naughtie and Evan Davis, including:

John Whittingdale of the cross-party culture, media and sport committee, and Peter Coates, chairman of Stoke City discuss whether the system of licensing, the way fans are treated and the finances of English football are satisfactory.

Elizabeth Truss, Education Minister, and Eva Lloyd of the University of East London, analyse plans to relax the official child to adult ratios in nurseries and other childcare settings.

Rupert Murdoch himself has apologised for a Gerald Scarfe cartoon in the Sunday Times at the weekend because of the offence it caused the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The drawing showed him building a wall, apparently using the bloody limbs of Palestinians. The cartoon was published on Holocaust Remembrance Day; and Gerald Scarfe "very much" regrets the timing, of which he says he was unaware. Stephen Pollard of the Jewish Chronicle, and Steve Bell, cartoonist in the Guardian, debate.

David Cameron has told Francois Hollande that Britain is ready to help France in Africa. West Africa correspondent, Thomas Fessy reports from Timbuktu, and General Sir Mike Jackson, gives his analysis.

Deputy finance minister of Germany, Steffen Kampeter, discusses the euro crisis with Today's Evan Davis.

German economist Andreas Wagener and concert pianist Susan Tomes examine a report that says that people cough more in concerts than in they do in normal life.

TUE 09:00 The Life Scientific (b01q8mm0)
Noel Sharkey

Robots probably won't take over the world, but they probably will be given ever greater responsibility. Already, robots care for the elderly in Japan, and drones have dropped bombs on Afghanistan. Professor Noel Sharkey fell in love with artificial intelligence in the 1980s, celebrated when he programmed his first robot to move in a straight line down the corridor and , for many years, judged robot wars on TV. Now, he thinks AI is a dangerous dream. Jim al-Khalili hears how Noel left school at 15 to become an electrician's apprentice and amateur rock musician before graduating as a Doctor of Psychology and world authority on robots, studying both their strengths and their limitations.

TUE 09:30 One to One (b01qdvl9)
John McCarthy talks to Rachel Denton

John McCarthy takes over the One to One chair to talk to people who feel themselves to be outside the mainstream; today he talks to hermit, Rachel Denton.
Talking about the series, John says, "I hope to talk to people who are living on the 'outside' of mainstream UK society. On the street they would look like anyone else but in fact they are somehow apart. I have experienced being an 'outsider' myself; on my return from captivity in Lebanon, when I'd look like any other Londoner, but would feel utterly self-conscious and confused by the world around me. I've had similar feelings following the deaths of close family members. One experience was very rare, the other universal.

I want to explore the idea of being an outsider; having conversations with others who will have walked those same private/public paths either through choice or because of circumstances beyond their control."

So what is it like being on the 'outside'? How do you cope with loneliness and feelings of being excluded? What are the attractions of removing yourself from society? What are the practicalities of such a life? How do you keep strong and maintain your hopes of coming in from the cold; or of not giving in and renouncing your solitary way?

Producer: Lucy Lunt.

TUE 09:45 Book of the Week (b01qbn7n)
Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan

Episode 2

In the spring of 1839, the British invaded Afghanistan for the first time. Led by lancers in scarlet cloaks and plumed shakos, nearly 20,000 British and East India Company troops poured through the high mountain passes and re-established on the throne Shah Shuja ul-Mulk.
On the way in, the British faced little resistance. But, after two years of occupation, the Afghan people rose in answer to the call for jihad and the country exploded into violent rebellion. The First Anglo-Afghan War ended in Britain's greatest military humiliation of the nineteenth century: an entire army of the then most powerful nation in the world ambushed in retreat and utterly routed by poorly equipped tribesmen.
Return of a King is the definitive analysis of the First Afghan War, told through the lives of unforgettable characters on all sides and using for the first time contemporary Afghan accounts of the conflict.
Prize-winning and bestselling historian William Dalrymple's retelling of Britain's greatest imperial disaster is a powerful and important parable of colonial ambition and cultural collision, folly and hubris, for our times.
Read by Tim Pigott-Smith
Written by William Dalrymple
Abridged by Libby Spurrier
Producer: Joanna Green
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01q8ndp)
Changes to child care legislation; Living with a stoma

Changes to child care legislation. Living with a stoma. Women's nights out around the world - Ramallah. Should new fathers be getting more help to be able to support during birth and beyond? Rucksacks verses handbags. Presented by Jane Garvey.

TUE 10:45 Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City (b01q98lw)
Tales of the City

Episode 2

Anna and Edgar share some afternoon delight. Mary Ann loves her new life . She settles into her apartment and job , and there's a surprise visitor for Mona .

It's 1976 - San Francisco . Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City is a portrait of a free and easy era with the drug and sex counter-culture in full swing.

Dramatised by Bryony Lavery and directed by Susan Roberts

Set in 1976 in San Francisco , Tales of the City is the first in a sequence of novels about the denizens of the mythic apartment house at 28 Barbary Lane, Tales is both a sparkling comedy of manners and an indelible portrait of an era that changed the way we live forever.

TUE 11:00 Saving Species (b01q8ndr)
Series 3

Freshwater Eels and Mitten Crabs

The American eel is a freshwater eel that spawns in the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean, and travels as larvae along the North Atlantic coast to the mouth of American and Canadian rivers before travelling upriver as glass eels to mature in the river over 20-40 years. Then as a silver eel; its adult form, it migrates back down the rivers to return to the Sargasso Sea to start the cycle of life all over again. The Ottawa River in Canada is a very important river for eels as it produces a large number of female eels, so it is essential these adult female eels can get out successfully to the sea. Many hydropower dams for producing electricity on the Ottawa river prevent the eels migrating successfully as adult eels can be killed when they try and pass through the turbines. On this particular river, eel populations have suffered severe declines. New technology and design and suitable passes are helping to increase the chance of eels getting past the dam turbines.

Like the American eel, the adult European eel travels 4000 miles to spawn in the Sargasso Sea and journeys to and from UK rivers to complete its lifecycle. It also faces problems on UK rivers due to sluices, flood defences and other barriers to migration. In Europe, eel populations have also been declining and since 2007 they have been the subject of a European regulation which means that member countries have to put in place eel management plans with targeted efforts to help eel recovery.

Chinese Mitten crabs were first found in the River Thames in the 1930s. As one of the world's 100 worst invasive species it arrived via ballast water in ships that came from the Far East. The crab has distinctive furry hairs on its pincers which is how it gets its name. As the crab spreads through waterways in the UK, it is causing concern as by burying into the base of river banks it is causing erosion.

Also in the programme - news from around the world with our regular news reporter, Kelvin Boot, plus details on how you can use the Open University's iSpot facility.

Presenter: Brett Westwood
Producer: Sheena Duncan
Editor: Julian Hector.

TUE 11:27 Radio 4 Appeal (b01q7gvb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:55 on Sunday]

TUE 11:30 For One Night Only (b01n95x5)
Series 7

The Weavers at Carnegie Hall

Paul Gambaccini is back with the award-winning series to re-visit two occasions when a classic live album was recorded. He hears from those who were there, on-stage, backstage and in the audience, to re-create the event for all of us who, each time we play the album, think: 'If only I could have been there'.

Paul Gambaccini re-lives Christmas Eve 1955 and The Weavers reunion concert at New York's prestigious Carnegie Hall. Three years after Pete Seeger's blacklisting for communist sympathies had forced the highly successful folk group to break up because no one was playing their records and no venues would book them, their manager Harold Leventhal took a risk and booked the only venue that would take them: There were queues round the block and the concert was a sell-out.

In the company of Pete Seeger himself and the other two surviving Weavers, Ronnie Gilbert and Fred Hellerman, Paul hears about the birth of The Weavers in the radical home of folk music and left-wing politics that was 1940s Greenwich Village. With their early number 1 hits: 'Goodnight Irene' and 'Tzena, Tzena', The Weavers reached beyond the 'purist' folk movement into the mainstream. Gino Francesconi, Carnegie Hall's Archivist, finds the programme and poster from the 1955 concert, which became a best-selling album after it was released two years later, by Vanguard. Previously an exclusively classical label, this was the album which would make Vanguard the leading folk label of the 1960s.

Also in this series of For One Night Only: 'Clapton Unplugged' (1992)

Producer: Marya Burgess.

TUE 12:00 You and Yours (b01q8ndt)
Call You and Yours - What will the HS2 do for you?

On Call You & Yours - The Government has unveiled the route of HS2, that's the high-speed rail network running from London via Birmingham to the north of England, stressing that the controversial project is "a vital engine for growth".

The preferred route of phase two running northwards from Birmingham will have five stops: Manchester; Manchester Airport; Toton near Nottingham; Sheffield; and Leeds.

We're asking what will HS2 do for you?

Manchester to London in an hour and 8 minutes..... thousands of new jobs and a huge shot in the arm for the economy, according to supporters of the high speed rail link...


..a blot on the landscape.... many years of disruption with a massive tax bill to subsidise a service that might never be fully used, according to those who oppose it.

Do you want the new High Speed railway line? Do you think the nation needs it? How will it change your life? What impact will it have on the north/south divide?

03700 100 400 is the number or you can e-mail via the Radio 4 website or text us on 84844. Join me at four minutes past twelve tomorrow.

Presenter: Julian Worricker
Producer: Maire Devine.

TUE 12:57 Weather (b01q8jsb)
The latest weather forecast.

TUE 13:00 World at One (b01q8njb)
National and international news. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

TUE 13:45 Technicolour (b01q8njd)
Colour Naming

Tracey Logan looks at how language affects our perception of colour and discovers how infants see colour. From January 2013.

TUE 14:00 The Archers (b01q8lht)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Monday]

TUE 14:15 Drama (b00s3h42)
Tracy-Ann Oberman - Bette and Joan and Baby Jane

Written by Tracy-Ann Oberman.

On 23 July 1961, filming started on "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?" at the Producers Studio, Hollywood. It was a film that industry insiders thought would never be made, as its two female stars had an ongoing feud as famous and as long lasting as both of their glittering screen careers. Bette Davis "the actress" and Joan Crawford "the movie star" both arrived on set determined to prove everyone wrong, including each other...

Tracy-Ann's first radio play tells the story of the making of a legendary film, of the creation of two iconic stars and of the origins of a deep seated hatred that spanned five decades.

Producer: Liz Anstee.
A CPL Production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 15:00 Making History (b01q8njg)
Helen Castor is joined in the studio by Professor Justin Champion and Paul Lay, Editor of History Today magazine, who will be asking what type of history curriculum we want in Britain's schools?

Tom Holland will be previewing an exciting new exhibition of early nineteenth century drawings which have never been seen before in public and reveal new insight into pre-independence Greece.

And we'll be hearing about the Asian chronicler of North Norfolk life in the 1890s, Albert Mahomet.

Contact the programme:

Producer: Nick Patrick

A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 15:30 Costing the Earth (b01q8mqh)
Berlin's Big Gamble

It's an environmental experiment on an unprecedented scale. Germany's political parties have agreed to close the country's nuclear power stations and slash its use of coal, oil and gas. But can the industrial powerhouse of Europe really continue to churn out the BMWs and Mercedes on a meagre diet of wind and solar energy?

In the first of a new series of 'Costing the Earth' Tom Heap travels to Berlin to meet the politicians of right and left who share a vision for a green Germany and the industrialists who fear that blind optimism has replaced logic at the heart of government.

Tom visits Feldheim, a tiny village that produces enough wind power to run a city and talks to the activists who plan to take over the entire electricity grid of Berlin and run the capital on alternative energy. Their enthusiasm is infectious but could the reality be power cuts and the departure of the industrial giants to the US and the Far East?

The stakes are high. If the plan they've christened the Energiewende, or energy transformation, succeeds, then Germany will have created a low-carbon model for the UK and the rest of the industrialised world. If it fails Germany could lose its place as an economic superpower.

TUE 16:00 It's My Story (b01gf5x8)
Mr Fan, from Boatperson to Horseman

Mr Fan fled Vietnam on a boat and landed in Greenwich. He grows vegetables like a Chinese peasant, and rides horses like an English gentleman. In his barber shop, he tells his tale.When radio producer Julian May or his sons need a haircut they pop round to Mr Fan. Over the years, the blond baby and the grey curls falling, his story of escape, exile, settlement and identity, has emerged.Mr Fan is from Vietnam but is Chinese. In 1979, when the Chinese crossed the border and fought a short war with her neighbour, he had to leave. His family left everything and clambered aboard an over-laden sailing boat. No one knew how to sail or navigate. Months later they reached Hong Kong and were interned. Eventually, while his father languished dying in prison, he landed in England, and settled in Greenwich.That's the past. What is interesting is the life Mr Fan leads now: very Chinese; very English. His tiny garden full of pak choi; dawn exercises in the park; table tennis. As he snips he sips green tea.But the pictures on the walls are of horses. Three times a week at a suburban riding school, among the pigtailed 'gels', this Chinese man in his sixties, trots, canters - and now gallops and jumps - in his black velvet riding hat.This is what he loves, what England has given him, and he'll never go back. He did go to Mongolia - on a riding holiday.While he cuts hair, exercises early in Greenwich Park (where he enjoyed watching the Olympic equestrian events last summer), tends his peasant patch and rides the horses he loves, Mr Fan tells his story to Julian May who, sparingly, presents a tale that reveals important aspects of identity and belonging.Producer: Julian May.

TUE 16:30 Great Lives (b01q8nny)
Series 29

William Robinson

Gardener Carol Klein's great life is a Victorian hero of the wild garden, the writer and horticulturalist William Robinson. Matthew Parris presents, with expert help from Robinson's biographer Richard Bisgrove and reader Stephen Hogan.

William Robinson was a radical and persuasive writer and designer whose influence on British gardens has been compared to that of William Morris on interiors. You may not recognise his name but his influence lives on: 'we are all Robinsonians now, even if we don't know it', according to one recent review. Born in 1838 in Ireland, he started young as a garden boy for the Marquess of Waterford. Little more is known about Robinson's early life, but his rise to prominence was swift once he'd arrived in London. Within a few years he'd been elected as a fellow to the Linnaean Society, sponsored by Charles Darwin and James Veitch. He founded, wrote and published his own gardening periodicals and almanacs as well as writing best-selling books on gardening which struck a chord with the newly wealthy English middle classes who were beginning to build their own gardens in the suburbs around London.

Carol Klein is the garden expert and star of Gardener's World, who started life as an art teacher. Her gardening hobby became a successful career, with a trugful of gold medals from RHS shows and many best selling books on gardening, as well as her own TV series, most recently 'Life in a Cottage Garden'. She shares Robinson's passion and what she calls his 'empathy' for plants, too, making the best of their individual features, whatever they may be.

Producer...Mary Ward-Lowery

TUE 17:00 PM (b01q8np0)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news.

TUE 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01q8jsd)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 18:30 I've Never Seen Star Wars (b01q8np2)
Series 5

Jenni Murray

Dame Jenni Murray cooks her first ever healthy meal, using tofu and lentils, watches her first violent film, and samples the delights of controversial comedian Frankie Boyle.

She gives her verdicts to Marcus Brigstocke.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2013.

TUE 19:00 The Archers (b01q8np4)
Tom's seeing the bank at the end of the week. He is pleased he's found time to cost a plan to take the Tom Archer business onto the next stage. He invites Tony to lunch at The Bull, where Tony tells him not to rush things. He's taking a big step which will affect them all.
Vicky's glad of Brenda's company as she takes Bethany out for the first time. They notice the car and join Tony and Tom in The Bull. Brenda admits she can't stop rabbiting on about babies. Nic feels awkward holding Bethany. She tells Will she feels sorry for Vicky, who was so desperate to be a mother. Will insists that being happy is what matters. Nic doesn't think she would be as upbeat as Vicky.
Tony remarks that Brenda can't get enough of Bethany. Tom agrees, and admits it might not be long before they start thinking about a family of their own. Tom explains that his efforts with the Tom Archer brand are about ensuring Bridge Farm can support them all. He'd like to pass the farm onto his children. That's what it's about - giving his family a future.

TUE 19:15 Front Row (b01q8nrd)
Light Show; the life of Benjamin Britten; Port reviewed

With Mark Lawson.

Light Show at the Hayward Gallery in London is the first survey of light-based art in the UK and brings together artworks from the 1960s to the present day, from 22 artists including Dan Flavin, Olafur Eliasson and Jenny Holzer. Lighting designers Paule Constable and Patrick Woodroffe give their response to the works on show.

Paul Kildea discusses his biography of Benjamin Britten, which has already made the news when he claimed that the composer's death was hastened by syphilis.

Playwright Simon Stephens' new play, Port, opens at the National Theatre this week. Directed by Marianne Elliott, it tells the story of a family in Stockport. We first meet 11 year old Racheal, and six-year-old Billy in 1988, and the play follows them over the next 13 years of their lives. Peter Kemp reviews.

Producer Ellie Bury.

TUE 19:45 Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City (b01q98lw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

TUE 20:00 File on 4 (b01q8nrg)
Taxing Questions

After a series of controversies over the tax bills of multinationals such as Google and Starbucks, ministers have been talking tough about avoidance. But as new tax rules come into operation, Fran Abrams looks at the reality behind the rhetoric. Will these new regulations halt the decline in corporate tax revenues? And why were so many major companies involved in writing them - even as their own tax affairs were coming under scrutiny?
Producer: Rob Cave.

TUE 20:40 In Touch (b01q8nrj)
PIP (Personal Independence Payments)

MInister for Disabled People Esther McVey answers questions from Peter about some of the detail surrounding PIP, Personal Independence Payments, the new benefit replacing Disability Living Allowance.

TUE 21:00 Inside Health (b01q8nrl)
Alcohol, cancer treatments, hair, halitosis

Following the latest figures on deaths from alcohol, Dr Mark Porter talks to liver transplant expert Dr Varuna Aluvihare from King's College London, the largest liver transplant centre in Europe.

Targeted cancer therapies - thousands of people with cancer are to have their genes mapped as part of a new drive towards treatment tailored to the individual. But what's in it for the patient? Mark discusses with Prof Peter Johnson, chief clinician for Cancer Research UK.

Mark talks to Dr Paul Farrant about caffeine - is there a benefit to having it in your shampoo?

Halitophobia - fear of bad breath and what can be done to help. Tim Hodgson and Claire Daniel from the Eastman Dental Hospital in London explain.

TUE 21:30 The Life Scientific (b01q8mm0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

TUE 21:58 Weather (b01q8jsg)
The latest weather forecast.

TUE 22:00 The World Tonight (b01q8nrn)
Bodies of more than 70 Syrians found in mass killing in Syria.

Conservatives lose key Commons vote on boundary changes.

Why childcare is cheaper in France.

With Ritula Shah.

TUE 22:45 The Real George Orwell (b01q8rn8)
Down and Out in Paris and London

Episode 2

Living in Paris with no money to his name, Orwell needs a job. He turns to Boris, a Russian refugee with experience of the restaurant trade, and together they hit the streets of the French capital in search of employment. But they soon find that a lame old soldier and a young man with no experience are low on the list of desirable employees to the local patrons who are inundated with men in need of work.

Read by Joseph Millson
Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 23:00 Heresy (b018gr06)
Series 8

Episode 5

Victoria Coren presents another edition of the show which dares to commit heresy.

Her guests this week are comedian Dave Gorman and newspaper columnists Matthew Parris and Julia Hartley-Brewer. Together they have fun exposing the wrong-headedness of received wisdom and challenging knee-jerk public reaction to events.

Arguing against the popular opinion that celebrities shouldn't tell people how to vote, former MP Matthew Parris says he would much rather listen to an attractive celebrity talking rubbish than listen to the garbage spouted by the average politician.

Julia Hartley-Brewer defends Chick Lit against its detractors on the grounds that you shouldn't judge a book by its pink cover, and argues that it's the kind of literature Jane Austen would be writing if she were around today.

And Dave Gorman puts his republican views to one side to ride to the defence of the extraordinary hat worn by Princess Beatrice at the wedding of William and Kate. Though the Princess may wish he hadn't.

Producer: Brian King
A Avalon Television production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01q8nrq)
Sean Curran reports as the Lib Dems defeat Tory plans to redraw parliamentary boundaries; MPs fear mission creep in Mali; George Osborne blames Labour as his handling of the economy is criticised; and what's the proper role for the RSPCA ?

Editor: Peter Mulligan.


WED 00:00 Midnight News (b01q8jt9)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

WED 00:30 Book of the Week (b01qbn7n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Tuesday]

WED 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01q8jtc)
The latest shipping forecast.

WED 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01q8jtf)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

WED 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01q8jth)
The latest shipping forecast.

WED 05:30 News Briefing (b01q8jtk)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

WED 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01qgm83)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg.

WED 05:45 Farming Today (b01q8qpj)
As horse DNA is found in Spanish beef burgers, MEP Dan Jorgensen says Europe needs more power to implement and enforce its rules throughout member states.
Meanwhile the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee chairwoman Anne McIntosh says responsibility for food traceability in the UK is a grey area. A leading food safety analyst tells Farming Today he believes problems have arisen because of cuts to Trading Standards budgets by local authorities.
Farmers are losing an average of £29 on every lamb they sell at the moment, according to the English Beef and Lamb Executive. A Devon sheep farmer tells Sarah Swadling that the sheep industry is on the brink of crisis. But the British Retail Consortium says supermarkets are doing what they can to support the industry.
Presenter Anna Hill. Producer Ruth Sanderson.

WED 06:00 Today (b01q8qpl)
Morning news and current affairs presented by James Naughtie and John Humphrys, including:

Government plans are afoot to recruit police and army personnel at higher-ranking levels. Policing minister Damian Green and the Police Superintendents' Association's Derek Barnett discuss the form of direct entry.

The government has announced that it may use advertisements to discourage some Romanians and Bulgarians coming to Britain. The Muslim Forum's Manzoor Mughal and Labour minister Lord Bach assess the impact of such a campaign.

Israeli election results will be certified today, with Benjamin Netanyahu being asked to try to form a government. The Knesset's Yuli-Yoel Edelstein and the UN's Michael Williams discuss where it might lead.

Think-tank Demos is recommending that people receive state benefits via card to make it easier for them. Its director Claudia Wood and MP Alec Shelbrook assess its merits.

WED 09:00 Midweek (b01q8qpn)
Jimmy Osmond; Sir Michael Parker; Hannah Lowe; Rob Forkan

In 2004 Rob Forkan and his three siblings lost their parents in the tsunami in Sri Lanka and narrowly escaped death themselves. Penniless, hungry and without documents it took the children a week to hitchhike 200km before they were able to return to Britain. Rob and his brother Paul have now set up a footwear business selling flip flops. A portion of their profits will go towards their 'Orphans for Orphans' initiative which supports a school in India. In 2014, the 10th anniversary of the tsunami, they are hoping to set up a children's home in India as a memorial to their parents.

Sir Michael Parker is the producer behind over three hundred public events including the Royal Tournament and the Queen's Silver Jubilee celebrations. His new book gives the inside story of the chaos behind some of the events he managed - successfully hidden from spectators and audiences around the world, and often much to the Queen's amusement. His book, 'It's All Going Terribly Wrong - The Accidental Showman' is published by Bene Factum Publishing.

Hannah Lowe's debut collection of poems, Chick, is about her late father, a Chinese-Jamaican migrant who disappeared at night to play cards or dice in London's East End. Chick was her father's gambling nickname. After his death Hannah investigated his secret world, visiting the casinos where he played and meeting the men he gambled alongside. Chick is published by Bloodaxe Books.

Jimmy Osmond is the youngest member of the Osmond family. He is about to begin a UK tour of 'Boogie Nights The 70s Musical - In Concert' along with brothers Merrill and Jay, performing their hits Crazy Horses and Love Me For A Reason. Boogie Nights The 70s Musical plays 50 dates across the UK.

Producer: Paula McGinley.

WED 09:45 Book of the Week (b01qbnb8)
Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan

Episode 3

In the spring of 1839, the British invaded Afghanistan for the first time. Led by lancers in scarlet cloaks and plumed shakos, nearly 20,000 British and East India Company troops poured through the high mountain passes and re-established on the throne Shah Shuja ul-Mulk.
On the way in, the British faced little resistance. But, after two years of occupation, the Afghan people rose in answer to the call for jihad and the country exploded into violent rebellion. The First Anglo-Afghan War ended in Britain's greatest military humiliation of the nineteenth century: an entire army of the then most powerful nation in the world ambushed in retreat and utterly routed by poorly equipped tribesmen.
Return of a King is the definitive analysis of the First Afghan War, told through the lives of unforgettable characters on all sides and using for the first time contemporary Afghan accounts of the conflict.
Prize-winning and bestselling historian William Dalrymple's retelling of Britain's greatest imperial disaster is a powerful and important parable of colonial ambition and cultural collision, folly and hubris, for our times.
Read by Tim Pigott-Smith
Written by William Dalrymple
Abridged by Libby Spurrier
Producer: Joanna Green
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01q8qpq)
Misogyny in comedy, domestic violence in China, Make Me a Muslim

Shanna Bukhari has interviewed UK women converting to Islam for BBC 3's "Make Me a Muslim". Tania Branigan reports on domestic violence in China. Jongleurs founder Maria Kempinska debates misogyny in comedy with Michael J Dolan. Counsellor Paula Hall discusses sex addiction. What prompts women into campaigning - Jenni Murray is joined by Linda Green author of " The Mummyfesto", Tamsin Omond and Sarah Evans.

WED 10:45 Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City (b01q98qw)
Tales of the City

Episode 3

Disillusioned, Mary Ann Singleton's considering moving back to Cleveland. Mona and Michael cook up a scheme to pay the rent.

Directed by Susan Roberts

For more than 3 decades, Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City has blazed its own trail through popular culture-from ground-breaking newspaper serial to classic novel. This is the first time it has appeared on radio, dramatised by Bryony Lavery.

Set in 1976 in San Francisco , Tales of the City is the first in a sequence of novels about the denizens of the mythic apartment house at 28 Barbary Lane, Tales is both a sparkling comedy of manners and an indelible portrait of an era that changed the way we live forever.

WED 11:00 In Living Memory (b01q8qps)
Series 17

Episode 2

In 1982 South African undercover police bombed the London offices of the African National Congress. The attack was just one in a string of operations mounted by the apartheid regime against its enemies on the streets of the capital. Jolyon Jenkins speaks to both sides - the bombers and the bombed - about a time when London was teeming with spies, assassins and activists. Some of those involved are speaking for the first time.

For the South African government, the London office of the ANC was a target because they believed that Britain was allowing communist terrorists to operate from here. They thought that white European communists were infiltrating South Africa to carry out attacks on government installations. They were not entirely wrong: the previous year, five white people, three of them British, were part of an operation to fire a rocket at a military base near Pretoria. In this programme we talk to two of those involved in the attack, in their first recorded interviews.

We also learn how the policemen involved in the London bomb considered killing the ANC boss Joe Slovo with a Bic pen when when they came across him in Frankfurt airport. And we hear how the ANC set up a fake overland tourism operation and recruited a young British activist to drive weapons and ammunition into South Africa using trucks full of unsuspecting backpackers.

Producer: Jolyon Jenkins.

WED 11:30 Clare in the Community (b01q8qpv)
Series 8

The Scapegoat

After an unprofessional mishap at the Sparrowhawk Family Centre, one of the Social Workers needs to fall on their sword.

Sally Phillips is Clare Barker the social worker who has all the right jargon but never a practical solution.

A control freak, Clare likes nothing better than interfering in other people's lives on both a professional and personal basis. Clare is in her thirties, white, middle class and heterosexual, all of which are occasional causes of discomfort to her.

Each week we join Clare in her continued struggle to control both her professional and private life

In today's Big Society there are plenty of challenges out there for an involved, caring social worker. Or even Clare.

Written by Harry Venning and David Ramsden.

Clare ...... Sally Phillips
Brian ...... Alex Lowe
Megan ...... Nina Conti
Nali ...... Nina Conti
Ray ...... Richard Lumsden
Helen ...... Liza Tarbuck
Simon ...... Andrew Wincott
Libby ...... Sarah Kendall
Man ...... Robert Blythe
Mr Needham ...... Patrick Brennan
Trudi ...... Sarah Thom

Producer: Katie Tyrrell

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2013.

WED 12:00 You and Yours (b01q8qpx)
Prices on the forecourt, mediation at work and finding love online

An inquiry by the Office of Fair Trading has investigated the market for petrol and diesel to ask if motorists are being treated fairly. Employers are making greater use of mediation to resolve disputes between their staff. But how does mediation work, and why is it so attractive to businesses? Online dating has become a big industry, but what are the dos and don't of looking for love on the internet?
Producer: Jonathan Hallewell
Presenter: Winifred Robinson.

WED 12:57 Weather (b01q8jtm)
The latest weather forecast.

WED 13:00 World at One (b01q8qpz)
National and international news. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

WED 13:45 Technicolour (b01q8qq1)
Feeling Colour

3/5: Colour and Behaviour

Does blue make you feel calm and red, ferociously angry? Myths abound surrounding the way different colours affect us. In this programme, Tracey gets to the bottom of whether colour really can change the way we behave.

She visits a psychologist who is testing which colours make us more creative and finds out why women may benefit from wearing red on a date.

Producer: Michelle Martin.

WED 14:00 The Archers (b01q8np4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Tuesday]

WED 14:15 Drama (b00ryklg)
Michael Butt - Albert Speer's Walk Around the World

Patrick Malahide stars as Albert Speer or Prisoner Number Five, as he was known throughout his twenty years in Spandau Prison. Michael Butt's play 'Albert Speer's Walk Around the World' takes us on the imaginary journeys Speer devised to engage his mind and keep him from despair. A sympathetic American guard orders him travel books from the library and he plots his routes methodically. But he can't escape from the demons of guilt about Nazi war crimes. Sometimes the scenes he witnesses on his trips are exhilarating; sometimes the people are seductive but sometimes he is glad to be disturbed by the prison guard yelling for him to get back into his tiny cell where he is forbidden to look out of the window. Of the other six inmates, he is closest to Rudolf Hess (Jack Klaff) who he sees as vulnerable and wants to protect, whereas Admiral Karl Donitz (Nicholas Woodeson) constantly baits him and tries to pull rank with him. Donitz can't forgive Speer for his admission of guilt at the Nuremberg Trials.

Speer was Hitler's chief architect and his very efficient Minister for Armaments and War Production. In prison, he is rigorously self-disciplined and sets himself a tough regimen. Prison rules are strict but even as they relax and prisoners start to talk to each other, Speer keeps aloof. To distract himself nine years into his sentence, he designs and creates a garden in the spacious yard of Spandau and is particularly fond of his rockery and flowers. As an architect, he enjoys working out how the great buildings he visits were created and planning his routes so that he when he sets off, he will see and hear and meet the people he has carefully researched. However thoughts come unbidden and there is one judgemental voice in his head that travels everywhere with him.

Technical production: Peregrine Andrews
Director/Producer: Judith Kampfner
Exec Producer: Jill Waters
This is a Waters Company production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 15:00 Money Box Live (b01q8qq3)

Got an insurance question? Burst pipes, car skidded on the ice and snow, missed your flight or maybe you have a query about premiums? For insurance advice call 03700 100 444 from 1pm to 3.30pm on Wednesday or email

The AA say that nationally over 8000 cars were damaged during the recent bad weather costing the insurance industry an estimated £4.2 million.

Parked cars fared worst with many hit by other vehicles and some abandoned cars being broken into. Tail end shunts and kerbs hidden by snow were the second and third most common problems for drivers.

If you tried to get to the airport and turned back due to the weather will your insurer reimburse you for a missed flight or holiday?

Perhaps you are experiencing difficulties with frozen or bust pipes, you may find that the excess for these claims has risen.

Maybe you need to renew a policy and are wondering if you will be better or worse off because of the European ruling about gender equality.

Whatever your insurance question, put your questions to Vincent Duggleby and guests:

Kelly Ostler Coyle from the Association of British Insurers

Graeme Trudgill from the British Insurance Brokers' Association

Tom Woolgrove from Direct Line.

You can email your question to or call 03 700 100 444 - between 1pm and 3.30pm on Wednesday. Standard geographic charges apply. Calls from mobiles may be higher.

WED 15:30 Inside Health (b01q8nrl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Tuesday]

WED 16:00 Thinking Allowed (b01q8qq5)
Rock climbing in conflict; women in Russian prisons

Russian women prisoners - in the light of Pussy Riot's imprisonment, timely research on Russia's distinctive penal geography. The sociologist, Judith Pallot, talks to Laurie Taylor about a study based on extensive interviews with prisoners and officers in different regions of Russia. She finds that the vast distances between prisons and womens' homes imposes harsh penalties on women and their families. They're joined by the criminologist, Dr Sharon Shalev. Also 'Bolt Wars': Lisa Bogardus spent 16 months researching and observing the rock climbing world. She describes a battle for the cliffs in which climbers clash about the need to reduce risk and danger.
Producer: Jayne Egerton.

WED 16:30 The Media Show (b01q8qq7)
Premier League Football; Sir Harold Evans

Former Editor of The Sunday Times Sir Harold Evans on how the press have reacted to Leveson. Plus David Dinsmore, Director of Operations at News International on their plans to show Premiership League football highlights on mobile and internet versions of The Sun, Times and Sunday Times.
Presenter Steve Hewlett
Producer Beverley Purcell.

WED 17:00 PM (b01q8qq9)
Coverage and analysis of the day's news.

WED 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01q8jtp)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

WED 18:30 Cabin Pressure (b01q8qqc)
Series 4


When his Mum falls ill, Martin has to deal with a sister, a van and a moustache. Meanwhile, Carolyn and Douglas become locked in a game that can never end.

Cabin Pressure is a sitcom about the wing and a prayer world of a tiny, one plane, charter airline staffed by two pilots: one on his way down, and one who was never up to start with. Whether they're flying squaddies to Hamburg, metal sheets to Mozambique, or an oil exec's cat to Abu Dhabi, no job is too small, but many, many jobs are too difficult.

Written by John Finnemore
Produced and directed by David Tyler
A Pozzitive production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 19:00 The Archers (b01q8qqf)
Helen's taken aback when Tony asks for her thoughts on Tom's plans for the business. She admits she agrees with Tom. Tony regrets not getting to talk to Tom more about plans for a family of his own.
Helen meets flustered Emma at the play group. Emma had to go home for her purse and Helen says she would have paid for her. Emma opens up about problems at home. Being so dependent makes her feel like a child. Helen reassures Emma of all the advantages of the arrangement.
As Rob Titchener is shown around Brookfield, he diplomatically suggests to cagey Ruth that there's room for more than one dairy method. David tries to break the ice by linking Ruth's AI work and Rob's animal genetics studies at university.
Rob tells David he ran into Lynda Snell, who asked for his views on badger culling. David's pleased to learn that Rob is in favour. Rob offers to show David and Ruth round his own operation.
Ruth reports on a potential new tenant for Rickyard Cottage. Pip texts to say she's staying at Spencer's tonight. Ruth feels Pip's not interested in the farm and tells David to have a word with her.

WED 19:15 Front Row (b01q8qqh)
Rowan Atkinson on stage, Costa winner Hilary Mantel, and Samuel West

With Mark Lawson

Rowan Atkinson takes on his most serious role yet as the eponymous hero of Simon Gray's play Quartermaine's Terms. Atkinson and director Richard Eyre discuss the challenges of such a quiet and sedentary part, and why audiences who turn up expecting to see Mr Bean quickly adapt to the tone of the play.

Hilary Mantel was announced last night as the winner of the £30,000 Costa Book of the Year award for her novel Bring Up the Bodies. She discusses her golden year, having already won the Man Booker Prize for the same novel.

Samuel West discusses his role as King George VI in Roger Michell's film Hyde Park on Hudson. Also starring Bill Murray as Franklin D Roosevelt, the film focuses on the weekend in 1939 when the King and Queen visited Roosevelt in an attempt to persuade America about the threat of World War II.

Nicholas Hytner, director of the National Theatre, reveals his plans for the Theatre's 50th birthday celebrations, and hints at when he will end his tenure, which began in 2003.

Producer Jerome Weatherald.

WED 19:45 Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City (b01q98qw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

WED 20:00 Moral Maze (b01q8qqk)
Nimbyism and HS2

The government has announced its preferred route for the northern section for the high speed rail line - HS2 - and predictably it has attracted howls of protest from those likely to be impacted. The route from London to Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds will undoubtedly cut through some of the richest - in both senses of the word - countryside in England. But, according to its supporters, that's a price worth paying. To them HS2 is not just any old infrastructure scheme; it's a national priority that will benefit the whole country, creating a hundred of thousand jobs and helping to tackle the North South divide.

You may, or may not believe those claims, but many thousands of people will suffer for decades to come as we go through the planning and construction process and promises of financial compensation will sound very hollow. How far are they entitled to resist what may benefit the wider nation? Whether it's HS2, a third runway for Heathrow, nuclear power or wind farms, how should we make a moral calculation between the needs of the majority and the suffering and losses of the minority? And at a time of economic crisis should our priority always be jobs and GDP, or in the drive for development and progress are we in danger of bulldozing other intangible values like happiness and living the Good Life?
Engaging debate examining the moral issues behind one of the week's news stories. Chaired by David Aaronovitch, with Claire Fox, Anne McElvoy, Matthew Taylor and Giles Fraser. Witnesses: Martin Durkin - Controversial documentary film-maker, Lord Robert Skidelsky - Author: How much is enough? Money and the Good Life (2012), Penny Gaines - Chair, Stop HS2, Sir Richard Leese - Leader Manchester City Council.

WED 20:45 Pop-Up Economics (b01q8qsc)
War-gaming Armageddon

Tim Harford tells the story of Thomas Schelling, an economist who helped America and the Soviet Union to avoid nuclear war. He reveals how Schelling, a game theorist, became one of the most influential strategists of the 20th century.

Producer: Adele Armstrong.

WED 21:00 Costing the Earth (b01q8mqh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 15:30 on Tuesday]

WED 21:30 Midweek (b01q8qpn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

WED 21:58 Weather (b01q8jtr)
The latest weather forecast.

WED 22:00 The World Tonight (b01q8qt0)
David Cameron visits Algeria for talks on the threat from Islamist militants in North and West Africa. The government's plans for the long-term storage of nuclear waste have been thrown into doubt with councillors in Cumbria rejecting moves to build an underground dump there. And the friends still playing 'It' after more than 20 years. Presented by Ritula Shah.

WED 22:45 The Real George Orwell (b01q98zk)
Down and Out in Paris and London

Episode 3

Penniless in Paris, Orwell gets a job as a 'plongeur' - a slave's slave, washing dishes for fourteen hours a day in a stifling inferno of a cellar, deafened by oaths and the clanging of pots and pans. And he discovers a whole new world among the restaurant workers of the French capital.

Read by Joseph Millson
Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 23:00 Sarah Millican's Support Group (b011j6lq)
Series 2

5. 'I'm a mother in need of quiet'

"Sibling Rivalry: The grass is always greener in my brother's massive garden"

"I'm a mother in need of quiet - do drum kits have a mute button?"

Sarah Millican is a life counsellor and modern-day agony aunt tackling the nation's problems head on, dishing out real advice for real people.

Assisted by her very own team of experts of the heart - man of the people local cabbie Terry, and self qualified counsellor Marion,

Sarah tackles the nation's problems head on and has a solution for everything.

Sarah ...... Sarah Millican
Marion ...... Ruth Bratt
Terry ...... Simon Daye
Melissa ...... Isabel Fay
Michael ...... Miles Jupp
Janet ...... Annie Aldington

Written by Sarah Millican.

Producer: Lianne Coop

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2011

WED 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01q8qtq)
Susan Hulme and team with the day's top stories from Westminster. The Labour Leader Ed Miliband asks David Cameron about the state of the economy - but it's a short question from a Labour backbencher about horsemeat which temporarily floors the Prime Minister. Also in the programme: condemnation of the latest massacre in Syria, and MPs debate Europe. Editor: Rachel Byrne.


THU 00:00 Midnight News (b01q8jvl)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

THU 00:30 Book of the Week (b01qbnb8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Wednesday]

THU 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01q8jvn)
The latest shipping forecast.

THU 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01q8jvq)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

THU 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01q8jvs)
The latest shipping forecast.

THU 05:30 News Briefing (b01q8jvv)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

THU 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01qgm85)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg.

THU 05:45 Farming Today (b01q95rw)
The majority of European countries are still producing pork by illegal methods. Figures out this week from the European Commission show that despite having years to comply with new rules which ban the use of sow stalls, 17 of the 27 member states of the EU missed the January the 1st deadline . Also on Farming Today, it's sixty years since the sea surge which devastatated the English East Coast. On the night of 31 January 1953, a wall of water surged from the North Sea, killing more than 300 people. We talk to a farmer remembering the event.

THU 06:00 Today (b01q95ry)
Morning news and current affairs, presented by Sarah Montague and John Humphrys, including:

Conservative minister Ken Clarke says Britain leaving the European Union would be a "fatal mistake". He and Labour's Peter Mandelson have come together to form the Centre for British Influence. Its objective is to persuade the British public to vote yes when we are asked in the promised referendum whether we want to stay in the EU. Mr Clarke speaks to John Humphrys.

It's exactly 60 years since the great flood battered the east coast of England. The combination of a high spring tide and strong winds led to sea water surging over coastal

Whale vomit has been described as "floating gold". It's used in perfume and it's very expensive because it's so rare. Ken Wilman found a great chunk of it on the beach at Morecambe. Or rather, his dog Madge did. He Googled it and realise how valuable it was. Prof Callum Roberts tells us more.

The prime minister has said he will stick to a promise that defence spending will increase after 2015. He gave the commitment back in 2010 at a time when the defence budget was being cut. But the forecasts for the economy were better then and the chancellor has since made it clear that government departments are going to have to find more ways to cut their budgets. We speak to the Defence Secretary Philip Hammond.

THU 09:00 In Our Time (b01q95s0)
The War of 1812

Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the War of 1812, the conflict between America and the British Empire sometimes referred to as the second American War of Independence. In June 1812, President James Madison declared war on Britain, angered by the restrictions Britain had imposed on American trade, the Royal Navy's capture of American sailors and British support for Native Americans. After three years of largely inconclusive fighting, the conflict finally came to an end with the Treaty of Ghent which, among other things, helped to hasten the abolition of the global slave trade.

Although the War of 1812 is often overlooked, historians say it had a profound effect on the USA and Canada's sense of national identity, confirming the USA as an independent country. America's national anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner began life as a poem written after its author, Francis Scott Key, witnessed the British bombardment of Fort McHenry during the Battle of Baltimore. The war also led to Native Americans losing hundreds of thousands of acres of land in a programme of forced removal.


Kathleen Burk
Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at University College London

Lawrence Goldman
Fellow in Modern History at St Peter's College, University of Oxford

Frank Cogliano
Professor of American History at the University of Edinburgh

Producer: Victoria Brignell.

THU 09:45 Book of the Week (b01qbndz)
Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan

Episode 4

In the spring of 1839, the British invaded Afghanistan for the first time. Led by lancers in scarlet cloaks and plumed shakos, nearly 20,000 British and East India Company troops poured through the high mountain passes and re-established on the throne Shah Shuja ul-Mulk.
On the way in, the British faced little resistance. But, after two years of occupation, the Afghan people rose in answer to the call for jihad and the country exploded into violent rebellion. The First Anglo-Afghan War ended in Britain's greatest military humiliation of the nineteenth century: an entire army of the then most powerful nation in the world ambushed in retreat and utterly routed by poorly equipped tribesmen.
Return of a King is the definitive analysis of the First Afghan War, told through the lives of unforgettable characters on all sides and using for the first time contemporary Afghan accounts of the conflict.
Prize-winning and bestselling historian William Dalrymple's retelling of Britain's greatest imperial disaster is a powerful and important parable of colonial ambition and cultural collision, folly and hubris, for our times.
Read by Tim Pigott-Smith
Written by William Dalrymple
Abridged by Libby Spurrier
Producer: Joanna Green
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01q95s2)
Funding sexual health; veteran campaigners

What will be the effect of changes to funding of contraceptive and sexual health services? Simon Blake, Chief Executive of Brook says it will cost more in the long term. Veteran campaigners Yvonne Craig Inskip and Ann Rossiter tell us about the role it's had in their lives and why they're taking part in arts event Silver Action at the Tate Modern. And as part of our co-parenting series of features, listeners tell us what it was like to have a home at both their mother's and their father's. We join a girls night out in Melbourne and a clandestine cake club in a secret location!
Presenter Jenni Murray
Producer Dianne McGregor.

THU 10:45 Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City (b01q98r8)
Tales of the City

Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City

Anna Madrigal has an empty rooftop apartment in her lodgings at 28 Barbary Lane . Norman . a travelling salesman may be the perfect tenant . It's nearly Thanksgiving and romance is in the air -but nor for Dede who gets some unexpected news .

Directed by Susan Roberts

Set in 1976 in San Francisco , Tales of the City is the first in a sequence of novels about the denizens of the mythic apartment house at 28 Barbary Lane, Tales is both a sparkling comedy of manners and an indelible portrait of an era that changed the way we live forever.

THU 11:00 From Our Own Correspondent (b01q95y4)
'Dream big, kid!'

Correspondents take a close look at events in their part of the world. Aleem Maqbool follows a week of street protests with the question - can democracy really take root in Egypt? The arts world is in turmoil in Hungary, and Nick Thorpe tells us how the government there is being accused of hijacking the cultural agenda to promote its own political ends. Parto Parvin, and that's not her real name, talks of the difficulties being faced by exiled Iranian journalists trying to cover events in their homeland. Daniel Sanford hears an extraordinary tale of survival from the Battle of Stalingrad, which was drawing to a close exactly seventy years ago. And Reggie Nadelson tours the New York theatre which has staged concerts by just about everybody in African-American musical entertainment.
Producer: Tony Grant.

THU 11:30 The Art of Sequencing (b01q95y6)
Guy Garvey from Elbow considers the challenge of turning a collection of songs into a coherent single piece of art, and how this has changed in the days of downloading single tracks.

Reading the chapters of a novel in the wrong order would be a strange thing to do, but is the running order of an album still important now that you can easily create your own playlists?

Pink Floyd felt so strongly that classic albums such as The Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here should be heard as complete works that they took their record company to court in an attempt to retain their artistic integrity. Nick Mason, Pink Floyd's drummer talks about the court case and sequencing the Floyd's albums.

As singer with Elbow and producer of I am Kloot, Guy Garvey has strong opinions about the integrity of an album's sequencing. He talks to Pete Jobson from I am Kloot about their Mercury Prize-nominated album Sky at Night, and to Peter Hammill about sequencing on his solo albums and with his prog rock band Van der Graaf Generator.

And the broadcaster and classical music critic Stephen Johnson provides examples of well-known song cycles by composers such as Schubert and Richard Strauss which weren't in fact written as complete sequences of songs at all but compiled by a publisher after their death.

With contributions from David Brewis of Field Music, DJ Colleen Murphy and music critic and broadcaster Pete Paphides.

THU 12:00 You and Yours (b01q95y8)
Which Green Deal measures are likely to pay for themselves?

We follow a Green Deal assessment and crunch the numbers to see which measures are likely to pay for themselves.

Most online shops will deliver to your workplace, but how do employers feel about having a pallet of beer - or your weekly shop - sent to the office?

Plus, one supermarket says more of us are turning to expensive wines, another says we only ever try four varieties. We look at wine buying habits and the best bargains out there.

THU 12:57 Weather (b01q8jvx)
The latest weather forecast.

THU 13:00 World at One (b01q95yb)
National and international news. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

THU 13:45 Technicolour (b01q95yd)
Making Colour

Programme 4/5: Making colour
The first synthetic dye - a bright mauve - was discovered by accident in 1856 by an 18-year-old chemistry student. Since then, making colour has become a billion dollar industry across the globe.
Tracey Logan visits Hainsworth in Leeds, the oldest dye house in the UK, to discover how they make create a huge range of fabrics, from scarlet coats for military uniforms to green baize for snooker tables.
But our love for colour has a darker side - the commercial dyeing industry has been criticised for its poor environmental record across the world, from excessive water use to dangerous waste products. Tracey meets the chemists from Leeds University attempting to make 'greener' dyes.
Producer: Michelle Martin.

THU 14:00 The Archers (b01q8qqf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Wednesday]

THU 14:15 Drama (b00s0hdn)
Michael Symmons Roberts - A Man in Pieces

By Michael Symmons Roberts

Conor volunteers to test a new medical sonic scanner which records the sounds inside the body. From this recording an analysis of the patient's health is drawn. The Goldberg Scanner could revolutionise medical science. No-one knows what effect this scanner has on human health.

Conor finds himself a prisoner in a secure research facility, brought back day after day to spend another hour in this massive dark metal tunnel. He gradually realises that he's being mapped, being searched so deeply that he feels he's losing his identity and being taken over by a Doppleganger that is released when he enters the scanner.

THU 15:00 Open Country (b01q976s)
Johnsons Island

Tiny Johnsons Island sits in contrast to the hustle and bustle of Brentford and West London surrounding it. At the confluence of the Rivers Thames and Brent and the Grand Union Canal, the area was important historically for the barges that had carried goods from Birmingham. Nearby boat yards continue to repair and renovate vessels of all types while shiny new developments overlook the island - a mixture of old and new alongside one another. Helen Mark meets the community of artists who work on Johnsons Island and discovers how its nature and surroundings inspire them. A small gallery has been set up to exhibit their work but also to honour the late local character and 'naive artist' Barry Jones - an accomplished jazz musician who sold art works for beer money. The island is shared by one of the boatyards, complete with wet dock, chickens, bees and allotments. Yet many don't know of the island's existence, let alone its history. Helen explores the secrets of Johnsons Island.
Produced by Anne-Marie Bullock.

THU 15:27 Radio 4 Appeal (b01q7gvb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:55 on Sunday]

THU 15:30 Open Book (b01q7gvv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:00 on Sunday]

THU 16:00 The Film Programme (b01q976v)
Roger Michell on Hyde Park on Hudson, plus the costumes of Anna Karenina

Director Roger Michell talks to Francine Stock about his latest film Hyde Park on Hudson based on the extraordinary meeting between King George VI and President Roosevelt in New York State in 1939. BAFTA and Oscar nominee Jacqueline Durran discusses designing costumes for Anna Karenina, explaining why she brought a 1950s twist to 19th Century Russia. We hear from the critic Jane Graham in Glasgow on why The Wee Man, inspired by the real life criminal career of Paul Ferris, is doing do so well at the box office in Scotland, despite unfavourable reviews. And what's thought to be Richard Burton's first credited film role, The Last Days of Dolwyn, comes out on DVD for the first time, more than 60 years after it was made. The director Marc Evans, who made Trauma and My Little Eye, explores the mythology of the lost Welsh village.Producer: Elaine Lester.

THU 16:30 Material World (b01q976x)
High speed rail; Radioactive waste; Universe within us; Quantum Biology.

Quentin Cooper speaks to Professor Roderick Smith, the Head of the Future Rail Research Centre at Imperial College, London about the engineering advances needed for high speed rail. Also on the programme; what now for nuclear waste? Dr. Richard Shaw, the leader of the Radioactive Waste Management Programme at the British Geological Survey, explains what will happen now with Britain's radioactive waste. Professor Neil Shubin, from the University of Chicago, presents his idea that the one place where the universe, the solar system and the planet merge is inside our bodies. And finally Dr Luca Turin, from the Fleming Biomedical Research Sciences Centre in Greece, and Tim Jacob, Professor of Physiology at Cardiff University, discuss the controversial theory that the way we smell involves quantum physics.

Producer: Ania Lichtarowicz.

THU 17:00 PM (b01q976z)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news.

THU 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01q8jvz)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

THU 18:30 Life: An Idiot's Guide (b01q9771)
Series 2


Stephen K Amos is joined by stand-ups Marlon Davis, Jarlath Reagan and Lloyd Langford to consider the pros and cons of living with technology. Produced by Colin Anderson.

THU 19:00 The Archers (b01q9773)
When Christine asks Alice whether she's enjoying her job, Alice complains that she's not being given any responsibility. Christopher tries to point out all its positives and Alice says she knows she needs to be patient. Chris questions Alice about her intentions. She admits that a job's come up in Vancouver but she knows she can't emigrate. She was just interested.
Daniel discusses his gap year with Jim. He's going to look into sports internships and then go backpacking.
Christine's surprised when Jim tells her he thinks his editor will be delighted by his latest interview with a wood turner. He's asked a load of banal questions because. If Glen Whitehouse wants Jim to embellish his articles with trivia, that's what he's going to get!
After a productive morning of Amside work, Matt and Lilian celebrate with lunch in The Bull. Paul rings Lilian, but she cuts the conversation short when Matt appears. Christine comments to Matt that he and Lilian are looking particularly content at the moment. Matt tells Lilian that Christine's not wrong. With this deal, they can really start to enjoy their future. Lilian agrees. When things are like this, she's glad they've made it this far.

THU 19:15 Front Row (b01q9775)
Lesley Garrett, British Sea Power and House of Cards

With Kirsty Lang.

It's been eight years since Lesley Garrett stepped on to the opera stage. Television, West End musicals and Strictly Come Dancing have been occupying her instead. Now she's back with Opera North, the company she began her career with, in a new production of Poulenc's one woman opera La Voix Humaine. She reflects on playing a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and sets a challenge for contemporary opera composers.

Feast is a new play created by writers from Cuba, Brazil, America, Britain and Nigeria, and directed by Rufus Norris. It explores the Yoruba culture and what happened to it after slavery created a far flung diaspora. British writer Gbolahan Obisesan and director Rufus Norris discuss the genesis of the project.

A new DVD From the Sea to the Land Beyond is a lyrical portrait of Britain's coastline from 1901 to the present day. The film travels through both World Wars, into peacetime and the modern age, and is all drawn from the BFI National Archive. The coast is explored as a place of leisure, industry and wild nature, and the film has been directed by Penny Woolcock, with a specially composed soundtrack by Brighton band British Sea Power. Penny Woolcock and British Sea Power's Martin Noble talk about their collaboration.

An American adaptation of Michael Dobbs' political thriller House Of Cards is a genuine first, being a major TV series that is not being shown on television. Instead this big budget drama, starring Kevin Spacey, will be available only via Netflix, the download website. Mark Damazer delivers his verdict on whether this particular house of cards will stand or fall.

Producer Stephen Hughes.

THU 19:45 Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City (b01q98r8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

THU 20:00 The Report (b01q9777)
Algerian Siege

Algerian Siege: What really went on at the In Amenas gas field in Algeria?

In the early morning of January 16th the seven hundred staff at In Amenas gas field in the Sahara desert were getting ready for work. But at around 0530 a gang of armed jihadists stormed the accommodation complex and held many of the staff hostage in a siege that lasted four days.

This programme examines how this security breach could have happened and hears of security concerns from those working at the facility. We speak with men who were taken hostage who describe their ordeal and eventual escapes.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb are the terrorist group who have claimed responsibility for the kidnappings but who makes up this group and how do they operate in the wider Sahara region? A Canadian diplomat who was kidnapped in 2008 by the same terrorists gives us his original insight into the group's motivations.

Reporter: Simon Cox
Producer: Charlotte Pritchard.

THU 20:30 The Bottom Line (b01q9779)

The view from the top of business. Presented by Evan Davis, The Bottom Line cuts through confusion and spin to present a clearer view of the business world through discussion with people running leading and emerging companies.

This week, we hear from three people in the avant garde of the global gambling industry, which is said to be worth $417 billion. With smart phone and tablet technology driving a revolution in the way that people gamble, will old-fashioned betting shops and bingo halls survive? And can gambling companies really keep expanding despite recession, competition from the black market and prohibition in emerging economies?

Evan is joined in the studio by Norbert Teufelberger, CEO of the online gaming company; Melissa Blau, director of the consultancy iGaming Capital; Juergen Reutter, Director of Mobile at the bookmaker William Hill.

Producer: Helen Grady.

THU 21:00 Saving Species (b01q8ndr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Tuesday]

THU 21:30 In Our Time (b01q95s0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

THU 21:58 Weather (b01q8jw1)
The latest weather forecast.

THU 22:00 The World Tonight (b01q977c)
The day's news, with Philippa Thomas. Our main story: why did Israel carry out air strikes in Syria ? And will the UN take the Syrian's complaint seriously ?

David Cameron is back in Libya - we examine how life has changed for people there since his last visit

and Will Ross reports from Nigeria on the latest attack by the Islamic militant group Boko Haram - this time on a revered religious leader.

Also tonight - how the death of an Indian woman has reignited the abortion debate in Ireland.

Migrants around the world are sending money back to their home countries in record amounts - does that mean foreign aid budgets should be slashed ?

and as Russia prepares to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Stalingrad, we hear the untold story of one of the heroes of the great battle, and his dramatic fall from grace.

THU 22:45 The Real George Orwell (b01q977f)
Down and Out in Paris and London

Episode 4

Orwell considers the hierarchy among the hard pressed restaurant workers of Paris, where he discovers that no one wears a moustache except the cooks.

And he notes the stark contrast in cleanliness from one side of the service door to the other, even in the most luxurious of hotels.

Read by Joseph Millson
Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 23:00 Shedtown (b01q977h)
Series 2

Death in the Afternoon

In series two of Shedtown, our wooden 'man-cave', icon of escape and isolation - the shed - continues to be a symbol of possibility and change.

Episode 4: Death in the Afternoon

Shedtown Mark II rings its own death knell to the tune of Deborah Dearden's meticulously planned merry-go-round and Jimmy asks where hearts lie.

Barry............................Tony Pitts
Jimmy..........................Stephen Mangan
Eleanor..............Ronni Ancona
Colin...............Johnny Vegas
Deborah........................Emma Fryer
William..............Adrian Manfredi
Diane..............Rosina Carbone
Dave...............Shaun Dooley
Father Michael.........James Quinn
Wes.............Warren Brown
Protestor...........Sian Breckin
Nell..............................Eleanor Samson
The Wesleyans............Isabelle Sykes & Dorothy Collins
Narrator............Maxine Peake

Music........Paul Heaton & Jonny Lexus
Written and Directed by Tony Pitts
Produced by Sally Harrison
A Woolyback production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01q977k)
Sean Curran with the day's top news stories from Westminster, including angry exchanges over the downgrading of a hospital A&E department. Also in the programme: Coalition tensions in the Lords over the EU; a transport minister admits some train fares are too expensive for him to afford; and MPs hear sharp memories of Macmillan's "night of the long knives". Editor: Alan Soady.


FRI 00:00 Midnight News (b01q8jwx)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

FRI 00:30 Book of the Week (b01qbndz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Thursday]

FRI 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01q8jwz)
The latest shipping forecast.

FRI 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01q8jx1)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

FRI 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01q8jx3)
The latest shipping forecast.

FRI 05:30 News Briefing (b01q8jx5)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01qgm87)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg.

FRI 05:45 Farming Today (b01q979m)
Charlotte Smith hears that the European Commission wants to restrict some pesticides to save bees. As B&Q removes neonicotinoids from sale, the National Farmers Union warns agricultural production could be affected.

Forestry minister David Heath explains the government's new plans to look after England's forests.

And as an inquest into the deaths of three farmers in Northern Ireland concludes, David Coackley from the Health and Safety executive tells Farming Today the culture in farming needs to change.

Presenter: Charlotte Smith. Producer: Melvin Rickarby.

FRI 06:00 Today (b01q979p)
Morning news and current affairs, with Justin Webb and John Humphrys, including:

MPs get their first vote on the same-sex marriage bill next Tuesday despite grassroots opposition in the Conservative party. David Burrowes, MP for Enfield Southgate in North London will be voting against the bill next week. The Today programme's Justin Webb went to meet some of his constituents to find out why they feel so strongly.

A Home Affairs Committee report published today has said the Independent Police Complaints Commission needed more resources. Raju Bhatt, partner at Bhatt Murphy a firm of solicitors specialising in police misconduct cases discusses the report with Dame Anne Owers, chair of the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

The film Silver Linings Playbook is in the running for an Oscar this year and it features a character who has Bi-Polar disorder. Shea Wong who has Bi-Polar disorder and Dana Fainaru is a scriptwriter who has won a MIND award for a portrayal of Bi-Polar disorder discuss whether the film helps us to understand and accept the fact that mental illness is a part of many people's lives.

A Muslim family say they have been forced from their home in Bingham, Nottinghamshire after offensive graffiti and a cross wrapped in ham were left outside of their house. Murad Alam, the father of the household speaks to the Today programme's presenter Justin Webb about his family's ordeal.

FRI 09:00 Desert Island Discs (b01q7gvl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Sunday]

FRI 09:45 Book of the Week (b01qbngw)
Return of a King: The Battle for Afghanistan

Episode 5

In the spring of 1839, the British invaded Afghanistan for the first time. Led by lancers in scarlet cloaks and plumed shakos, nearly 20,000 British and East India Company troops poured through the high mountain passes and re-established on the throne Shah Shuja ul-Mulk.
On the way in, the British faced little resistance. But, after two years of occupation, the Afghan people rose in answer to the call for jihad and the country exploded into violent rebellion. The First Anglo-Afghan War ended in Britain's greatest military humiliation of the nineteenth century: an entire army of the then most powerful nation in the world ambushed in retreat and utterly routed by poorly equipped tribesmen.
Return of a King is the definitive analysis of the First Afghan War, told through the lives of unforgettable characters on all sides and using for the first time contemporary Afghan accounts of the conflict.
Prize-winning and bestselling historian William Dalrymple's retelling of Britain's greatest imperial disaster is a powerful and important parable of colonial ambition and cultural collision, folly and hubris, for our times.
Read by Tim Pigott-Smith
Written by William Dalrymple
Abridged by Libby Spurrier
Producer: Joanna Green
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01q97l8)
Dare you dress to be different? Reacting to cancer diagnosis

Dare you dress to stand out from the crowd? A survey by the British Heart Foundation reveals that a third of women secretly wish they had the confidence to wear red. So what's holding many of us back, from being sartorially more daring?

Being told you have cancer is probably one of the toughest things any of us have to hear, but while a couple might sit in front of the same oncologist and hear the same news, the way they understand and interpret the diagnosis can be very different. Next Monday is World Cancer Day and its theme this year is all about busting the myths ..We hear from Christine and her husband Ian who both interpreted the news of Christine's cancer in very different ways.

The new Super League season is kicking off, but only one top flight rugby league club has a woman on its board of directors. Award winning business woman and entrepreneur Kate Hardcastle joined the board of the Bradford Bulls in January. She's a lifelong fan of the club, watching them for the first time aged just two years old, and she's the first female director they've employed in the their history.

Scandinavian women are praising the way that TV heroines like the fictional Danish prime minister in Borgen and the Swedish detective Saga Noren (as well as Sarah Lund of course) have put an end to the old blonde stereotype of the sexy, scantily dressed, up-for-anything Scandinavian woman.

FRI 10:45 Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City (b01q98rv)
Tales of the City

Episode 5

Christmas is coming to Barbary Lane, but what will it bring for Mrs Madrigal's special people ? Something shocking for Mary Ann ? Something heartbreaking for Anna ? What about Mona and Mouse ?

Directed by Susan Roberts

Set in 1976 in San Francisco , Tales of the City is the first in a sequence of novels about the denizens of the mythic apartment house at 28 Barbary Lane, Tales is both a sparkling comedy of manners and an indelible portrait of an era that changed the way we live forever.

FRI 11:00 Bridging the Gulf (b01q97lb)
Razia Iqbal joins the women architecture students who are planning to make a difference to the urban environment of the Gulf region.

From a western perspective, we often get the impression that the Middle East doesn't offer women much in the way of equal opportunities. But in the United Arab Emirates, women architects are helping design and build their own cities. In Abu Dhabi, for example, the Urban Planning Council has women ensuring that the built environment will cope with their needs as much as those of big business.

Razia visits the American University of Sharjah. Its College of Architecture, Art and Design has a highly respected course, and Razia joins the students on campus. What she finds remarkable is the self-confidence and enterprise of the young women who have come from all of the Middle East and North Africa and who make up the majority of the class. She'll speak to students and tutors to analyse what their futures will hold for them in the Gulf and beyond.

Producer: Mark Rickards.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2013.

FRI 11:30 When the Dog Dies (b01q8n0l)
Series 3

Full Fathom Five

Ronnie Corbett returns to Radio 4 for a third series of his popular sitcom by Ian Davidson and Peter Vincent.

Ronnie plays Sandy Hopper, who is growing old happily along with his dog Henry. His grown up children - both married to people Sandy doesn't approve of at all - would like him to move out of the family home so they can get their hands on their money earlier. But Sandy's not having this. He's not moving until the dog dies. And not just that, how can he move if he's got a lodger? His daughter is convinced that his too attractive lodger Dolores is after Sandy and his money.

Luckily, Sandy has three grandchildren and sometimes a friendly word, a kindly hand on the shoulder, can really help a Grandad in the twenty-first century. Man and dog together face a complicated world. There's every chance they'll make it more so.

Episode Four: Full Fathom Five
Son-in-law Blake has secretly fitted Sandy's new wrist watch with a tiny transponder so that he knows exactly where Sandy is spending the family money. But when the watch is stolen, he jumps to the wrong conclusion.

Producer: Liz Anstee
A CPL production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 12:00 You and Yours (b01q97ld)
Iron Bridge, self-destructing emails and the rise of keg beer

The London Taxi company has been saved by Chinese money but does the cab have a future anymore now competitors have moved in. A UNESCO poll of world heritage sites says Ironbridge in Shropshire is a better day out than the pyramids or the Taj Mahal. The nationwide van hire man told he could go to jail if he hangs on to customers' deposits. Former Energy Minister Charles Hendry has joined a charity campaigning against fuel poverty. The email that guarantees you won't receive spam when you buy online. How real ale fans are learning to love keg beer. Linda McCartney, the vegetarian convenience food range, gets a make-over. Internet TV is costly and complicated but research shows people who buy tend to mostly watch movies on services they can get on their regular sets.

FRI 12:57 Weather (b01q8jx7)
The latest weather forecast.

FRI 13:00 World at One (b01q97lg)
National and international news. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

FRI 13:45 Technicolour (b01q97lj)
Selling Colour

5/5: Selling Colour

Emerald may be the new black for 2013, but the process by which designers select next season's colours is a story that goes back to World War I. Tracey Logan finds out why a naval blockade, cutting Paris fashion houses off from the rest of the world, created today's colour forecasting industry.

Nowadays, retailers have tight controls over the colours they choose and how they are produced. Tracey visits Marks & Spencer to find out how digital technology ensures they manufacture exactly the same shade of green across different fabrics, from your woollen coat to leather shoes.

Producer: Michelle Martin.

FRI 14:00 The Archers (b01q9773)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Thursday]

FRI 14:15 Stone (b01q97ll)
Series 4

Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness
by Gurpreet Bhatti
A schoolgirl's body is found in a park in the poor part of town. Beaten and stabbed to death. CSI confirm she's a 16 year old Asian girl and has been there for approximately three days. Likely to have been killed elsewhere and her body dumped. Her school uniform is from a top selective all girls' secondary. No missing person reports for anyone fitting her description. Tanner gives Stone a message from the bosses. Given the victim's heritage, the case needs to be dealt with sensitively, Stone is immediately angry, what the hell's sensitive about murder?

Produced and directed by Pauline Harris.

FRI 15:00 Gardeners' Question Time (b01q97p6)

This week Eric Robson chairs Gardeners' Question Time from Stilton in Cambridgeshire with Bunny Guinness, Bob Flowerdew and Matthew Wilson taking the audience's questions.

Produced by Howard Shannon
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4.

Q: What low-growing, low maintenance, perennials can you suggest for year-round colour in alkaline soil?
A: Clematis Arabella would go well, Geranium Rozanne ('Gerwat') often flowers through to December and is very hardy. Lavender would just need trimming back once a year and would be likely to thrive.

Q: I have a thirty-foot Eucalyptus tree. How big will it grow, will it start to damage surrounding shrubs and should I trim it?
A: They can be very dangerous anywhere near a house, because the branches will often snap-off in the wind. They can also grow to two or three times this height. It is recommended you either remove it or chop it down to ground-level and encourage it to become a shrub.

Q: My tall plum tree has lost most of its medium-height branches through heavy cropping. The top branches are too high to be useful. Is severe-pruning the answer or would this kill it?
A: Given the condition that it is in, your options are limited. Prune one side drastically one year in the middle of summer, and the other side the following year to bring it down to about half its current height. This should provoke a strong flush of growth.

Q: Should you prune blueberries growing in large pots, and if so when is the best time?
A: Blueberries do not need a lot of pruning if grown in a pot because their growth is restricted. However, they do tend to over-crop so you should remove the oldest growth when it is dormant.

Q: I planted a Gleditsia triacanthos 'Sunburst' twenty-eight years ago in my garden and it had grown to be a very large tree. I have brutally trimmed it this year, but what should I do now to make it look more attractive and will it grow again?
A: Gleditsia can take a hard prune, but this one has been very severe. It might grow back, and if it does it will have a huge amount of fresh short spurs. These may be on the trunk as well as the branches and will probably look quite odd. It would be best in this case to remove the tree completely.

Q: I have two Bramley Apple trees which fruit well, but in Autumn when the fruit is picked brown spots are found under the skin. What is the cause and what can I do?
A: It is likely to be Bitter pit which is caused by calcium imbalance or a lack of calcium. Mulch around the trees as this will increase fertility, as well as using fertiliser in the spring time. You could also spray regularly with seaweed solution.

Q: I have a grapevine in my backgarden. How should I prune it and should I feed it? It is currently growing upwards rather than along my pergola.
A: You cannot over-prune an established grapevine. You should remove most of the young shoots back to just stubs around a few inches long, with a couple of buds on them. You can take out old branches completely if there's a new one to replace it. The harder you treat it, the fewer bunches will grow which will encourage the bunches that do grow to swell and taste much sweeter. There is no need to feed a grapevine because in the UK the soils are generally too rich and wet, so keep fertility away from it.

Q: Some plants simply will not grow for me, though they grow like weeds for other people. These include Winter Aconites and Alchemilla mollis. Have the panel any admissions of their own to make?
A: Bunny has previously struggled with the Daisy Erigeron karvinskianus which generally flowers for nine to ten months of the year. Matthew has recently struggled with Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm'. And Bob has struggled with getting a crop from many plants even if they grow, including Paw paw Asimina triloba and Lychee from seed.

FRI 15:45 Pierrot Hero: The Story of Clifford Essex (b01q8n0n)
Henley Regatta, July 1891

A selection of readings from the personal memoirs of Clifford Essex, which have remained unpublished since they first appeared in magazine format in the 1920s. In this episode, Essex and his pierrots are a huge success at Henley - despite the rain!

The seaside pierrot troupe is an uniquely British art form, which began in 1891. That year, a gifted banjo player and producer of entertainments for society events, called Clifford Essex, watched a performance of L'Enfant Prodigue at The Prince of Wales Theatre. It was a largely mimed performance featuring a family of pierrots and it gave Essex the idea of costuming a concert party in white satin, pompoms and ruffles, to perform banjo pieces at The Henley Regatta and, later that year, at Cowes.

The project was a resounding success and led to his troupe performing throughout the country for almost three decades. During this time, the idea was copied and developed in such a way that, by the 1920s, there were more than 500 pierrot troupes performing along the coasts of Britain. These troupes were the stand-up comedy club and indie pop charts of their day - it was here that artists honed their craft by learning old routines and developing new ideas. They paved the way for the styles of music and humour that subsequently found a mass audience on radio and television.

The reader, Tony Lidington is known by many people as 'Uncle Tacko', leader and founder of The Pierrotters, the last-remaining professional, seaside pierrot troupe in Britain, now in its 27th year of performing.

Abridged and read by Tony Lidington
Producer: David Blount
A Pier Production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 16:00 Last Word (b01q97p8)
An architect, a fox hunter, a publisher, a star of musicals, a pioneering sociologist and the last surviving Andrews Sister

Matthew Bannister on

The landscape architect John Hopkins - who led the development of the Olympic Park in East London.

Lizbeth Webb, the West End and radio star of the 1940s, who gave up showbusiness to raise her family.

Peter Carson, the editor in chief who turned round the fortunes of Penguin Books
We have a tribute from one of his authors: Professor Mary Beard.

Mary McIntosh, the pioneering sociologist, feminist and campaigner for gay and lesbian rights

And Migs Greenall, fearless horsewoman who married into the Greenall Whitley brewing family and rode out with the leading hunts in Leicestershire.

FRI 16:30 Feedback (b01q97pb)
BBC Radio 2 has just announced record audience figures, but is the network satisfying all its listeners? Following changes to Sunday Half Hour, a new presenter for the Folk programme and a clutch of technical difficulties, Roger Bolton puts your concerns to Controller Bob Shennan.

Also, Roger speaks to the Head of the BBC's Newsroom, Mary Hockaday, to get her views on the story that won't go away - the gender imbalance on air. With other major broadcasters signing up to a pledge to give female presenters, correspondents and experts at least 30% of the airtime, we ask if there should be a quota of women in the BBC news.

Aye Aye Cap'n! Plugwatch is back. You've been on the lookout for book plugs across BBC Radio.

Producer: Kate Taylor
A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 17:00 PM (b01q97pd)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news.

FRI 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01q8jx9)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 18:30 The News Quiz (b01q97r7)
Series 79

Episode 7

A satirical review of the week's news, chaired by Sandi Toksvig. Panellists are Jeremy Hardy, Francis Wheen, Rebecca Front and Roisin Conaty.

Produced by Lyndsay Fenner.

FRI 19:00 The Archers (b01q97r9)
Angry Ruth tells David how embarrassing it was when she showed some potential clients round Rickyard Cottage and found it in a mess. Pip's gone too far this time. Ruth and Pip have angry words. Ruth complains about Pip's general attitude. David tries to intervene but when Pip walks out Ruth says she gives up.
Lynda tells David she'd rather there was no bad feeling between them over their different views on badgers. David says she can do what she wants, but he doesn't understand the point of badger road signs and wishes her luck in trying to persuade the rest of the parish council.
Lilian and Paul meet. Lilian hesitantly explains that that their relationship can't work because she won't leave Matt. When Paul says she deserves more than a business relationship, Lilian replies that it is more than that. This week with Matt has been like it used to be. She has to make a choice. Paul says he doesn't mind sharing her and will come to her whenever she wants, because what they have is too precious. They share a passionate kiss. Paul promises that Lilian just needs to tell him where and when and he'll be there.

FRI 19:15 Front Row (b01q97ts)
Charles Dance, author John Green, French cinema's forgotten man

With Kirsty Lang

The actor Charles Dance is best-known for playing quintessential Englishmen and villains. He reflects on his latest TV role as an ageing former rock-band manager, compares the experiences of working on both sides of the Atlantic, and looks back on his career.

A giant white pet robot and malfunctioning computers feature in In the Beginning Was the End, the latest site-specific production by the theatre company dreamthinkspeak. In the past they have performed in a vast disused department store, and an underground abattoir. The performance takes place in a series of tunnels and offices underneath Somerset House in London. Tristan Sharps, the artistic director of dreamthinkspeak, walks us through the labyrinth of tunnels and the technology that lies within.

Rene Clement was once dubbed the French Hitchcock, his war-time drama Forbidden Games won the Oscar for best foreign film in 1952, the BAFTA for best film from any source and the top prize at the Venice Film Festival. His thriller Plein Soleil is considered to be the best of the many adaptations of Patricia Highsmith's Ripley series. And yet, he is all but forgotten, even in his home country of France. The mysterious case of the disappearing director is investigated by Ginette Vincendeau, Ian Christie and Matthew Sweet.

Producer: Penny Murphy.

FRI 19:45 Armistead Maupin - Tales of the City (b01q98rv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

FRI 20:00 Any Questions? (b01q8mwx)
Ken Clarke, Keith Vaz, George Galloway, Ruth Porter

Jonathan Dimbleby presents political debate and discussion from Minster School, Southwell. Guests include Ken Clarke MP, George Galloway MP and Ruth Porter from the Institute of Economic Affairs.

FRI 20:50 A Point of View (b01q97tv)
The Love of Bears

David Cannadine reflects on the enduring appeal of the teddy bear in contemporary culture. Why, he wonders, have they been such popular toys and featured so prominently in literature and song since they were first named after Theodore Roosevelt over a hundred years ago.
Producer: Sheila Cook.

FRI 21:00 Saturday Drama (b008s5sz)
The Listening Room

The Listening Room

Psychological thriller by Steve Gough set in the year 2036, exploring truth, confidentiality and morality.

Kathleen works on a national helpline in a call centre named The Listening Room. She starts to receive calls from a man who has a terrible secret of international importance. He has been manipulated by the powers-that-be into committing dreadful crimes, but can she believe him? And should she confide in anyone else?

Directed by Pauline Harris.

FRI 21:58 Weather (b01q8jxc)
The latest weather forecast.

FRI 22:00 The World Tonight (b01q97tx)
Argentinian Foreign Minister tells us his views about diplomatic meetings with the UK over the Falklands. Children return to school in Mali after the French drive out the Islamists. And what to buy the billionaire who has everything.

FRI 22:45 The Real George Orwell (b01q97tz)
Down and Out in Paris and London

Episode 5

Working long hours as a plongeur in the restaurants of Paris, Orwell savours his time off, catching up on his sleep and spending his Sundays in the bistros of the Latin Quarter, where he gets to know its colourful mix of inhabitants.

Read by Joseph Millson
Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 23:00 Great Lives (b01q8nny)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:30 on Tuesday]

FRI 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01q97vh)
Mark D'Arcy reports from Westminster as the Commons and the Lords spend the day debating Private Members' Bills. MPs heard a call for a crackdown on lobbyists while peers discussed plans to protect Antarctica. Also tonight Mark explores the fall out from this week's vote on parliamentary boundaries which saw Conservative and Lib Dem ministers vote against each for the first time.
Editor: Sean Curran.