Two-part series which tells the story of children's outdoor games in 20th-century Britain begins by looking at British children at play between the 1900s and the mid-1950s.
It is a journey into a secret world of adventure and imagination that blossomed in the nation's streets, back alleys and playgrounds. The children's songs and games were passed down from one generation to the next and remain an abiding memory for most grown-ups. Playing on the streets was the defining feature of a working class childhood.
But the freedom they enjoyed meant they often got into trouble; none more so than the tribal gangs of boys who named themselves after the places where they lived. The programme highlights how children's play varied between city and country, between the different social classes and between boys and girls.
Three-part series which tells the story of the revolution in modern fatherhood in Britain during the last hundred years. Using intimate testimony, rare archive and the latest historical research it reveals the very important, and often misunderstood, role played by fathers.
The Second World War took a generation of fathers away from home to serve in the war effort. They returned home strangers to their own families, some of them disabled and broken men. But in time many did adjust, and the deprivations of war made the simple pleasures of family life and fatherhood all the sweeter.
With the growing affluence of the 50s and 60s, some dads felt they were in paradise. Yet fathers soon found themselves fighting a new war - with their teenage sons and daughters, who wanted more freedom from parental control. Now, 50 years on, some of those teenagers desperately wish they had enjoyed a closer relationship with their fathers, but for most it is too late.
Mystery thriller about a paediatrician who is shocked when the eight-year-old investigation into his wife's murder is reopened when two bodies are found near where she was killed. As he tries to come to terms with being a suspect again, he receives a startling email from a seemingly impossible source.
Drama inspired by the life of arguably the most prolific author of the 20th century, Dame Barbara Cartland, which looks beyond the pink facade to tell the story of what made her the resilient and renowned Queen of Romance.
Despite her devotion to true love, her own life was blighted by heartbreak, with her first marriage ending in a scandalous society divorce. In the aftermath of this humiliation, she successfully campaigned to have her beloved brother Ronald elected to parliament, but he was killed at Dunkirk before he could fulfil his promise.
In the 1970s, at the height of her commercial powers, Cartland formed an unlikely friendship with Lord Louis Mountbatten and they collaborated on a romantic novel.
Novelist Andrew Martin investigates the curious case of absent fathers in fiction. Far from being a repository of fatherly role models, English literature has preferred to do away with dads. If literary fathers survive the first chapter of a novel - which they often don't - their idea of quality time seems to be going off to kill foreigners or sailing round the world. Alternatively, they absent themselves mentally, brooding in their studies, conducting mysterious experiments and generally being keen on activities that can't possibly involve their children.
Surveying fathers in fiction from Austen and Dickens, via E Nesbit and the Just William stories, to the novels of Nick Hornby and Tony Parsons, Andrew Martin finds that literature says a great deal about the peculiar history of fatherhood over the past 200 years.
Father may be the head of the family, a potent symbol of authority, but he has always been the butt of some of our biggest laughs in British sitcom. Over the last five decades some of our most iconic comedy dads have been bewildered by a changing world and struggled with the work/life balance. These dads have coped with every curveball their writers threw at them and in the process changed the course of British comedy. They remain our most enduring Men About The House.
SUN 19:00 South Africa Walks (b00s6b6l)
The Garden Route
Having tackled treks across the UK, Julia Bradbury embarks on a grand adventure in South Africa, setting out on four different walks that explore its claim to be 'a world in one country'.
Julia is a regular visitor to the Rainbow Nation, but this is her chance to go beyond the normal tourist destinations to a series of increasingly remote locations. However, these are walks that any reasonably adventurous walker could embark on, and they offer a fresh and personal perspective on a friendly and fascinating country that is often misunderstood.
The southern coastline of Africa is home to the sun-drenched Garden Route. With fabulous beaches and immense flora and fauna, this is an increasingly popular holiday spot, but Julia's walk reveals secrets of the history of the Rainbow Nation. She even encounters research suggesting that this abundant spot gave rise to the modern human race.
With her Xhosa guide Willie bringing every feature to life, Julia finds her first walk an absolute delight. Here is proof of South Africa's warm and friendly welcome and of the constant surprises it has to offer.
SUN 19:30 Singing for Life (b00szydm)
Opera in Cape Town is a vibrant affair, giving some of its poorest inhabitants hope for a better life. This documentary tells the story of a year in the lives of three courageous black singers from the townships. All grew up surrounded by poverty, crime and despair, but thanks to their terrific voices they can create a new future for themselves.
16-year-old Mandelaki, born and raised in the townships, is so poor that she is forced to sleep in shifts in the one family bed. A member of her school choir, the girl neighbours call Carmen dreams of a better life by becoming an opera star. 18-year-old Thami lives in a modest tin hut, struggling to support his family. A successful opera audition could be the solution he has been searching for. And lucky Fikile, a young man brought up in poverty, is already on his way to the New York Met.
Opera is not a tradition amongst the black people of South Africa, yet these singers, once an untapped talent, are now poised to escape their disadvantaged roots and realise their dreams.
SUN 20:15 The Weather (b00jz8gj)
Documentary series about the weather. The rain is an essential part of being British, giving us the English lawn, the sliding tackle and endless grounds for complaint, but what do we really know about it?
The programme uncovers the true shape of a raindrop, shows how and why rain falls, and tells remarkable stories of how we have adapted or succumbed to this elemental force of nature, such as James Glaisher's seven-mile hot-air balloon ascent in 1862, and how Charles Macintosh invented the waterproof coat.
The Victorians believed that they could master the rain and push it aside, but today climate change threatens us with rain that is wilder and more unpredictable than ever.
SUN 21:15 Baroque! - From St Peter's to St Paul's (b00j4d3g)
Episode 1
Three-part series exploring the Baroque tradition in many of its key locations. Starting in Italy and following the spread of the wildfire across Europe and beyond, art critic Waldemar Januszczak takes a tour of the best examples of Baroque to be found, and tells the best stories behind those works.
This first episode begins at St Peter's in Rome, and details the birth of the Baroque tradition as it burst forth in Italy. This programme features outstanding high definition footage of St Peter's Basilica, as well as other gems of the Italian Baroque.
SUN 22:15 The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (b00s3v0w)
Poignant drama telling the real-life story of a man left paralysed in the prime of his life who went on to show incredible reserves of spiritual strength to author his memoirs. The editor of France's Elle magazine, Jean-Dominique Bauby was struck down in his 40s by a stroke that left him unable to move a muscle, yet did not affect his mental reflexes. He went on to write his autobiography just by blinking patterns - the only physical activity he could still perform - which followed an alphabetical code.
SUN 00:00 Forever Young: How Rock 'n' Roll Grew Up (b00sxjls)
Documentary which looks at how rock 'n' roll has had to deal with the unthinkable - namely growing up and growing old, from its roots in the 50s as music made by young people for young people to the 21st-century phenomena of the revival and the comeback.
Despite the mantra of 'live fast, die young', Britain's first rock 'n' roll generations are now enjoying old age. What was once about youth and taking risks is now about longevity, survival, nostalgia and refusing to grow up, give up or shut up. But what happens when the music refuses to die and its performers refuse to leave the stage? What happens when rock's youthful rebelliousness is delivered wrapped in wrinkles?
Featuring Lemmy, Iggy Pop, Peter Noone, Rick Wakeman, Paul Jones, Richard Thompson, Suggs, Eric Burdon, Bruce Welch, Robert Wyatt, Gary Brooker, Joe Brown, Chris Dreja of The Yardbirds, Alison Moyet, Robyn Hitchcock, writers Rosie Boycott and Nick Kent and producer Joe Boyd.
SUN 01:00 Storyville (b00sxgsn)
Anvil! The Story of Anvil
At 14, Toronto school friends Steve 'Lips' Kudlow and Robb Reiner made a pact to rock together forever. Their band Anvil went on to become the 'demi-gods of Canadian metal', releasing 1982's Metal on Metal, which influenced a musical generation including Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax.
All those bands went on to sell millions of records but Anvil's career would take a different path - straight into obscurity. But Lips and Robb never gave up on their childhood dream and kept rocking, always believing that one day Anvil would taste the success that had so long eluded them.
The film follows Lips and Robb, now in their 50s, as they gear up to record their thirteenth album, This is Thirteen. Coping with increasingly impatient families, crippling mortgages and the effects of old age, they know this is their last chance to really make it.
SUN 02:20 The Weather (b00jz8gj)
[Repeat of broadcast at
20:15 today]
SUN 03:20 Baroque! - From St Peter's to St Paul's (b00j4d3g)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:15 today]
SUN 04:20 Singing for Life (b00szydm)
[Repeat of broadcast at
19:30 today]
MON 19:00 World News Today (b00szwgd)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.
MON 19:30 Only Connect (b00mbt58)
Series 2
Chessman v Mathematicians - The Competition for Third Place
Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital.
Three avid chess players take on a trio unified by their love of mathematics as they compete for the glory of third place in the series, trying to draw together the connections between elements which, at first glance, seem utterly random.
MON 20:00 Medical Mavericks (b0074tgf)
Series 1
Beating Infection
Dr Michael Mosley explores the ways in which pioneering doctors laid the foundations of modern medicine by experimenting on themselves. He looks at how doctors came to understand infectious diseases by deliberately infecting themselves with conditions like syphilis, yellow fever and cholera.
18th century surgeon John Hunter is thought to have stabbed himself in the groin with the pus of a syphilis patient to prove his theory that syphilis and gonorrhoea were different stages of the same disease. Dr Jesse Lazear demonstrated that mosquitoes spread yellow fever by allowing himself to be bitten by mosquitoes that had been feeding on dying yellow fever patients.
The programme brings us up to the present day with Dr Barry Marshall who proved through a course of painful self-experiments that a bacteria, not stress, causes ulcers as was commonly thought. Presenter Michael Mosley carries out his own self-experiment by allowing himself to be bitten by hundreds of mosquitoes at the London School of Tropical Medicine to find out which areas of the body, the disease carrying insects are most attracted to.
MON 21:00 A Century of Fatherhood (b00szwgg)
The New Father
Three-part series which tells the story of the revolution in modern fatherhood in Britain during the last hundred years. Using intimate testimony, rare archive and the latest historical research it reveals the very important, and often misunderstood, role played by fathers.
The final episode reveals how the experience of being a father was transformed between the 1960s and the present day and looks at the lives of a fascinating cross-section of fathers from all walks of life over the past fifty years.
The modern hands-on father has a more intimate relationship with his children than the past, but the sexual revolution and feminism has also made fathers more insecure than ever before. Modern divorce laws have excluded fathers from family life and from the access they want to their children. The anguish felt by many dads was expressed in the Fathers 4 Justice protest movement.
MON 22:00 Storyville (b00szwgj)
Leaving the Cult
Documentary which tells the story of three teenage boys who manage to escape a polygamist Mormon cult in Utah. As they struggle to come to terms with life in the real world, we learn about the extraordinary lives they used to live - in houses with many mothers, where their sisters may be married off at 14 and, surprisingly, where no-one can wear red in case it offends the Second Coming. Powerfully emotional and compelling, Leaving the Cult is a fascinating insight to a community it's hard to believe exists. (2010)
MON 23:20 Men about the House (b00sxhl5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
01:30 on Saturday]
MON 00:20 A Century of Fatherhood (b00szwgg)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 today]
MON 01:20 Glastonbury (b00sv3t0)
Glastonbury at 40: From Avalon to Jay-Z
2010 marked the 40th anniversary of the world's most famous music and performing arts festival. Mark Radcliffe narrates this archive-led look back at many of the iconic things and performances connected to the 28 festivals there have been at Worthy Farm, from Avalon to Common People to Hippies to Joe Strummer to Pyramid Stage to Radiohead to The Tor to Jay-Z.
MON 03:20 A Century of Fatherhood (b00szwgg)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 today]
TUE 19:00 World News Today (b00szxxf)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.
TUE 19:30 The Sky at Night (b0794mt5)
The Universe From Atlantis
The Space Shuttle Atlantis has returned from its final flight to the International Space Station. With the shuttle fleet soon to be decommissioned, Sir Patrick Moore and Dr Chris Lintott meet the crew of Atlantis to talk about the future of spaceflight, the legacy of the Space Shuttle - and how to prepare to go into space.
TUE 20:00 Legends (b00j0h7l)
The Andrews Sisters - Queens of the Music Machines
Profile of American close harmony singing trio the Andrews Sisters, one of best-selling female vocal groups in the history of popular music.
Collaborating with some of the great names of the swing era such as Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey, they also enjoyed a long and successful recording partnership with Bing Crosby.
The film traces Patty, Maxene and LaVerne's journey from a poor Minneapolis background to international fame and includes archive footage of hits including Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. Mary Wilson of the Supremes and British burlesque group the Puppini Sisters are also featured.
TUE 21:00 To Kill a Mockingbird at 50 (b00szxxk)
Marking the 50th anniversary of the influential novel To Kill a Mockingbird, writer Andrew Smith visits Monroeville in Alabama, the setting of the book, to see how life there has changed in half a century.
TUE 22:00 To Kill a Mockingbird (b00t0z1n)
Award-winning adaptation of Harper Lee's novel set in 1930s Alabama. Lawyer Atticus Finch defends a black man accused of raping a white woman. His children Jem and Scout become involved as racial hate splits the community.
TUE 00:05 To Kill a Mockingbird at 50 (b00szxxk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 today]
TUE 01:05 A Century of Fatherhood (b00szwgg)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 on Monday]
TUE 02:05 Legends (b00j0h7l)
[Repeat of broadcast at
20:00 today]
TUE 03:05 To Kill a Mockingbird at 50 (b00szxxk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 today]
WED 19:00 World News Today (b00szybb)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.
WED 19:30 Only Connect (b00mg97h)
Series 2
Episode 8
Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital.
In the final, the three leading lights of the Cambridge Quiz Society take on the combined knowledge of a team whose field of reference stretches far beyond the touchline of their beloved rugby pitch, as they try to draw together the connections between elements which, at first glance, seem utterly random.
What connects Spock, Lisa Simpson, Brachiosaurus and Adolf Hitler?
WED 20:00 Timeshift (b00nnm7k)
Series 9
The Men Who Built the Liners
Many of the most famous passenger liners in history were built in the British Isles, several in the shipyards along the banks of the Clyde. Timeshift combines personal accounts and archive footage to evoke a vivid picture of the unique culture that grew up in the Clyde shipyards. Despite some of the harshest working conditions in industrial history and dire industrial relations, it was here that the Queen Mary, the Queen Elizabeth and the QE2 were built. Such was the Clyde shipbuilders' pride in their work, and the strength of public support, that in 1971 they were able to defy a government attempt to close them down and win the right to carry on shipbuilding.
WED 21:00 The Great British Foreign Holiday (b00k99g2)
Mark Benton has been abroad, he knows all about it: 'The British are an island race - abroad is really abroad, not just across the border but actually over the horizon. It's far away - outlandish, exotic and scary. Frankly, we're terrified of it.'
The Brits, foreign travel and all points in between - how we got there, what we did there and how we got back.
WED 22:00 The Grandparent Diaries (b00lpk38)
The Littles
Molly Little is a typical 15-year-old - pushing boundaries, battles at home as she rallies for later curfews, shorter hem lines and more phone credit. But her living situation is not, as she and her 10- year-old brother Mitch are brought up by their grandparents in Kent.
Val and Ron have been looking after these two of their seven grandchildren for eight years after their mother Tammy died unexpectedly in 2001 and their father left the family. They are among the 200,000 grandparents in this country bringing up their grandchildren, numbers which are rising.
Tammy was murdered at her home in Cornwall by her estranged partner - the children's father, a paranoid schizophrenic. The children were in the house at the time and Molly was the person who pressed the panic button which brought the police to the house.
Mitch has grown up with his grandparents as surrogate parents, but for Molly, who already had a very close bond with and strong memories of her mother, it has been harder to adjust.
The desire to keep absolute normality for the children has been paramount since Tammy died. Living with the generation gap is not easy, as well their own private struggles to deal with the loss of a mother and a daughter. But clinging to the normal routine of every day life has helped get them through.
Through family archive, actuality, interview and the children's video diary, the film builds up an intimate picture of the family, past and present. It explores how far the love of these two doting (and grieving) grandparents has gone to repair a family coping with a tragic loss. Through the laughter, routines and arguments of daily life, we observe to what degree grandparental love can and cannot fill the breach of a lost member of the middle generation.
WED 23:00 To Kill a Mockingbird at 50 (b00szxxk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 on Tuesday]
WED 00:00 Russell Brand on the Road (b008h4q2)
Russell Brand sets out across America's vast heartland in homage to one of his literary heroes, Jack Kerouac and his classic novel, On The Road, which has inspired countless hipsters and restless souls to hit the road. Russell read the book when he was 19 and was excited by the sense of magic and possibility it conjured up. Travelling with his friend Matt Morgan, he sets off on a coast-to-coast adventure that becomes a journey of self-discovery.
WED 01:00 How Do You Solve a Problem Like Lolita? (b00pcnng)
Documentary following writer and broadcaster Stephen Smith on the trail of Vladimir Nabokov, the elusive man behind the controversial novel and 1962 film, Lolita.
The journey takes him from the shores of Lake Geneva to Nabokov's childhood haunts in the Russian countryside south of St Petersburg to the streets of New York City and a road trip through the anonymous world of small-town America.
Along the way Smith meets fellow Nabokov admirer Martin Amis and puts in a cheeky visit to Playboy's literary editor who is publishing an extract of Nabokov's last work.
WED 02:00 Timeshift (b00nnm7k)
[Repeat of broadcast at
20:00 today]
WED 03:00 The Great British Foreign Holiday (b00k99g2)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 today]
WED 04:00 How Do You Solve a Problem Like Lolita? (b00pcnng)
[Repeat of broadcast at
01:00 today]
THU 19:00 World News Today (b00szyq1)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.
THU 19:30 Only Connect (b00pjjzm)
Crossworders v Rugby Boys: The Champion of Champions
Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital.
The Crossworders, champions of series one, return to challenge the kings of series two, the Rugby Boys, drawing together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random.
So what is the connection between Sir George Booth, Yassin Omar, Mr Toad and Bonnie Prince Charlie?
THU 20:00 Glamour's Golden Age (b00nk9m5)
Beautiful and Damned
The story of 1920s London's Bright Young People is a tale of sex, drink, drugs and a gossip-hungry press. Beautiful and Damned traces the growth of 1920s London's bright young party set whose antics were enjoyed and scorned in equal measures by a watching nation. And the more artistic of the merry band - Cecil Beaton, Evelyn Waugh and Nancy Mitford among them - saw their work make the characters and attitudes of the era both legend and fable.
Contributors include Philip Hoare, DJ Taylor, Selina Hastings, Lucy Moore and Adrian Bingham.
THU 21:00 Storyville (b00sxj5v)
Shanghai Tales
All About My Friends
Documentary giving an intimate view of the pressurised life of hard-working Liu Wei as he attempts to balance work and life commitments and satisfy his parents and his demanding girlfriend.
Guo Jing and Ke Dingding's film hints at the personal sacrifices and human aspect of this way of living, while never forcing the viewer into any single interpretive position.
As we travel through the film the skill of the directors allows us the impression of being there, and the questions that the contributors ask themselves on such subjects as the meaning of life suddenly recapture their huge significance.
THU 22:00 Shanghai Dreams (b00c50tf)
In 1980s China, the country is beginning to reform and workers who had been moved with their families to the provinces in the 60s now long to return to Shanghai. For one displaced family a conflict arises when their 19-year-old daughter finds love with a local boy, threatening their chance of a return to the city.
THU 23:55 Storyville (b00sxj5v)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 today]
THU 00:55 Storyville (b00sv58g)
When China Met Africa
A historic gathering of over fifty African heads of state in Beijing reverberates in Zambia where the lives of three characters unfold.
Mr Liu is one of thousands of Chinese entrepreneurs who have settled across the continent in search of new opportunities. He has just bought his fourth farm and business is booming.
In northern Zambia, Mr Li, a project manager for a multinational Chinese company, is upgrading the country's longest road. Pressure to complete the job on time intensifies when funds from the Zambian government start running out. Meanwhile, Zambia's trade minister is en route to China to secure millions of dollars of investment.
Through the intimate portrayal of these three characters, the expanding footprint of a rising global power is laid bare - pointing to a radically different future not just for Africa but also for the world.
THU 01:55 Glamour's Golden Age (b00nk9m5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
20:00 today]
THU 02:55 Storyville (b00sxj5v)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 today]
FRI 19:00 World News Today (b00szzlt)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.
FRI 19:30 Only Connect (b00pq8hg)
Series 3
Archers Admirers v Music Lovers
Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital.
A team of three civil servants with a shared love of Radio 4's The Archers pit their wits against a trio of music lovers who between them perform or enjoy everything from pub rock to choral sung mass.
They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from AC battery to compass wrench to glass hammer to long stand.
FRI 20:00 The Birth of British Music (b00kt738)
In the third of four programmes exploring the development of British music, conductor Charles Hazlewood looks at the fascinating two-way relationship the great composer Haydn had with Britain.
Since Haydn was an astute businessman, it was no coincidence that he chose London as the place to make his personal fortune, taking advantage of the increasing demand for subscription concerts and the lucrative domestic market.
On a visit to the Royal Institution of Great Britain and to William Herschel's house in Bath, Charles explores how Haydn's fascination with musical form and structure in music ran alongside his great interest in science, including the structure of the universe. He also travels to Austria to visit the stunning Esterhazy Palace near Vienna where Haydn worked for over three decades, and to Scotland to investigate Haydn's rather curious association with some of our most famous Scottish folk songs.
FRI 21:00 Classic Albums (b00szzlw)
John Lennon: Plastic Ono Band
Series looking at the creation of classic albums documents the making of John Lennon's 1970 first post-Beatles solo album. Regarded as a classic, it is a fierce, raw, emotionally painful yet beautiful album. It contains some of the most personal and cathartic songs John ever wrote including Mother, Love, Working Class Hero , Isolation and God.
Drawing from his painful and difficult early life, the songs address the basic issues of death, isolation, anger, religion, class, fear and love. Most of them were written while John and Yoko were undergoing primal therapy with Dr Arthur Janov at his centre in California to deal with the root causes of their pain and neuroses.
FRI 21:55 John Lennon's Rock Shrine (b00746n2)
Series about how fans commemorate the deaths of pop icons. This film talks to the extraordinary mixture of fans who get together in Central Park in New York to remember John Lennon and his music on the anniversary of his death.
FRI 22:10 ... Sings The Beatles (b00ml7p5)
Recorded for the 40th anniversary of Abbey Road, The Beatles' final album, a journey through the classic and curious covers in the BBC archives.
Featuring Sandie Shaw singing a sassy Day Tripper, Shirley Bassey belting out Something, a close-harmony Carpenters cover of Help!, Joe Cocker's chart-topping With a Little Help from My Friends, Oasis reinventing the Walrus and a little Lady Madonna from Macca himself.
Plus a few 'magical' moments from Candy Flip, The Korean Kittens and Su Pollard.
FRI 23:10 TOTP2 (b00747qb)
John Lennon Special
Steve Wright presents a mixture of pop nostalgia and music, celebrating the late John Lennon.
FRI 23:40 Lennon Naked (b00sv451)
Christopher Eccleston is John Lennon in a drama which charts his transition from Beatle John to enduring and enigmatic icon.
Writer Robert Jones articulates the burden of genius, as well as issues of fatherhood and fame, covering a period of wildly fluctuating fortunes for Lennon from 1967-71. When the Beatles' manager Brian Epstein died unexpectedly in 1967 it was a turning point in Lennon's life and the film focuses on the turbulent and intense period of change that followed, and how John was haunted by his troubled childhood.
It also reveals the impact of re-establishing contact with his long-lost father and the events that led Lennon to shed everything both personally and creatively, including calling time on the Beatles. Meeting Yoko Ono was the catalyst for this new era and the film explores the development of their extraordinary relationship, their growing disillusionment with Britain and what caused Lennon to abandon the UK to start a new life in America - a process which ultimately led Lennon to record arguably the most powerful solo work of his career.
FRI 01:05 Classic Albums (b00szzlw)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 today]
FRI 02:00 The Birth of British Music (b00kt738)
[Repeat of broadcast at
20:00 today]
FRI 03:00 Classic Albums (b00szzlw)
[Repeat of broadcast at
21:00 today]
(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)
... Sings The Beatles
22:10 FRI (b00ml7p5)
A Century of Fatherhood
20:00 SAT (b00sxgsl)
A Century of Fatherhood
02:30 SAT (b00sxgsl)
A Century of Fatherhood
21:00 MON (b00szwgg)
A Century of Fatherhood
00:20 MON (b00szwgg)
A Century of Fatherhood
03:20 MON (b00szwgg)
A Century of Fatherhood
01:05 TUE (b00szwgg)
Baroque! - From St Peter's to St Paul's
21:15 SUN (b00j4d3g)
Baroque! - From St Peter's to St Paul's
03:20 SUN (b00j4d3g)
Classic Albums
21:00 FRI (b00szzlw)
Classic Albums
01:05 FRI (b00szzlw)
Classic Albums
03:00 FRI (b00szzlw)
Forever Young: How Rock 'n' Roll Grew Up
00:00 SUN (b00sxjls)
Glamour's Golden Age
20:00 THU (b00nk9m5)
Glamour's Golden Age
01:55 THU (b00nk9m5)
01:20 MON (b00sv3t0)
Hop, Skip and Jump: The Story of Children's Play
19:00 SAT (b00p8lhr)
Hop, Skip and Jump: The Story of Children's Play
03:30 SAT (b00p8lhr)
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Lolita?
01:00 WED (b00pcnng)
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Lolita?
04:00 WED (b00pcnng)
In Love with Barbara
23:05 SAT (b00f7zg2)
John Lennon's Rock Shrine
21:55 FRI (b00746n2)
20:00 TUE (b00j0h7l)
02:05 TUE (b00j0h7l)
Lennon Naked
23:40 FRI (b00sv451)
Medical Mavericks
20:00 MON (b0074tgf)
Men about the House
01:30 SAT (b00sxhl5)
Men about the House
23:20 MON (b00sxhl5)
Only Connect
19:30 MON (b00mbt58)
Only Connect
19:30 WED (b00mg97h)
Only Connect
19:30 THU (b00pjjzm)
Only Connect
19:30 FRI (b00pq8hg)
Russell Brand on the Road
00:00 WED (b008h4q2)
Shanghai Dreams
22:00 THU (b00c50tf)
Singing for Life
19:30 SUN (b00szydm)
Singing for Life
04:20 SUN (b00szydm)
South Africa Walks
19:00 SUN (b00s6b6l)
01:00 SUN (b00sxgsn)
22:00 MON (b00szwgj)
21:00 THU (b00sxj5v)
23:55 THU (b00sxj5v)
00:55 THU (b00sv58g)
02:55 THU (b00sxj5v)
23:10 FRI (b00747qb)
Tell No One
21:00 SAT (b00qplfr)
The Birth of British Music
20:00 FRI (b00kt738)
The Birth of British Music
02:00 FRI (b00kt738)
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
22:15 SUN (b00s3v0w)
The Grandparent Diaries
22:00 WED (b00lpk38)
The Great British Foreign Holiday
21:00 WED (b00k99g2)
The Great British Foreign Holiday
03:00 WED (b00k99g2)
The Sky at Night
19:30 TUE (b0794mt5)
The Weather
20:15 SUN (b00jz8gj)
The Weather
02:20 SUN (b00jz8gj)
00:30 SAT (b00sxh8c)
20:00 WED (b00nnm7k)
02:00 WED (b00nnm7k)
To Kill a Mockingbird at 50
21:00 TUE (b00szxxk)
To Kill a Mockingbird at 50
00:05 TUE (b00szxxk)
To Kill a Mockingbird at 50
03:05 TUE (b00szxxk)
To Kill a Mockingbird at 50
23:00 WED (b00szxxk)
To Kill a Mockingbird
22:00 TUE (b00t0z1n)
World News Today
19:00 MON (b00szwgd)
World News Today
19:00 TUE (b00szxxf)
World News Today
19:00 WED (b00szybb)
World News Today
19:00 THU (b00szyq1)
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19:00 FRI (b00szzlt)